Sunday, November 05, 2023

The Conception Control


Episode Five

“It is as if you have finally made up your mind to allow your husband hear the truth of how you got pregnant? I’m asking because you are yet to send me the N2 million monthly settlements we agreed. You haven’t sent the one of this month. I give you 48 hours to comply. If you fail, I will place a call to your husband and spill the truth.” The doctor said. Emilia had successfully paid him for two months since the problem started and he has refused to stop demanding for more.

“Doctor, please, I don’t have any more money. I have given you all my savings. I don’t know where else to source N2 million to give to you. Please, keep my secret safe with you; I will surely settle you when money enters my hand. As it stands right now, my bank account is empty.” Emilia said. She has cried her eyes out for two days because of the issues surrounding her pregnancy. The monthly pressure from the doctor was becoming unbearable and she was feeling it deeply. She is due to deliver her baby in a few days. The estimated delivery date she was given at the hospital is fast approaching. She has used all the money given to her by her husband to by baby things, preparing for the birth of the child. It should be a period of happiness for her but she does not know what to expect. Iyke too has been calling threatening her, reminding her of the fact that the baby belongs to him.

“I don’t want to hear that from you. Your estimated delivery date is very close and I know you will surely deliver your baby in our hospital. The only thing I can do for you is to give you little time. On the day of your delivery, make sure you have the N2 million. If you fail, I will tell your husband everything right at the hospital. Good night.” The doctor said to Emilia and hung up.

Emilia started crying profusely. She was confused as to what to do. She had already collected a lot of money from her husband and she was not sure he would agree to give her some more money to settle the doctor. It is true that her husband has a lot of money, but she has been given so much money in the past three months such that the whole thing was becoming suspicious. In fact, in one occasion, her husband had asked what she was doing with all the money she collects. She found a lie and covered up her track.

“It appears all my lies are catching up with me. I’m not even sure the doctor will keep the secret after collecting all these monies from me. He will probably still spill the beans. What am I going to do? How am I going to come out of this trouble?” Emilia asked herself. She was confused and deeply troubled. She started criying.

 She cried until she fell asleep on the sofa in the living room. Justice, Emilia’s husband had gone to the supermarket to shop some household groceries. When he came back, he opened the door and met his wife sleeping with tears on her cheeks. He wondered why she was crying. Emilia woke up from sleep as soon as she heard her husband’s footsteps in the room.

“My love, why are you crying?” Justice asked Emilia who quickly stood up from the sofa and hugged her husband in a lovely way.

“There is no problem my love. Just that the baby is kicking me and it’s so painful. I have been waiting for you to massage my belly. Please come and sit down so you can touch my belly. The baby has been missing you, that’s why it has been kicking me since you left the house.” Emilia lied. She quickly wiped off the tears in her eyes and cheeks. She took her husband’s right hand and placed it on her protruding belly.

That night, Emilia managed to convince her husband to give her some more money. She told him to give her all the money she would need at the hospital on the day of delivery. Luckily for her, her husband got an emergency call from abroad from his business partners and would probably not be around on the day she would deliver the baby.

“You know you will soon travel abroad and you won’t be around on that day I will deliver our baby. It is better you send all the money to my account so I will be able to settle the bills at the hospital.” Emilia said. Justice agreed and sent her additional N3 million. She was so happy, but she decided to use the money to find a solution to her immediate problem.

“The three people on my neck should be ready to receive their own share of problems back to back. I will show them the difference between egbe and egbe. Iyke and that my frenemy called Edna and the doctor should all be prepared for what is coming their way. I will show them that they toiled with the wrong girl. After what I will do to them, they will never be able to recover from it. They will forever keep their mouths shut. I’m about to completely zip up their mouths since they don’t know how to keep secrets. They will learn it the hard way.” Emilia said to herself that night as soon as the N3 million hit her account.

The next day, she contacted Jake, an old friend she knew when she was living in the streets of Lagos. Jake is a gangster and is well-known in the underworld.

“I have a job for you. There are a few persons I want you to pick up and keep them in your custody until I ask you to release them. Send me your account details.” Emilia said to Jake who is known to be very dangerous in the street where he lives.

“Consider the job done.” Jake said as soon as he got an alert of N1 million from Emilia. The next day, the doctor, Iyke and Edna went missing.

“Thank you for this job. Please, keep them until I deliver my baby. My husband has promised to relocate me and the baby abroad after I put to bed. After my relocation, you can release them.” Emilia tells Jake with an air of satisfaction.

Watch out for episode 6.

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