Friday, December 29, 2023



Have you ever heard about the phrase “spiritual eyes”? Most people claim to have these eyes. Some people call it the third eye. Some of us have become so modern that we no longer believe in things like these. But it might interest you to know that these things do exist. Some people consider them evil, but they are not. These are special unique gifts that people are born naturally with.

When you have a spiritual eye, you see things that ordinary humans can’t see. Your spiritual eyes enable you to see beyond the natural. They make you see things in the supernatural. I have heard many people say they have, or once had this rare gift. One of them was a friend of mine. She said that while she was young, she was able to see witches and wizards who came to hunt them at night. Every night, she would wake up from sleep crying. She kept telling her parents what she was seeing but they never believed her and instead called her an evil child. 

Another case was one of my mother’s friends. Unlike some people who lose this gift before they become adults, she carried her own right up to adulthood. She told of stories of her always running into problems with local witches and wizards because she always made it her business to disrupt their activities. As a result, they constantly attacked her and she was always sick. 

There was one particular woman who was her main adversary. Each time that woman wanted to practice her evil craft at night, she was always sure to interrupt her. So, the woman kept attacking her. Personally, at that time, I didn’t believe most of these things until one day, something happened that changed my mindset. My mother’s friend who was also our neighbour, came home and she was told that a hawk had carried her hen away. It is normal for hawks and kites to snatch the chicks of domestic birds, but not the mother hen itself. 

When she came home, and was told by children about the incident, she told them not to worry. She said she knew who took the hen and she would be back soon with the hen. She left the house immediately and returned with the hen a few hours later. It was one of her spiritual adversaries who had taken the hen. She had transformed into a large hawk and stolen her hen just to teach the woman a lesson. 

Having the gift of spiritual eyes can have terrible consequences if you don’t keep your mouth shut. Many people believe that there is a parallel world that exists within our own world. So, in the eyes of the spiritual, your living room, for example, could be a road to someone’s house in the world within. People with spiritual eyes are able to see this parallel word and everything that happens in that world. However, in order not to run into constant trouble, you must keep your mouth shut about whatever you see. Secret things have to be kept secret. 

That explains why most people who have these gifts and who are unable to manage it are always sick. This is because it is not easy to see things like that and not tell anyone. Those who tell get attacked and they fall sick. Finally, their parents have no choice but to take them to a native doctor who will “shut” the eyes and the person will no longer be able to see beyond the natural. But what actually happens is that the native doctor doesn’t shut the eyes per se. He simply transfers this precious gift to himself and adds it to his own powers. Native doctors are always happy when a case of spiritual eyes is brought to them. This is because it is a good and rare opportunity to enhance their powers. 

While most people are born with this gift, others acquire theirs at some point in their life. In African Traditional Religion, it is believed that these gifts are bestowed by the ancestors. In my country, when a person who is mostly a woman has been selected by the ancestors for the gift to be bestowed on her, she disappears into the forest where she stays for many days alone. When she finally reemerges from the forest, she would already have the gift. In that case, the gift comes with rules. For example, you are forbidden to ever shave your hair or to use any form of hair product. You have to allow your hair grow wild. Another rule is that you are not allowed to have any sexual relationship with any man. In my village, they are called “Manyi”.

Vera, my friend in the university was that kind of person. She was a Manyi. You can now understand why she understood many things about the spiritual and Mama Etchu’s lifestyle. That also explained why she loved me so much but has never made any advances. She was forbidden to sleep with men. 

Tomorrow had come. It was now the day that Vera had told me she would take me to someone who would liberate my beloved Addie from the spell she was under. After school, Vera and I went to her home. I was hoping that from there, she would take me to whoever she had to take me to, to get the spell broken. But when we got to her home, I realized that she wasn’t taking me anywhere. She was going to break the spell herself. 

“What I am going to do might scare you. However, you have to be strong and courageous.” She began. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, I am.” I answered.

“Good, now, shut the doors and bring me that mirror from the bathroom.”

I went into her bathroom and brought a large size mirror. The mirror didn’t look like your ordinary mirror in your house. It was dark and it didn’t reflect anything. That is, when you looked into the mirror, you wouldn’t see your own reflection. Its surface was dark and it looked like a portal, like a door into another dimension, another world. 

“Now, be ready for the shock of your life. Please don’t scream. What you are about to witness is a once in a lifetime experience. Do you promise that you won’t scream?” She asked.

“I won’t.”


In front of me, Vera undressed herself until she became like the day she was born. After she had done that, she brought a bottle that contained a dark liquid and applied the liquid on her body. She told me it was for fortification. When she had finished applying the liquid, she uttered some incantations and suddenly, a bright light emanated from the mirror. The light was so bright that it hurt my eyes. Then Vera spoke to me in a strange voice.

“Please, go to the nightstand there and bring that bible.” 

“Why do we need a bible?” I asked.

“It is not I who needs a bible. It is you. I am about to go to the spiritual world to fight for your love, Addie. When I return, one or two demons might want to accompany me. Because you are a normal mortal with no real spiritual protection, they might attack. So, you need to hold the bible with both hands and point it towards the mirror until I return. That will be your only form of protection. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do.” I replied, going for the holy bible. 

When I got back, the strangest thing I had ever seen, happened. Vera’s spirit left her and her spirit walked into the mirror and went into the spiritual world. When her spirit left her, her body collapsed on the floor and there was a shiny bright light to protect anyone from going close to it. As soon as that happened, I grabbed the bible and with both hands, held it towards the mirror and waited. 

It must have been an hour now and my hands were already getting numb and tired. I felt a terrible ache around my shoulder and my hands were painfully stiff. However, I couldn’t dare put down the bible because it could be disastrous for me. Another thirty minutes, and I saw the mirror started vibrating. I believed it was signaling the return of Vera. As the vibrations increased, the same bright light that had ushered Vera’s spirit into the mirror shone again, this time brighter than before. I was about to shut my eyes when Vera’s spirit emerged from the mirror looking exhausted. She was not alone. She brought Addie’s spirit with her.

I was shocked beyond words. I had never seen a thing like that all my life. Truly, there were older and more mysterious things in the deep places of the world that most humans would never know. Standing in front of me, was the spirit of my Addie, my beautiful beloved Addie. She was also stark naked. Vera walked back to her body and entered. Her body and her spirit became one again. 

“There goes your love.” She said, smiling. “I have brought her back from where she was held hostage. I have brought her back to you. But you are the only one who can liberate her finally. So, repeat after me.”



“I have missed you terribly.”

“I have missed you terribly.”

“Whatever turned you against me and made you hate me should release you now.”

“Whatever turned you against me and made you hate me should release you now.”

“Be free, my love.”

“Be free, my love.”

As soon as I said this, Addie’s spirit smiled, and she turned around and disappeared into the mirror. I almost ran after her to grab her and stop her from going. But I was sharply rebuked by Vera. She told me not to dare touch her or her spirit will remain trapped and she would die. After Addie’s spirit had gone back, Vera turned to me and spoke.

