Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Wedding DJ,

Episode Four

“What are we going to do? Sharon has asked me to design her wedding dress. Do you think I should accept to the do job?” Ella asked George. They have become friendly. Ella has become more compassionate towards her brother and was determined to help him overcome the heartbreak he suffered in the hands of Sharon. For a few days now, she hasn’t gone to her tailoring shop as she was paying attention to her brother. She has refused to leave him alone to himself. She is always close, making sure he eats properly and also brining up things that would make him forget his pain.

“Also, are you going to work for her as a DJ?” Ella asked her brother. They were in the living room eating plantain chips which Ella had made that evening. They were also watching TV. The room was nice and lively, so Ella thought it was the best time for them to discuss Sharon and the wild propositions she made to her and George.

“I have a plan and I want you to join me in executing it. I want to teach Sharon a lesson she will never forget in a hurry.” George said. He has been able to overcome some amount of pain since the breakup happened. He is beginning to find his voice again and Ella loves the fact that he is beginning to speak up because bottling up pain could be dangerous.

“You still haven’t answered my question. Are you going to work for your ex as the DJ at her wedding?” Ella asked again with greater emphasis.

“So, here is the plan. I want you to accept the contract to make her wedding dress for her, but you are going to fail to deliver it. Give her all assurances that on the morning of her wedding, you will come to her hotel room with her wedding dress, but this isn’t going to happen. I want you to do it in such a way that she would have no other option to turn to. Do it in such a way that it would already be too late for her to look for an alternative wedding dress to wear on her big day. A few hours to her wedding, I want you to inform her of your inability to deliver the dress. I want you to capture a video of her reaction so that I will see her tears.” George said.

Ella listened to him attentively almost as if she was taking mental notes of all he was saying. She agreed to do what George asked of her. She decided that it would be best to support her brother as he seeks revenge against Sharon who heartlessly broke his heart. However, Ella also wanted to hear George’s plans.

“On your part, what are you going to do?” Ella asked.

“I have some dirty secrets on Sharon, but I will just expose one of them. I and Sharon once made a video in the bedroom. I’m going to bring it to the wedding. I will work as the DJ but I will also go there with my television. On that day, everyone, including her husband will see the secret. In her next life, she will never toil with the emotions of an honest man like me. I gave her every good thing in life. I paid for her education and I paid for every good thing she has ever laid her hands on. All she did was to treat me like a piece of trash. I will show her the difference between ‘egbe and egbe.’” George said. His anger was boiling over and he was beginning to shake visibly. Ella noticed this and rushed to hold him close to herself. They hugged each other and both of them started crying. Their resolve to seek revenge became stronger after they wept uncontrollably.

Just then, Ella’s phone rang. When she picked up, she discovered it was Sharon.

“Hello Ella, have you accepted my request?” Sharon asked with a tender voice. Of all that was happening, Sharon was incredibly calm. Each time one hearts her voice, she speaks from the position of peace and tranquility. Ella wondered if she still had some emotions or conscience left in her.

“Yes Sharon. I guese we can still work things out. I know what you did was wrong and it would be hard to forget. You hurt my brother so much that I don’t know when he would recover from the pain. However, I know we are all humans and we make mistakes. Let’s move on and be at peace with each other. So therefore, I would be more than glad to make your wedding dress. But it would cost you a lot.” Ella said with a conspiratorial smile on her face.

“Any amount you charge, I’m ready to pay. I’m so glad you have accepted. Please send me your account details.” Sharon said over the phone.

“I will send my account details as soon as I drop this call. My brother has also accepted to be the DJ at your wedding. So, you can as well call him and send him his professional fee. All is set for your big day.” Ella said with laughter. Sharon was more than glad to hear all Ella was saying. Out of joy, she sent Ella N200k for the wedding dress. She also sent N250k to George.

“Please, remember the wedding is in a week. Don’t fail me.” Sharon said as she dropped the call after thanking Ella profusely.

Over the next five days, George and Ella got ready to ruin Sharon’s wedding. George put together all the videos he had of Sharon while Ella did absolutely nothing about the wedding dressing even though she had collected money for it.

“All is now set for my sweet revenge.” George said to Ella a day to the wedding.

“I can’t wait too.” Ella said.

Watch out for episode 5.

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