Friday, December 29, 2023



Have you ever heard about the phrase “spiritual eyes”? Most people claim to have these eyes. Some people call it the third eye. Some of us have become so modern that we no longer believe in things like these. But it might interest you to know that these things do exist. Some people consider them evil, but they are not. These are special unique gifts that people are born naturally with.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023



I was at Miranda’s house when my younger sister came looking for me. She said my elder brother had just come to the village to take me to town to begin a new life. I had been living in the village for two years now, doing absolutely nothing. That was after my high school education. I had plans of going to Nigeria in a month’s time to go and forge a life for myself. That was what I was discussing with Miranda before my younger sister interrupted.

Monday, December 25, 2023



It was payday. I had just received my salary and as usual, my first priority was my mother. I always sent her monthly allowance even before I went home after work on pay days. She lived in Nigeria, and I lived in Cameroon. Hence, sending her money was a little bit complex. Western Union would be the right choice, but the charges were enormous. So, I decided to use MTN Mobile money to send. It was cheaper, fast and reliable. Haven made up my mind, I went across the road to a mobile money point that was closest to where I work. When I got there, I met a lady and greeted her.



It was December again, and that meant that the Christmas holiday was around the corner. It was a holiday I had anticipated so much. For the past two years, I had given all to my job and hadn’t travelled out of town, not even to the nearest town. So, I decided that as soon as the holiday began, I would be traveling out of the country to see my family. 

After a few weeks of waiting, the holiday did finally come. As soon as I signed out of work, I went to the bank and withdrew enough money. I needed enough money with me because I had projects that I had to do in Nigeria as soon as I got there. It was also the first time my mum would be seeing me in almost four years. The same applied to the rest of my family. They had been praying and fasting for me to come home. Their prayers had been finally answered. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023



I had just gone to see my girlfriend off. She had spent the entire afternoon with me since it was a Sunday. She was still a student and lived with her parents. Therefore, I was only able to see her once a week and that was on Sundays. On that particular Sunday, she came as soon as she got back from church. As soon as she got to my house, she changed into something casual, went to the market, bought foodstuffs, came back home and cooked. After she was done, she rested a little and I took her to the bus stop where she got a cab and headed home. 

Nerissa, as she was called, was still a virgin. I didn’t know that when I first met her. When I met her, I was struck by her beauty. I had gone to the market to get some stuffs when I saw her. Her mum owned a shop at the main market. So, after I had finished buying from her mother’s shop, I didn’t leave. I just stood there staring at her. I can still remember the conversation between her mum and me.

Friday, December 22, 2023



I was a US soldier who had just moved back to the country after two years of serving in Afghanistan. Luckily, America’s war was over and I was granted permission to come back to my home country to see my family. This was my first trip in Africa in almost five years, and I was very happy to be back home again. My father was also very pleased to see me again. They had been worried that I was going to get killed in Afghanistan. My mother had prayed incessantly for my safe return and to God be the glory, her prayers had been answered. 

President Tinubu 50% Fare Cuts Deal With Transport Companies

Transport companies with the 50% President Tinubu fare cut deal are

1. GIG (God is Good)
2. Chisco Transport
3. Young Shall Grow
4. God Bless Ezenwata
5. Area Motor

List of routes with 50% offer 
Lagos-Kano, Lagos-Abuja, Lagos-Kaduna-Zaria, Lagos-Jos, Lagos-Enugu, Lagos-Onitsha, Lagos-Owerri, Lagos-Aba, Lagos-Abakaliki, Lagos-Nsukka, Lagos-Uyo, Lagos-Port Harcourt, Onitsha-Kano and Onitsha-Lagos.

Other routes  include  

Onitsha-Jos, Onitsha-Abuja, Onitsha-Sokoto, Onitsha-Gombe, Onitsha-Zakibiam, Port Harcourt-Owerri-Aba-Kano, Aba-Owerri-Abuja, Aba-Lagos, Abuja-Sokoto,
Abuja-Lagos, Abuja-Onitsha-Owerri-Port Harcourt, Abuja-Enugu/Abakaliki, Abuja-Gombe and Abuja-Kano.

