Monday, December 25, 2023



It was payday. I had just received my salary and as usual, my first priority was my mother. I always sent her monthly allowance even before I went home after work on pay days. She lived in Nigeria, and I lived in Cameroon. Hence, sending her money was a little bit complex. Western Union would be the right choice, but the charges were enormous. So, I decided to use MTN Mobile money to send. It was cheaper, fast and reliable. Haven made up my mind, I went across the road to a mobile money point that was closest to where I work. When I got there, I met a lady and greeted her.

“Good afternoon”

“Good afternoon”

“You do Mobile Money here, I suppose?” 

“Yes, we do. Do you want to send or receive?”


“Within the country or out of the country?” 

“Out of the country.”

“Which country?”


“How much?”


I handed the money to her; gave her my mum’s details and she conducted the transaction. A few seconds later, I got a notification from MTN that my transaction was successful. I was about walking out of the place when she said:
“Hmm! Your mum should be lucky.”

“How do you mean?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“She has a son who sends her money.”

“Oh! That? Of course, na. That woman made a lot of sacrifices for me. No matter how broke I am, I must always set aside something for her.”

“Are you the only child?” She asked.


“You are the first?”

“No, the fifth.”

“Wow!! You are the fifth child, and you care about your mother so much? I thought you were the first. Are you the last?” She was persistent. I hated persistence.

“No, I have two beautiful younger sisters. I am the last male, however.” I told her.

“Anha!! That makes sense now. Mummy’s boy.” She said and smiled. I laughed out loud. “Your mum should love you a lot.”

“Of course, she does. She even gave me her father’s name.” I revealed.

“What’s your name?” 


“Old name”

“I don’t blame you.” I said lightheartedly. And you are Mary?” 

“So, because you are John, I should be Mary?” She asked, smiling.

“Makes sense to me.” We both laughed.

“My name is Florence.”

I didn’t know why she was asking so many questions about me. We had only just met but she was treating me like we had known each other for ages. Like I said, I was just back from work. It had been a long day and I was feeling tired. So, I told her I would be leaving.

“Anyway, I have to go now.” I spoke. It was a pleasure doing business with you.”

“The pleasure is all mine.”

I stepped out of the place and tried to get a bike that would take me home. My car was at the mechanic, and I was scheduled to collect it the following day. I needed change in order to get a bike. I had stopped about four bikes but none of them would accept to carry me because of change wahala. So, I went back to Florence. 

“Can you lend me some coins?” I asked.

“How much?”

“Three hundred”


“I will stop here tomorrow and reimburse you.” I spoke.

“You don’t need to. You can keep it.” She spoke.



“Thank you”


She counted the money and gave it to me. Then she spoke again.

“You have never done your transactions here before? What brought you here today.” She asked.

Gosh!! I thought in my heart. This girl does nothing but asks questions.

“No particular reason. I use Mobile Money a lot. So, I always make use of any point I can find.” I explained.

“Alright, in that case, you can be my regular customer. We can transact anytime, even when you are not around.”

“Really? In that case, I will need to have your number.” I suggested.

“Yes, that’s true.”

I handed my phone to her, and she keyed in her number. I also gave her mine, said goodbye, stopped the next bike and headed home. On my way home, I kept wondering why she had taken such a keen interest in me. I was asking myself; is that how she behaved with all her customers, or was it just me? Anyway, I decided to get it of my mind. I was already very tired and needed to get home and have a good rest. 

It was a Saturday and that meant the following day, I wouldn’t be going to work. I was in my living room that evening, reclining on my favourite Sofa, watching Dilemma on African Magic Showcase and reading interesting stories on a Facebook page called Stories of My Life when I saw a WhatsApp notification from Florence.

“Hi handsome” it read.


“How are you this evening?”

“Good and you?”

“Great, I am sure you have eaten and rested.” She asked.

“Of course, I have. How about you?”



“Will you go to church tomorrow?” She asked.



“No particular reason”

“Ok what will you be doing after church hours?” She asked.


“We could hang out if you like. What do you think?” She proposed.


“That new place below SWECOM. I hear its dope.” She spoke.

“Alright, see you tomorrow then. I will call you when I am free. Bye.”

I went back to watching TV. But I kept wondering what she wanted. At first, I was scared. Then my fear turned to excitement. I decided that come tomorrow, I would try to see what kind of a girl she was and who knows what might happen after?