“Your love is back. You saw it with your own eyes. Now, you can go home. Take your stuff and go home and avoid the Etchu’s with everything in you.”

“Are you sure, Vera? Are you sure Addie will accept me back? She was very violent and she knows I have been sleeping with Ayuk.” I was still skeptical. 

“Don’t worry, she was blinded. She was caged. She was bound. Now, she has been released. As we speak now, she is already missing you. She is already wondering where you are now.”

Before I could respond to what she said, I heard my phone ringing. I checked and with wild excitement, saw that it was indeed Addie that was calling.

“Hello, Addie.”

“Big head, where are you? Where have you been? Don’t you see that it’s getting late? Please come home, I am missing you.” 

“Addie, is that really you, talking?” I was still confused.

“Of course, it’s me. What are you talking about? Come home quickly, I prepared your favourite. You don’t want it to get cold, do you?”

“But you threw me out of your house.”

“I don’t know what happened to me, Eyong. It feels like I had been in a long dream and even now my brain is still fuzzy. I just realized that you weren’t home, and all your stuffs were gone. I don’t really know what happened. I am sorry, Eyong. I thought you left me instead. Please, come home let’s talk about it.”

Now, I was convinced that my Addie was back to my senses. I grabbed my bag and went towards the door of Vera’s home, intending to leave. As I approached the door, I turned around and looked at her. She was smiling at me.

“Thank you, Vera. Thank you for everything. I am forever in your debt. You have brought back my love and by default, restored my hopes.”

“It’s alright, Eyong. Anything for you. However, one more question before you go. How about Mama Etchu? Do you want me to kill her?”




“No, don’t kill her. Just let her be. I don’t want to be responsible for someone’s death. I just want to reunite with my love, Addie. I will see you tomorrow, bye.”

I ran out of the house, boarded a taxi and went straight home. When I got close to our neighbourhood, I made sure to go into our compound through a different road that will not take me close to Mama Etchu’s house. When I got home, Addie was at the door waiting for me. We ran towards each other and hugged each other tightly. Addie started crying. 

“How have you been, my love?” She asked tearfully.

“God has been good to me. I am happy to be alive.” I answered. I didn’t want to narrate all what I had been through.

“I am so sorry; I don’t know what came over me. I promise you I will never do that again.”

“It’s alright, babe. I know it wasn’t your fault. It is well, it is very well. God will see us through. I missed you a lot.”

“I miss you, too. Come into the house, please. Your food is getting cold.”

After I had eaten and bathed, I told Addie everything she needed to know about my experiences with Mama Etchu and Vera. She was shocked to realize that it was the food that she ate that had caused the whole trouble. We decided that henceforth, we would avoid the Etchu’s and we also decided to move out of that hostel the following day. It was a matter of urgency and we didn’t want to take any chances. Addie called her father and explained to him that she needed some money for excursion. Her father didn’t even hesitate. He sent the money, and we used the money to move to another hostel.

We had already moved out, however, there were a few of our stuffs remaining. One evening, I came to collect our remaining things and also to give back the keys to the caretaker of the hostel. As I was about to leave, Ayuk saw me.

“Good evening, Eyong.” She greeted.

“Ayuk, how are you?”

“I am good. I can see you have made up with your girlfriend, Addie.”

“Yes, I have, and I am so happy.”

“Indeed!” She sneered.

“No hard feelings, Ayuk. I am so grateful to you and your family for everything you did for me. I was frustrated and you guys took me in and gave me love. I am grateful. How is your mum?”

“She travelled.”

“Okay, greet her for me. I have to be going now.”
“How about us?” She asked. 

“Us? How do you mean?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“You and I. I thought we had something going?”

“I am sorry, but Addie and I are back together. You are a nice lady, but we have to forget about what happened. We will still remain friends.”

“Who cares?” She spat and walked away from me.

I stood there for a moment and then continued going back home. I was just happy that I had been able to rid myself of them. As for her mother, when she returned, she would hear the whole thing. I am never coming back to that neighbourhood and I had no intentions of ever seeing them again. 

It had been two years now. Addie and I were in our final year in the university. We were working towards our graduation and things were moving swimmingly for us. Vera was also going to graduate. I had introduced her to Addie, and they were good friends. My relationship with Addie had become very strong now and we were always happy. However, back in the village, things were different.

Remember I told you that Elvis’ mother was a domestic servant at Addie’s house. She had succeeded to use a love portion on Addie’s father and now, things had changed. Things had gotten so bad that Addie’s mother had been kicked out of the house. She had returned to their family house in another city. Elvis’ mother was now the woman of the house. Her main plan was to transfer all of Addie’s father’s wealth to her. Everyone in the village was complaining about her recent attitude but she didn’t care. She was blinded by her greed. 

Addie’s father, Mr. Tabe, who was still under the love portion could not do anything. He was completely adhering to the whims and caprices of Mama Elvis. However, there was a small issue that bothered Mama Elvis. Mr. Tabe had put all his property in Addie’s name. Therefore, Mama Elvis still had another battle to fight which was to get Mr. Tabe to change Addie as the next of kin and make her the new next of kin. She tried to force Mr. Tabe to do that and would have succeeded. However, Mr. Tabe’s lawyer was his own younger brother. Barrister Enow, as he was called, said he wasn’t going to change anything.

Mama Elvis had become desperate and frustrated. She had succeeded to get Mr. Tabe for himself but she hadn’t still been able to achieve her ultimate goal. She wanted Mr. Tabe, no doubt about that. However, Mr. Tabe was just a means to an end. What she actually wanted was Mr. Tabe’s vast wealth. But fate had refused to smile on her. All the wealth was in Addie’s name. What was she going to do. After many sleepless nights of worrying and thinking, she decided to change strategy. She formulated a new ploy. She decided that she would force Mr. Tabe to give her daughters hand to her son, Elvis for marriage. 

Addie and I were at home when a call came in from the village. It was her father. He said he wanted her to come to the village that weekend for a matter that concerned her. He told her not to fail because it was urgent. I wondered what could be so urgent that Addie’s father could not say it on phone. Addie’s mother had already told us all what had been happening in the village. So, I suspected that something sinister was about to happen. I therefore decided that I would accompany Addie to the village. 

That weekend, Addie and I packed a few things and we headed to the village. When we got to the village, Addie went to their own house while I went to mine. My mum and my sisters were extremely happy to see me. In fact, they were overjoyed. They didn’t know I was coming so; it was really a pleasant surprise to them. They had missed me terribly. 

Late that evening, in Addie’s house, a small family meeting was going on. Present at the meeting was Mr. Tabe, his concubine (Elvis’ mum), Elvis and Addie. The meeting was called to discuss about giving Addie’s had in marriage to Elvis. Up until then, Addie had still not known why she had been hastily invited from the city to the village. 

“Addie, my daughter.” Mr. Tabe began. “I called you here because there is a young man who wants to marry you.

