Tuesday, November 07, 2023




I forgot at the moment I was weak or sick with the rate I was running because I don't want to die. I  kept running and shouting for help flagging down the moving cars on the road maybe someone can stop and save me but they all keep driving at a full speed immediately they sensed what was happening and I don't blame them because nobody wants to die. It got to a stage I could not run faster again because I was getting weaker. A hand held me by my shoulder at the back and I trembled in fear with  my eyes closed pleading  that:" Please don't kill me, I am the only one my mom gave birth too with hot tears streaming down my face."

"Anisha, please open your eyes. This is Gabriel, I am so sorry for coming late " I heard his voice and gently opened my eyes to confirm if that was truly Gabriel and I burst into another fresh tear immediately I saw him standing in front of me. He hugged me and I weep on his shoulder and wailed while he pats my back and said "they are gone, nobody is going to hurt you".  I disengage from his embrace and look at his eyeballs trying to confirm something and what I saw in his eyes were genuine love and care for me because he also had tears in his eyes. We keep looking at each other eyes ball and  I didn't know what came over as I locked my lips with his. He was kind of surprised at my action at first but he later gave in to the kiss as he tilts his head to get a better position of my lips.

We kissed each other for five minutes before I regained my composure and quickly break the kiss. "I.. am .. so .. sorry, " I told him and shift back leaving a little space between us.

"Is okay, let's get back into the car so I can drive you home. Is late and dangerous out here " He told me and we both walked towards his car which he parked not quite far from where we are. We reached the passenger side of his car and he held the door open for me, I thanked him as he goes around to the driver's side and entered.  He started the car and drive into the road heading to my house.

We were both silents during the drive home because of the kiss we shared earlier. We got to my house, he parked into the compound and we both alighted after he had turned off the car engine. My mum ran to meet us and by the look on her face, she has been crying for a very long time since she couldn't reach me. She keeps asking what happened, why did you come late, why didn't you pick your calls... I didn't reply to her comment nor acknowledge her presence while Gabriel greeted her. I opened the backseat and pick up my phone then close the door back. I thanked Gabriel for driving me home and went inside without uttering a word to my mom because I was angry at her. I heard Gabriel explaining to her though it was inaudible because I was almost at the door entrance.

I got into my room and lock the door so my mom won't have the chance to come in. I went on my knees after I locked the door and thank God for saving my life with tears streaming down my eyes.  I was so tired from today's event, I took paracetamol to suppress the spinning headache I was having and climb on my bed and lie down waiting for nature to take over.  I heard the sound of Gabriel's car as it exists out of our premises which means my mom is on her way inside. I keep having 3's "what if"  as I laid down on my bed that:" What if Gabriel doesn't come back as promised, what if the two men catch up with me, what if a car didn't pass at that moment with his car sidelights on for me to be able to see the two men clearly and what they were holding " This are the  horrible scene that  keeps playing on repeat in my mind and I cringed at the feeling.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by the knock on my door. "Anisha, please open the door. Are you okay? Oko mi (my dear), let me look at you  " My mom keeps knocking and begging me to open the door for her with a teary voice, and by the look of it, I guess Gabriel had explained everything to her. I didn't even give her a reply as she keeps knocking. When I noticed she's disturbing me with her talks, I picked my AirPods which were under my pillow, and connected them with my phone as I play a  music on my phone. I didn't know when I fell asleep listening to the slow music. 

I woke up the next day and quickly take my bath so I can prepare for work. I checked my phone because it was on silent since yesterday and  I saw 15 missed calls from Gabriel and 20 apology text messages from him. I was not in the mood to reply to his text back  I would have tell him i didn't hold any grudges with him so dropped my phone on the bed as I continue with my activities.   I still have some slight headaches and my temperature was still running very high so I had to go to work and take a day off from my superior so I can go to the hospital and treat myself.  I tend to the bruises on my knees and elbows with the first aid box in my room and they sting as I applied methylated spirit on them. I got dressed after that and head out. I met my mum in the living room sleeping on the couch which means she didn't sleep in her room yesterday.  Immediately she heard my footsteps, she quickly stands on her feet and rushed to me.  