It was Sunday now and we were already at our dating venue. Her dressing today was more casual. She looked more beautiful than she looked the other day at her work place. I figured it was because she had some make up on. She also smelled good. We ordered grilled fish and miondo, and two bottles of Chill. We talked as we ate.

“You asked a lot about me yesterday.” I spoke. “Can you please tell me something about you?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Marital status, age, preferences, temperament…anything”

“I am not married.” She spoke, showing me her fingers. “As for my age, forget it. You will find out about that someday. Preferences? Ehmmm, well, I love music, hanging out and praying to God.”

“Wow!! That’s cool. So, how come you are single. A beautiful woman like you should have a prince charming.” I said and she smiled.

“Well, I am just taking my time.” She spoke.
"How about you? Are you married?”



“No” I lied. A lie that would cost me dearly, very dearly in the future.

“You are single? Don’t tell me that as cute as you are, you are single.”

“Yes, I am single.” I lied again.

“That means I am fortunate.” She said and then winked at me.

“How do you mean?”

“I am fortunate to have met a single and cute guy who has caught my interest. But the question is, have I also caught his interest?” She asked.

“Oh!! That? You are a nice lady. That’s all I can say for now.” I spoke. How many boys have you dated in the past?


“How many have you slept with?”




“Are you saying you are a virgin?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yes, I am.”


“Because I have promised God and myself that I will only sleep with the man whom I will get married to.” She explained.

“So, you are saying that, just in case we start dating now, you won’t allow me to have the “ebube dike”? I asked.

“If you will get married to me, what is the problem? I will give it to you freely.” 

It was at this point that I should have known that it was time to back out. I should have known that Florence was no ordinary girl. She was highly principled and intentional. She also looked like someone who falls in love desperately and can do anything to keep that love. I, on the other hand, was a player. I used my good looks to lure ladies. They fall into my hands, and I fall into their pockets and … you know the other thing. I had lied to her that I was single but, I was in a serious relationship and even planned to get married to the lady I was dating. Trouble was brewing. I was sensible enough to see that but took little notice of it.

We were done eating now. I walked her out of the place, and we got into my car. I would have loved to take her to my home, but it was late, and I didn’t know yet whether she lived alone or with her parents. When I asked her about it, she said she lived with family. So, I drove her to her home. When we got to their house, she gave me a gentle peck on the jaw, and then got off the car. As I drove away, she rang the bell for her sister to come and open the gate for her.

Florence and I had been hanging out for almost a month now. We were getting quite close but nothing serious had happened yet. She hadn’t even come to my house. However, she had asked for the direction to my house, and I had given her a vivid description of where I lived. One Sunday, I was in the living room, lying on my soft carpet when my doorbell rang. I was half asleep so, the sound of the doorbell ringing startled me. 

“Who’s there?”


“That is everyone’s name. What is your real name.”


I jumped up and rushed to the door, opened it and was greeted with her very warm smile. She looked good in her Sunday outfit. I was half happy and half angry that she had come. I was happy because I was bored but was angry because she hadn’t called. What if my fiancée was around?

“Come in Florence. I am so delighted to see you.” I said, ushering her into my beautiful living room.

“Thank you.” She said, sitting down and looking around. “Your place looks good, enjoyment minister.”

“Thank you.” We both laughed. 

“What should I get for you? I have ice cream, soft drinks, alcohol, what do you want?”

“Alcohol, whisky to be precise.” She said, laughing. I looked at her with my eyebrows raised. “I am only joking. I will take ice cream, thank you.”

I went to the fridge and got her ice cream. I got some for me, too. We ate and chatted. Everything was going well until there was a power cut and it started raining. The weather became cold and wet. However, that wasn’t a problem because I knew when it was time to go, I would drive her home. But then, with no electricity, and the TV off, we had to concentrate more on ourselves. She was the one who started the whole thing. She offered to feed me with a spoon full of ice cream. I returned the favour and we both laughed and took it for a joke. 

Ice cream was finished now, and power had still not been restored. I started telling her stories. I was a master storyteller and I told her a story about the day my mum sent me to the market to go buy a large bunch of bananas. On my way home, I met my crush. I missed my step, tripped on a stone and fell down, bananas and all. I was very embarrassed. When I got up from the ground, I realized that my slippers had cut. I had no choice but to walk home with one of my feet bare as my crushed and her friends mocked at me. Poor me!!! 