Source:. The Nation Nigeria

The Rejected Stone

 Episode Ten

“This is the thickest forest I have ever seen. You mean my dear husband has been here for many days without food? Oh my God, my heart is pained over what my husband and his mother must have gone through in this evil forest. Thank you so much Egu for helping me. I will never forget this favour. But please, can we hurry up? I can’t wait to see my husband. I have missed him so much.” Titi said as she and Egu navigated the narrow bush path that led to the kidnappers’ hideout. She reached for her handbag and produced dark spectacles which she quickly wore on her eyes to protect them from flies and dangling grasses that serenaded the narrow road. Although she had the words of Egu who promised her no one would harm her, she was still afraid of what would happen when they get there.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Pastor Helena

Episode 1

(How we met)

Mum and dad traveled and left me  in the house although I was a grown up man which means I could literally take care of myself. I was only 26 and I was present with my junior sister that was just 22. Everything we needed was in the house, food, clothings, and so many things. My sister was the one that loves traveling. I had a girlfriend back then but it later turned out to be that she'd been cheating on me with another man so I withdrew myself from her. 

Tears of Ugonmma

Episode 1
Uncle, please, you are hurting me. Ugomma who was a child cried as her sister’s husband continued abu-sing her.
Life was a living hell for Ugomma; all this started when her mother died. She was 7 when she lost her mother. 
Ugomma was born into a family of thirteen. When her mother died, they had to split to different relations
Ugomma was the second-to-last born of the family. 

The Rejected Stone

 Episode Nine

“It is not true that your husband is in the hospital. Don’t mind Betty. She told you lies over the phone. Your husband was kidnapped and the villagers strongly believe that Betty has something to do with the kidnapping. In fact, your mother-in-law too is missing and she disappeared the same day as her son, Madu. We believe Betty is doing this as revenge because your husband organized a fake traditional wedding so as to humiliate Betty. We have searched the nooks and crannies of the village and we couldn’t find them.” A distant relative named Uche tells Titi as soon as she drove into Madu’s compound in the village. She had barely come out of her car when she heard what truly happened. She was devastated and feared the worse for her husband.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Rejected Stone

 Episode Eight

“I want you guys to do a very clean job. Do not leave any stone unturned. Do not leave any traces or any information that can lead the police to our hideout. Do not fail me. Just pick him up and bring him to this place. Pick his mother up too. If his father were to be alive, I would have said you should pick him up too. If he had any children, they would have been picked up as well. If his barren wife were to return to the village today, I will have her picked up too. But for now, let us concentrate on dealing with him and his mother. I believe they planned this together and I want to show them the difference between ‘egbe and egbe.’ When you pick them up, bring them straight to this bush. I want to personally ask Madu and his mother some questions. I want to know why they treated me this way. I want to know why they treated me like a piece of rag.” The new wife said with tears in her eyes.

Monday, December 11, 2023

The Rejected Stone

, Episode Seven

“I want to take you to the village for Christmas. I hope you are excited about it? Just me, you and my mother. Titi will stay in the city alone with no one to keep her company. She will stay here and languish in loneliness.” Madu said to the new wife. She was not happy about it. Madu expected this kind of reaction because she only arrived the city a few days ago.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Rejected Stone

The Rejected Stone, Episode Six

“I know it’s you Titi. You can’t fool me because I have lived with you for the past ten years and I know exactly how your body feels. Tell me, what are you doing here? You must be out of your mind to think that you can deceive me because it is night? What exactly are you doing here? And where is my new wife? I hope you have not harmed her in any way?” Madu asked Titi who by then had removed her clothes and covered herself with the bed clothe. Despite what Madu was saying, she was hoping for a positive result, using her woman power. She knows exactly how Madu likes it and she intends to exploit his weak points. But first, she tries to use verbal persuasion.

