Friday, December 08, 2023

The Rejected Stone

Episode Five

“I don’t know how to get my husband to make love to me within this period. According to the doctor, my most fertile period starts from today. It is now two weeks since I started taking the treatment as prescribed by the doctor. I didn’t expect that my husband would bring another woman into the house. If had known this was what he was planning to do, I would not have commenced another round of treatment. I would have just given up on my quest to get pregnant. Of what use is it now? I have commenced fertility treatment but there is no man to make love to me. There is no man to deposit male liquid fertilizer in me. I think I should just dump the treatment and move on.” Titi said to herself. 

She was in her room that night thinking of a way forward. She knew she was no longer happy in her husband’s house. What her mind was telling her was to permanently leave the house. She wanted to go live somewhere else. She was working and could afford her own house. But Titi was not sure if that would be the right decision. 

“But if I leave this house I will give my husband’s new wife the space she needs to completely occupy my home. If I abandon my matrimonial home, it would be the best gift for the intruder. The moment she sees my legs outside, the new wife would team up with my mother-in-law to completely take over my home and eat from all I have built with my husband over the past ten years. I’m going nowhere. I will live in this house and see the end of this mess. Besides, the new wife is not even carrying my husband’s child as I have confirmed. The last thing I will do is to leave my home for the new wife to stay and give birth to another man’s baby and then pin the child on my husband. This is not happening. I will stay and fight.” Titi said in her heart. She had an apple in her hand. She took a bite from it and chewed slowly as her thoughts flowed gently and coagulates into something meaningful.

“Yes, that’s what I will do. I’m going nowhere. I’m not leaving my husband’s house for anyone.” Titi said as she took another bite from the apple. She reached for the refrigerator and brought out a bottle of red wine and poured some into a glass cup to celebrate her new found confidence.

“I need to devise a plan on how to get my husband to make love to me. This has to happen within the next three days which is my fertile period. If this does not happen, I will lose this month.” Titi said. She had visited a fertility clinic where she was been treated to boost her chances of getting pregnant.

“I know exactly what to do.” Tit said as she stood up from the chair in her room and stepped into the living room. No one was there. It was 9pm in the night so she knew everyone including her mother-in-law had gone to bed. She knew it was her best chance to execute her grand plan. She made her way through the veranda and went straight towards her matrimonial room where the new wife and her husband were sleeping. Once she got to the door, she knocked. She knocked trice before the new wife came out.

“What is it? Why are you disturbing us?” The new wife asked. Her face showed she was already asleep and she was angry for being disturbed by Titi. She raised her voice and shouted a second time, but Titi had to remind her of the secret she is holding.

“Remember your secret. I have your secret in my palms. So, you have to do as I say except you want me to expose you. Follow me at once.” Titi said. The new wife obeyed calmly. Ever since Titi discovered that the new wife’s pregnancy does not belong to her husband, she has always used it to get whatever she wanted from her.

“Why did you call me? What are we doing here?” The new wife asked Titi. They were now standing in the middle of the living room.

“I want to get pregnant.” Titi said to the new wife without beating about the bush.

“And how does that concern me? I’m not a man, so I can’t make love to you.” The new wife said sarcastically. She was standing with her hands folded as if she was feeling cold.

“That’s exactly why I called you here. I know you are not a man and you cannot get me pregnant. But you are standing in my way of getting pregnant. You have taken hold of my husband and I no longer have access to him. How do you expect me to get pregnant when there is no man to make love to me?” Titi asked.

“What are you saying in essence? Go straight to the point Titi.” The new wife said. She was getting agitated by the suspense.

“I want to sleep in my matrimonial bed for the next three nights. This is very important for me because I’m on treatment and I need my husband to make love to me so that I can get pregnant. I want you to leave the room for me beginning from this night. In fact, I want use to share my husband turn by turn. Traditionally, this is how it is supposed to be. You are not supposed to be the only one enjoying him. So, I’m not asking you, but I’m commanding you as the first wife.” Titi said. She sounded very firm, and did not behave as if she was begging.

“I can’t do that! You have to look for another man to make love to you.” The new wife said harshly and made to leave the living room.

“That’s fine! But then, you should be prepared to explain to our mother-in-law and husband how you got pregnant. You are carrying another man’s baby and you have pinned it on him. You are going to explain this to him and his mother. Because I’m going to expose you if you don’t do as I say.” Titi said and also took a step to leave.

“No Titi, it hasn’t gotten to that point. Please, calm down. Please, don’t expose me. I will do as you say.” The new wife said. She sat on the sofa where she later spent the night.

Titi left the living room and went to her matrimonial room. When she entered, she put off the lights and went to bed to meet her husband.

“I hope he will not discover that I’m the one. God please let him make love to me thinking I’m the new wife.” Titi said as she lay beside her husband.

Watch out for episode 6.

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