Friday, December 15, 2023

Pastor Helena

Episode 1

(How we met)

Mum and dad traveled and left me  in the house although I was a grown up man which means I could literally take care of myself. I was only 26 and I was present with my junior sister that was just 22. Everything we needed was in the house, food, clothings, and so many things. My sister was the one that loves traveling. I had a girlfriend back then but it later turned out to be that she'd been cheating on me with another man so I withdrew myself from her. 

I was done with my BSC although I was a bit chubby. Most of my friends gave me a nickname while I was still on campus "Bigi"
One thing I despise the most was being religious. I rarely go to church even while I was on campus my friends had to force me to attend if peradventure, I attend, I'd just stay outside, then look for a pretty damsel to gist with till the whole service had elapsed. The truth be told I love women and having séx was a hobby of mine regardless of not having a girlfriend. There's how I normally do it.

I go to church with my parents once in a while but I hardly enter inside the church. I'd just hang around till service was over then we head home. My dad had warned me countless times about it but I wasn't obliged, each time he'd steer up such conversation, this is what I always tell him  "I don't believe in Christianity but I believe that there's something good and there's something bad. I'm a philanthropist. I also believe that there's right and there's wrong and we should treat others the way they'd want them to treat us."

My sister and I visit my aunt primarily on weekends to spend time with them; one of her sons, "Collins," was a very dear friend of mine, and we still keep in touch. My junior sister works in a restaurant. Then what I do is that I'm good in making shoes. That's what I use to manage myself, once I get the size of your leg, I go ahead and start making the shoe, I present it to you and then I collect my cash.

I actually came across the pastor one particular day that I went to present shoes to someone, although I don't know the person but he had noticed that I was quite good at what I do. So I did what he asked and handed him the shoes, he gave me my money, and I departed. On my way back, A woman of average height stopped me. I considered ignoring her at first, but as she approached, her shape alone caused me to pay attention to her.

"Hello, my friend please can I get just 3minutes of your time if you don't mind?" she hastily asked.

"Okay. I'm victor by name. Alright I'm listening." I answered while seriously looking at her.

"Alright my friend." She answered and walked me to a spot adjusted her skirt and  then we sat down.

"Victor I'm truly sorry cos I know you must have something you're doing or probably somewhere you're heading to…." She muttered, bringing her bible alongside with a pen from her handbag.

"It's okay ma, I comprehend," I replied her.

"Okay I'm Helena by name and I'm the Pastor of Peace redemption ministries a church I started few months back. Something from the spirit actually told me to talk to you. I'm glad to have you here" she smiled while giving me a handshake.

"Okay peace redemption ministries I've heard about the church numerous times, so you're the pastor wow that's wonderful. I don't really like this religious stuff of a thing but I had to give you my attention because of the way you approached me." I swiftly retorted.

"So how do I reach out to you because this is actually our first time of seeing each other" I added while adjusting my bag.

She brought out the pen, brought out a note from her bag and gave it to me adding that I should drop my contact and address.

When I finished, she assured me she'd give me a call, then she greeted me, handed me one of her flyers and we parted ways. I was at the corner, gazing at her back view as she walked away. 

"Hmmm, what if this woman is married? Hope this is not what I'm thinking but this woman is damn good so beautiful and…, anyways let's see how this one goes." I said to mysélf.

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Episode 2

(Her first visit to my house)

Few days later she called me and sent me her church address insisting that I should come over to worship with them. But I told her I was very busy that I'd try and make it the following day.

Truth be told I had a very busy schedule that very day, one of my niece Linda came to spend some days with us, she made me some clothes cos she was very good at sewing. I kept procrastinating my promise to helena regardless of the number of times she called but I kept assuring her that I'd try.

I was the type that loves enjoying myself. I spend money lavishly, I smoke, I drink, I womanize, in short I do all manner of things just to attain self pleasure. Most of the days I go to the club with my niggas and we spend the night with the próstitutes after drinking. My sister was also the party type but she does that with her boyfriend. He takes her out, while she was playing her game, I was also playing mine.

One of the weekends pastor Helena located my house, she called me to come out to pick her up. When I sighted her, I was shocked and it was around 4pm. She was wearing a very beautiful pink top and a dark long skirt. She told me she was able to find me through the address I gave her the other day. 

I took her to the sitting room, hand her a bottle of malt but she told me she was okay, then I returned the malt.

I came back and she sat me down and brought out her bible.

"So Victor, it's really been a while and I've not seen you in church. What actually happened?  I decided to check up on you."
She questioned me.

"Pastor it's just that I've been busy lately. Business, family stuffs, friends and so many other things. Pastor I'll try and be present in church if possible this Sunday I promise." I said clutching both hands.

"Victor I want you to know that there's nothing more important than the kingdom of God. Read this verse Matthew 6:33…." She muttered while drawing closer to show me the verse.

"Okay Matthew 6:33 it says; But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." I read while staring at her chest.

"Good. From what you've read, you can see that it's actually trying to tell us that nothing in this world can be archived without having Christ in you. You have to put God first in everything you're doing. You have to surrender your life to Jesus. If I may ask, are you born again?" She kept preaching to me while looking into my eyes.


"Victor Jesus Christ is the only way to true happiness. Look at the story of Moses from the book of Exodus, how he protected the Israelites from the hands of pharaoh, had it been Christ wasn't with him, you think he could have done that? You can still look at David for instance, how he conquered the only man that everyone was afraid of with just a stone." 

She continued while I kept staring at her body. I was earnestly nodding my head and kept repeating "Okay.. Okay.. Okay.."

What she was just saying were just entering one of my ears and leaving through the other one. I just gave her my attention because of her beauty. I was just lost in thoughts as I stood motionless staring at her.

She preached and quickly remained silent.

"Victor are you with me!!!" She said while tapping my left leg.

"Oh oh, yes.. Yes sorry I was …. Oh I was actually thinking about what you…. You just said. The Matthew 6:32… Ooh 33 sorry. I almost forgot." I stutteringly answered, looking so confused.

"Victor… Are you sure you're okay." She asked looking so perplexed.

"Yes.. Yes pastor!" I quickly answered.

"Alright, hold my hands let me pray for you, I have somewhere to go now." She said. She drew closer, held my hands, and prayed for me..

"Victor hope you still remember the verse."

"Yes, Matthew 6:33, I remember." I answered.

" Alright please try and go through it okay, I'm expecting you on Sunday probably when you come, we'd discuss more." She added and I started escorting her.

"Alright see you on Sunday." She added, hopped on the bike and it took off.

I just stayed along the roadside with both hands placed inside my think blue jean trouser staring at one girl's huge áss that was passing by.

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Episode 3

(She invited me to her house)

"Hey, hey…… Hi… Ummm Good evening." I greeted her after getting her attention.

"Hello, yeah so what could be the reason for stopping me by.." She questioned me.

"I can see you're in a haste. I'm Victor by name sorry umm do you stay around cos your face doesn't look familiar to me.."

"You don't need to know everyone and besides, this is roadside and people are passing here everyday. As you can see I have somewhere I'm heading to. Talk later." She turned and walked away.

"But can I get your contact so we get in touch…" I said to her as she walked away.

"No, but you'll definitely see me around." She added.

"Mehn it is well o, see how she is even forming for me. Get out abeg, I'll look for someone else." I soliloquized and headed home.

I sighted my sister returning from work so I escorted her and we both got home that evening.

"Mehn Lizzy I'm hungry. I'm being lazy to cook nowadays, I'm thinking of going outside to buy something but now that you're here, prepare something na. Hunger dey o." I said to my sister, rubbing my tommy with my left hand.

She brought out some snacks that she bought along the way gave it to me and went to the kitchen to prepare something.

The next day day which was Sunday I couldn't wake up on time, could you believe that I woke up around 12pm before I took my bath. My sister had already left the house and I had no idea where she went knowing fully well that she wasn't the çhûrch type.

After some days, Helena called me and insisted on knowing the reason why I couldn't make it to çhûrch but I gave her thesame excuse I usually do.

She told me to come to her place that she needs to speak with me. She sent me her address and I went there the following day. I got to her house and discovered that there was  a girl of about 12yrs old staying with her but I didn't question her if she had a husband or not.

They were actually eating when I arrived she told me to join her but I said I'm fine. So when they finished she told her to excuse us. She sat me down and took her bible from the table. She was wearing a black skirt that was down to her knees alongside with a white top.

"Mehn this woman is so beautiful and she even have a child mehn ... Wow look at her legs geez" I said to myself while staring at her..

"Ummm pastor the little girl is she your daughter?" I questioned her, adjusting my wristwatch.

"Yes of course, why did you ask?"
"Ummm nothing actually, just wanted to know although you both kinda look alike." I chuckled.

"Haha yes that's what everyone always tells me. It's alright let's go to the main reason while I called you here."  She exhaled, stood up, adjusted her skirt and sat down.

"Ada!" She called.

"Yes mummy" 

"Pls go and get me a can of water from the freezer."

Ada quickly delivered the water to her and left us..

"Victor, I'm not really impressed with your actions so far. Regardless of everything I told you, I've not seen you in çhûrch. Victor what's wrong, I want you to be part of our family, if possible to join the choir team or the ushers… I want you to do something for Christ. Victor open this verse and read it very well. I Corinthians 1:30-31." She said and gave me the bible.

"Okay 1 Corinthians 1:30-31 say's; But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is  made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption vs 31 reads;  That according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord." 

"Okay so what do you think that passage is trying to tell us?" She said, while drawing closer.

"It's actually trying to tell us that if we are with Christ we are already sanctified, that we should always sing and rejoice for him regardless of every obstacles that comes our way,"

"Good.. Good now let me ask you something. Do you know that when you're with Christ, you will never lack?" She asked.

"Okay… pastor." I answered.

"Victor I remember asking you a question the other day and you didn't give me an answer. I asked if you're born again."

"Oh the thing is that I've not given my life to Christ." I answered while diligently placing my left hand on her laps because she was very close to me.

"Victor! I want you to give your life to Christ. God wants you to come and serve him I remembered when I hadn't given my life to Christ, I did a lot of awful things.. But now I'm sanctified." She continued preaching.

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Episode 4

(Some weird moments )

She quickly removed my hands.

"Victor, that reminds me, you'll be following me to church this evening, Three hours praise and worship with God. Something drastic is going to happen this evening and I want you to be part of it. So you'll just exercise some patience till it gets to 4pm. As you can see it's almost 3:30pm, then when service is over, you can take your leave. I should be expecting another visitor few minutes from now. Hold on let me go and change, I'll be right back." She said and exited the room.

"Mehn women and church, it is well. This woman still wants to drag me to church. This woman don't know me, she don't even know what I'm capable of. It's alright let me just follow her to church so it won't look as if I'm snubbing her again. But wait oo, this beautiful woman I think she should have a husband. Because if she doesn't, then I'll try and shoot my shot cos me I no dey carry last for stuffs like this. No be today I dey the game. But this  too much preaching I just hope she won't drive me away or probably get annoyed if I do anything weird in front of her hmmm." I said to myself, pressing my phone.

After a while, she escorted a young lady and a man inside and three of them sat down.

"Victor this is Sandra, she's one of our choir in church, and meet Daniel one of our member as well, I invited them just the way I'm inviting you and today they're a living testimony the lord has done a lot of wonderful things for them." Pastor added.

"Greetings Mr Victor we are all members of peace redemption ministries a çhûrch she founded three months ago and we'll be glad to have you as one of us, we'd be having our three hours praise and worship service this evening and I wouldn't want you to miss this." Daniel said.