Friday, December 08, 2023

The Rejected Stone

Episode Five

“I don’t know how to get my husband to make love to me within this period. According to the doctor, my most fertile period starts from today. It is now two weeks since I started taking the treatment as prescribed by the doctor. I didn’t expect that my husband would bring another woman into the house. If had known this was what he was planning to do, I would not have commenced another round of treatment. I would have just given up on my quest to get pregnant. Of what use is it now? I have commenced fertility treatment but there is no man to make love to me. There is no man to deposit male liquid fertilizer in me. I think I should just dump the treatment and move on.” Titi said to herself. 

Thursday, December 07, 2023

The Rejected Stone

Episode Four

“What do you think you are doing?” The new wife asked Titi who was just about to pour the rat poison into the food she prepared. The new wife had rushed into the kitchen as if someone was pursuing her. When she entered, she went to the sink and started vomiting as if she had swallowed something unpleasant. Her eyes went to where Titi was and she saw the rat poison in her hand. Titi had tried to hide it but it was too late as the new wife had seen everything. She dropped the poison on the floor and turned away.

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

The Rejected Stone

Episode Three

“What are you doing here? I told you to look for another room and pass the night. Why did you occupy my son’s doorstep? I said it that you are a witch. Why are you spying on my son and his new wife? What are you up to? Are you sure have not planted charms for them to step on? Will you stand up from that place!” Titi’s mother-in-law yelled at her with a loud voice. Titi did not know when she slept off while sitting in front of her matrimonial room the previous night. The pain she felt after being chased out did not allow her to stay in the new room she had prepared for herself.

Monday, December 04, 2023

The Rejected Stone

Episode Two

“You have to leave this room. As our people say, when a new wife comes in, the old ‘cargo’ must vacate the bedroom so that the husband will have a taste of the new wine. You have to give my son the chance and space he needs to enjoy his new wife. That enjoyment starts this night and I don’t want you anywhere in this room looking at them and stopping them from expressing themselves fully. Please, pack your bags and look for another place to stay. Tonight is the night my son would have the taste of a real woman.” Titi’s mother-in-law said with a sarcastic smile on her face. She was intentionally creating heart-aches for Titi and she did not intend to stop. In fact, her original intention is that Titi would end up leaving the house in frustration.

The Rejected Stone

Episode One

“I’m sorry to cause you pain, but my mother is brining another woman for me. I mean, it has been ten years since we got married and there is nothing to show for it. I’m tired. I think I have tried.” Madu said to his wife Titi. It was Titi’s 39th birthday and Madu had taken her to a posh restaurant for what Titi thought was going to be a befitting birthday treat. It turned out to be a heartbreaking date night. She never expected her husband to announce the entrance of a new woman into their home on her birthday.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

My Coursemate

Episode 9

“I was the invigilator for MAC123, Advertising examination written in hall 1 and I can bear witness to the number of students who wrote the paper. I may not be able to identify each of them if I see them, but I took home a copy of the attendance register.” The invigilator’s wife began to read the statement written by her husband before he was killed. She was standing in the middle of the senate hall and all the panel members paid close attention.

The VC wasn’t happy from the look on his face, but he had no choice but to listen.

My Coursemate

Episodes 8 

“He is dead.”  The lady said. 

“Who is dead?” I asked.

“The invigilator. He was shot and killed yesterday in his house. An armed gang attacked him. His family escaped death by the whiskers.” The lady said. She is the secretary in the Department of Political Science where the invigilator worked as a lecturer. I had gone there to remind the invigilator about the panel hearing where he was expected to appear as a witness.

I also wanted to plead with him to speak out in my favour when he will give his testimony before the examination malpractice disciplinary committee. It turned out that the school had informed him through a letter from the office of the VC. But it also turned out that he was eliminated just a day before he could appear before the committee. It was a shocking news.