“I didn’t hear you, Dad. What did you say? Could you please repeat what you said?” Addie asked, already getting angry. 

“I said someone wants to marry you.” His father repeated.

“So, Dad, it is because someone wants to marry me that will make you invite me to the village with such urgency?” 

“Yes, my daughter. It was urgent to me if it wasn’t urgent to you.”

“Really? Really?!! Anyway, who is the young man?” She asked.

“There he is.” Her father said, pointing to Elvis.

“What?” Addie fumed, getting up from her chair. “So, it is this lowlife rascal who wants to marry me, and you made me to leave the city, abandon my studies, took the risk of traveling, wasted my money just to come here? Dad!!!”

“My daughter…” Mr. Tabe began to say but was interrupted by Mama Elvis who had been silent all this while.

“You are very rude, Addie. Whose son are you calling a lowlife? Your father has found someone worthy of you and you are here calling him names. Is that what you went and learnt in that university?”

“Please, shut your mouth there and don’t bring that your witchcraft to me. Who are you to talk when we are talking about our family issues? Are you a member of this family? Addie asked, rudely.

“You are talking to me like that?” Mama Elvis asked, shocked by Addie’s guts.

“Who are you that I won’t talk to you like that? Who are you?”

“I am your father’s wife.”

“Who married you, devil? Who paid your bride price? I pity you a lot. Look, let me tell you, you might have blinded my father’s eyes to make him hate my mum and drive her away. But let me tell you, you still have one more Tabe to contend with and that is me, Tabe Addie, true daughter of her father. I will deal with you.”

“Honey, can you hear what your daughter is saying? You sit there and allow her talk to me like that?”

“What can I say, Madam. She is above me.” Mr. Tabe said and shrugged his shoulders. Addie continued.

“I want you and your son out of this house this night. If you don’t leave, I will set you both on fire. You people are joking with. I am not my peaceful mother. Wait for me and see what I will do.” She spoke, got up and went into the inner pat of the house. By the time she got back with a full bucket of water, Mama Elvis and her son, had already left.

“Dad, what was the meaning of that?” Addie asked.

“My daughter, my hands are tied. I don’t know what to do.” 

“What? Dad, this is not you. What has happened to you? What has that witch done to my father?” But Mr. Tabe was silent. 

He just sat there like a fool with his head bowed. Addie decided that she was going to do everything within her powers to undo whatever it was that Mama Elvis had done to her father. By declaring that, she had just declared a new war between herself and Mama Elvis. 

The next day, I was sitting at home, hoping that Addie will show up when I saw Mama Elvis hurrying towards our house. I called my mum’s attention immediately and she came out of the house to confront her.

“What do you want in my house looking so worked up, Christy?” My mum asked, calling her by her maiden name.

“I want you to tell your son to leave Addie alone. Let him leave her alone immediately. She shouted.

“Why? What has my son’s relationship with Addie got to do with you? You are not even related.”

“I want Addie to marry my son, Elvis. She has turned down his proposal all because of that your son.”

“Oh, you think it is because of my son that she said no to Elvis. Don’t you think it was because of what you did to her mum?”

“What did I do to her mum? Was it my fault that she allowed me to take her husband from her. She was weak so I snatched her husband. Anyway, that is not your concern. Just tell your son to back off or…”

“Or what?” My mother asked. “What will you do? You will try to bewitch my son the way you have bewitched Mr. Tabe? Dare me and you will know the stuff I am made of. Foolish woman!!”

“Alright, I can see you are not taking me seriously. You don’t want to take me seriously. We will see. We shall see.”

“We shall see nothing. Get out of my house, witch.” My mum said angrily, almost pushing her.

She left our house in anger, making threats and promising to return. She was being defeated everywhere she went. I wondered what plans she had next up her sleeves. 

The next day, I was sitting in our living room when the youngest of all my sisters, our last born came to me and told me Elvis was outside. He wanted to see me.

“Elvis!!” I exclaimed. “Alright, tell him I will be right there.”




“What is the matter now, Elvis?” I asked as soon as I met him outside my house.

“So, you have been in the village and haven’t bothered to check on me.”

“Yes, I am in the village. I didn’t check on you because you don’t deserve checking. What is the game you and your mum are playing?” I asked.

“Listen, Eyong, Addie belongs to me. So, please back off.” 

“Belongs to you on whose account. Are you drunk? I don’t know what you have been drinking but whatever it is, it must be very strong.”

“I don’t care what you say, but I already have her father’s blessings. So, you are just wasting your time.” He laughed.

“Look here, Elvis. I am sure you have been smoking weed. You have the blessings of a man whom your mother has bewitched? Let me ask again, are you drunk?”

“You call my mum a witch?”

“That’s exactly what she is. If she wasn’t, she wouldn’t have gone into someone’s matrimonial home and broke it. Now, you too want to marry the man’s daughter. Are you guys sick in this village?” I was very angry.

“You will pay for calling my mum a witch, I assure you.” Elvis threatened. 

“How will I pay? You will try to bewitch me, too? Listen, if you know what Addie and I have been through, you wouldn’t stand there spewing gibberish. I have rode through a lot of miles, gone through a lot of trouble just to keep that girl. So, I am warning you now to back off or I will destroy you.”

“You will destroy me? Is it because you have gone to the university, and I have not?”

“Forget about university. Addie is the love of my life. We are already bonded, and nothing can separate us. So, I would advise you to leave now before something happens to you.”

“You are threatening me. Eyong, you threaten me. Alright, we shall see. We shall see, Eyong.

“My friend, get out and let me have some peace.” I said and walked back into the house. 

I wondered the type of mentality that Elvis and her foolish mum had. What was actually wrong with them? It looked like they had been dining with the devil ever since I left to the city. What was actually happening to them. So, Elvis actually thought Addie would accept to get married to him? Was he so foolish. Anyway, it was clear he didn’t know Addie well. That Elvis needed to be thought a lesson. I called Addie on phone and asked her to come to my house. About an hour later, she showed up.

“How did the meeting with your father go?” I asked.

“He wants me to marry Elvis.” She laughed. “Can you imagine that?”

“Don’t worry about that. It is well. I already know the whole story. Elvis and his mother were here to raise hell. However, my mum and me handled them accordingly.”

“That’s good, very good.”

“But babe, we need to do something oh. We need to leave this village and get help. I am beginning to get scared of Elvis and her mum. I fear for your safety, our safety.” I was concerned.

“What do you think we should do? Call Vera?” Addie asked.

“Ha!! Is Vera some kind of 911? No, we can handle things our own way. Let’s not call Vera.”

“So, what do we do?”

“Let’s go back to the city to see your mother.”

