Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Rejected Stone

 Episode Eight

“I want you guys to do a very clean job. Do not leave any stone unturned. Do not leave any traces or any information that can lead the police to our hideout. Do not fail me. Just pick him up and bring him to this place. Pick his mother up too. If his father were to be alive, I would have said you should pick him up too. If he had any children, they would have been picked up as well. If his barren wife were to return to the village today, I will have her picked up too. But for now, let us concentrate on dealing with him and his mother. I believe they planned this together and I want to show them the difference between ‘egbe and egbe.’ When you pick them up, bring them straight to this bush. I want to personally ask Madu and his mother some questions. I want to know why they treated me this way. I want to know why they treated me like a piece of rag.” The new wife said with tears in her eyes.

“If he was not interested in getting married to me, he should have told me to leave his house instead of brining me to the village to humiliate me. I was not the one who first indicated interest in getting married to him. I was on my own when his mother approached me. I did not ask anyone to take me to the city. It was his mother who was looking for a suitable wife for her son and she approached me. I followed her and her son accepted me when we got to his house in the city.” She lamented. She was so sorrowful. Each time she remembers what happened the previous night, she felt like collapsing again. She has never been humiliated that way before. It was the worse day of her life.

“Madu proposed to me. I thought he liked me not knowing he planned to make me an object of laughter in the village. Imagine the length he went to just to prove to the villagers that I’m pregnant with another man’s child. Is a bad thing to get pregnant? Beside, his wife has been barren for years. I was just trying to help him by offering him a child on a platter of gold. I didn’t know my good deed would bring me evil. But I’m about to throw it back at him.” The new wife threatened. The time is around 10am and she has been angry since she woke up from coma after collapsing the previous night. After waking up, she started planning her revenge.

She had hired boys to kidnap Madu and his mother. Madu was still in the village the morning after the fake wedding. He planned to leave in the night so that he would arrive in the city the next morning. But the new wife is hell-bent on preventing him from leaving the village. She had given the kidnappers all they needed to get the job done.

“But Madam Betty, we don’t have a car. How do we drive Madu and his mother from the long distance the hideout?” The leader of the kidnappers asked. He called the new wife by her real name which is Betty. The kidnappers are also from the village and they were prepared to do the job provided they were paid.

“He has a car. In fact, he has cars. We drove in his car from the city to the village and it is currently parked in his house. Take the car by force and bring it to the hideout. Remember, no mistakes.” Betty said. She had gone into the bush with the kidnappers so that they would make arrangements for a perfect hideout that would be difficult to find even if the whole village organized themselves into a search party. After making sure everything was set, she left the scene and returned to her father’s compound. At the appointed time, the kidnappers struck at Madu’s house. Both he and his mother were kidnapped and taken to the hideout. Betty was called to the place and she quickly rushed down with joy in her heart.

“Why did you humiliate me? Did I force you to propose to me?” Betty asked Madu. She gave him a hot slap to the face.

“Your wife is barren. Wouldn’t you have been happy if I had given birth to the baby in your house? For the past ten years, no cry of a baby has been heard in your house. For once, someone who is fertile came into your house with a baby and all you could think of was how to disgrace her before the entire village. What kind of a man are you?” Betty asked.

“I see that you instructed these boys to bring me here. You think you would force me to marry you?” Madu asked. He was not afraid. He had looked at the boys and seen that they had no guns but only cutlasses. Yet, he was still a bit careful not to get injured. He surveyed the environment carefully and continued to talk.

“I’m a man of honour and I can never accommodate treachery in my house. I thought I could accommodate you to make you my wife and to please my mother, but you are an embodiment of lies.” He said to Betty.

“Man of honour without children. When you die, who will inherit your honour and wealth?" Betty asked with a sarcastic laughter.

"You just threw away a rare opportunity to have your own child. But I will teach you a lesson so that in your next life, you will never treat any woman the way you treated me.” Betty said. She was standing while Madu and his mother were sitting on the dusty ground with their both hands tied with a single rope.

“And you this wicked old woman. You joined your son to plan evil and humiliation against me. Now, you will join him to face my wrath. You are not leaving this place until I say so and there will be no food for you and your son as long as I desire.” She said.

"Please, release us. Besides, I have nothing to do with what happened yesterday. Please, my son planned it alone." The old woman said, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

Five days later, Titi who was still in the city failed to hear from her husband and she became very worried. All his phones were switched off. She decided to call Betty.

“Hello Titi. All is not well with our husband. He is in the hospital in the village.” Betty lied as soon as she picked up Titi's call. She wanted to lure Titi to the village so as to kidnap her too.

“I’m on my way to the village.” Titi said.

Watch out for episode 9.

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