"Yes it's really going to be wonderful." Sandra added.

I was just staring at them.

"Alright let's be going I believe we are all prepared." Pastor muttered.

We all stood up and assembled to her car including ada. 

Pastor said she forgot something, she quickly rushed in, came out, locked the door and joined us. She started the car and drove off. 

I sat on the back seat and I was on my earpiece till we finally got there.

We got there and service had already started, they prayed for hours while I was just observing the whole place. After all the prayers, they handed the mic to pastor and she preached for a while before service dispensed. That was around 8:30pm.

Pastor quickly rushed to meet me. she knew something was wrõng because of how I kept my face.

"Victor I know we've exhausted much time, I'm sorry for that. I know I told you we'd be spending three hours and it exceeded almost 5hours…"

"But I told you from the beginning that I'm not the church type I actually came because of how you talked to me and I didn't expect this service to last this long…. It's late already and seeing a vehicle that will take me to my place isn't going to be easy at all." I said to her, staring at her.

"Okay okay hold on. Just stay for a while let me address my members I should wrap up everything probably in the next 30minutes pls. When I'm done then we'll go home together." She added and left.

After 30minutes, she came back with her daughter and told me to join them in the car. So I sat close to her in the front seat and Ada sat down on my legs.

We got home and she apologized again, about the service that exceeded four hours. I assured her it was fine with me because I didn't mind. After that, she showed me one of the rooms and said I could sleep there, and also took me to the bathroom and said I could take my bath there.

I simply nodded and she left, she told me that she's going to take her bãth.

I felt like I was on top of the world on the inside, but I made my face look as if I wasn't.

When I entered the room, I shut the door and started jumping up like a happy cat.

I quickly got undressed, knot one of the wrappers on my waist and went to the bathroom to take my bath.

I came out, got to the room to freshen up. I wore only my Jean and vest. To allow fresh air to saturate my whole body.

I strolled to the last bathroom at the far end and realised that it was pastor that was inside bathing.

I heard her unlocking the door,  I quickly ran to the room, and was peeping her through the room door. She came out from the bathroom half nãked. She was covering some part of her body with the little towel she was holding. I could see her breãsts.

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Episode 5

(She came to my room that evening)

"Victor, Victor.." she called my name. Meanwhile I was acting like I wasn't hearing her. I just stood there observing her.

"Victor we need to pray before you sleep. I'm coming there just hold on don't sleep yet." She said, wrapped her body with the towel left the bathroom…

I collapsed on my bed and muttered to myself "how do I make this woman to fall for me or if possible to fall in love with me knowing fully well that she's a pastor. Mehn! I so much admire this her exceptional beauty. Talk more of her curves, her breãsts and so on. So succulent…."

After a while she came knocked my door and I opened up. She then entered my room. She wore a very green light gown. "Victor I said something earlier before I left the bathroom, I don't know if you heard what I said.."  She muttered, holding her Bible and sitting on my bed.

"Ummm I heard you mentioned something about prayer." I said to her while imagining the unimaginable, staring at her smooth skin from her chest down to her hips.

"Yes please go and call Ada for me so that she can be part of it." She said.

I left the room, while she continued to flip through her Bible.

I saw Ada still playing in her room, then I carried her to the room.

"Alright so Ada close your eyes it's time for praise and worship. Victor do likewise." She muttered and they all closed their eyes excluding me. 

She prayed for approximately 30minutes before they shed the grace. Then she instructed Ada to go to bed. Immediately she was about leaving I held her left hand and said to her.

"Ummm pastor. There's something that I want to tell you…" 

"Okay so go on I'm listening. What's it about, feel free…" She said..

"Mehn what do I ask her now… Let me look for something eye catching to discuss with her. Mehn I so much admire this her beauty" I said to myself.

"Ummm Pastor you said back then when you hadn't given your life to Christ, you said you did some awful things… Would you love to share." I questioned her without letting go of her hand. 

She sat down and said to me.

"Victor you know living an ungodly life is something that can take you away from God. Yes I did alot of awful things, back then I go to clubs, I drink, I was fornicating in short, all manner of hõrrible things before I had an encounter with God.

"Ummm please sorry for this my question. Why do many people always say that fornicating is a sïn. What's wrõng for someone to have a partner that he or she is having a romantic relationship with?" I questioned her.

"Alright. Good question. Fornicating is a huge sin against God why? Let me use David as a scenario. You remember the lady that David slept with in the Bible?"

"Yes I remember." I said drawing myself very close to her.

"Okay, do you know that God was very ãnnoyed with him.. After all the blessings God had gifted him, God was so annoyed with him to the extent that David started bêgging for forgiveness. Fornicating is a spirit and once the spirit is there, such person is already separated from Christ. Do you know what would've happened had it been Joseph slêpt with Potiphar's wife?"

"Okay so it's the sêx that's the sin not the relationship. Isn't it?" I said, and quickly placed my left hand on her shoulders.

"Victor this is hard for you to understand. And you can't understand everything now no matter how hard I try. The only thing that God accepts is mãrriage. When you're married, you can do whatever you want with your partner But those doing any other thing aside being married will definitely separate them from God. Fornicating is a huge sin.

"Okay pastor ummmm. Ummmmm  what if.. Ummm what if…" I kept searching for the right word to use.

"Yes go on.. I'm all ears." She muttered.

"Pastor Please I hope my questions are not going too far.. I hope you know what I mean" I said. I was already lost in thoughts. I was just thinking of weird ways to ask her the questions I had in mind.

"No no no it's okay, as a true child of God learning never ends." She said while looking at me.

"Ummm pastor but it's not a wrong thing to admire someone either isn't it?" 

"Yeah sure, it's normal to admire someone. You know we are humans and it's the way we position, align… The way we maintain ourselves that matters. But as long as it doesn't lead to fornication thenj there's nothing wrõng with it." She said.

"Okay pastor. What if I tell you I'm admiring you right now?"

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Episode 6

(I tried to open up to her)

"Victor it's midnight you need to rest. Goodnight." She said and quickly stood up from the bed. Went to turn off the lights and exited the room.

I remained silent as she left the room.
I brought out my phone and called my sister and she picked the call.

"Big bigi this one you didn't sleep at home today.. You've had a new girlfriend I guess."

"No naa, it's the pastor I told you about the other day. I'm in her house, she invited me to church and they closed late so she insisted that I should follow home because getting a vehicle that will take me home isn't going to be easy. That's how it happened."

"Alright see you tomorrow then."
"Ummm don't know if I'll be coming tomorrow. Let's see how it goes."

'Why? Bigi I don't trust you o. I know there's something fishy that's making you not to leave. It's alright it's your choice."

"You can't just understand. It's hard to explain. Hope you've heard from dad."

"Don't worry much. We'll talk probably tomorrow or next."
Call ended.

I started watching a movie titled "Titanic" I  finished it and I wasn't feeling sleepy. I strolled to the parlour and everywhere was calm, I only saw pastor's Bible on top of the table.

I was just loitering about before I noticed Helena's room. I silently opened the door and realised that she had slept off.

I brought out my phone and took some photos of her, during the process my hand mistakenly hit some, it fell and made a very loud noise. But she didn't wake up, she only switched position and continued her sleep.

I opened the door and crept out of her room closing the door leniently to avoid her from noticing before heading to my bed. 

The next morning after the morning devotion, I told her I want to leave but  she insisted on me staying. She said I should stay for some days so that I could get acquainted to the church activities then I agreed. So I strolled out and told her I'd be returning soon, while she took Ada to school.

After staying there for over three days, I noticed that she no longer comes to my room as usual. I was thinking maybe it was because of the silly question I asked her the other day and she often had visitors. I could vividly attest to it that she loves praying and speaking in tongues.  

When I told her about my job, she contracted me to be making shoes for her and to some of her members. 

And most of my customers had called me several times to deliver shoes to them so I had to deliver the shoes to avoid losing their trust. When I realised that staying would give me an edge over my business, then I decided not to leave.

She told me to follow her to church so I did as instructed when service was over, she pleaded with me to exercise some patience that she had a little meeting with some of her members. Before she wrapped up everything, time was almost clocking 4pm. Meanwhile church started by 9am. That was actually the first time on Sunday that a pastor invited me to church and attended without hesitating.

When we got home. She went to the kitchen to prepare something, after cooking for a while, I went to her room. I sat on her bed and started putting on an act by praying and speaking in tongues.

She heard my voice and left what she was doing. She came to meet me in her room.

"Wow Wow Wow! Victor I love this. Victor I so much love this. I never knew you could pray… You're even speaking in tongues wow keep the fire burning.. I'm coming let me finish preparing the rice I'll come and join you." She said, closed the door a little and left.

When she finished cooking, she came to join me and I told her I'm already tired.

"Alright I've prepared something you need to eat. This thing you just did, you need to give it a continuous practice. If you can be be burning the fire everyday you'll realise that chains will begin to break, things will begin to change in your life. It has happened to me so many times." She said and sat close to me on the bed.

"But pastor I want to ask you something. Please don't be offended…" I said to her.

"What is it?" 

"I only see you and Ada. Are you married or something because I've not seen your husband….."

"Actually, I'm a single mother. It's actually a long story but let's keep that story for another day. Let's focus on what we were saying."

"But pastor….."


"Pastor….. pastor… The thing is that…"

"What is it Victor, speak up like a man! What is it?"

"What I told you the other night I really mean it. But you just walked away without saying anything. You haven't given me a response up till now. The truth is I think about you everyday and we are very close." I muttered, placing my right hand on her shoulder.

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Episode 7

(Cràzy moments with her)

"Victor…." She called my name, removed my hands and quickly stood up from the bed..

"Yes pastor.." I quickly answered.

"Victor… what has came over you? Are you taking advantage of the fact that I allowed you in to live with me?" She said giving me a serious look.

"But you said it's normal to admire someone."

"Please please please please. I have other things to do. I don't have time for this your questions. And that aspect you said you think about me, you need to discard it because makes no sènse at all.. Think about Christ instead. Food is ready.. Dish for yourself and eat. I'm going to take my bath and change this clothes." She said and walked away. Leaving me speechless.

"Mehn this woman is a hard nut to crack but I won't easily give up on her. I'll keep on trying. Look at her àss, look at how she's well packaged chaai." I said to myself, crossing both hands on my head. I brought out my phone and started viewing the photos.

After a while I went to the kitchen, I dished some of the rice she cooked and I took it to the dinning to eat. When I finished eating, time had exceeded 6pm. And I could hear her bathing. I made my way to the bathroom door I tried to see if I could locate any hole to peep her but found none. 

"But if I open the door what would be her reaction? will she get annoyed or probably yell at me? because the door wasn't completely shut" series of thoughts ran through my head.

"No no no let me just pretend as if I want to ask her something."

"Ummmmm pastor, I want to ask you something." I cleared my throat.

"Victor as you can see I'm bathing. Hold on let me finish with what I'm doing ." She said and continued her bath.

"Okay…." I left.

She finished and came out of the bathroom. She quickly called my name.


"Yes pastor." I answered, and staring at the while towel that she wrapped her body with.

"Victor, you've been acting weird recently. What has came over you? The other day you told me you think about me, that you're admiring me. And today, you said you want to ask me something knowing fully well that I was still inside the bathroom. Victor!"

"Yes pastor."

"Victor I think something is wrong. Are you sure you're alright?"