It had been three months now and a lot had happened since then. We were in the city when news came to us that Elvis’ mother was dead. It was a horrible story. It was said that he went to a sangoma to get more charms to subdue Mr. Tabe, Addie’s father, and also to bewitch my mum. The sangoma he went to, gave her the totem of a python and didn’t tell her. As a result, the totem started manifesting and she didn’t know how to control it. So, she hid it in her pit toilet. Unfortunately for her, her own son, Elvis saw it, raised and alarm and people came out and killed it. As the snake was being beaten and cut, she was also feeling the pains and crying. She died when the snake finally died. 

As soon as she died, the spell on Mr. Tabe was broken and he went back to the city and brought his wife back home. Elvis was mad with grief and jealousy and promised to bring down Addie and me. He was heard telling people that it was thanks to us that his mother died. But we were innocent. It was her diabolic way of life that led to her untimely demise. Nevertheless, Addie and I decided to take Elvis’ threats seriously. He was a true son of the mother, and it was likely, very likely that he would follow in his mother’s footsteps. 

I was afraid of what Elvis might do to my mother who was all alone in the village. However, my mum told me that I should not be afraid. She said she could handle whatever he tried to do. She was very confident that she could handle Elvis. So, I relaxed and prayed that no harm came to her. I also cautioned my younger sisters to be careful the way the moved around in the village.

My relationship with Addie was no longer a secret. Everyone had now known that we were dating and even living together. At the end of that year, we both graduated from the university. All our parents and family members were present in the city for the graduation ceremony. Elvis was not invited; however, our neighbour Mama Anthony was. She was the one who went back to the village and gave everyone the full details of everything that happened. 

Addie and I decide that it would be of no use for us to go back to the village after graduation. So, we decided to continue staying in the city. We moved from the student hostel and rented a bigger and more beautiful apartment in town. Addie’s father used his contacts and got me a job in an international organization. However, my dream was not to work for someone. I wanted to start my own business and make my own money. So, after a year, I quit the job and started my own business. 

Two years later, Addie and I got married. That was the happiest day of my life. I was now sure that I was going to spend the rest of my life with the woman I loved. Once again, Elvis wasn’t invited to the wedding. We concerted and thought it was a prudent thing to do. He had become too evil for everyone’s liking and was behaving as if someone was responsible for his misfortunes.

Not inviting Elvis to our graduation and wedding actually made me feel bad. To be sincere, it was thanks to him that Addie and I came together. Though he brought us together inadvertently, he was still the main architect of our union. He was supposed to be with us all the way. He was even supposed to be my best man. However, his mind had been corrupted by evil. So, I had to take the hard decision to cut him off from everything. 

A year later, Mrs. Addie Eyong, my lovely, wedded wife put to bed a baby girl. I had always wanted for my first child to be a girl. Strange, right? But that was what I wanted. God in his merciful favour, gave me a beautiful girl and we named her Akem, after my younger sister. My family was now almost complete. I was hoping that our second child would be a male and then we would stop having children. I didn’t want to have more than two children. 

It had been twenty-five years now. I was now a middle-aged man, and so was Addie. We now had three children instead of the two we initially wanted. That was because Addie gave birth to a set of twins, two boys, both identical. I thanked God for the immense and immeasurable blessing. Addie’s father, Mr. Tabe had passed on and I now controlled most of his assets. I was an extremely rich man now and my life was comfortable. I was grateful to God for all he had done in my life. 

Addie’s mother, Mrs. Tabe was still alive but much older. My mum too was an old woman now and I had moved her to the city because my sisters were all married, and she needed someone to be with her. 

I had lost contact with Vera. The last time I heard about her, it was said that she was very sick. It was said she was being tortured by the deity she worshipped because she had stopped worshipping him. She was tired of being fetish. She wanted to become a normal person again, marry and raise kids like everyone else. Her deity wouldn’t allow her and was always torturing her. She had decided to seek the help of a powerful man of God. It had been many years now and I was at a loss as to what had become of her.

Mama Etchu too had long passed away. It was said she made terrible confessions before she died. She was sick for about a year before she finally gave up the ghost. She confessed to have killed many people including her two sisters and of course, her husband. Before she died, she accepted Christ and became a full born-again Christian. Before she died, she made sure all her children got baptized in the Lord and made them promise never to indulge in anything that had to do with the devil. She died a Christian and I am sure she is in heaven now. 

I know you are aching to know what had become of Elvis. Elvis had gotten married to a beautiful woman and had four children. However, his hatred for Addie and me hadn’t subsided. He still hated us with a growing dislike, and we had long decided that we would stay as far away from him as possible. We had kept that decision to this day. However, fate would not allow it. There was a festival in the village that I had to attend. As one of the most influential men in the village, the chief had personally invited me. So, I couldn’t refuse his highness’ invitation. 

Attending that festival meant I had to meet Elvis for the first time in many years. My wife wasn’t comfortable about it and begged that I shouldn’t go. But I had to. I had been invited by the chief and had to honour the invitation. 

“But honey, you know it’s risky. Elvis is your mortal enemy. He will be at the festival. His grudge for you is still as fresh as ever in spite of the huge time lapse. Please, don’t go. You could send your financial contribution. I am sure that will be enough.”

“I understand your concerns, darling. However, it will be important if I show up myself. You know we have stayed in the city for too long. It is important that we start creating links again in the village. You wouldn’t want our children to be strangers in their own village, would you?”

“No, honey.”

“So, this is a perfect opportunity to start creating that link. Don’t worry, I will be safe.”

“Please, be careful. Be very, very careful and may the good Lord be with you.” She prayed.

“Amen, and may the good God be with you and my children until I come back.”

“Amen and Amen. One more thing, do not eat or drink anything at the festival. If you need to eat, go to our house. My mum will prepare your food. Do you understand? “

“Yes, boss. I understand.”

“Also, stay away from Elvis if you see him. In fact, always stay on his blind side, please honey.”

“It’s alright, babe. I have heard you. So, until I return with my spoils from the new country, you my beautiful wife will be in charge.” I laughed.

“Stop clowning, when will you change?” She said in mock reproach.

The next day, I drove to the village. After I had gotten to Addie’s family compound where I would be spending the next four days, I drove to the chief’s palace. On my way to the palace, I decided to pass by our compound to have a look at it. It had been a long time since I was there. No one lived there now and it was quite abandoned. 

As soon as I stopped my car and got off the car, I saw a man approaching me. He looked much older than me but still strong. I recognized him immediately. It had been many years and the years have not been kind to him. He looked much older than he should have looked but he was still my same old stubborn and evil friend. The same person I had been trying to avoid for so many years. It was Elvis. 




“What is the matter now, Elvis?” I asked as soon as I met him outside my house.

“So, you have been in the village and haven’t bothered to check on me.”

“Yes, I am in the village. I didn’t check on you because you don’t deserve checking. What is the game you and your mum are playing?” I asked.

“Listen, Eyong, Addie belongs to me. So, please back off.” 

“Belongs to you on whose account. Are you drunk? I don’t know what you have been drinking but whatever it is, it must be very strong.”

“I don’t care what you say, but I already have her father’s blessings. So, you are just wasting your time.” He laughed.

