Thursday, November 02, 2023

The Conception Control


Episode Four

It has been six months since Emilia successfully covered her pregnancy secret. Life has been good and her husband has showered her with so much love and money. The first semester has ended and she was back home enjoying life with her husband. Justice also took a break from work to stay at home and spend some quality time with his pregnant wife. After all, the company he works for belongs to him, so he has nothing to worry about. So, for the next three months, he has asked his staff not to disturb him with anything except there are urgent issues they cannot resolve on their own.

Because they were spending more time together, Justice and Emilia’s marriage and bond became very strong. They did everything together. They took trips to the zoo and did other recreational activities that helped them to bond strongly. There was so much love in the air.

One Sunday evening, Emilia received a phone call from the medical doctor who helped her cover her secret at the fertility clinic.

“I need another N2 million from you. I want you to transfer it to the same account you transferred the other one. I want it done within 24 hours.” The doctor said over the phone. His voice sounded like that of an army general barking orders at a low-ranking recruit. He hung up as soon as he finished saying what he was saying without giving much explanation as to why he wanted the money. Emilia thought he was joking, so she did not act on what the doctor said. The next day, the doctor called again.

“I didn’t see the alert of the N2 million I demanded from you. Why didn’t you send the money?” The doctor asked Emilia.

“Please, what is the money for? I paid you the amount we agreed. Why are you asking for another payment?” Emilia asked with a strong voice. She was alone, drinking red wine under a shade in the large compound.

“You will have to settle me with N2 million monthly if I must keep shut up and seal my lips about your secret. This is the last warning. If you fail to do as I say, I will call your husband and spill the beans. I will call him as early as tomorrow money and tell him of how you got pregnant for another man and tricked him into believing that the baby you are carrying belong to him.” The doctor said. Again, his voice sounded like that of a military chief talking to a subordinate. He hung the phone before Emilia could get the chance to say more.

“What am I going to do right now? This man wants to ruin my marriage. In fact, he wants to ruin my life. I did exactly what we agreed. Why is he blackmailing me and asking for another N2 million after the first one I transferred to him. I’m in deep trouble. I must not allow him to tell my husband the truth. If he opens my secret, my life will be ruined. I will send the money to him. But how am I going to keep sending him N2 million monthly? This is greed!” Emilia said to herself. She immediately lost appetite and dropped the cup of red wine on the table. She stood up painfully and walked into the house with her left hand supporting her waist. The pregnancy is now very large, and each time she takes a step, she feels very weak.

When she got into the house, she picked up her phone and made the transfer as instructed by the medical doctor. After sending the money, she called him but he did not pick up. He only sent her a text message.

“I have received the money. This is just the beginning. Please, start preparing the one for next month. I don’t want to use my mouth and ask you next month. Just send the money on the 30th of every month. If you fail, I will your secret to a radio station and broadcast it to the whole world.” The doctor said in the text message. After reading the message, Emilia quickly deleted it because she did not want a situation whereby her husband would stumble on it.

On the evening of that same day, Emilia got a call from her boyfriend in school.

“You think I don’t know that the baby you are carrying belongs to me? Why did you do this to me? You discovered you were pregnant for me and you pinned the baby on another man? Emilia you are so heartless.” Said Iyke, for that was his name.

“Iyke, I’m not carrying your baby. The baby belongs to my husband. Don’t ever call my line and say that rubbish to me again. I have warned you to stay away from my life. Whatever happened between us was just a mistake. We were just having fun. You are not the type of man I hang out with in the first place. Is it because I allowed you to touch me? What gave you the authority to talk to me in that manner?” Emilia aksed with so much anger in her voice. She wondered why the blackmailers are after her at once.

“I have an audio to play for you. Please listen carefully and think properly before talking to me with a loud voice.” Iyke said calmly. He played an audio which sounded familiar. When Emilia searched her brain, she remembered that the audio carried the exact words she told her friend Edna in school the first day she discovered that she was pregnant.

“Edna gave this to you right? Edna has exposed me! She has ruined my life.” Emilia said painfully. She started weeping pitifully. She remembered how she has been of help to Edna to the extent of paying her first semester school fees when she was broke. She even fed Edna for several months. It was painful in her heart that Edna betrayed her and is teaming up with Iyke to blackmail her.

“What do you want? Name your price.” Emilia said to Iyke. She was crying and Iyke could hear her sobs.

“I don’t want money. Money is not everything. I want my baby. I want you to tell your husband the truth. Tell him who the real father of the baby is because I’m coming to pick my baby as soon as you give birth. I’m saying you should tell him in advance to avoid a misunderstanding when I come for my baby.” Iyke said.

“You know it won’t be possible to give you the baby. I’m married.” Emilia said tearfully.

“I have said my own and I won’t repeat myself. I’m coming for my baby.” Iyke said as he hung the phone.

Watch out for episode 5.

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