My Coursemate,

episode 6

“I will sit with you. You know I have not been to lectures for a long time because I was hospitalized.” Azizat said. The time is 7am and our first-semester examination starts today. We are standing outside Hall 1 at the exam auditorium and we are waiting for the invigilator to arrive with the examination materials.

“I need your help to write the examination. I did not read and there’s nothing in my head. I must sit with you.” Azizat said again.  She was holding my hand and leaning on my chest. A lot of our coursemantes are already aware of our relationship. I know that many of them admire the bond between Azizat and me.

My Coursemate

episode 5

“It was just a prank. It was a joke and I didn’t know you will take it serious. Please forgive me and come back to school.” Azizat said. I had managed to convince my mother to leave the scene and Eke had gone to say hi to his family since his house is just a stone throw from ours. It was just me and Azizat in her car and she knelt down to beg me.

“What do you mean? What prank are you talking about?” I asked.

Friday, November 24, 2023

My Coursemate

,episode 4

“Oti, why are you back to the village when the semester is yet to end? It is barely one month since you resumed studies. Why are you back home suddenly?” My mother asked when she saw me at home. The time is around 6pm and she just returned from the farm. She was not at home when I returned.

“Mama welcome. How are you doing mama? You went to the farm? I missed you while in school.” I said, trying so hard to dodge the question she had asked. But my mother is a very clever woman and she can’t be pushed around for long.

My coursemate

My Coursemate

Episode Three

A day after I took Azizat to the restaurant, she came to our hostel to look for me.

“What happened to your phone? I have been trying to reach you and your line has been switched off since yesterday.” Azizat said. She sounded very angry and upset. Her driver had managed to drive into the narrow compound and parked the Lexus jeep close to our door. 

My Coursemate

Episode 2

“I didn’t get the chance to say this yesterday, but permit me to express myself today.” I said to Azizat. She was sitting directly opposite me and was looking straight into my eyes. She used her left hand to wedge her chin in a lovely way. 

When I woke up that day, I took a decision to take Azizat out and personally pay the bill. I borrowed N5,000 from my friend, Eke. It was his handout money and he warned me seriously to return it to him in two days. I promised to return the money even though I had no hope of any income. But Azizat was worth it.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

My Coursemate

Episode One

It was my first day at the University of Lagos. I was attending my first lecture at Hall F. The course was an elective course called HIV/AIDs and Narcotic Substances. As a Mass Communication student, I wondered why I had to study such a course, but all the same, no knowledge is a waste.

I was very late to the lecture because it was initially difficult for me to locate the hall. UNILAG is such a large place and fresher like me easily got lost. It was one man in security uniform who later led me to the Hall F.

The Wedding DJ

 Episode Six

“I know you must be wondering what is happening. You must be asking yourselves what is going on. Well, you about to find out.” Sharon said as soon as she stepped into the hall and surveyed it like a supervisor. She walked majestically to the stage where Goerge was standing. Ella joined them because she was very curious to hear whatever Sharon was going to say. There was so much tension in the air and every one of them could feel it. Sharon deliberately kept them waiting before starting to talk because she wanted the two siblings to feel the tensed moment more than her.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Wedding DJ

Episode Five

“Where are you? I have been waiting for my wedding dress. My makeup is done and we are ready to go to church. What is keeping you so long? How long will it take you to drive to this place? Please hurry up because everyone is waiting for me. The officiating priest has already called my husband and we have to get to the church within the next 30 minutes.” Sharon said. She was on the phone with Ella who has failed to deliver the wedding dress as expected. She was sweating profusely and her body was shaking due to the pressure she was facing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Wedding DJ,

Episode Four

“What are we going to do? Sharon has asked me to design her wedding dress. Do you think I should accept to the do job?” Ella asked George. They have become friendly. Ella has become more compassionate towards her brother and was determined to help him overcome the heartbreak he suffered in the hands of Sharon. For a few days now, she hasn’t gone to her tailoring shop as she was paying attention to her brother. She has refused to leave him alone to himself. She is always close, making sure he eats properly and also brining up things that would make him forget his pain.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Wedding DJ

Episode 3

“There is something I forgot to tell you when I came here the other time.” Sharon said to George who was still spending time with his younger sister. Since he suffered heartbreak, he has refused to open his DJ shop. His sister Ella has somehow forgiven him because blood is thicker than water. He is now trying to mend his heart and get back to his feet. But it seems each time he tries to get hold of his emotions, Sharon comes in to make things worse.