“Look here, Elvis. I am sure you have been smoking weed. You have the blessings of a man whom your mother has bewitched? Let me ask again, are you drunk?”

“You call my mum a witch?”

“That’s exactly what she is. If she wasn’t, she wouldn’t have gone into someone’s matrimonial home and broke it. Now, you too want to marry the man’s daughter. Are you guys sick in this village?” I was very angry.

“You will pay for calling my mum a witch, I assure you.” Elvis threatened. 

“How will I pay? You will try to bewitch me, too? Listen, if you know what Addie and I have been through, you wouldn’t stand there spewing gibberish. I have rode through a lot of miles, gone through a lot of trouble just to keep that girl. So, I am warning you now to back off or I will destroy you.”

“You will destroy me? Is it because you have gone to the university, and I have not?”

“Forget about university. Addie is the love of my life. We are already bonded, and nothing can separate us. So, I would advise you to leave now before something happens to you.”

“You are threatening me. Eyong, you threaten me. Alright, we shall see. We shall see, Eyong.

“My friend, get out and let me have some peace.” I said and walked back into the house. 

I wondered the type of mentality that Elvis and her foolish mum had. What was actually wrong with them? It looked like they had been dining with the devil ever since I left to the city. What was actually happening to them. So, Elvis actually thought Addie would accept to get married to him? Was he so foolish. Anyway, it was clear he didn’t know Addie well. That Elvis needed to be thought a lesson. I called Addie on phone and asked her to come to my house. About an hour later, she showed up.

“How did the meeting with your father go?” I asked.

“He wants me to marry Elvis.” She laughed. “Can you imagine that?”

“Don’t worry about that. It is well. I already know the whole story. Elvis and his mother were here to raise hell. However, my mum and me handled them accordingly.”

“That’s good, very good.”

“But babe, we need to do something oh. We need to leave this village and get help. I am beginning to get scared of Elvis and her mum. I fear for your safety, our safety.” I was concerned.

“What do you think we should do? Call Vera?” Addie asked.

“Ha!! Is Vera some kind of 911? No, we can handle things our own way. Let’s not call Vera.”

“So, what do we do?”

“Let’s go back to the city to see your mother.”

It had been three months now and a lot had happened since then. We were in the city when news came to us that Elvis’ mother was dead. It was a horrible story. It was said that he went to a sangoma to get more charms to subdue Mr. Tabe, Addie’s father, and also to bewitch my mum. The sangoma he went to, gave her the totem of a python and didn’t tell her. As a result, the totem started manifesting and she didn’t know how to control it. So, she hid it in her pit toilet. Unfortunately for her, her own son, Elvis saw it, raised and alarm and people came out and killed it. As the snake was being beaten and cut, she was also feeling the pains and crying. She died when the snake finally died. 

As soon as she died, the spell on Mr. Tabe was broken and he went back to the city and brought his wife back home. Elvis was mad with grief and jealousy and promised to bring down Addie and me. He was heard telling people that it was thanks to us that his mother died. But we were innocent. It was her diabolic way of life that led to her untimely demise. Nevertheless, Addie and I decided to take Elvis’ threats seriously. He was a true son of the mother, and it was likely, very likely that he would follow in his mother’s footsteps. 

I was afraid of what Elvis might do to my mother who was all alone in the village. However, my mum told me that I should not be afraid. She said she could handle whatever he tried to do. She was very confident that she could handle Elvis. So, I relaxed and prayed that no harm came to her. I also cautioned my younger sisters to be careful the way the moved around in the village.

My relationship with Addie was no longer a secret. Everyone had now known that we were dating and even living together. At the end of that year, we both graduated from the university. All our parents and family members were present in the city for the graduation ceremony. Elvis was not invited; however, our neighbour Mama Anthony was. She was the one who went back to the village and gave everyone the full details of everything that happened. 

Addie and I decide that it would be of no use for us to go back to the village after graduation. So, we decided to continue staying in the city. We moved from the student hostel and rented a bigger and more beautiful apartment in town. Addie’s father used his contacts and got me a job in an international organization. However, my dream was not to work for someone. I wanted to start my own business and make my own money. So, after a year, I quit the job and started my own business. 

Two years later, Addie and I got married. That was the happiest day of my life. I was now sure that I was going to spend the rest of my life with the woman I loved. Once again, Elvis wasn’t invited to the wedding. We concerted and thought it was a prudent thing to do. He had become too evil for everyone’s liking and was behaving as if someone was responsible for his misfortunes.

Not inviting Elvis to our graduation and wedding actually made me feel bad. To be sincere, it was thanks to him that Addie and I came together. Though he brought us together inadvertently, he was still the main architect of our union. He was supposed to be with us all the way. He was even supposed to be my best man. However, his mind had been corrupted by evil. So, I had to take the hard decision to cut him off from everything. 

A year later, Mrs. Addie Eyong, my lovely, wedded wife put to bed a baby girl. I had always wanted for my first child to be a girl. Strange, right? But that was what I wanted. God in his merciful favour, gave me a beautiful girl and we named her Akem, after my younger sister. My family was now almost complete. I was hoping that our second child would be a male and then we would stop having children. I didn’t want to have more than two children. 

It had been twenty-five years now. I was now a middle-aged man, and so was Addie. We now had three children instead of the two we initially wanted. That was because Addie gave birth to a set of twins, two boys, both identical. I thanked God for the immense and immeasurable blessing. Addie’s father, Mr. Tabe had passed on and I now controlled most of his assets. I was an extremely rich man now and my life was comfortable. I was grateful to God for all he had done in my life. 

Addie’s mother, Mrs. Tabe was still alive but much older. My mum too was an old woman now and I had moved her to the city because my sisters were all married, and she needed someone to be with her. 

I had lost contact with Vera. The last time I heard about her, it was said that she was very sick. It was said she was being tortured by the deity she worshipped because she had stopped worshipping him. She was tired of being fetish. She wanted to become a normal person again, marry and raise kids like everyone else. Her deity wouldn’t allow her and was always torturing her. She had decided to seek the help of a powerful man of God. It had been many years now and I was at a loss as to what had become of her.

Mama Etchu too had long passed away. It was said she made terrible confessions before she died. She was sick for about a year before she finally gave up the ghost. She confessed to have killed many people including her two sisters and of course, her husband. Before she died, she accepted Christ and became a full born-again Christian. Before she died, she made sure all her children got baptized in the Lord and made them promise never to indulge in anything that had to do with the devil. She died a Christian and I am sure she is in heaven now. 

I know you are aching to know what had become of Elvis. Elvis had gotten married to a beautiful woman and had four children. However, his hatred for Addie and me hadn’t subsided. He still hated us with a growing dislike, and we had long decided that we would stay as far away from him as possible. We had kept that decision to this day. However, fate would not allow it. There was a festival in the village that I had to attend. As one of the most influential men in the village, the chief had personally invited me. So, I couldn’t refuse his highness’ invitation. 