"Victor I need you to have it at the back of your mind that I'm a pastor. I remember telling you from the beginning that I'm the founder of peace redemption ministries. Don't get carried away from Christ. Seek the kingdom of God first and every other thing shall be added onto you. So you better behave yourself." She muttered and walked to her room.

"And don't forget our evening prayers. Do well to come. I believe you know how we normally do it. Come by 7pm." She added.

After all her rants, I left the house and strolled outside. "Mehn since I came to this woman's house I've not hàd sex. Geez for over a week now, I rarely go a week without séx. This can't continue I need to do something about this. Mehn with the way the pastor is behaving, I don't think I can succeed with my plans. I need to look beyond that. If possible to spend the night in one of the hotels I'll do it. This sèx urge is becoming so serious." 

After so many thoughts, I strolled and stopped a man that was passing by.

"Greetings. Please do you have any ideas of any club that is closeby."

"Yes there's one but not that far though.."
He gave me the location and I went to the place.

Then after observing the whole place, I bought one bottle of beer and went back home. My plan was to be going there often.

"I don't know why pastor is just being so stingy for something that I can easily get without stress. Sha I'll continue to shoot my shot. They said the patient dog eats the fattest bone. I'll keep on waiting."

While I was in my room drinking my beer, pastor opened the door and sat close to me. She was with her bible and she wore a plain top and light shorts.

I tried hiding the beer but I couldn't. She caught me red handed.

"Victor…. I know you left the house even if you didn't inform me. So it's actually because of this thing you're holding that made you to leave the house by this time?"

"Pastor I actually went to check up on someone."

"Victor…. You're gradually changing. This wasn't the victor I saw on the way. This wasn't the victor I invited to my church. Victor this thing you're drinking is so so bad…. What came over you!" She muttered and took the drink from my hands

"This woman is really driving me crazy. She's so hot. I need to do something." I said to myself.

"Victor you need to change. I can see you diverting from Christ. This thing is purely alcoholic. It kîlls. It shortens one's lifespan. I'm supposed to be sleeping right now but I couldn't. I had to talk to you. I had to check up on you. I'm already on my night wears as you can see. Victor you need to change."

"Pastor I tried explaining everything to you but you paid deaf ears so I decided to mind my own business." I answered her, staring at her chest down to her breàsts. I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Victor…. Please explain how. I invited you to join me in the prayer session, but you were absent. Do you know what the time is saying right now? Victor this isn't the right thing for you to do.. Take open this bible to the book of Genesis 2:20-21…." 

Immediately she drew closer to hand me the bible, I gripped her tightly and locked my lips with hers.

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Episode 8

(I later left her house)

She slapped me and warned me not to repeat such despicable act. She also added that I should delete anything on my mind that is not of Christ before she left. Regardless of how many times I attempted to explain, she said she can't pay attention to things that aren't in God's plan..

That slap alone had been reminiscing on my mind. For the first time, I was slapped by a lady. When she went to church on Tuesday, she Insisted on taking me along as usual but I bluntly refused and told her otherwise. She knew I was very annoyed. I replied her that since she doesn't want to give me her attention then the next thing I had in mind is leaving the house. 

When she came back, she came with some visitors and she entertained them, they even spent the night with us then later left the next morning. 

Immediately they left, I started arranging my little luggage. When she came she wasn't happy at all.

"Pastor I'm tired already. Thanks for patronizing my shoe business I think I should be going now." I said to her while arranging my stuffs.

"Victor it's okay, I'm sorry about last time. You know I've been busy, I actually made those statements because I was so annoyed with you. Regardless of all my preachings you still gat the audacity to try such! Victor it makes no sense at all! What were you thinking?"

"I'm not forcing you to stay I understand. You're a grown up man already. But you can come visit anytime you want okay, you are always welcome. But please always be present in church mostly on Sundays I want to be seeing you please. This coming Sunday I want to see you."

"I will try. I believe you already know my place and you can also be checking up on me from time to time. And another thing try and be online on watsapp so I can talk to you?"

"Yeah I'll try probably next week I'll create a time for that. You know I'm a pastor and I'm the busy type but during the evening I should be online I guess. If you message me by that time I'll definitely reply. Alright goodluck. What about your parents hope they're fine?

"Ummm they're fine. Thanks. Pastor you're looking so stunning I'll chat you up. Bye take good care of yourself."

"Thank you. Just hold on let me take you to the nearest bus stop with my car." She said, heading towards the parlour to get her car keys.

So she assisted me with the little bag and took me to the nearest bus stop. I appreciated her then she left.

I boarded a bus from there and headed home. I got home around 3pm. I was so surprised seeing some visitors in the house. I went to meet my sister whom I saw cooking in the kitchen.

"Peace, the visitors, what are they doing here because I don't just understand."

"Oh you even came and you couldn't inform me that you'd be coming today. Anyway you're back I'm glad. As for the visitors, they'd be leaving soon."

"Who is that fine woman I'm seeing there. I bet she should be married."

"Yes of course. Please don't even think of shooting your shot. She's married and a very good friend of mine at that. What about that your pastor. I could sènse that there's something fishy between you and the woman. Imagine you didn't return home for almost two weeks. Bigi I know you very well hope you know."

I smiled.

"Peace funny you. It's alright. For now let me come and eat I'm starving."

So I ate and went to sleep.

I messaged pastor around 6pm but she didn't respond to it..

After some days, pastor called me.

"Pastor. I've been messaging you but you haven't replied. I've missed you. I've missed those your messages. When are you coming over to check up on me… I'm so eager to see you. You know it's been days already.."

"Oh really then let's see how this Friday goes. But you didn't come to church last week Sunday. What happened?" She questioned me.

"I was kinda ill. Not feeling too good. But this coming Sunday I'll try. Pastor what about my shoes should I still bring more?"

"Be healed in the mighty name of Jesus. Don't worry Jesus has already set you free. Don't worry when I come on Friday we'd talk. Can I spend a day with you guys there? and mind you, I'm also coming with ada, you know she disturbs alot. There's alot of scriptures I need to feed you with. You need to be connected to the spirit."

"Yes yes sure. You can come with her. Anticipating your return ma." I beamed with excitement.

"Alright then.. What about your parents. The other day I came I didn't see them. Hope they're fine?"

"They actually travelled. They're fine."

"Alright see you then."

"Alright pastor."

Call ended.

"Wow, wow, wow. Mehn today's Tuesday. I need to arrange the house. Pastor is coming on Friday woo, wooow, wooohoooo. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!" I shouted, leaped up and rolled round my bed like a delighted cat..

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Episode 9

(She came to my house)

I took my time to arrange the house, I told my sister about it and she joined me to arrange the house. Then I later went outside for drinking, I drank till I almost got drunk and came back to sleep.

I had so many dreams about pastor, in many of the dreams, I slept with her, and she was very easy to get but in reality she was a hard nut to crack. Meanwhile the kiss had been reminiscing on my mind.

"I don't really know if she was the one purposely playing hard to get, but I'll still keep on trying. I guess I've prepared the house already and everywhere is looking decent." I told myself.

I later called her on Thursday, telling her how much I've missed her, she told me to focus on Christ. She added that the time I'm using to think about her, I should use it to study my Bible. I got annoyed and aborted the call.

My sister kept smiling seeing me calling her often, I told her she shouldn't think otherwise, that she's just a pastor. 

Then she replied me. "Bigi, you know you're my brother and I know you very well when it comes to stuffs like this. I know you're having interest on her. I could sense it.. With the way you kept calling her it's obvious."

"Okay fine I agree. She will be coming today. I believe you already know what you're supposed to do. I don't need to tell you." I said to her, winking my left eye.

"Fine. Fine. In short when she comes I'll leave the house for the two of you. Then you'll have all the privacy you want. I'll move to my hubby's house, I should be okay there." She muttered smiling lavishly.

"But regardless, the house is very big, there are so many rooms for you to do whatever you want to do no one will even notice. What if mum and dad were around, will you still tell them to leave? You can still do whatever you want to do even when I'm around. But sha I'll still leave."

Not too long after our gist, Helena called me that she's by the gate. I quickly informed my sister and we both went to bring her in. She carried Ada then I helped her with her bag. Pastor was looking so so stunning, I was just staring at her. She loves wearing skirt. 

We took her in and brought her to the parlour. "Good afternoon pastor" we both greeted her.

"Yeah morning, how you doing? If I'm not mistaken she should be your sister isn't it " she said while staring at me.

"Yes ma. Pastor feel free and make yourself comfortable. Let me get you something to drink." I said to her.

My sister was discussing with her when I left. I got to the refrigerator, brought out one La casera alongside with one chivita and went to deliver it to them.

I gave pastor the chivita and handed the other one to her daughter.

"Victor this is too much. Malt should have been okay. Can I finish this?" She said and chuckled.

"Pastor you even deserve more than this. "Please manage this one," I said, winking my left eye for purity to leave. Purity then carried Ada and left the parlour.

I quickly sat close to her.
"Victor what about your parents. I haven't heard nor seen them in person. And your sister try and invite her to church. I love  being close young girls like her, she needs to be filled with the holy spirit." She said as she continued sipping the juice.

"Okay ma I will try. My parents will definitely return, but for now I stay with my sister in this house."

"Turn on the AC the heat is too much" she said and started fanning herself with her left hand.

Then I quickly turned on the ceiling fan.

"Victor." She called.

"Yes pastor." I answered.

"So how far, about the Bible verse I told you to study?" 

"Oh ma, so sorry. I actually forgot. Been busy with so many things." I said, clutching both hands.

"Victor, you are fond of giving unnecessary excuses. As a child of God you don't panic, you don't procrastinate your things. I've noticed that one of the things that's disturbing you is procrastination. Postponing what you ought to do today, and that is how you'll keep on postponing till the time for that stuff has elapsed. And it's going to have a negative impact on you. That is why I don't seen you in church. Victor you need to change."

"Pastor I understand. Umm pa pastor Pastor…." I stuttered.

"Yes, you wanted to say something?" She questioned.

"Victor I'm pressed right now. Take me to the toilet. Where's your sister." She objected and quickly stood up.

I escorted her to the restroom. Due to the rush, She pushed the door slightly, which made it easier for me to peep on her.

I just stood by the door and observed her as she pulled down her skirt and tights. She quickly raised her top. She was facing backwards, making it easier for me to spot her ass. Mehn my head was blown off seeing her huge fat ass. My diçk had straightened up.

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Episode 10

(Some unforgettable moments with pastor)

She adjusted her butt and sat down on the seat. Everything were just playing on my mind like a movie. All my mind was telling me was "sex sêx sêx sêx fûck this woman. Fûck this woman." I had already pulled down my shorts. Looking at my fully erêcted dîck I tried holding myself but I couldn't.

Immediately I was about entering the toilet, my sister just came from know where held my left hand and pulled me towards the kitchen. "Bigi Geez what's wrong with you Na. I saw how you were earnestly peeping on her, calm down. Do you want to rãpe her before you know you've satisfied yourself? Haba!" She remarked while seriously staring at me.

"Mehn purity why spoiling show for me! I should have done what I had in mind. Anyway there's still time. But I thought I asked you to leave, what are you still doing here?" I asked curiously while adjusting my shorts.

"I later changed my mind. Maybe tomorrow but that shouldn't stop you from shooting your shot. Bigi I've known you too well, if you love her, you walk up to her and talk to her. Tell her how you feel, not going about and spying on her like a child. You're already a man oo hope you know! Or better still send her a love text it might help" My sister continued with her rants.