The Wedding DJ

 Episode Two

“Whatever Sharon did to you serves you right. You deserve every bad thing she did to you. You deserve it 100 percent. Look at me. I finished my secondary school more than five years ago and you refused to help me to further my education. I had a very good final result and I was even admitted to study law but you refused to pay my school fees. You told me you don’t have money even though I knew very well that your DJ business was blossoming. You were doing well and you are still doing well. You did not have the money to train me in school but you had the money to train your girlfriend, Sharon. You could not pay my school fees but you had the money to buy an expensive car for your girlfriend. And yet, you call me your sister? So my dear George, I’m sorry but I have no tears to shed for you. Go and nurse your wound alone.” Ella told George harshly. She has been upset since George came to visit her. George has been heartbroken and was looking for someone to talk to but it seemed coming to Ella his younger sister was a great mistake.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Wedding DJ

Episode 1

“I don’t think I can marry you. I’m sorry George. I know you have helped me in life, but you see, I don’t think we are in the same class. I’m a university graduate and you just have a primary school certificate. I have to be sincere to you, you are not my spec. I need someone who is on the same educational level with me. Someone with a higher intelligence and a higher way of reasoning. Now that I have finished university, I cannot marry a primary school graduate. Please, I want us to end the relationship. I’m sorry, but I have to move on.” Sharon said to George who was kneeling down with a diamond ring in his right hand. He bought the engagement ring a week ago after Sharon told him she would finally return home after her final year examination.

Monday, November 13, 2023

The Conception Control

 Episode 8

“So did you do it?” Justice asked his wife Emilia. The nurses in the hospital had already collected their samples and the DNA test was already being conducted. They took a sample from the newborn baby too and a sample was also collected from Iyke who is claiming ownership of the child.  Everywhere was tensed as Justice sat over the bed where Emilia was in the hospital ward. She was yet to recover from the wounds of childbirth. The DNA test and the whole trouble that just erupted seems like an addition of salt to injury for her. She decided in her heart that there was nothing more to hide, so she decided to tell her husband the whole truth. There was so much evidence to nail her. Putting up a defense would be a waste of time.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Conception Control

Episode 7

“The child your wife just gave birth to is not yours. She cheated on you and got pregnant. Your wife has been cheating on you for a long time. Unfortunately for her, she got pregnant. She did not know how to tell you and that was why she deceived you to come to the hospital for artificial fertilization about nine months ago. The baby is not yours, it belongs to another man.” The doctor said to Justice who was standing under a shade in the hospital premises. The afternoon sun was shinning brightly and Justice was resting under the shade after running around to buy some items needed for the new baby.

The Conception Control

Episode Six

“Honey! Wake up! I think I’m labour. Please, wake up and take me to the hospital. Please wake up, pick up the car keys and drive me to the hospital as fast as possible.” Emilia tells her husband who was fast asleep. Justice had planned to travel abroad the next day, but not anymore. Now, he not only has to take his wife to the hospital, but be on the standby as she delivers their baby.

“Honey! Please be fast about it. I think my water has broken and I need to get to the hospital as fast as possible. Please I’m in pains.” Emilia said again. Jake sprang to his feet and started looking for his car keys. He felt dizzy and his head felt hazy. He was confused too, not knowing where to start. It was his wife’s first child and he has never seen a woman in labour before. His wife’s shouts made him confused. He managed to pick the car keys but was impossible to lift his wife alone.