She laughed until tears came to eyes. I laughed too but I was very embarrassed on that day. Women have this way of laughing and falling on someone’s body. That was what she was doing, and before I realized, we had become close. Our bodies were touching each other and that gave me a tingling sensation. The skirt she was wearing had gone up, revealing her soft, fresh and brown laps. 

Power was restored, thankfully. But when I turned on the TV, as the devil would have it, there was a love making scene going on. I turned to look at her and realized that her eyes had become all smoky. She badly wanted something. The rain, the cold, the movie going on, everything seemed to have put her in a horny mood. I kissed her and she responded as if she was waiting for it. She kissed me so violently that for a moment, I thought my tongue was going to fall off from its roots.

I was still sitting on the sofa as she got on top of me, kissing and caressing me with reckless abandon. It was evident she hadn’t been close to a man in a very long while. I sent my hand inside her blouse and touched her breasts. They felt good and plump. I unbuttoned her blouse, took one of her breasts and sucked gently. She arched her back in pleasure and I transferred my attention to the other breast and did the same thing. She was crazy now and I figured it was time for me to go all the way. I sent my hand in between her legs, but she held my hand.

“What is the matter, Florence?”

“Remember, I am still a virgin. If you are going to make love to me, it means you have to marry me. Do you agree?” 

On a normal situation, I would have stopped doing what I was doing. However, half of my sense was gone. I was already deep into the process and had no choice. 

“Yes, I will marry you.”


“Yes, Promise.”

“With all your heart?”

“Yes, with all of my heart.”

“Okay, let’s go to your bedroom.”




I led the way while she brought up the rear. When we got to my bedroom, I asked her to take off her clothes, but she was shy.

“I have never been naked in in front of a man before.” She protested, shyly. 

“I understand. Don’t worry, I will help you.” I assured her.

I took of her dresses, one at a time. When I got to her undies, there was a small struggle before I finally succeeded. She laid on the bed with both of her hands covering her face.

“Will it be painful?” She asked.

“So, I have heard. I am not a woman, you know? But don’t worry, I will be gentle.”

“Please, slowly, very slowly.”

“Trust me”

I had taken off my clothes now. I spread her legs and got on top of her, but she screamed terribly and pushed me back. 

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“It’s painful, please. Let’s leave it for another day.” She proposed.

“There is no better day, my dear. Do not leave until tomorrow, what you can do today.”

I tried to get into her again, but she screamed louder than the first time. I went back to the living room, turned the music on, turned up the volume and came back. When I came back, the real struggle began. I realized that if I waited for her to give in willingly, it would never happen. She needed a little motivation. So, I applied force, and the fighting began. We fought for about two hours before I finally succeeded to penetrate her. All the while, she was crying and scratching and biting and kicking.

We were done now. I got up and went to the bath, but she stayed on the bed, crying.

“What’s the matter now? Still in pains?”

“Yes, but that’s not why I am crying. I have just lost my virginity. I had kept it all these years for the man who was going to marry me. Hope you will keep your promise to me?”

That was when I realized that I wasn’t ready to marry her. I had a beautiful fiancée. I should have told her, but I had been selfish. I just wanted a piece of her, and now that I have had her, my feelings for her had already started diminishing. I avoided a response to her question. Instead, I told her to calm down and go clean herself up. After she was done, I drove her home.

It had been three months now since she lost her virginity to me. Florence had become what I didn’t bargain for. She was extremely loyal, caring, committed and loving. Those virtues would have, under normal circumstances made me love her more. But my life was now complicated because I had a fiancée. I did everything I could to make her hate me, but she refused to hate me. Many times, I was rude to her. Sometimes I refused her not to come to my house. Other times, I deliberately, for no reason, created trouble between us, just so that she would go and not come back. However, she always kept apologizing even when she was right. 

When she asked me to give her money to cook for me and I refused, she would use her own money to cook. When she asked for transportation and I refused, she would use her own money. I tried to get rid of her in many ways, but she kept being forgiving and nice to me. I was frustrated and came to realize that I had a serious problem to solve. 

One Sunday, she proposed that we spent the day together. I told her that was not going to be possible. My fiancée was in town, and I didn’t want trouble. She had always called me before coming to my house. So, that Sunday, I was sure that I wouldn’t be having any interruptions. But that was not to be. I was in the living room with my fiancée, having lunch when I heard a knock on the door. My heart skipped. I had a queer feeling that it might be her. I went to the door and opened it, and I almost collapsed. It was Florence. 