Attending that festival meant I had to meet Elvis for the first time in many years. My wife wasn’t comfortable about it and begged that I shouldn’t go. But I had to. I had been invited by the chief and had to honour the invitation. 

“But honey, you know it’s risky. Elvis is your mortal enemy. He will be at the festival. His grudge for you is still as fresh as ever in spite of the huge time lapse. Please, don’t go. You could send your financial contribution. I am sure that will be enough.”

“I understand your concerns, darling. However, it will be important if I show up myself. You know we have stayed in the city for too long. It is important that we start creating links again in the village. You wouldn’t want our children to be strangers in their own village, would you?”

“No, honey.”

“So, this is a perfect opportunity to start creating that link. Don’t worry, I will be safe.”

“Please, be careful. Be very, very careful and may the good Lord be with you.” She prayed.

“Amen, and may the good God be with you and my children until I come back.”

“Amen and Amen. One more thing, do not eat or drink anything at the festival. If you need to eat, go to our house. My mum will prepare your food. Do you understand? “

“Yes, boss. I understand.”

“Also, stay away from Elvis if you see him. In fact, always stay on his blind side, please honey.”

“It’s alright, babe. I have heard you. So, until I return with my spoils from the new country, you my beautiful wife will be in charge.” I laughed.

“Stop clowning, when will you change?” She said in mock reproach.

The next day, I drove to the village. After I had gotten to Addie’s family compound where I would be spending the next four days, I drove to the chief’s palace. On my way to the palace, I decided to pass by our compound to have a look at it. It had been a long time since I was there. No one lived there now and it was quite abandoned. 

As soon as I stopped my car and got off the car, I saw a man approaching me. He looked much older than me but still strong. I recognized him immediately. It had been many years and the years have not been kind to him. He looked much older than he should have looked but he was still my same old stubborn and evil friend. The same person I had been trying to avoid for so many years. It was Elvis. 




“Elvis!!” I said as I moved towards him. “My old friend, Elvis. Is this you or are my eyes being cheated by some spell?”

“Eyong, you are alive and well.” He replied.

“Yes, I am alive and well. I am happy to see you. What have you been up to?”

“Nothing much, just raising kids and living life.” He answered philosophically. “How about you? Heard you are a rich man now in the city?”

“Well, you might say that but being rich is relative. Thank God for life. How’s your family?”

“We are good and how’s yours? How’s your beautiful wife, Addie?” He finally asked the Addie question. 

“She’s fine, everyone is okay. Now that you have asked, I just wish to say that I didn’t mean for things to happen the way they did. You are my childhood friend, and we were supposed to grow old together. However, we have spent many years being enemies, all because of a woman. Let us allow bygones to be bygones.”

“Eyong, my good friend. All that is in the past now. I am a changed man now. I have a beautiful wife and children. So, I no longer bear any grudge towards you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Very sure.”

“Alright, thank you.”

“You are welcome. So, what brought you to the village?” Elvis asked.

“The festival, of course. Nfon invited me himself. So, I couldn’t miss.” 

“That’s great. Would you like to take a chieftaincy title?” He asked.

“Well, I would be delighted if I am given one. However, I have never really considered taking one.”

“I could arrange for it. I am now a big member of the village council. We could confer on you the title of Sissiku, that is if you want.” He proposed.

“Is it connected to anything fetish?” I asked.

“No, there is nothing fetish attached to it. You would love it. 

I was impressed by the attitude of Elvis. Finally, he had repented, and he was back to the Elvis I used to know back in our primary school days. I was happy to have my friend back, though I was much wary of him now. I had to be careful because for all I know, he might just be making up appearances. I decided that I would call my wife and tell her about the new developments. 

Elvis and I walked all around our compound, checking to make sure everything was okay and also reminiscing about old times. While we walked in the compound, I made sure he wasn’t behind me. I couldn’t trust him. He could stab me in the back quite literally. I knew it was risky staying all alone with him. I was just taking chances. If my wife knew that I was with Elvis all alone in that compound, she would kill me. 

We left the compound and I drove Elvis and I to Nfon’s palace. The chief was very happy to see me. He was also a former classmate and had ascended the throne when his father, the late Nfon died. Elvis discussed with him about the Sissiku title, and the chief readily agreed. 

When I got back home, I called my wife.

“Hi darling.” 

“Hi honey. Ahh!! I am so happy you called. I feel so relieved now. I had been worried. I had been trying your number all day without success.” Addie was very excited.

“It’s alright, darling. I am fine. I just want to tell you that I miss you and the children.”

“I miss you, too. Very much. When are you coming back?” She asked.

“I might add a few days. My program has been slightly altered. I am going to be conferred the Sissiku title.”

“Really? Oh my gosh!! That’s great. So, you will now be called Sissiku Eyong Agbor Besong.”

“That is very correct, my love. However, there is a small problem.”

“What is it, honey?”

“One of the requirements for conferring the title on someone is that the man’s wife has to be present.”

“So, you are saying I should come to the village?” She asked, skeptically. 

“Yes, babe. You have to. You have to stand by me during the process.”

“I don’t feel comfortable coming. Can’t they do it without me?”

“No, I asked Elvis, but he said your presence was highly required.” I answered and regretted immediately. I shouldn’t have called Elvis’ name.

“Elvis!! You met Elvis? I thought I told you to stay away from him?” She was infuriated.

“I am sorry, I couldn’t avoid him. But don’t worry, he is now a changed man. You need to see him. He has really changed.”

“In your dreams. What makes you think that Elvis can ever change? One thing with you is that you are too gullible. You easily, very easily trust people. I now think the whole title thing is a bad idea.”

“Why? Just because my friend, Elvis is involved?”


“Please, babe. Don’t say that. Alright, I will be very careful. Just come for my sake, please."

“Of course, I will come. Not because I am interested in the title but because I want to make sure that you stay away from Elvis."

Two days later, Addie arrived the village. I felt relieved that she had come. The festival was already ongoing, and the title was going to be conferred on me in two days. The next day, we went to see the chief. Nfon was very happy to meet my wife. Addie was not known by many people in the village because even as a child, she rarely ever came to the village. 

Our meeting with Nfon was over now. We were about to go back home to begin preparing for the big day tomorrow when Elvis showed up at the palace. I looked into his face, and I saw deep jealousy when he saw my wife, Addie. He walked up to us and greeted.

“I am happy to make your acquaintance, Madam.” He spoke.

“Thank you, Mr. Tabot Elvis. It’s been a while.”

“Yes, I can see you and your husband are looking good.” That came out like a threat.

“God has been good to us, Mr. Elvis.”

“So, are you saying God has not been good to me?” Elvis asked.

I realized that things were getting out of hand. So, I moved in-between them and interrupted the conversation. 

“If you will excuse us, Elvis, my wife and I would like to leave now.” I spoke.

“Of course, of course.” He replied. There was an evil glitter in his eyes. 