Tuesday, November 07, 2023




I forgot at the moment I was weak or sick with the rate I was running because I don't want to die. I  kept running and shouting for help flagging down the moving cars on the road maybe someone can stop and save me but they all keep driving at a full speed immediately they sensed what was happening and I don't blame them because nobody wants to die. It got to a stage I could not run faster again because I was getting weaker. A hand held me by my shoulder at the back and I trembled in fear with  my eyes closed pleading  that:" Please don't kill me, I am the only one my mom gave birth too with hot tears streaming down my face."




What have I gotten myself into like this? Why do I even enter this car in the first place? God, please save me this time and I promise not to have anything to do with this family again" I said as the mother and son keeps dragging the steering with each other. At this rate, I know is only God that can save us because Gabriel's mum was adamant on  getting us involve  in an accident.  It was as if she was possessed by a devil with the way she was dragging the steering with her son  and I wonder how a mother will want to put her son's lives in danger even if she doesn't like me.  I keep praying for  God to intervene and just like as if he answered my prayer, Gabriel gained the upper power and was able to get the steering back in control. He quickly stepped on the brake and park on one side of the road. 




My phone alarm woke me up from my sleep and I was so surprised I slept off on the couch all through the night. I checked the time clock on my phone and it was 5:30 am I got up from the couch and went into my room, I pull off my dress I wore the previous day, and went into the bathroom to take my bath. After I was done bathing, I observe my morning solat and get dressed for work. I am not an early eater likewise my mum so I prepared a tea for both of us with two slices of bread.  I left my mum's own on the dining table because she used to take a lot of time when observing her solat.

Monday, November 06, 2023




Gabriel was the first person to call me in the morning telling me how excited he was about our date. He told he had made a reservations for us  in a fancy restaurant not too far from my place of work and I was grateful for his consideration. We talked for a while about how we can't wait to see each other after work before we hang up. I told my mom on my way to work that I will be coming home late tonight because am going on a date with Gabriel and she was so happy that she even told me to take my time. I gave her Gabriel's phone number and the address of the restaurant In case of emergency so she  can know where to find me.




If my mum knew the person who was  knocking was Suleiman, she wouldn't have answered so he will  think we are not at home but it is too late now. My mum was already shivering in fear beside me as Suleiman kept knocking on the door while I was thinking of a way out before he realized the door wasn't locked. We were so scared to even think of locking ourselves up in my room or my mum's room. We were just glued on our feet when  I remembered my phone was still with me so I quickly pick it up on the couch and dialed our flatmate's number who is a police officer.  He picked my call at the second ring and I quickly told him to please come to our rescue that my psycho  ex-boyfriend is infront of our entrance planning to hurt my mum and I.




My mum and Bimpe ran after me calling my name when they both regain their composure but it was too late because I was already outside and fortunately for me, a cab was coming my way so I flagged it down and got in before they could meet up with me. I was having mixed feelings of emotion on my drive home because I don't know if I should laugh or cry so I kept laughing as hot tears spilled down my eyes uncontrollably. It even got to a stage the cab driver was kind of scared because he thought I was some mental asylum patient who ran away and I could see how scared he was as he keeps checking me through the rear  mirror not until I alighted from his cab when I got to my destination before he heaves a sigh of relief. I paid him and headed inside with my heels in my hands as I walked in barefoot.




 Once in a lifetime, every lady always has the thought or fantasy of getting married to their prince charming and having this extravagant wedding. When a lady is at the age of 16 -20, we see marriage as no big deal because in our mind, we are still little and still have a lot of time ahead of us so we believe is going to come naturally as we grow older since we are still young. Society as tagged we women as a timeline (laugh) like seriously, when a lady is in her teens. We believe she is not ripe of age to get married and when a lady is in her 20's even her parents start asking her if she has a boyfriend when they noticed she's secretive. When she clocks 25yrs  upward, everyone starts expecting marriage from her. When she is over 30yrs, we tagged her as someone who is not serious... When she's over 40yrs, we start telling her she has a spiritual problem and when she's over 50yrs, we believe she is old and out of getting married again.

