Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Conception Control

Episode 7

“The child your wife just gave birth to is not yours. She cheated on you and got pregnant. Your wife has been cheating on you for a long time. Unfortunately for her, she got pregnant. She did not know how to tell you and that was why she deceived you to come to the hospital for artificial fertilization about nine months ago. The baby is not yours, it belongs to another man.” The doctor said to Justice who was standing under a shade in the hospital premises. The afternoon sun was shinning brightly and Justice was resting under the shade after running around to buy some items needed for the new baby.

“Doctor, what are you talking about? What do you mean the baby is not mine? Are you out of your mind?” Justice asked, standing up from where he was seated in the driver’s seat of his car. A loud music was playing from the car. He lowered it as the implication of what the doctor was saying downed on him. 

“What exactly do you mean when you say the baby is not mine? How do you come about this information? How do you know my wife cheated on me? When did she cheat on me and with which man?” Justice asked with an agitated voice. He was worried and angry at the same time. He started to raise his voice but the doctor urged him to calm down and listen to him to the end.

“I said the child your wife just gave birth to does not belong to you biologically. Your wife cheated on you with another man who got her pregnant.” The doctor repeated what he earlier said for emphasis.

“What evidence do you have? How do you intend to prove this heavy allegation against my wife? Besides were you not the person who conducted the artificial fertilization with my liquid fertilizer stored in your facility? How come you are now telling me the baby does not belong to me when you know exactly how my wife got pregnant in this same hospital? How do you intend to prove this?” Justice asked.

“I have ample evidence. I can prove to you beyond any reasonable doubt that the baby is not yours. But first, there is someone I would like you to meet.” The doctor said as he beckoned at Iyke who was standing afar from the shade.

“My name is Iyke and I’m your wife’s boyfriend. I got her pregnant and the baby she just gave birth to belongs to me, not you. I’m here to take my baby. I know I’m not as rich as you are, but I can take care of my child. So please, do me a favour by handing over the child to me without any delay.” Iyke said with so much confidence. He was so angry after Emilia paid Jake to have him detained in an uncompleted build, so he was brewing for revenge.

As soon as he finished talking, Justice removed his phone from his back pocket and wanted to call the police, but the doctor convinced him not to.

“There is no point calling the police to arrest the young man. If I were you, I will be more interested in listening to him to know if what he said is the truth. Getting him arrested would complicate the whole matter.” The doctor said.

“What gave him the audacity to tell me to my face that he is dating my wife? That’s arrogance. I need to teach him a lesson This young man needs to be locked up.” Justice said angrily. His voice was as loud as a megaphone.

“There is no need for anyone to be locked up. If you lock him up, you may never know the truth about the father of the child that just arrived.” The doctor advised.

“Young man, do you have evidence to prove that you and my wife were dating? How do I know you are telling me the truth? If I find out this is a lie, you will regret it because I will show you pepper.” Justice said. Iyke beckoned at Edna was still standing after from the shade.

“My name is Edna. I and your wife are friends. She once confided in me that she was pregnant for Iyke. In fact, she had said she was coming home to confess it to you. She said she was sure you would forgive her. I’m shocked you don’t know that the baby does not belong to you. Please, sir, Iyke is saying the truth. Give him the baby, he is the true father.” Edna said with a calm voice.

“None of you have given me evidence that my wife cheated on me or that she ever dated this young man here. All you are saying is gossip. If you say my wife cheated on me and that the baby does not belong to me, I want you to prove it with concrete evidence that is incontrovertible. If you can prove my wife’s unfaithfulness to me, I will gladly hand the baby to you. But for now, all of you are still blabbing.” Justice said with anger written all over his face.

“Do you have a card reader in your car?” Iyke asked.

“Yes I do.” Justice responded.

“Please insert this memory card in it and play it.” Iyke said as he hands Justice the card containing a recording of Emilia’s voice where she was telling her friend Edna of being pregnant. 

Justice collected the card, played it to everyone’s hearing. He was shocked when he heard Emilia’s voice. He was dumbfounded. At first, he thought he was dreaming and he had to pinch himself to be sure he was awake.

“I also have another evidence.” The doctor said. Justice turned to look at him.

“I did not do any artificial fertilization for your wife. She was already pregnant when you brought her to the hospital. She paid me to shut up.” The doctor confessed.

“So if you did not tell me the truth then, why are you telling me now?” Justice asked.

“I was going to keep shut, until your wife paid someone to detain me in an uncompleted building. I’m determined to let you know the truth as a pay back to her.” The doctor said with strong voice.

Justice left the shade and walked into the hospital. When he got there, Emilia was already awake and she was holding the baby, though she was still lying on the bed. She looked at Justice with a broad smile, but she quickly noticed that her husband was not smiling.

“I want a DNA test on this baby.” Justice said to Emilia.

Watch out for episode 8.

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