"Oko mi (my dear), so sorry for what happened yesterday. How are you feeling now? Where did you get injured? I am glad nothing happened to you. God knows you are the only one I have and he will not let me weep over you " She said scanning all my body with her hands to see where I was injured and I just rolled my eyes at her and said:" Mummy, I am fine as you can see. Allow me go to work please " I told her and excused myself from her as I head outside and I heard her saying "let me tend to your wounds, can't you take a day off? You are running a temperature " She said raising her voice a little bit so I can hear her. 

I got outside and flagged down a cab, I  entered after negotiating the price with him and off we go to my place of work. I alighted from the car and gave the cab driver his fee and went inside our company building. I greeted the company security briefly and headed inside. I went straight to the MD office, I met his E.A (Exclusive assistance)  at the reception, we exchanged pleasantries shortly and I told her I want to see the MD. She placed a call to him immediately and he gave her permission to allow me in. 

I greeted him immediately I got into his office and he replied to my greeting back. I told him I would love to take a day off showing him my injuries and how I nearly escaped been kidnapped and killed by a ritualist yesterday.   He gets up on his feet and walked towards me creating a little space between us as he showed his concerns after seeing my wounds and thank God on my behalf that I was safe and it wasn't more than that. Our MD is a very caring and responsible man, he took everyone as his daughter and son in the company which makes everyone like him. He walked closer to me, touched my forehead, and said:" You are running a temperature too Anisha, I will give you a week off to take care of yourself . I will also transfer 30k to you from my own  account as a fee to foot all your medical bill". 

I bend my knees a little bit to thank him showing my appreciation. He pats my back gently and says is nothing. I thanked him once again as I left his office. I went to my office to pick up some files and I met Bimpe typing on her office laptop. She stood up immediately she sees me and greeted me. She noticed how my face was gloomy so she asked me what happened and I told her what I passed through yesterday showing her my wounds. She was so shocked hearing what happened to me, I told her the MD already gave me a week off to take care of myself so I only came into the office to pick one or two things. She thanked God for saving my life and told me we will talk better when am okay. 

I thanked her and left the office. I went straight to the hospital and several tests were carried on me through my blood after seeing the doctor. The results came out after fifteen minutes and I was tested positive for typhoid and malaria. The doctor prescribed some drugs for me after I was given three injections immediately the tests came out. I went home from the hospital after that and take a rest immediately I got inside.

During my days off from work, my mom and I later reconciled after she apologized and we went back to our normal mother and daughter relationship. My mum took care of me while I was at home, she didn't allow me to do anything as I was only allowed to rest.  Gabriel made sure to come every day from work to check up on me and even brought gifts but I rejected all his gifts because I have learned my lesson from my previous relationship. He thought I was still angry at him because of his mom's behavior and I told him I don't hold any grudges against him or his mother. Bimpe and her husband come one of those days to check up on me, MD also called me and some of my colleagues who didn't see me in the office too call and  ask about my welfare.  

Gabriel and I became very close during my stay at home and we laughed and conversed like best friends and I always looked forward to when he is coming. I started warming up to him gradually because he was such a nice guy, there are sometimes I noticed him declining a call anytime he is with me which I knew was from his mother. There are sometimes when we are talking I do check him out because he was a very light person in complexion with no spots, he had this pink lips that you would love to kiss every time and you would have taken him for a white person if he doesn't speak our mother's tongue (Yoruba). 

During our conversation, we never speak about the event that happened or the kiss we shared that day, not until a day before I resume back to work. He called my name during our conversation to gain my attention and I raised my head to look at him. He cleared his throat and said:" Anisha, I firstly wanted to apologize for what happened, please find it in your heart to forgive me for all that my mom did. I honestly don't know why my mum is overprotective of me maybe because I am her only child but you are also the only child of your mother and she doesn't behave as mine does.  I love you Anisha and I would love you to be my wife not just my girlfriend. A lot of my girlfriends broke up with me due to my Mom's behavior towards them and I had to give  relationship a space for somewhile because am tired of getting my heart broken every five months. 

