Showing posts with label The Wedding DJ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Wedding DJ. Show all posts

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Wedding DJ

 Episode Six

“I know you must be wondering what is happening. You must be asking yourselves what is going on. Well, you about to find out.” Sharon said as soon as she stepped into the hall and surveyed it like a supervisor. She walked majestically to the stage where Goerge was standing. Ella joined them because she was very curious to hear whatever Sharon was going to say. There was so much tension in the air and every one of them could feel it. Sharon deliberately kept them waiting before starting to talk because she wanted the two siblings to feel the tensed moment more than her.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Wedding DJ

Episode Five

“Where are you? I have been waiting for my wedding dress. My makeup is done and we are ready to go to church. What is keeping you so long? How long will it take you to drive to this place? Please hurry up because everyone is waiting for me. The officiating priest has already called my husband and we have to get to the church within the next 30 minutes.” Sharon said. She was on the phone with Ella who has failed to deliver the wedding dress as expected. She was sweating profusely and her body was shaking due to the pressure she was facing.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Wedding DJ

Episode 3

“There is something I forgot to tell you when I came here the other time.” Sharon said to George who was still spending time with his younger sister. Since he suffered heartbreak, he has refused to open his DJ shop. His sister Ella has somehow forgiven him because blood is thicker than water. He is now trying to mend his heart and get back to his feet. But it seems each time he tries to get hold of his emotions, Sharon comes in to make things worse.

The Wedding DJ

 Episode Two

“Whatever Sharon did to you serves you right. You deserve every bad thing she did to you. You deserve it 100 percent. Look at me. I finished my secondary school more than five years ago and you refused to help me to further my education. I had a very good final result and I was even admitted to study law but you refused to pay my school fees. You told me you don’t have money even though I knew very well that your DJ business was blossoming. You were doing well and you are still doing well. You did not have the money to train me in school but you had the money to train your girlfriend, Sharon. You could not pay my school fees but you had the money to buy an expensive car for your girlfriend. And yet, you call me your sister? So my dear George, I’m sorry but I have no tears to shed for you. Go and nurse your wound alone.” Ella told George harshly. She has been upset since George came to visit her. George has been heartbroken and was looking for someone to talk to but it seemed coming to Ella his younger sister was a great mistake.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Wedding DJ

Episode 1

“I don’t think I can marry you. I’m sorry George. I know you have helped me in life, but you see, I don’t think we are in the same class. I’m a university graduate and you just have a primary school certificate. I have to be sincere to you, you are not my spec. I need someone who is on the same educational level with me. Someone with a higher intelligence and a higher way of reasoning. Now that I have finished university, I cannot marry a primary school graduate. Please, I want us to end the relationship. I’m sorry, but I have to move on.” Sharon said to George who was kneeling down with a diamond ring in his right hand. He bought the engagement ring a week ago after Sharon told him she would finally return home after her final year examination.