“What are you doing here?” I asked. “I thought I told you to call me before coming to my house. Is something wrong with your head?”

“I am sorry, baby. I was in your neighbourhood. So, I thought I should just pass by and say hi.”

“You are not serious. You are stark raving mad.” I said angrily.

“I am very sorry, babe. But it looks like you have a guest. Who is she? I just heard a female voice.” She said, trying to peep through the drapes. I blocked her way and was about to lie to her that it was my sister. But my fiancée spoiled my plans.

“Who is that babe?” She asked.

“Nobody important. Just a friend.” I lied.

“So, why don’t you ask her to come in.” She proposed.

“Well, she is just passing. Another time maybe.”

“No, ask her to come in. I haven’t really met most of your friends. Let her come in and make herself comfortable.”

I cursed under my breath as I ushered Florence in. She was offered food but refused to eat. She couldn’t believe what was happening. She thought she was dreaming. All the while, I avoided eye contact with her because I didn’t know what to do. Finally, I left both ladies and went to my bedroom. Before going, I managed to look into Florence’s eyes and gave her a stern look, warning her to keep her mouth shut. When it was time for her to leave, I told my fiancée to tell her that I was asleep and wouldn’t be able to see her. 

Two days later, my fiancée left, and Flore came to see me. She started weeping as soon as she walked through the door. I offered her a glass of water, but she refused. 

“You lied to me, John. You have a fiancée, and you didn’t tell me.” She wept.

“Well, now you know. So, what do we do about it?” I was unapologetic.

“You said you were going to marry me. You promised me with all your heart.”

“Yes, I did. But you asked that question when I was very vulnerable. Any other man would have said the same thing. So, you can’t hold that against me.”

“I gave you my virginity based on that promise, remember?” She asked.

“What’s so particular about you giving me your virginity. Women have been doing that since the beginning of time. What makes you think your own virginity was special? Do you know how many girls who have lost their virginity to me?” I asked, scornfully.

“John!! Are you the one talking to me like that?” She asked in disbelief. 

“It is me, flesh and blood. In fact, now that you know I have a fiancée, better get used to the idea. You have to be prepared to be a cowife.” I told her.

“I don’t want to share you with anybody.”

“Then let’s break up now that it’s still early. I can’t leave my fiancée for you. You either be the side chick and know your place or nothing.” I said, rudely. 

“You are wicked, John. God will not forgive you.” She said, sobbing.

“Are you one of God’s angels to know whether He will forgive me or not?” I asked angrily. “In fact, it’s time for you to go. I have had a long day.” 

“I am going nowhere.”

“Oh!! Alright, I will help you.” I said and dragged her out of my house. She clung on the door frame, refusing to go. I used force and pulled her until she gave up. 

“John, the blood I shed on the day I lost my virginity to you was a contract we signed. It was a bond. Remember that you promised to marry me. If you don’t marry me, you will pay dearly.” She threatened when she was out of the gate.

“You are still talking? I replied. “Alright, wait until I meet you there.” 

She hung her handbag on her shoulders, used a paper napkin to wipe her tears and started walking away sorrowfully. I slammed my gate and got back into the house nonchalantly.

 However, in my heart, I was worried about the threat she had just made and knew I hadn’t heard the last of her.




Flore had left my house angrily and sad. As a result, we didn’t communicate for almost a week. However, I didn’t bother because I was very sure that in spite of her rantings and threats, she was already into me, and she was going to contact me soon. I knew the kind of girl she was. She was that kind of girl who was wired to love only one man in her entire life, and when she loved, she really loved deeply. She loved with everything in her. There are very of those kinds of girls in existence. Unfortunately for her, she had met the wrong guy. She loved me desperately and I knew it, hence, was taking advantage of it.

One evening, I was just back from work when my phone rang. I went and checked, and it was her. I refused to pick. She called five more times, and I didn’t pick. She paused for about thirty minutes, and then called again. I picked this time. 

“Hello!!” She spoke.


“Good evening.”


“So, since I left your place in that mood, you couldn’t even call to ask how I was doing?” She asked.

“Why should I? You left angrily and threatened my life. So, why should I call you?” I asked, rudely.

“Ok, I am sorry. I was just so pissed that day. You have to understand.” She apologized.

“Be sorry for yourself.”

“Why are you talking like that na?” She asked.

“Talking like how? Please, if you have nothing better to say, I have had a long day and I need to go rest.” I was very rude.