It looked like Elvis had been ready to let go of our past grievances and make up with me. That could be the reason he had even proposed and recommended that I take the Sissiku title. However, the arrival of my wife, and their meeting had brought back old memories. It was obvious Elvis’ hatred for me, and my wife had returned. I took my wife and we got into the car and drove off to meet her mother who had prepared a delicious meal for us. 

The next day, immediately after the conferring of the title on me, I took my wife, and we went back to the city. I figured it was dangerous to stay another night in the village. All through the ceremony, I kept looking at Elvis’ face and all I could see was jealousy and hatred. I didn’t want to become a victim of his malice. So, I had to hurriedly leave the village. 

Our trip back to the city was safe. We were happy and thankful to God that we left the village with almost no incident. We were also grateful to God that our children whom we left back in the city were also doing good. We promised ourselves that that would be the last time we would both go to the village at the same time. In fact, we decided that Addie would never go to the village again except in great need. I would be the only one to go and I had to be extra careful. My trips would always be unannounced. We didn’t want to have anything to do with our mortal enemy, Elvis, ever again. But we were too late.

The next morning, I was in the living room watching the news when I heard a blood curdling scream coming from my bedroom. I rushed to the room only to find my wife lying on the floor. She was bleeding seriously. My twin children, Bechem and Manyor were sitting by her, confused. As quick as lightning, I carried her outside and into the car and rushed her to the hospital. When we arrived the hospital, she was immediately taken to the intensive care unit. 

I was confused. Just yesterday, in fact, just this morning, my wife had been okay? What could possibly have gone wrong? I was confused as I sat on a bench in front of the ICU. Every now and then, I would get up and pace from one end of the wall to the other before sitting down again. Soon, the doctor arrived, and he told me that she had been stabilized but had gone into unconsciousness. I prayed and hoped that by the time she became conscious again, she would be okay. 

“Can I see her now, Doctor?” I asked, shaking.

“Yes, you can. But be careful not to disturb her. She is in a delicate situation now. Tomorrow, we might have to do a blood transfusion on her. She has lost too much blood.”

I went into her ward and saw her looking serene and beautiful even in sickness. I knelt beside her bed and prayed like I had never prayed before. I prayed and begged God to heal my wife and to bring her back to consciousness so that we could go home together. I heard a knock on the door. I checked and it was Akem, my eldest daughter. I asked her to stay by her mum until I got back. I needed to go home and get some stuffs for her.

I went back to the car and when I opened the car door, that was when I realized how intensive the situation had been. The car was soaked with her blood. There was blood everywhere. I got into the car and drove home, praying all the way. I had a strong faith in God, and I knew that come rain or shine, God was going to see me through. I loved my wife with everything in me. I couldn’t bear to see anything happen to her. 

It had been one week now, and Addie’s situation had not changed. She was still unconscious. I was tired of waiting for the doctor to perform a miracle. Nothing was working. My children and I were deeply distressed and feared for the worst. I decided that I was going to take her to another hospital if nothing happened by the end of that day. Soon, the doctor walked in. 

“Doctor, what is happening? Why is she not up yet?” I asked.

“Mr. Eyong, we have tried our best. This is the best hospital in this city. Nothing seems to be working and I don’t know why.”

“Alright, in that case, I will fly her abroad. I am sure that she will get a better treatment there.”

“That would be a bright idea, Sir, but I think it would be a waste of money.”

“Waste of money? What do you mean by that, Doctor?”

“I think your wife’s problem is more of spiritual than medical. I would advise you to get a spiritualist or a good and strong man of God to intervene. Your wife needs God’s intervention.”




“Are you sure about that, Doctor?”

“Yes, I am sure.”

“Do you know of anyone?”

“Yes, I do. There is a lady who has been praying for some of my patients. She is a strange woman. No one knows where she comes from. However, her prayers are always effective.”

“Can you give me her number?”


I saved the number and called the strange lady and explained the situation to her. I told her that she had been recommended by the doctor. She was very pleased to help and said she would be at the hospital tomorrow. She was my last hope and I clung to that hope with all desperation. 

The next day, I was in the hospital with all my children when the doctor walked in with a strange looking lady with very long dreadlocks. I recognized her immediately. It was Vera. I jumped from my bed, ran to her and hugged her so tightly that I almost took the breath away from her. 

“Vera, Vera, it’s you. Where have you been?”

“I have been around, Eyong. I missed you. I am so happy to meet you again.”

“Me too, Vera. Thank God you have come. My wife is dying. Please help me.”

Vera and I could spend the whole day playing catchup. However, we would have all the time to do that later. We had an urgent issue at hand, and she had to attend to my wife as soon as possible. After she had examined my wife for a few minutes, she told me that my wife had been bewitched and it was done when she went to the village for the festival. My mind went immediately to Elvis. 

“Your wife will come back to you.” 

“Really?! Oh, thank you, Vera. What would I do without you?”

“Yes, she will be back but this time you have to fight the battle yourself. So, get prepared.”


“Yes, yourself and this time, there is going to be blood.”

“Blood? But I don’t want blood. I don’t want anyone to die.”

“You have no choice in the matter. You have to choose between killing the person responsible and live in peace thereafter or let the person live and he comes after you and your family later again.”

“So, you are saying that my friend, Elvis is going to die?”

“You suspect him?”

“I do.”

“Well, it is definitely a man who is responsible. However, I don’t know his name.”

“If it’s a man, then it is Elvis, my friend. He is a wizard and has caused me too much trouble all my life. If he has to die for me to finally have peace, then so be it. If he must die, then he must.”

“Good, Eyong. Now you are beginning to reason like a real man from Manyu. Now, listen to this. It is important that he dies, not only for your own security but also for my own liberation.”

“What are you talking about, Vera?”

“The deity I serve has refused to let me go all these years in spite of all my protestations and battles with him. Finally, he has conceded. But he has given me a condition. He said he wants blood. I would have been free from him a long time ago, but I decided that I would never shed innocent blood. However, I now think this is the perfect opportunity to give him what he wants. Your evil friend, Elvis would be the prefect sacrificial lamb.”

“What? Vera, this is more complicated than I thought. I am scared, really, really scared.”

“You are not scared enough yet, Eyong, my bosom friend. Wait until I describe to you what you have to do to bring back your wife; I mean the whole process.”

“Yes, please tell me.”

“I will have to send your spirit to the underworld. There you will go and fight for your wife’s soul.”

“Jesus Christ!!!”

“Yes, you need to call that name. You will really need Him.”

“How do I go about it?”

Vera explained to me that as we spoke, my wife’s soul was being held captive in the spiritual world. She was being tortured and that was the reason for the bleeding. I had to go there myself and save my wife. It wasn’t going to be easy but what had to be done had to be done. 

“I will show you and tell you what to do. But first, we need to take your wife home. Hospitals are of no use to her anymore. Take her home and we will carry on from there. Be courageous my friend and be prayerful. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” She spoke.