I had confronted my mom several times if she wants to marry me herself since all the ladies I brought home are not wife material to her because time is not on my side again but her response is those ladies are not responsible and they only want to  turn your back against me,  she even told me to wait that my wife will soon come. How long am I going to wait? I am only abiding by her rules because she had high blood pressure and I don't want her to die because she took care of me when my dad died and didn't remarry because of me.

Anisha, I love you and I can't afford to lose you because what I felt for you is something I have never felt with my previous girlfriends and I can't afford to lose you. I made sure to put my mom at her place that day I took her home .  I have been living in the two-bedroom apartment I rented when I was dating one of my previous girlfriends because I can't even bear to stay a day with her under the same roof. Anisha, please don't leave me because of my mom, allow me into your life and I promise you will never regret it " he said with tears in his eyes as he kneels in front of me. 

" Gabriel, please stand up and stop crying, " I told him and assisted him up as he sat back on my bed. I would have love to date you but am afraid because of your mom. The handwriting is written on the wall clearly that she won't accept our relationship and I don't want to take a step I will later regret.  Do you think you will be able to go against your mom ?" I asked him.

" I know I can't go against her but I am ready to fight for our love this time around. Anisha, you change me honestly speaking, people think am a Mama's boy because of how I behaved not knowing I am only doing all that against my will to please my mom. Once my mom noticed our love for each other is strong, I am sure she won't have a choice than to approve of our relationship. I love you Anisha and I can't afford to lose you " he told me with concern looking into my eyes.

" I love you too Gabriel but...... he cut me short as he locked his lips on mine and we devour each other mouths as we poured out emotions into it. We kissed for a while before we pulled apart. He looked into my eyes with a smile and said "Is that a Yes ?" I told him to give me some time to think about it and I wonder why God keeps bringing me handsome guys with different problems attached to them. 

I resumed back to work the following week and everyone was happy to have me back especially Bimpe. She rained lots of curses on Gabriel's mother after I fully explained what happened to her. She even advised me not to have anything to do with the mother and son again but I just keep smiling at her because of the way she talks and I didn't tell her how close me and Gabriel was during my  stay at home. I noticed she was putting on a baggy dress which was unlike her so I asked her what's it with the baggy dress and she told me she was two weeks pregnant. 

I was so happy for her as I congratulate her and embrace her. She told me how her husband was so excited the day she knew she was pregnant and for once, the reality was dawn on me that Bimpe will soon be a mother while I am not yet married talkless of becoming a mother. I am three years older than Bimpe and now she is going to become a mother after getting married to the man of her dreams. I don't think I can't wait any longer because all my mates have already given birth to two to three kids with a husband to call for while I was still living with my mother.

I was so sad throughout that day thinking about my life and I start to think of Gabriel's offer. I remember what my mom said that:" Everyone has their cross in their relationship and marriage and if I am looking for the perfect relationship or marriage I will wait forever. I picked my phone instantly and texted Gabriel that I am ready to be his girlfriend and he called immediately he sees the text but I had to decline it because of Bimpe because I don't want her to know anything for now. I texted him back and told him I can't pick his call right now and he texted me back saying he will call me back later in the day after telling me how I made him the happiest man in the world.

We had a very big contract in our company from the state (UK) the following day and Bimpe was chosen as a representative to go to the state to talk to the client. I was so happy for my friend when she was chosen because this is her time. I have been chosen with other staff several times to go the state anytime we had a big contract like that but bimpe was never picked so everyone was happy for her that at last she got chosen. 

Bimpe traveled the following week and my relationship with Gabriel grew stronger every day. We went on dates anytime we are chanced because of Gabriel's state of work as a neurosurgeon so he is always busy so we always made sure to make use of the time anytime he is free. I visit his two-bedroom apartment sometimes and spend a day or two with him and he never asked for sex despite how we kissed and romance each other. He is also an advocate for marriage before sex like Suleiman and I am so proud of him when he told me he still a virgin. 