"See better find way and start going. I'm done with this your evening lectures. Fine! I've heard you. Although I've tried expressing my feelings to her several times but she paid deaf ears. Since she doesn't want to listen to me. I prefer doing it on my own terms. Purity… I love her." I answered her. Pastor quickly called me then I left her in the kitchen and rushed to meet her.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. By the way where's my daughter? Is she sleeping?" She asked.

"Yes.. Yes ma she's sleeping." Purity echoed from behind.

"Alright then. So Victor I was saying something earlier before I suddenly got pressed. I need to talk to you. Where do you think will be more convenient. I don't need a noisy place?"

"Ummm you can make use of my room pastor. My room is very calm. We can talk there pastor." I said, staring at her chest down to her waist as she kept adjusting her skirt.

When I turned to the left, I saw my sister winking at me, smiling broadly, and giving me a high five.

"Alright but why don't we make use of the sitting room instead? Hope you're with your Bible? And Don't forget our evening prayers. Something drastic is going to betide this evening" she responded.

"Ummmm okay pastor " I answered and we went back to the sitting room.

She brought out her Bible and started preaching to me. She quoted different scriptures from the Bible and all I just do is to nod my head in a lizard like manner because the words were merely entering and leaving. Her beauty alone couldn't make me to concentrate.

She preached to a point when she insisted on taking her bãth. My sister then took her to one of the vacant rooms, adding that she could make use of the room. She thanked my sister and left.

Pastor made her way to the room, changed, wrapped one of her cloth and entered the bathroom.

While she was in the bathroom bathing, I started cooking up a love message on my phone. Which reads;

"Pastor I know it's very difficult for you to understand. I fell in love right from the very first moment I saw you. Every moment I spend with you seemed like treasures. Pastor you mean everything to me. You are my world. Without you everything seems dull and meaningless and as long as you're in my life, I have absolutely no reason to be sad. Only you can give me everything I want in life. You just have everything I needed in a woman; your perfect ãss, your magnificent beauty, your lips, your bõobs, your height and your relationship with Christ. You're also intelligent. I want to feel every part of you. I want to prove my love to you through my actions and not just by words. I don’t ever want you to have any doubt in your mind about my affection and loyalty to you. Pastor I love you sooo much and I will never stop loving you ma" Yours sincerely"Victor!"

After writing the message, I waited till she finished bathing. Immediately she came out of the bathroom, I quickly sent the message her phone as an SMS text.

She heard the notification and quickly rushed inside the room where she kept her phone.

"Maybe she saw it and must be reading through it. Who knows!" I said to myself.

"Jesus help me. What is this woman going to say after reading my message. Oh Jesus " I mumbled to myself crossing both hands on my head.

In about three minutes time, pastor screamed on top of her lungs. I was àstounded and quickly rushed to the kitchen while panting heavily.

"Jesus Christ!!!"

"Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ!! Victor!!!" 

"Yes pastor!!" I answered and quickly made my way to meet her in the room.

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Episode 11

(The night I entered her room)

"Pastor.. Pastor I'm here ma" I said to her while panting profusely.

"Victor! Victor!! Victor!!!" 

"Pastor.. Pastor.. please please I'm so sorry. Please I'm truly sorry for the message I shouldn't have wrote it.. Please please please pastor forgive me.."

"Victor!!!" She shouted again.
My sister quickly rushed in feeling perplexed to know the reason behind the excessive screaming.

"Pastor.. Please hope everything's fine?" My sister questioned her.

"Victor!!!" She shouted once more staring at me in a confused manner.

"Victor what did you do.." purity said and turned towards me.

"Just go. Just go! Just go!! Just go!!! I want to be alone. Just go." She bellowed at me and shut the door. My sister and I were just standing there staring at each other.

"What is it!!" I thundered at her.
"Were you not the one that told me to send her a love text? Why staring at me as if I've kîlled someone!" 

"Shhhh reduce your voice. The window is close by and she might be hearing what we are saying. So you sent her the love text?"

"Is that not what you told me to do!" I protested.

"Okay but it's beyond sending texts, you also need to meet her one on one. Express your feelings to her. If she doesn't give you a listening ear, try doing it during the evening probably when she's feeling sleepy, when you wake her up, she'd give you her attention."

"Purity, that woman is not someone I can go and start toasting like a girl of 25yrs. She's a pastor and she's a grown up woman that is far older than me. If I'm to do what you just said then I need to apply strategy. I told you she slapped me the other day isn't it. Which is why I'm taking my time. I don't need to start rushing things up.

"One of my customers called me this evening and I'll be delivering some of my shoes to her tomorrow. Purity I'm going to bathe talk later." I said to her and left.

After taking my bath I quickly freshened up and went to check on ada. Purity was playing with her in her room. I left there and rushed to spy on pastor through the window. I saw her praying and speaking in tongues.

Her breàsts were just oscillating on the top she was wearing as she kept praying and swinging both hands.

I quickly brought out my phone and wrote another text "pastor I'm so sorry please forgive me." I wrote it and sent it to her.
She got the notification, she paused and glanced through her phone, saw the text and quickly pushed the phone aside and continued her prayers.

"God what should I do? I've fûcked up big time geez! Okay let me tell her I want to come and join her in prayers let me see if she will still pay deaf ears to it." I pondered to myself.

I brought my phone from my pocket, sent her another text. "Pastor I want to come and join you in prayers. Pastor I want to come and pray and speak in tougues just like you've always taught me."

I observed her from the window. After reading the text she got up, adjusted her skirt and opened the door for me. 

Immediately I entered, she stood motionless,placed both hands on her waist and started staring at me confusingly.

"Victor! Victor!! Victor!!!"

"Yes pastor!"

"I'm trying to maintain my anger just because I'm a pastor. Do you realize what you just did!!" 

"I'm sorry pastor. I shouldn't have done that please." I pleaded while on my knees.

"Victor! In short, I think I'm tired of talking to you. I'll be leaving tomorrow. You and your sister can come and join me to pray if you insist." She muttered and continued with her prayers.

I opened the door and left the room. When time was almost approaching 9pm I went to spy on her and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her praying by that time of day. I hastily returned to my bed.

Around 12:15am I sneaked to spy on her and realize she had slept off. I inserted my phone on my left pocket and diligently opened her door. I opened it and closed it back. I crept to meet her on the bed. 

She wearing a light skirt and one light top. I also noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra. I quickly placed my hands on her laps, and started feeling her skin. I drew it up to her breàsts leniently and started pressing them. She was facing me, Her lips were as scarlet as roses I quickly brought my lips closer to hers and kîssed them thrice for over 10minutes. I noticed she was deep sleeping. I reached to her and gently rubbed her enormous àss with both of my palms.

My heart was about to burst. I was panting continually in an attempt to escape being caught. I kept rubbing and fondling her àss, before my very eyes she suddenly sneezed and woke up. Fear instantly overtook me, and my entire body began to shake like a leaf.

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Episode 12

[🔞(18+) pls don't bother to read this particular episode if you know you won't be okay with it because it's purely erõtic. Thank you]

(Erotic moments with Helena)

"Jesus Christ!" Pastor screamed in terror after spotting me fôndling her àss.

"Victor are you out of your sènses! Mashakalavadabataya! Victor are you not the one I'm talking to!!" She bellowed angrily, warding me off from the bed.

"Pastor I'm tried of waiting. I can't bear this thing anymore, Please stop pretending like you're not enjoying what I'm doing to you. I'm not a child! If you want me to continue you talk stop beating round the bush with your prayers!" I muttered and rushed back to meet her on the bed.

"Victor it's okay, it's okay. You're a man and I understand how you feel but you need to stop this thing you're doing stop. It's against God's will. Just stop!" She said while I continued to pull down her skirt but she refused to let go.

"You're just making this thing look difficult. Just remain silent let's enjoy ourselves. This is my house and nobody will dare come and question us here. Not even my sister. See forget about church for now."
After whispering this on her left ear, she quickly let go of her shorts and I pulled it down leniently.

She was just staring at me and exhaling. While I rolled my tongue down to her Pûssy and started eating her. Rhythmically lorching it up to her tommy. I quickly pulled her top. Her breath became rapid. "Victor.. In short I don't know what else to tell you." She muttered while panting profusely.

"You can do anything you insist but I can't give you sèx please. I'm far older than you." She remarked.

"But why?" I questioned her, pressing her stiffened breasts slowly with both hands.

"What you're doing to me reminds me of my ex boyfriend. That was when I was still on campus. He was just interested in sex, and when I let him, he got me pregnant and then denied the pregnancy. I went to abort it in order to prevent bringing humiliation to my family, particularly my mother. I imagined how she'd react if she found out I was pregnant by an unknown man." She muttered panting heavily as I  swayed my tongue on her breàsts.

I brought out my left hand, immediately I was about to insert it, she held it and said "No no no no you're going too far stop this. I'm a pastor for crying out loud pls" 

"Like I said. A word of this won't get to anyone you just have to trust me." I protested.

"No secret can be hidden under the sun hope you know? Even as it stands, God is right here watching. Victor, you're indirectly putting yourself and me in danger; just stop what you're doing.…. You need to….."

Just as she was about to utter another statement, I laid her on the bed, went on top of her, pulled my lips and kissed her. We kissed, licked each other's lips, exchanged saliva to the point where she became acquainted and allowed me to finger her.

I got undressed and brought out my erêcted dîck and she gave me a confined blõwjob of which I thought she had no idea of. I moãned ãnd gave her a devastating cumshot in her mouth. She went to the bathroom, spill out the sperms and came back. I could feel the wind blowing through the air as I kept exerting my force on her, she moaned loudly to the extent that I had to cover her mouth. She was fully wet making her pûssy well lubricated. Riding her huge fat ass in a cõwgirl position made me felt like I was on top of the world. I tried everything possible to make sure I don't cum on her.

Every time I want to cûm on her, I would eject my dîck, let the sperms fall to the ground, then we fire down. I fûckéd her till 2am. Before she collapsed on the bed and told me she's tired. I was a sêx professional, making it difficult for me to get tired.

Then I whispered to her "hope you're not leaving tomorrow. Because I will still love to step on you tomorrow."

"No no no I need to attend to my members in church please. Not tomorrow maybe another day."

"Please.. You can tell them to postpone it, that you have something important to attend to." I pleaded while fondling her breasts with both hands while she was seated and looking at me.

"Victor…Look at the ground, everywhere is filled with your sperms. Men and sêx! It's alright I don't have a final say yet but let's see how it goes." She muttered and fold her hands.

"Helena that one is less. I love you so much. In short your presence alone gives me joy. I think about you everyday. All the things you saw on the text, I wrote them for you personally. I wrote them to tell you how I feel about you" I said to her, wrapping both hands on her waist.

"Oh really? you actually remind me of someone. But why do men love sêx so much?" She questioned me.

"I guess it's already in our gene. But women also love sêx too. It's vice versa because I've come across alot of ladies and I'm talking from experience" I muttered, smiling lavishly.

She kept staring at me, folding both hands.

"Helena, can we go for one more round this night?" I questioned her, staring at her wet pûssy and placing both hands on her laps.

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Episode 13

(Helena stãrted acting weird)


She quickly stood up, wrapped her little cloth and headed to the bathroom without uttering a single word.

"Helena come on! or should I come and join you there?" I muttered, staring at her ãss while she entered the bathroom and shut the door.

"Well, as the saying goes; there's time for everything. Let me just allow her rest today. I believe the next time, I won't take it easy on her because even as it stands, I'm not yet satisfied. She didn't give it to me the way I wanted it. It is well." I said to myself and went to get the mob from the kitchen.