“I know that line. It’s from Morte D’arthur by Alfred Lord Tennyson.” I said, smiling in spite of my troubles.

“Your big head hasn’t forgotten that yet?”

“What is it with you and Addie and my head?” I asked, playfully annoyed.

“But is your head not big?” She asked, laughing.

“I am a fine man, and you know it?”

“In your dreams.”

The next day, we took Addie home. Vera gave me strict instructions. She said I should place her in a room where nobody can see or disturb her. That was not a problem because I lived in a very big house with many rooms. Also, my children were told that their mum needed to go through some spiritual processes to make her regain consciousness. They were told to go live with my mum until everything was over. Vera and I planned to carry out the process that night.

Around 6:00 PM, after my children had already gone, Vera and I went into the room where my wife was kept and locked the doors behind us. The secret ritual was about to begin, and I was both afraid and scared. 

“Now, I have created a communication link between your wife and you. She can’t talk to you, but you can talk to her. So, speak to her of your tender loving kindness. Tell her you love her. Tell her you miss her and need her back. Tell her you cannot leave without her.” Vera instructed. 

“My wife already knows I love her. Why do I need to say all these.” I asked.

“It is important because she is very far away and feels abandoned. Her body might be here but her spirit is in a distant land, in another dimension altogether. She is losing hope by the minute, and she is beginning to come to the reality that she may never return. She is angry and sad. She feels that you have abandoned her. You need to tell her these reassuring words so that she would be reassured. Her spirit will be revitalized. Hope will be restored and the return journey back to our world would be easier.” Vera explained.

“Just that?”

“Just that.”

“Alright, that’s easy.”

I moved closer to the bed where Addie, my wife laid. I looked at her beautiful face. I knelt down, brought my face close to her and talked to her.

“Addie, my beautiful wife. You know how much I love you. You have been my friend and sister since our childhood days. We have fought many battles together and we have always triumphed. Please come to me. Come back to me. I miss you terribly. Your children also miss you. We want you back, please.” 

As soon as I finished saying that she stirred a bit and then became still again. Vera smiled and came forward.

“She has heard you and that is why she stirred. Your voice was like whispers in the dark to her, but it has refreshed her. She is waiting for you. Now, take off your clothes.”

“What? I should take off my clothes?”

“Yes, you can’t go there dressed up. Don’t worry, you don’t need to take off your boxers.” She smiled when she saw the relief in my eyes.

I took of my clothes down to my boxer. After that, I was instructed to lay on my back. After I had done that, Vera brought a dark liquid, shook it and walked towards me. Then she spoke.

“I am sending you to the spiritual world now. It isn’t very different from us. When you get there, you will see two bunches of bananas, one will be ripe and the other will still be green. Avoid the ripe one. Instead, go to the green one and take a finger. Eat it raw and do not mind about the taste. Walk straight ahead and you will see a big ancient house. It is painted white. That house has been there since the beginning of time. That house is a gateway to many other spiritual worlds. That is where your wife is being held. You will find the house empty, except of course, you will find your wife there, bound. Take her and return. I will be watching you and I will help bring you back. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do.”

“The inhabitants of that land are humans who practice witchcraft. The house is the abode of their spirits. When they die, that is where they will go. There they will stay until the last day when they will be condemned and sent to hell to burn for eternity. They already know their fate and that is why they are so wicked and ruthless. Now, some of the inhabitants are witches who are already dead. You might encounter them though it is very unlikely because they sleep in the day and are only mostly active at night. If and when you do, take this dagger and stab anyone who comes close. They will retreat and never return.”

“Can’t I just kill them?” I asked.

“Nope, they are spirits. They can never be killed. They can only be bound and sent away. That is why even men of God don’t say that spirits should die when they pray. Instead, they bind them. However, if a human’s spirit who is still alive attacks you, use the same sword and stab the person. His spirit will retreat in anguish and regret. That is because his body will die in this world.”

“I understand.”

“It is now nighttime here. However, when you get there, it will be daylight. They operate in a different dimension. Time runs differently there. Now it’s time for you to go.”

She poured the liquid in my eyes and at that same moment, I became unconscious. Next thing I knew, I was in a strange land. The land Vera had just talked about. I saw the two bunches of bananas and did as I was instructed. I ran forward and saw a big white house. The house looked ancient and mysterious, and fear gripped me. However, fear would do me no good at that moment. Since the main door of the house was opened, I ran inside and at the center of what seemed to be a large ancient hall, I saw my wife lying on the floor. She was bound hands and feet. 

I had no time to waste. I ran forward and, with the dagger I had been given, I cut the ropes that were used to tie her. She was very weak and couldn’t even recognize me. I carried her and ran out of the place. I was now in the open and didn’t know what to do next. I needed to go back to our world as soon as possible before they found out that their secret sanctuary had been invaded. As I stood there with Addie in my arms, waiting for Vera to take me back, Elvis appeared in front of me.

“Eyong!! I have always known there was something abnormal about you. How did you find this place? How did you get here?” He asked. 

“The love for my wife showed me the way. The same wife you tried to kill.” I said in anger. 

“Oh! So, you think you have freed her? You haven’t. How are you going to get out of here. You are trapped and now you are completely in my power. No one can help you here. This is very far from earth. You are a dead man, Eyong.” He laughed.

“Dare me, dare me, Elvis. This is where everything ends. For far too long have you plagued my wife and I. Today, you will die. Today, everything ends.”

He rushed towards me, and we started fighting. Spirit against spirit. He was more versed with life in the spiritual realm so, he had a great advantage over me. He gave me a chokehold around my neck and was draining life out of me. With my last strength and with all desperation, I pulled the dagger from its sheath and was about to stab him but he knocked it off my hand and it fell in the grass. I knew I was going to die. I felt life draining from me and I prayed Vera could come to my rescue but she didn’t. Then, I felt Elvis froze and then gave a loud howl like that of a wolf that had been wounded. He had been stabbed in the back by Addie who had picked the dagger from where it had fallen.

I disengaged myself from him. He staggered for a few seconds, pain in his eyes. Then he dropped on the ground and he was dead. There was blood in his mouth and nostrils. Very quickly, I grabbed Addie but I was too weak to walk and I collapsed. When I woke up, I was back to our world and Addie was beside me, smiling. We were both back and we were both alive and well. 

That was the story of my wife, Addie and me. We went through a lot in our marriage because of one person, Elvis. Finally, we got rid of him in the most spiritual and mysterious way. Elvis was buried in his compound and no one ever found out what happened to him. His wife said she heard him shouting in his sleep. When she rushed to his bedside to find out what was happening, she found him unresponsive with blood in his mouth and nostrils. He was already dead.

Vera had paid her debt to her deity. She was now free and could now fulfill her long lost dream of marrying and raising kids.

Three months later, I sent my wife on vacation to the UK. She has been there now for eleven months and would be returning next week. When she arrives, we plan on going to church and do a special thanksgiving to God for preserving our lives and for protecting us all these years.


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