Gabriel and I love each other so much that we can never do a day without calling or seeing each other. Our relationship keeps waxing stronger every day that passes by. My mom was so happy that I finally give love a chance especially because it was  Gabriel. 

Gabriel and I have been dating for six months now so  I spent the night at my boyfriend's place since it was the weekend and he was off duty for that day. I woke up and didn't see him on the bed beside me, I quickly sit up on the bed and was about to call his name when I felt something on my finger. I am not the type that wear jewelry to sleep and I can't remember having that kind of engagement ring on my finger. I was checking the ring out trying to think of how it got to my finger when Gabriel came in with a tray full of different kinds of dishes packed with juices. 

"Breakfast in bed! Good morning beautiful, trust you had a restful night?" He said and kissed my forehead as he dropped the tray on the table beside the bed.  

"Gabriel, whose ring is this because it was not on my finger yesterday before we slept off, " I asked him with a confused look. He smiled at me as he stayed in front of me and went on his knees holding my hands. He looked at me and said:" Will you marry this naughty man who's head over heels in love with you ?". I was in complete shock but of course, said a capital " YES" and kissed him. 

After we pulled apart, I asked him; "What about your mom babe ?" He replied to me and said:" When we get to the bridge we will both cross it " and I smiled at his response. We skipped his mom's topic as we fed each other the foods on the tray and talking about our future on  where we are going to get married, how many kids we want and so many things because we were both happy. 

I left Gabriel's place the following day which was Sunday to prepare for tomorrow's work and my best friend Bimpe will be back from the state and I can't wait to see her. Gabriel said he would love us to get married in four months time so he is going to see his mom's elder sister who can talk to his mother so she can approve our relationship. He wanted to drive me home but I rejected his offer telling him I can sort myself home and that was because I wanted some time alone with myself. He gave up since he sees my mind was made up. He told me to call him immediately I get home so he put his mind at rest as I entered the Uber he ordered for me to take me home. 

I kissed him goodbye as I entered the car and waved him goodbye as the driver started the car and zoom off. I was so happy that I was checking the diamond ring on my finger out giggling. I got home and showed my mom the ring and she was so happy for me that she danced all through that day and start calling her friends and family that I am engaged. 

I went to work the following day and my walk was different from the one I always walk because I am now engaged and about to become a Mrs. The company security even noticed I am extra happy today and they had to asked me what made me so happy today and I didn't hesitate to show them my engagement ring. They were so happy for me as they congratulate me. I didn't hesitate to show my ring to anyone who notices how happy I was on my way to my office. 

Bimpe and I both screamed with joy immediately we saw each other as soon as  I got into our office and we both rushed to embrace each other but her baby bump which was now big was getting in the way. We were in each other arms for some while before we pulled apart. Bimpe looked at me immediately we pulled apart and said:" You are glowing differently from the time I left you, spill out what am I missing ?" She asked me and I flaunt my engagement ring on her face. 

She jumped up in excitement immediately she sees my engagement ring. "  I am so happy for you Ore mi, who is the lucky guy?" She asked me and I told her it was Gabriel with a smile plastered on my face. 

Her countenance changes immediately after I mentioned Gabriel's name. "Ha! Anisha, why do you date this guy talkless of accepting his proposal and you know this guy's mother doesn't like you. The Yoruba proverb says:" Oko buruku se fe, Ana buruku ni o se ni ( it is better to marry a terrible husband but worse to have terrible in-laws). Have you prayed about it? Before saying I do to him " She asked me with concern written all over her face.

"Ore (my friend), just be happy for me and keep me in your prayers " I replied her back happily. 

" Of course, I am happy for you Nisha, but please pray over it before you take any step. Is better to marry late and be happily married o " Bimpe told me but I quickly end the topic by asking her to gist me about her trip to the UK.


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