I took the mob to her room alongside with a bucket of water. After cleaning the spêrms, I kept the mob and went to my room. I couldn't remember when I slept off.

The next morning, pastor had already prepared herself and told me she wants to leave. I pleaded with her to stay but all went in deaf ears. She added that she can't stay due to so many reasons.

"Don't worry pastor, let me escort you and Ada to the junction." Purity protested, holding ada and smiling lavishly.

"Take care pastor." I said to her, waving both hands. But she just kept quiet. Her face was pallid, as if she was enraged. Her entire expression was tense.

I just stood by the gate as purity escorted them off. "Mehn is it because of the sêx that's making her face looking like that of a rãging bull? Geez. Why is she acting as if I'm the only one that enjoyed it? Women can pretend…" I muttered folding both hands and joining both legs together.

After spending some time there, I suddenly realised that a customer needed my shoes, so I got ready and delivered them to her.

She paid me my cash and I left.

On my way back home dad quickly called, although I wasn't expecting his call so I picked.

"Hello dad, good afternoon." I greeted.

"My son how are you? Been a while though hope you're taking good care of your sister?… You know I'm the busy type and your mum just left before you called."

"I'm fine dad just that, and purity is doing well. Dad alot of things to tackle in life. You know being a man is not easy. 30yrs is no longer far.."

"Good.. Bigi Bugi ummm mmmmm. So how's your business? Hope customers are patronizing you?" Dad asked while clearing his throat.

"Yes dad…."
"You know you've not shown me your girl o. Haha or are you still hiding it? Because you know I'm your dad and I must be aware."

I chuckled

"Dad.. ummm not yet. I'm still working on myself for now.."

"Alright then if you say so. You know you hardly call because I do hear from purity often."

"Alright then. Take care of yourselves."he added and aborted the call.

I branched one of the bars and drank some alcoholic drinks before heading home.

It's been three days already and I haven't heard from pastor. I haven't seen her call nor text. Then I told myself that she'd definitely call..

To my surprise, eight days straight the situation remains thesame. It was as if they moved a heavy stone on my chest. I became worried.

The following week, I decided to pay her a visit. When I got to her house the whole place was locked, looking as if she wasn't around. She wasn't back after I waited for more than an hour. I then returned home with the intention of seeing her the next day.

When I went back there the following day, the door was opened. When I entered, she was attending to some visitors.

When she sighted me from afar, she excused them and came to meet me.

In my mind I was ecstatic since the fact that she could stop what she was doing and come over definitely demonstrated that she loves me.

When she came, her face wasn't friendly at all. Before I could say something, she started ranting in rage.

"What is it! What are you still doing here?"

"But pastor I don't understand what you mean by that question." I muttered in guilt.

"You're asking me you don't understand what I'm saying!?" She squeãked angrily.

"Just go. Victor start going. I don't have anything to do with you again. I said start going!" She bellowed at me, while wãrding me off with both hands.

"But.. But…But pastor. Why, I don't understand. What did I do wrong?"

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Episode 14

(Helena no longer gives me her attention)

I said I don't want to see you around here! I said go!! Are you dêaf!!!" She thundered.

I was startled, some of the visitors had to rush out, to observe what was going on. 

"Good afternoon young man." The lady on red skirt greeted.

"Pastor, we heard you shouting, is everything all right?" the man that came along with the lady on skirt quickly questioned pastor, feeling curious.

"Please please please let's go inside. It's just a little misunderstanding.." pastor muttered to them, placing her left hand on her forehead.

Helena escorted them in while I just stood there with guilt written all over my face.

Due to the embarrassment, I quickly turned, and headed to the roadside. 

I made my way to one of my friends house. He was eating when I got there.

"Bigi watsup. This one that your face is looking as if you're carrying the whole world on your head!"

"Charles you can't just understand. I've been through alot since the past few months. Mehn."

"What is it that I can't understand? You can ome and join me if you insist because I still have some rice in the pot."

"Bro you should know that food is not my problem. My problem is beyond eating. There's this woman I met that is as beautiful to the extent that diamonds gets jealous. Mehn her ãss was so huge, to be honest I really enjoyed her but she didn't actually do it to my taste. Charles! You suppose know what I mean naa." I protested, cleaning my face with my white hendkerchief.

"See bigi! Don't let woman put you in trouble. All those things are nothing. Last last everything is vanity upon vanity. See Bigi as I'm here right now, the only thing reminiscing on my mind is how to make money. You think if I had the money I'd still be in this country struggling?"

"Charles you're making sense o. Because as it stands, I can't get her off my mind. The sêx is just playing on my mind as if we did its just now we did it. Let me not bother her again. Maybe she doesn't want me in her life." I soliloquised.

After discussing for hours, I stood up and was about to take my leave.

"Yes sure. Charles, we shall see some other day." I said while giving him a handshake.

"It's is well. I can only advice you as a friend though. Anyway take care of yourself. Hope purity is fine?" He questioned.

"Yes. Let me be going. Talk later." I stood up and left.

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and I've not heard anything from pastor. I was just living my life as usual, going to clubs, drinking, traveling but to me it wasn't that fun because pastor had abandoned me.

I managed to attend her church in one of the Sundays, till the service elapsed she didn't give me her attention. 

Each time I tried talking to her, she won't respond.

In my mind I was like, why would her mind be filled with so much hatred as a man of God?

When my sister asked me about Helena, I told her she no longer gives me her attention that I'm trying to move on with my life but couldn't. My sister insisted on talking to her instead. I told her that pastor won't listen to her, she said I shouldn't worry about that. Then we both went to her house the following day.

When she sighted me, she shouted at me.
"Victor! I said get out of my house!"

My sister became perplexed seeing her in such rage.

"Pastor please please call down. Please just for my sake." She said to her while hugging her from behind.

"I'm not saying anything here till you tell him to leave!" She said to my sister.

"Bigi just stand close to the gate outside. I'll come when I'm done talking to her. Give us some time please." Purity objected, without letting go of her.

In my mind I was like who is this womãn prêtending for.. I just hissed within me and walked over to the gate.

"But I can't easily let go of this woman. Maybe she has given her life back to Christ. Because when I saw her in church the other day, she was praying incessantly as if there's no tomorrow. Maybe she must have changed. But she also enjoyed the sêx Na. I don't just understand this woman at all. She's just changing like a chameleon." I told myself, folding both hands and observing the whole place.

In about an hour time, my sister called me and told me to come over. When I went in, mbith if them were in the sitting room. Pastor quickly rushed out. She stood in between the road that demarcate the kitchen from the sitting room. She stood there and started starring at me horribly.

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Episode 15

(Purity tried advising me)

"Get out!!" She shouted, stretching out her left hand.

"Pastor I don't understand. Is there something that you're not telling me? Because….."

Before I could complete my statement, she abruptly slapped me on my left cheek.

"You're very very stûpîd for asking me that question. You're not even ashamed of yourself!" 

Purity quickly rushed out from the sitting room and walked over to her.

Pastor pastor please let me talk to him. Pastor please try and calm down "purity protested while holding her firmly.

"I said tell him to leave my house and nothing in my life will ever make me to forgive him!!" She thundered and started walking annoyingly to her room.

"Pastor…. I'm the one talking to you please. I'm not Victor. I'm purity. You don't want to also listen to me? Because I can still remember the other day you came to my house and preaching to me about the love of God. Even if I didn't pay attention to what you told me, at least I could still remember that you tried impacting some knowledge on me" Purity remarked and pastor quickly halted.

"Purity I understand. Both of you should just go and I don't want to see your brother anywhere around my house again. I'm not in the mood to talk right now. Just go! I just finished attending to my guests. I want to be left alone. Purity you can come another day so we can talk better because don't think it will be possible today." She muttered, hugged her and exited the room.

"Bigi you brought this upon yourself. My advice for you is to look for someone else because as it stands, I'm a lady and I do understand how she feels right now considering what you did. You can't just understand. Before she got to the extent of slapping you truly describes that she's so annoyed with you. She's a pastor for crying out loud. Bigi you need to look for someone else and besides, there are lots of ladies out there. I'll visit her personally and talk to her… Stop kîlling yourself as if she's the only woman on this earth." Purity protested.

"Oh so you're now the one to lecture me on what to do and what not to do right? If you know you don't have anything meaningful to tell me, better kêep quiêt let me try and resolve this issue by myself. There are different ways to catch a rat, don't come and start spoiling show for me. Helena is older than me and I don't need to rush things up. I must step on her the second time. All those things she's doing are merely pretence. Let me start going. I think I'm done here for today." I exclaimed giving her a dubious look.

"Bigi you can do anything you want. Who am I to stop you. You're no longer a child but I also want you to know that for everything you do in life, there are always consequences attached to it be it good or evil. That woman you're playing with is not just an ordinary woman knowing fully well that we are the type that don't like going to church. I can't remember the last time I went to church. Bigi, look for someone else." She said to me.

"Shhhhh wait let me go and see what she's doing." I whispered to her.

"Victor are you insane! Someone is so ãnnoyed with you and you're still having the audacity to peep on her, what if you get caught?" She whispered while trying to pull me back.

I paid deaf ears to purity and rushed to pastor's door that was half closed. That was during the evening.

I saw her writing some things with her pen and also reading through a little novel that she was holding.

I just stood there admiring her beauty.
Many things were just ringing on my mind.

"Look at how beautiful she is Gosh. But why is this woman annoyed with me. Or she got pregnant and terminated the child? of which I knew is impossible knowing fully well that she's a fully committed Christian. A man of God at that.. I love this woman. Geez look at her laps, look at her chest.. Everywhere is so succulent. I need to fûck this woman, I need to do this thing a second time. Oh Mehn. But this one that she's not giving me her attention, it's really going to be difficult. I need to try." I said to myself, inserting my left hand on my shorts and massãging my erêcted dîck.

During that process while I was lost in thoughts, my phone unexpectedly rang and worst was that, it was inside my left pocket.

"Who is that!!" Pastor thundered.

While fighting to silence the phone, I fell from where I was squatting and inadvertently pulled the door open, collapsing inside her room.

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Episode 16

(That day I came across Jennifer)

"Victor! Victor!! Victor!!! How many times did I call you" she shouted in rage and stood up to meet me 

"Victor just get out of my house!" She thundered.

"But you don't want to listen to what I have to say?" I questioned her while trying to get up.

"I said get out! Are you màd!! Get out of my house!!!." She shouted while extending her left hand.

"Had it been you were a child you know what I'd have done to you for this stupid thing you just did!!!"

Pastor! Pastor please I'm truly sorry. Please I'll take care of this." Purity quickly interrupted.

"Take this fóol that doesn't know how to respect himself out of my house. I've had enough." She yelled her while pointing at me.

"But pastor…. Please.." purity added.
"Should I repeat myself!?" Pastor objected

My sister held my hands, grab her bag and took me outside. 

"Victor you keep putting yourself into trouble. I told you to look for someone else. She's far older than you. I tried talking to you but you were busy doing what was on your mind now see where it has landed you. How can a woman be treating you like a child? You're a man hope you know? You just brought yourself so low, acting foôlish because of that woman. Please you people should settle your issue all by yourself. I'm going. I'm tired of being treated like a puppet by a fellow lady like me. I'm going." She added, walked through the gate and left.

I looked towards the door and saw pastor locking it after bringing down the curtain. I just stood there for a while and left the house.

When I got home I couldn't find my sister, it seems she had not returned.

I was already starving. I rushed to the kitchen to prepare something light to eat.

