Monday, November 13, 2023

The Conception Control

 Episode 8

“So did you do it?” Justice asked his wife Emilia. The nurses in the hospital had already collected their samples and the DNA test was already being conducted. They took a sample from the newborn baby too and a sample was also collected from Iyke who is claiming ownership of the child.  Everywhere was tensed as Justice sat over the bed where Emilia was in the hospital ward. She was yet to recover from the wounds of childbirth. The DNA test and the whole trouble that just erupted seems like an addition of salt to injury for her. She decided in her heart that there was nothing more to hide, so she decided to tell her husband the whole truth. There was so much evidence to nail her. Putting up a defense would be a waste of time.

“Yes I did it.” Emilia said boldly. While she was remorseful inwardly and was prepared to ask for forgiveness, she was not prepared to torture herself mentally. The pain she was going through due to childbirth was enough at the moment. She reasoned that the worse that would happen was for Justice to divorce her. It wouldn’t mark the end of her life, so she thought.

“Why did you cheat on me?” Justice asked. Justice is a very emotional person. As he opened his mouth to talk, tears rolled down his cheeks. He was crying bitterly in the hospital ward as he waited for Emilia to explain herself or to defend her actions. That moment, Justice thought his wife was very cruel to have cheated on him despite all he has been doing for her.

“Why did you cheat on me? Am I not a good husband? Were you suffering in any way? Were you lacking money in school? Were you lacking attention? I visited you every week. I gave you emotional, mental and financial support for your education. What were you lacking in me that you were looking for in another man? Why did you cheat on me with that young student called Iyke? I think that’s unfair! Would you want to give me a reason why you cheated on me?” Justice asked. He was still crying profusely. He dipped his hand into his pocket and produced a white handkerchief and wiped his tears.

“There is nothing I have not done for you. I even allowed you to go to school to acquire good education. I refused to get you pregnant as soon as we got married because I did not want to burden you with childbearing while you are still in school. I wanted to give enough space to get ready for childbearing. I wanted you to become a better person, a more productive person. That was why I agreed for us to freeze my male liquid fertilizer and delay our childbearing? Where did I go wrong?” Justice asked painfully.

Emilia kept shut and listened to her husband. She knew she has wronged him and that there was a lot of pain in his heart. She knew he needed to talk to someone to let out the pain in his heart, so she kept shut to allow him express his pain. Finally, she decided to talk, not to ask for forgiveness, but to confess the whole truth and face the consequences of her actions.

“Justice my dear husband!” Emilia began slowly. She continuously increased her volume as she progressed with her response to Justice’s questions. She called him ‘my husband’ but she was not sure if she would still have a marriage after making the heavy confession.

“I have truly wronged you. Whatever decision you take against me right now, I’m fine with it. I cheated on you and I can’t explain why. It was a stupid mistake which comes with being on the campus. The campus of a university is a whole new world. There is the tendency to forget home once one steps into the premises of a university. I thought I could secretly date Iyke and get away with it, but the pregnancy has exoposed me.” Emilia said. She battled hard to conceal her emotions.

“I have done many things wrong. In my bid to conceal my actions, I connived with the doctor to lie to you that the pregnancy belongs to you. The truth is that there was no fertilization the day we came here about nine months ago. I was already pregnant with Iyke’s baby. I bribed the doctor with a lot of money so he can keep quiet. But after then, he continued collecting money from me. I couldn’t take it anymore so I had him kidnapped. I also had Iyke and Edna kidnapped because they were trying to come and tell you the truth. But right now, there is nothing more to hide. I don’t know how this would sound in your ears but, I’m so sorry for all I did. I made a terrible mistake. And I knew my marriage would be destroyed if you found out. I tried to cover up, but now here we are.” Emilia said as she fought back tears. Justice was speechless. Just then, a nurse walked into the hospital ward with the DNA test result.

“I have good news for you.” The nurse said with a broad smile on her face. Justice and Emilia’s ears were sharpened. Both of them were expecting the worse.

“The baby belongs to you. I mean, the baby is yours, Mr Justice.” The nurse said.
 Emilia was speechless and confused.

“Wow! How did this happen?” Justice asked, jumping up in joy and uncontrollable happiness. It was then that Emilia started crying. She was happy but scared at the same time because she doesn’t know if her husband would still agree to take her back.

“When such a thing happens, it means there was a mistake in your family planning procedure. After your family planning was carried out, it was still possible for you to get your wife pregnant because there was a technical error. That is our conclusion. But the most important thing is that your DNA and that of the baby matched. Congratulations!” The nurse said as she left the hospital ward.

Emilia managed to stand up from the bed. She went to the hospital’s reception area where he found the doctor, Edna and Iyke.

“Look, I apologize for all I did to you. I’m sorry Iyke and Edna. I didn’t mean to harm anyone of you. I was only trying to cover my mistake. Doctor, please, forgive me. I guess we have all learned our lessons.” Emilia said and walked back to the hospital ward to meet Justice.

“Are you still going to accept me as your wife?” Emilia asked.

“Yes! But you won’t go back to school. I guess that was a mistake. Or if you must continue with school, you will go from my house. No more living in the campus.” Justice said.

“Do you still love me despite all that I did?” Emilia asked her husband.

“Yes I do! We are all humans and we make mistakes.” Justice responded as he hugged his wife passionately. He went to where the baby was and picked it up joyfully.

A week later, Emilia was discharged and she and Justice went home and lived happily ever after.


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