Sunday, November 05, 2023

The Conception Control


Episode Five

“It is as if you have finally made up your mind to allow your husband hear the truth of how you got pregnant? I’m asking because you are yet to send me the N2 million monthly settlements we agreed. You haven’t sent the one of this month. I give you 48 hours to comply. If you fail, I will place a call to your husband and spill the truth.” The doctor said. Emilia had successfully paid him for two months since the problem started and he has refused to stop demanding for more.

Thursday, November 02, 2023

The First Doctor


The First Doctor

In the heart of Nigeria, nestled in a small, impoverished village, lived a boy named Akalaka. In his family, no one was educated, and life was a constant struggle against poverty. But Akalaka harbored a dream that set his soul ablaze – he wanted to go to school and become a medical doctor.

As a child, Akalaka exhibited remarkable intelligence. His eyes sparkled with curiosity, and his mind hungered for knowledge. With every opportunity, he delved into books borrowed from nearby families, immersing himself in their pages, longing to escape the confines of his humble surroundings.

The Conception Control


Episode Four

It has been six months since Emilia successfully covered her pregnancy secret. Life has been good and her husband has showered her with so much love and money. The first semester has ended and she was back home enjoying life with her husband. Justice also took a break from work to stay at home and spend some quality time with his pregnant wife. After all, the company he works for belongs to him, so he has nothing to worry about. So, for the next three months, he has asked his staff not to disturb him with anything except there are urgent issues they cannot resolve on their own.

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Conception Controll


Episode Three

“Hello! Good evening doctor. It’s me, Emilia. I wanted to talk to you earlier in the day when we came to the hospital, but there are things I didn’t want my husband to hear. Look, the truth is that I need your help.” Emilia said over the phone. She sounded panicky and the doctor could sense that there was some sort of trouble. The time was 8pm in the night and Justice was already asleep when Emilia picked up her phone and went into the toilet to secretly talk to the doctor. She hopes to fix things before she and her husband would go the fertility clinic the next morning for the pregnancy test. She knew that if she fails to fix things, she would be exposed after the pregnancy test.

The Conception Cintrol


Episode Two

“What brought you home at this time? The semester is not over yet and I have promised to visit you by the weekend. I wasn’t expecting you home this time around. My darling, are you fine? Is everything alright with you? Or, do you need money for handout?” Justice asked his wife when she drove into the compound. He was on his way out of the house and he was just about entering his car when the gate flipped open and his wife cruised into the compound, looking worried. Justice was going to the restaurant to buy food as he does not cook often due to the absence of his wife.

The Conception Control


Episode One

“I’m pregnant. This is a serious problem for me. I never expected to get pregnant now. How did this happen to me? My husband got a vasectomy because he didn’t want me to get pregnant now. I’m still in 100-level and I would like to finish my university education before getting pregnant and starting to bear children. How am I going to explain this to my husband? How will I explain to him that I got pregnant when I’m sure the baby is not from him?” Emilia was in his room at the female hostel when all these questions and thoughts came to her mind. She had just realized that her monthly flow was delayed by five days.

State House, First Lady's Office To Gulp 6.9B For Cars


FG to spend N6.9 billion on cars for First Lady’s Office and Presidential Villa 

The Federal Government has budgeted over N6.9 billion on procurement of vehicles for the State House, with the Office of the First Lady receiving N1.5 billion. 

The Fitness Center


Episode 5

“We are going to court and you can’t stop us. In fact, you are lucky to have met us here. May be because you came early. But you can’t stop us from charging your client to court. You will have to come there and defend her. Come to court with whatever evidence you have.” The police man in charge of Ugomma’s case tells Barrister Uche. He was already entering the police van and they were about to drive away when Uche and Julius arrived the police station with the flash drive containing the evidence.