When I finished eating, a visitor came to my house that evening. She was a woman. She said she was looking for my dad that something urgent came up. She also added that she's a business associate with my Dad. I told her to make herself comfortable that my dad is not around.

She said she was in a haste that she won't have time to sit, then I assured her that I'd pass the info to my dad. Before she was about to leave, I hèld her left hand and said to her

"Ummmm can you come around another day?" I asked stylishly while staring at her.

"For what, I don't understand. I said I'm looking for your Dad and you told me he's not around. Actually, where I'm working he's my boss and my mission here is to deliver something to him. You have something you want to tell me?" She protested in a haste.

"Ummm nothing. You're free to go. I'll pass the message to him but I don't think he'll back soon."

"Mehn, this woman talks too much. Women are talkative. Abeg let her carry her wahala go." I said to myself.

"Alright please help me pass the message to him. Bye" She said and left.

The next day, I sent the message to my dad via my phone who confirmed that he had heard.

After a few days, I started washing  majority of my clothes, then I equally made some of my shoes. I made about five of them before leaving the house.

I was walking round and sharing my business flyers to everyone that was passing by.

I had shared over 100 of them before I stumbled across one lady. She was surprised when she saw me.

"Ummm hello, good afternoon. Seems you know me somewhere?" I said to her, waving my left hand.

"Sure. you're victor isn't it? one of our members in church."

"Oh… oh.. Yes. So you live around?" I questioned her.

"Yes.. I'm one of the choir. But you've not been in church for weeks and I no longer see you with pastor. Because I actually saw you the very first day you came to our church. And one other service. Can't remember." She said.

"Ummm yes the thing is that, you know everyone is passing through one challenge or the other. And I'm always the busy type. I hope you understand."

"I understand but you know you have to put God first in anything you do. He created us and our job is to serve him and give praise to him. I'm Jennifer. It's nice meeting you again." She said while stretching her hand to give me a handshake.

"Mehn this lady is awesome. I think I'll have to try this one…" I said to myself and quickly gave her a hand shake.

"So are you busy now or probably heading somewhere? Because I was actually sharing my business flyers. I make shoes both male and female. It's a skill I'm very good at."

"Wow that's wonderful. This is so great. I do admire people with great talents. Don't worry God will continue to promote you. Keep soaring higher okay. Alright if your place is closeby then I can go there and have a word with you I guess." She said while smiling.

"Alright please join me and share the remaining flyers. They're not that much." I said while handing her half of the flyers..

We finished sharing them and we hopped on one of the bikes. She sat behind the bikeman, and I sat behind her.

The bike stopped us right at the junction then I quickly I held her left hand and took her to my house..

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Episode 17

(That very day she joined me to cook)

We got home and I took her to the kitchen. "So do you live alone?" She questioned
"Not really. I'm currently staying here with my sister. My parents travelled."

"So what about you. I'm planning on cooking stew rice. I know you're a good cook." I said smiling lavishly and bringing out some meat from the freezer.

"Okay. Should I give it a trial?" She said while smiling at me.

"Yeah sure. That's gonna be wonderful! you can boil the rice let me prepare the stew okay?" I said while soaking the meat.

"Alright but please I just remember that I have somewhere to go after now. Which means that I'll try and hurry up."

"Alright." I answered.

She finished boiling the rice and insisted on where to relax, then I took her to the sitting room, she drew her skirt up a little and sat down.

While I left her there I heard her talking to pastor. I was shocked. I hurriedly left the stew to boil and drew my ear close to where she was to hear what they were saying.

They were actually talking about a programm scheduled to hold the following week.

When she finished with the call, I stylishly asked her what the program was about.

"Oh oh it's actually a night vigil coming up next month pastor is informing us on time so we can make preparations. Mostly we that are in various departments in church."

"Oh okay, so the night vigil will take place in church or somewhere else?" I questioned her why vividly staring at her chest.

"Ummm no location for now.. I think something is burning… I guess it's the Stew.." she said while coughing and pressing her chest.

"Oh oh sorry. I'm so sorry. Let me go and turn off the gas cooker. I'll also get you some water when coming." I added while patting her shoulders. Then I went to turn off the gas took a can of water and handed it to her.

She finished drinking and I asked her if I could dish her some rice and she told me to go ahead.

While I was dishing the food one of my very good friend arrived with my sister. I left what I was doing and opened the door for them.

He greeted me and went to the parlour with my sister. Then my sister later came back to meet me in the kitchen looking stunned.

"Victor you cooked rice? She whispered.

"Yes I just finished cooking. Please I also have a guest and I need to be alone with her. I hope you understand." I whispered to her in the kitchen.

"Okay okay you can go. I'll attend to him." Purity said to me while dishing some on her plate.

I carried the plate of rice, added two spoons and delivered it to Jennifer in the sitting room.

"Thank you. Victor." She said, prayed and started eating.

"Alright come and join me to eat. Although I won't eat much though." She muttered.

"Okay. So how's it, delicious?" I chuckled.

"Wow.. This is truly awesome. This is really wonderful. I'm really impressed. But don't forget that if not for me you'd have burnt the stew, giving it a terrible taste. When else you're cooking always watch out." She said as she continued devouring the meal.

"While I was eating, I purposely fell my spoon. I excused myself and explained that my spoon had accidentally fell down.

She said I'm free that she had no problem with that.

I diligently bent beneath the table, and looked inside her skirt. Pushing one of the chairs behind me to create a little distraction.  But because she wasn't spreading her legs out all that much, I couldn't see what I wanted properly. but noticed that she was wearing tights.

"Spread your legs naa. Hmmm I hope she won't be as stubborn as Helena." I said to myself.

"Victor come try and hasten it up so that you can join me in devouring this meal okay." She added.

"Okay okay I'm almost done." I protested, stared at it once more and quickly got up.

"So Victor. How far with your spiritual life. Hope you've been praying consistently." She asked. Hope you've been going through your Bible."

"Jennifer, pastor actually told me that there's nothing wrõng for one to admire someone. I want to know if are in support of what she said."

"Okay but I'll be leaving in about thirty minutes time. So concerning what you said. The Bible said love your neighbour as yourself, which automatically implies that you're free to love anyone, admire anyone and mind you, there are limits as well and I believe you know what I mean." She said while dropping her spoon.

"Limits how? because I don't understand." I said while acting as if I didn't understand what she was saying.

"Okay the Bible also made it clear that there are some certain things we need to refrain from so as to flee from sin things like, fornicãting, commîting adultêry, steãling, lying and many more."

"Okay, okay I understand. I know you'll be leaving soon but can you just tell me more about yourself. Are you single, married, or maybe already have a partner? because you look so beautiful to the extent that I can't keep my eyes off you." I muttered with both eyes fixed directly on her chest.

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Episode 18

(I tried to win her back)

"I don't understand you. Is that the reason why you told me to follow you to your house?" she exclaimed and quickly got up from the chair.

"No no Jennifer I'm just trying to make you to understand something." 

"Victor. Thanks for your time I have something to attend to. As you can see he's already calling I need to start going." She rushed outside to answer the call and from there she left.

"Hello jennifer! you're free to visit me anytime. I'll be anticipating your return." I called out to her from where I was standing, but she ignored me and walked away. 

My sister had already finished attending to her guest, she escorted him off.

"This Jennifer what's she thinking? This was how pastor initially started, Jennifer still want to start her own. All these church women I don't understand them at all. Let me go and bathe. I've had enough of their nonsènse. If she likes, she come. If she doesn't come I won't disturb her either. Not even looking as if her àss bigger than Helena's own. " I pondered to myself and rushed to the bathroom to shower.  

I left there and tried calling Helena's line but she refused to pick.

Not too long, my sister rushed to meet me in my room.

"Purity what is it, this one that you're breathing and sweating like someone that's being chased." I questioned her.

"Bigi. I told you to give up on her and you're still calling her. Why? She just called me and told me to tell you to stop calling her. That if I want to talk to her, I should meet her alone."

"This pastor is something else. Okay okay fine, you can go. I've heard you." I protested.

"And about your work, I want you to link with your manager and sew a nice suit for me. Don't worry about the payment. I'll pay you when I get it." 

"Bigi hmmm. This one you want to me to sew suit for you, it's alright. consider it done, I'll deliver it to you in few days time." she said.

"Alright. Purity, I just had an idea. What are the gifts does women loves? " I questioned her.

"Umm, flowers, bags, golden ring or maybe a necklace." She kept listing them as I continued to stare at her.

"Hmmm I think I'll go for the necklace. I want to surprise pastor. I want to see her smile again. I want her to come back to me. You'll be the one to deliver it to her deal?" I said while extending my left hand.

"Hmm. Alright then. It's up to you and don't forget the advice I gave you." she shook my hand adjusted her hair and exited the room.

After a couple of days I sold so many of my shoes from there I made some cash. I traveled out and bought the necklace. Truth be told, it costs me alot but I had to do it for pastor.

I packaged it so it would look presentable. I also wrote a short note on a piece of paper and dropped it behind the necklace before sealing it.

That very day I bought it, my sister was absent so I had to wait till the next day before giving it to her.

That morning when I gave her, I told her " I've changed my mind. I'll be going with you. But you'll be the one to deliver it to her. I'll just hang around and be watching her reaction when she finally sees it."

"Bigi you're putting yourself in trouble hope you know? She said if at all I want to see her, I should go there all alone. Bigi!" She muttered, giving me a dubious look.

"Don't worry you just have to trust me." I exclaimed.

"This is exactly what you said the other time and I'm pretty sure you knew how it ended. I don't really know why I'm involving myself in something that you've decided to handle." Purity added.

"Shhh just calm down let's go. You talk too much." I objected.

After much deliberations, we made our way to her house. We got there around 3:35pm and she was around. She was even eating rice before my sister approached her. 

My sister dropped her handbag on the table and gave pastor a hug.

"So how are you doing. A friend of mine that had been struggling with infertility for the past few years gave birth today. I was so amazed. The lord is so wonderful. She's now a proud mother." She said with joy written all over her face.

"Pastor that's good news and I'm happy for her." purity said to her.

"So you insisted on seeing me. Anything the issue? and please try and be coming to church okay. It's for your own benefit " she said while chuckling and dropping the spoon she was holding.

Looking at Helena alone, she was in a good mood. My mind was just telling me to speed of from where I was hiding and lay a deep kiss on her rose-colored lips.

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Episode 19

(Something happened to me)

While I was staring at her, I sighted a white light coming from the pastor's direction. It approached me and infiltrated my body. My entire body began to respond strangely.

I rushed back to my house to look for where I kept my Bible.

All the negative thoughts just evacuated from my mind. All that my mind was telling me was to read my Bible and pray incessantly.

When I read through the book of Genesis I began to understand a lot of things about God's creation. That was when I realized that we need to look onto the lord because he was the one that created us. Could you believe that I spent over two hours reading the bible?

When my sister returned, she told me how delighted she was that pastor accepted my present. She went on to say that pastor prayed for me and thanked me on her behalf.

I had spent the last few days reading and praying.

My sister became confused.

"Bigi, what happened. You're now turning into a pastor? This one you're reading bible and praying everytime it looks strange. Something is wrõng"

"I don't know but I think I'm beginning to change into someone else. It happened since the day I followed you to pastor's house. I now read and pray often unlike before. You didn't feel anything that day?" I questioned her raising my bible and staring at her.

"No.. Feel what? I only did what you told me and left. That's all." She exclaimed.

"I know this is difficult to understand." I said to her.

"That's your own business. Mum called me yesterday and told me that they'd be returning in two months time."

"Wow. This is a great news. Can't wait to see dad. It's been a while and I've missed him." I chuckled.

"I'm going somewhere. Might return probably tomorrow." She said and headed towards her room.

"Alright. Please be careful okay." 
"Sure." She echoed from where she was.

That very night when I slept off, I had a dream. In the dream I was handcuffed and locked in a cage with some group of men their entire bodies exposed except for the small leaves that covered their waists. There were various cages opposite me, each one containing different captives including both men and women. They were pleading for help . The guards came and demanded that our blood be used for some spiritual purposes that I was completely unaware of. I was the final individual whose blood was drawn.

I don't Know what entered inside one of the guards, he came to where I was, I was trembling, thinking he was going to kîll me. But he released me instead and held my left hand. He told me to remain silent and excourted me to a portal with white light. When we got to the light, he told me to jump inside. Immediately I jumped inside the white portal, I woke up.

That same night when I woke up, I knew something great was about to betide in my life. As of then, time was 3:14am. I prayed till 9am.

The next day, around 8:25pm, I got a text message from pastor which reads "The Lord will surely be with you despite all circumstances. I know you had an encounter with the Lord. I felt it and you eventually have a testimony to share but you can do that on Sunday. Just keep on praying and doing what ought to be done. The Lord will surely be with you."

I replied her "thank you so much pastor."

On Sunday when I was about going to church, I told my sister to follow me that she'd also benefit from the service.

She was staring at me confusingly.

"Bigi! you're now the one telling me about church! You out of all people? Victor what is wrõng with you!" she exclaimed with staring at me.

"Purity I know this might sound crazy but I want to let you know that the former Victor is gone. I'm a new person entirely. I've given my life to Christ." I said to her while adjusting the suit she made for me.

"I'm going no where!" She protested.

"If you don't follow me to church, I'll be so mad at you to the extent that you'd hate me. And I know you don't want to see me in rage." I swiftly retorted giving her a menacing look.

"Bigi, You want to force me to church. Okay okay okay fine I'll go. But I'll sit at the back seat. It's because of you o." She muttered.

"Whatever but what I know is you're following me to çhurçh. Go and dress up let's go. I give you 10mins." I said to her and rushed to my room to get my tie.

After so much deliberations, We both went to the church and purity went to sit at the back. We actually got there when service had started.

When they opened room for everyone to share their testimony, I stood up and the aushers welcomed me to the altar.

I could see that joy written all over pastor's face

"So Mr Victor. Tell us your full name and what the Lord has done for you." The man said to me and handed me the microphone.

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Episode 20

(Something happened)

"Greetings to you all. Ummm my name is Victor. I want to share with you, the brief encounter I had which changed my life for good. It all started the very first day I met pastor, she tried every means to bring me to church but I paid no attention at all. Truth be told, I've done a lot of awful things in this life. Few days ago I had a dream which actually portrayed most of the plans that God had for me. I'm truly grateful for everything. Now I fully understand what it takes to be a full member of Christ. Let me just stop here for time sake. Thank you Lord. Thank you father. Thank you Jesus. Thank you pastor." I said while waving both hands to the members while also smiling at pastor.

Helena came and held another microphone.

"Your testimony is permanent in the mighty name of Jesus."  

"Amen!!!" I shouted while holding the microphone.

"And to any of you that's being hunted from one affliction to the other, I send them back to the pit of hell. I hereby set you free  in the mighty name of Jesus!!!"

"Amen!!!" all of us echoed.
"May the lord be with you" she said placing her hands on my forehead.

"Amen pastor." I said with both hands lifted up.

The ushers escorted me back to my seat. When I turned to Jennifer she was so amazed. When I observed how everyone gave me a clap offering when I came out got me overwhelmed with joy.

We were about fifteen that came out to testify. When they finished sharing their testimonies, praises section began.

I rushed to meet my sister whom was sitting at the back seat. 

"You're just sitting down? come on! get up and dance. I said get up let's dance!" I said while pulling her hands.

"Bigi! leave me naa. Please I'm not in the mood to dance. Remember you forced me to come here in the first place." My sister protested, withdrew her hands and sat down with a straight face.

Pastor rushed over from where she was dancing and took my sister's hands in his. Purity stood up, and the pastor began moving her body and dancing with her. I was surprised though because I wasn't expecting her to come. It seems she observed how my sister was behaving.

My sister was simply frowning at me and moving her body as if she was dancing. I could tell she was merely acting.

When service elapsed, pastor informed purity and I to wait behind, that she had something to discussion with us.

So she came to attend to us.

"Purity I could sènse that something isn't right. Talk to me what's wrong?" She questioned my sister.

"I hated going to church and he knows. My brother forced me to come." She said while pointing at me.

"But he did the right thing. You need to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour. Those testimonies you saw, it's the lord's doing. Jesus is the only way. Even if you've backslided, you can run back to him. He will forgive you. It has worked for me and it will also work for you. Should I give you time to think about it?"

" I just can't. Pastor I'm sorry. And you Bigi! I can't believe you've changed." My sister burst out in tears and left.

"Pastor let me go after her. You know she's my sister, I can talk to her." I objected and stood up.

"Don't worry. Give her time to think. I understand her. She will definitely come back to me with an answer." She said.

"Okay thank you pastor. Another thing is that my parents will be coming soon. I'll take you to see them." 

"This is good news. Alright you're free to come around okay. Everything that happened between us had been left as  mere footprints. You've started a brand new life for yourself and you need to take it serious. It's not going to be easy but it's 100% possible. May the lord be with you."

"Amen. Thank you pastor." I answered.

"Alright you can go now. And as for your sister pls don't force her okay, Trust me she will come back to me when she has finally made a decision." She added and got up.

She went in then I took my bible and left.

I was super excited.

When I got home around 4:30pm, I couldn't find my sister. I called her line and it was telling me switched off. At that moment I knew something was wrong because her phone's battery was so strong that a full charge could last her for over a week. 

A second thought came "well, maybe she was the one that switched off her phone because of what we said to her before she left. Let me still wait for a while."

I waited till 8pm and the situation remains the same. I told myself that with God all things are possible. 

I quickly got up and started praying in my room against any affliction brought up against her. I was praying for her safety.

While I was praying, my phone rang and I picked the call.

"Hello, good evening."

"Hello. Am I speaking with Bigi!?" 

"Yes. Yes sir. I'm Bigi! sir."

"You need to rush to Jovic clinic right now. One young girl got a terrible accident and she's right here with us in the hospital. She kept mentioning "Bigi! Bigi! Bigi!" till she fell unconscious. We managed to scan through her contact and we saw the name and decided to call the line attached to it."

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Episode 21

(While I was in the hospital)

My heart skipped twice after hearing what he said.

"Blood of Jesus." I exclaimed and exhaled.

"Hurry up. We are waiting for you. I'm one of the workers there. When you get there I'll walk you in!" He added and aborted the call.

"Oh Jesus please protect my sister for me. Just like you've said in the book of John that whosever that believeth in you shall not perish but have an everlasting life. Nothing will happen to her. I believe!" I said to myself, holding my bible.

I dashed to the shower, got dressed, and stood by the roadside waiting for any passing vehicle.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. I had to wait around thirty minutes for a taxi to arrive. The vehicle then dropped me off. I managed to secure another vehicle which took me to the hospital. I spent twice as much money as I intended to spend because it was late and I was so eager to get to the hospital.

When I got there I called the number and the man came. He was on lab coat. He directed me to the doctor and left. The doctor took me inside the ward. I couldn't believe my eyes seeing my sister's body wrapped with bandages. I asked the doctor 

"Please what happened to my sister."

The doctor removed his glasses looking so sad. He said to me "from what I was told, she was seated next to the driver. The car had a severe auto accident. One of the vehicles that was heading in their way was hit by the car, which was travelling at top speed. The driver dîed instantly. Although three of them made it but they were severely injured and your sister happens to be one of them. Your sister suffered serious wounds. She needs to have her left hand severed in order for her to survive; otherwise, she might not. The other victims are still in their wards and you were lucky you came on time" Doctor muttered sympathetically.

"Some individuals managed to rush them here. I think it's not been long about an hour plus or thereabout." He added.

"Jesus Christ." I burst out in tears and sat down on the floor.

"Doctor I'll have to call my parents. I need to inform them. This is my fault. My God will never fail me. Purity, nothing will happen to you I sweàr." I muttered in tears while staring at her unconscious on the bed. My hands were shivering as I kept scrolling through my contact list.

"This isn't your fault. Don't say that. No one knew that this would happen. I'm a doctor. I guess you were the Bigi that she kept calling. Clean your tears you're a man okay." Doctor added while putting on his glasses.

My real name is Victor sir. Bigi is just a nickname that my colleagues chose to call me. They gave me the name." I said while contacting my dad.

"Okay victor, as you can see we've not started working on her. We only applied some medications to ease her with the pains and so she won't lose much blood although she had lost alot of blood. So victor, what are you saying, we should start working on her?"

"Yes... Yes doctor. But please the hand I'll discuss that with my dad first." I objected in tears. 

"What about the bills. You need to drop something I hope you understand?"

"Yes sir. I understand. Please start working on her. I don't want anything to happen to her don't worry about the bills. I'll foot them. You know it's late" I pleaded uncontrollably.

"Alright." He said.

Dad failed to pick. I tried it again and no one was picking the call.

"Please you can make the call outside you know this is an hospital and we don't tolerate noise it's part of our rules here." He protested.

"You can go. I'll get back to you shortly. We are taking her to the surgery ward. Meet the person that brought you here." He added and escorted me outside.

My face was filled with sympathy.

I kept wiping off my tears.

The street lights brightened up everywhere. In addition to the hospital Gen.

For the first time I was crying like a child.

I sighted the man who had escorted me inside. I was able to notice him because of the lab coat he was wearing. I raced to meet him and told him I needed to speak with him, but he said he was busy and would get back to me later. He also mentioned that he works there.

While I was just moving to and fro, I got a call. I was thinking it was my dad only to discover that it was my friend. I rejected the call.

He called again.

"I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now. Guy! this is a matter of life and deáth. I have something way beyond jokes to attend to," I grumbled to myself and aborted the call.

I kept praying on my mind and something told me to call pastor.

I called her and she didn't pick the call.
I called again and again but the situation remains the same.

"Jesus Christ why is everyone not picking my call! So this is how the devil plan to take my sister away from me!!!" I shouted while on my knees.

I called my mum line, while the phone was ringing another call came in and when I checked it was pastor.

I hung up mum's call and picked her call. 

"Hello victor. I'm so sorry for not picking up. I was in the bathroom. I actually went home late because of Ada. Alot of things I settled. I was shocked seeing over 5 missed calls. Victor what happened?" Pastor questioned eagerly.

"Pastor my sister's life is at stake here."
"What! Holy Ghost Fire!!!" She thundered.

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Episode 22

(At the hospital)

"Blood of Jesus!!!" Pastor shouted.

"What happened to her and where is she right now?" She questioned while panting profusely.

"She had a terrible incident on her way home. But some individuals managed to rush her to the hospital on time. She was severely injured to the extent that the doctor is insisting that her left hand needs to be amputated for her to survive."

"God fôrbid! That can never happen not under my watch. Hold on I'm coming right now let me go and get my car keys."

"Thank you pastor. We are at Jovic hospital"

"I'm coming you have to trust the Lord. Everything is going to be fine. Nothing will happen to her. It will take me some hours to get to that hospital due to the distance but don't worry just hold on I'll be there." She answered and aborted the call.

Mum's call quickly came in

"Mum it's victor."

"Yes of course I know it's you. What's the problem because it's late!"

"Mum it's purity. An info came to me earlier on that she had a terrible incident. From what I was told, the driver immediately passed out.. They were three that they managed to pull out of the vehicle and they sustained various degrees of injuries... Mum there's alot on ground and I don't know what to do. Doctor has started working on her. I've called dad but he's not responding.."

"You see what I've been telling the both of you! Follow me to church you wouldn't listen. Ordinary to go to church you refused no matter how hard I tried Worst is that, You don't even pray nor fast. They all went on deaf ears. Now deàth wants to take my daughter away. God fôrbid." 

"Jesus Christ. But why did you left her alone? Is the doctor with you.. I...I... I need need to to speak with the doctor... doctor right now!" mum protested.

"Mum I'm so sorry this is my fault. But mum I've changed. I'm no longer who I used to be... Mum believe me." I pleaded.

"Is it today you're telling me that? I'm your mum and you know I know you very well. Every time you will change. I said I need to speak with the doctor!" Mum shouted angrily.

Mum, please calm down. The Doctor told me to stay outside for now. Adding that they've commenced her surgery."

"Oh God let nothing happen to my daughter. God I beg of you" Mum pleaded.

"Is there no worker there that I can speak with?"

"Mum except I'll have to wait. He told me he'd attend to me shortly that I should exercise some patience. You know it's late. Most of them are tired, some are already leaving."

"Okay. I'll discuss with your dad. Change of plans I think we'll be coming home this week or next. I've missed my children. God Let nothing happen to my daughter."

"So you mean out of those your friends that I normally see you with, no one is there with you?" Mum questioned.

"Mum it's only one woman that's on her way to the hospital after I tried to reach out to her. She's actually a pastor." I answered.

"You need to be very very careful. Don't just trust anyone you see o. Be very careful. Give me her number let me speak with her."

"Okay mum I'll forward it to you right now. Check your SMS I've sent it. But I think she's driving and might not pick up"

"Okay give me some time let me call her and talk to her. And please stay on alert. Don't leave the hospital yet. Do you understand me!"

"Yes mum."

"Follow me to church you won't listen. Always claiming you're right. Now see what it has resulted into. Everytime I'm a Philanthropist... Philanthropist indeed! you think you can survive this world without Christ. This wickèd world that we are in!" She said and cut the call

I called Helena's line but it was telling me she was on another call.

I had to hold on or call back.

I tried calling Jennifer and she managed to pick up. When I told her she was heartbroken and told me she'd keep on praying for her.

I was seriously starving but I told myself that I won't eat anything till I hear a positive news from the doctor 

I sat in one of the chairs that was closeby and was there till 11:25pm.

Some were leaving the hospital with tears while others were rushing in some victims that were seriously sick likewise those with severe injuries.

"Jesus Christ. Oh God thank you for keeping me safe till this time. The oxygen we breathe in you created it for us. Father I thank you so much. Father you've been doing it, that's why I always have faith in you. I believe that nothing will happen to her." I said to myself waving both hands while observing the victims they were rushing in.

While I was there, a call from pastor came.

Immediately I was about answering the call, someone abruptly tapped me thrice on my back.

I quickly turned while holding my phone.

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Episode 23

(When pastor arrived at the hospital)

When I turned, It was the other man that helped me earlier.

"Sir please hold on let me pick the call." I said to him and moved a few distance to answer the call.

"Hasten it up." He said.

"Pastor... Pastor.... " I answered.

"Yes. I'm almost there just hold on okay." Pastor answered.

"Okay pastor.." I answered and she cut the call.

"Sir you said you were busy so I didn't bother to disturb you." I turned to him.

"From what I'm hearing about your sister...." He said, rotating his head sideways while giving me a sad look.

"What is it sir. Please tell me. Hope nothing tragic happened?" I said in tears while holding his hands.

"Your sister sustained degrees of injuries. From what I'm hearing, her chances of survival is under probability. Which is 50% out of 100%. Her left hand also needs to be amputated." He said.

"Doctor... Doctor... Doctorrrrrrrrrr.." I squeaked in tears, gripping hold of his hands.

"I suggest you call your parents. Their attention is highly needed right now. Bills are also piling up and I'm sure you're already aware..." He remarked.

"Yes I'll foot them. I've informed my parents. But I've sent doctor something to start with."

"Try and call your parents. Don't you have any other family aside from your sister?" he questioned me.

"My pastor is on her way. She's almost here.." I responded.

"Alright then. Talk to you later." He said and left.

Pastor arrived approximately 1:15am. I rushed to meet her.

"Your mum called. You gave her my contact?"

"Yes she's so devastated right now. She has to call you and speak with you. Pastor this is all my fault. I shouldn't have let her leave the church.." I muttered in tears 

"Don't say that. Pls wipe off your tears. Stop putting blames on yourself. Only God knows best. Where is she now?" She questioned.

"No feedback from the doctor yet. They're still working on her."

"Nothing will happen to her. Just like our lord said in the book of Job 5:19-20
He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. He shall deliver thee, actually referring to you and I, how many troubles?"

"Six troubles pastor." 

"Good. Meaning this one is nothing compared to what was written here. Not one, not two, not three, not four, And no evîl shall touch thee! Don't worry nothing will happen to her. She will be fine just as he had spoken." She said while holding her bible.

A call came from my mum.

"I've discussed with your pastor. She assured me that everything will be fine but I'm still worried. How's the surgery going. You know I'm worried. I don't want anything to happen to her. Even as it stands I'm still in the room with your dad crying and praying for her. What  about the doctor! No news yet?"

"One of them told me that her chances of survival is minimal. He said her left hand needs to be amputated. Although I haven't heard from the doctor himself.... But I...."

Pastor took the phone and answered her. "Ma please take it easy I understand how you feel right now. I'm also a mother. Nothing will happen to her. Trust me. I'm with your son right now." 

"I'm scared.... I'm scared.... I can't sleep. I need to talk to my son pls give him the phone.."

She handèd me the phone.

"Mum..." I responded.

"Victor you're my only hope please make sure you don't leave the hospital. I regret leaving my children alone. I can never forgive myself for this... I ...."

"It's okay naa.. Don't worry she'll be fine. You need to rest.." Dad whispered to her.

"I'm not sleeping. You didn't hear what he said, he's saying that her chances of survival is under probability. I can't sleep not when my daughter is dyîng. Victor. Please don't leave the hospital." Mum muttered in tears.

"I won't. I won't eat anything till she's fine. I rather starve myself to deáth."

I could see pastor's eyes welled up in tears. She was cleaning her shirt.

"I can relate.. Being a mother I know how it feels. God will never fail. He has never failed me. Victor I'm assuring you that.." pastor added 

"Let me pray with you for for some minutes. Hold my hands." She said.

Pastor held my hands and prayed with me..

Immediately we finished praying doctor came out of the hospital with one of his colleague. He was on light glasses.

While He was coming closer, He was looking so pale.

I could tell that something was wrong.

"Jesus. Jesus.. Father... Father. Hope this is not what I'm thinking... Doctor..." I muttered. My heart was about to burst out of my chest.

"Victor.... It's okay. Victor...." Pastor protested.

Doctor walked up to us and quickly removed his glasses.

"Doctor what's wrong! Doctor talk to me!! Doctor say something." I shouted uncontrollably while holding his lab coat.

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Episode 24

(The Doctor's Report)

"Victor... Relax... Just take a deep breath." Doctor whispered, facing the other man behind him.

"Doctor.... I can't... please tell me she's fine. I can't do anything till you tell me something positive."

"Yes go on..." He said to his other colleague.

He swiftly whispered something on his left ear.

"Alright... Alright...." He answered him and quickly turned to me 

"We have completed her surgery, Victor. Let's hope for the best. And for her arm, we were able to realign the bones that had been broken, realign the socket that held the upper arm, and work on the philanges.. She won't be able to use the hand yet till after a year and two months. because it takes so long for the joints and bones to heal.. The only remaining choice, if you can't wait, is to take off your entire hand. I think two months should be plenty for her recuperation, excluding her arm.

"But Doctor......" Pastor called.

"Oh Jesus... Doctor can I go inside and talk to her now?" I protested while panting heavily.

"I'm afraid not.." doctor quickly responded, giving me a serious look.

"Please I need to talk to my sister!.... I need to also inform my parents. I can't tell them what I've not seen... I need to see it for myself...." I shouted, holding his lab coat.

"Please calm down my brother." His other colleague muttered.

"Victor.... You're really fortunate because two of the other individuals who survived the tragedy dîed during surgery. This stuff I'm telling you isn't up to 30 minutes. We are just left with your sister and one other survivor. The majority of the vehicles you saw earlier were driven by family members of the victims rushing to check on them."

"Blood of Jesus Christ! Father will always be there for us no matter what. Thank you lord for keeping her safe. Father thank you so much for protecting her, for a successful surgery. Father how can I repay you for this kindness...." Pastor kept saying while on his knees and waving both hands.

"That should be all for now.. In case you come here and you couldn't find me, here's my contact boldly written on this paper... It's already late. Don't worry about her she'd be fine. You need to rest." Doctor added, handed me the paper and left with his other colleague.

"Pastor..... Pastor..... Pastor I don't know what to do.... Pastor... Pastor I caused this. Now my sister can't make use of her left hand because if me" Pastor quickly got up and held my left hand.

"Victor... Stop this thing you're saying.!" She said to me.

I kept waving and oscillating like someone that was drunk with tears spilling out of my eyes.

Pastor had to hold me. She held me till he managed to pull me in back seat of her car. She went to check her booth and closed it. 

My mum was already calling.

I rejected the call.

She called again.

I don't know what to tell mum. I don't want to tell her something that will give her a heavy heart that night. So I just snubbed the call. Pastor was observing me, thinking I'd pick.

She called again and this time, pastor intervened while she was adjusting the front seat.

"Victor... Your mum is calling you. Pls pick the call. Your sister is still alive and you need to be happy for that.... Please answer the call. She's your mother... Even the bible says it, honour your father and your mother and your days will be long on earth."

After hearing what she said, I picked the call.

My son, why are you not picking my call. Something terrible happened to her!" Mum criêd out.

"No mum.. She...She actually survived the operation but..... But...." I stuttered.

"But what.... My son talk to me..." Mum shouted.

I opened my mouth to speak but had to close it quickly because no sound came.

"Victor......... what are you doing." Pastor whispered and signaled me to give her the phone.

The I gave her the phone. It was already on loudspeaker making it easier for me to hear what they were saying.

"Ma it's the pastor. I'm still with your son." Pastor responded.

"Please... and please tell me the truth. What happened to my daughter. Talk to me. What happened!" Mum criêd out.

"Ma the Lord was with her so she was able to scale through..  According to the doctor, The only challenge there is that, she can't make use of her left hand till the next 14months which is equivalent to a year and two months. But excluding the hand, she'll be recovering in two months.

"Please pray for my daughter. Please pray for my daughter. You're a true man of God and I know you can do this. My daughter can't make use of her hand why! Jesus save my daughter please. Why is the dêvil doing this to her. Please pray for her, Pastor. If you can heal my daughter, I sweãr with my life that my family and I will switch churches and begin worshipping in your church." Mum cried out in agony.

I was seated at the back seat observing them and shedding tears.

I could also see tears dripping out of Helena's eyes.

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