“Please, don’t be annoyed. I just want us to see today, so that we can talk.” She begged.

“You and who? Talk as what?” 

“As lovers na.”

“Listen, I thought you broke up with me and threatened me? Let me just be, please.”

“Are you going back to that? I already said sorry, please. By the way, how’s your fiancée? She asked.

“One more question like that, and I will drop this call. Are you mad? How’s that your business?”

“Ok, I am sorry. Can I at least see you today?” She asked again.

“Maybe, but I have some troubles in my head. I need to really concentrate.” I told her.

“Troubles? What kind of troubles? I can be of help, you know?!” She proposed.

“You really want to help?”


“Alright come home.”

Exactly thirty minutes later, she came to my house, and I told her the problem I had. I told her that as it stood now, I needed one million to solve some problems. I had looked for help from everyone I could think of, but there was no help forthcoming. All my friends, colleagues and family had disappointed me. I told her that she was my last resort.

“Babe, you know if I had that kind of money, I would have gladly lent it to you, right?” She spoke.

“Yes, I do. But you work in a financial institution, don’t you?” I asked. You can take the money from the workplace, and I will refund it in time.”

“That’s risky, babe. Are you sure you will pay back on time?” She asked.

“Yes, I will. I can’t joke with your company money.”

“Okay, anything for you.”

“Thank, you babe. I am so happy.” I said, happily.

I jumped from my seat and met her in hers and started kissing her. She responded like she was waiting for it. She had badly missed my attention. We made love in the living room, and she was all over me. She really loved me.

The next day, she wired the complete amount to me. I didn’t even say thanks. I was like, why would I be telling her thanks when I would be paying her back? The very next day, I called my fiancée, and we went on vacation to a coastal resort. We booked the most expensive hotel suite and ordered the most expensive meals and champagne. For two weeks, we had non-stop enjoyment. It was a vacation we had been planning for almost a year. 

All through that period, Flore had been calling me, but I had been avoiding her calls, when she kept persisting, I got annoyed and blocked her calls. I also blocked her on WhatsApp. I didn’t want my fiancée to have any suspicions. I was afraid of her anger which was very fiery. 

Vacation was over now, and I was back to town. Flore knew I would be terribly vexed if she came to my house without calling. So, though I had already unblocked her calls, she chose to come to my office instead. It was the secretary who ushered her in.

“I have tried calling you all this while without success. What has been happening?”

“I am sorry babe. You know I forget my charger before travelling. Then my phone too was giving me serious headache.” I lied. 

She knew I was lying but didn’t want to press the matter for fear of getting me angry. 

“Babe, the money is due. I need to put the money back into the company’s account before anyone notices.”

“Oh!! I understand babe. But can you imagine that I have not been able to raise that money? I need more time, please.” I spoke.

“So, what am I going to do? I will be in serious trouble if I don’t pay that money. Please, you have to do something.” She begged.

“What is your problem now?” I asked angrily. “I said I don’t have the money now. What do you want me to do? Do you want me to go and rob someone?”

“I am not saying that you should steal. You know I love you so much and I will never wish something like that to you. I just want us to look for a means to raise the money. Alright, since it has come to this, and we are running out of time, let’s raise the money together. I will do my own part, but please, my love, do yours too.” She tried to reason with me.

“Alright, I have heard. I will try.” I said, offhandedly. “Can you go now? I have to get back to work."

She left my office sadly. I felt a bit of pity for her but what could I do? I figured she would have to look for a means to raise the money. If only she knew how I spent the money. If only she knew that for the past weeks, all throughout the period that my line wasn’t available, I was with my fiancée enjoying in a resort.

The deadline for paying the money had come and passed. I was seriously avoiding her. I didn’t take her calls and made sure the security man didn’t allow her into my office. When she rang the bell to my apartment, I didn’t answer. I had no money to give her. She stopped calling or looking for me. I was shocked that she had stopped calling. I thought she had finally developed a strong heart and will power and had decided to move on. However, when it got to two weeks and she still hadn’t called, I was curious instead of being worried and decided to somehow check on her though I had no money for her. 

When I closed from work that day, I went to her company and was surprised to find someone else sitting at her desk. I greeted the young lady and asked where Flore was, and I was shocked by her response. She said Flore had been put in jail for defrauding the company of a huge sum of a million. 




I really felt bad that Flore had been locked up all on my account. For the first time since I started dating her, I felt guilty. I asked to see the manager of the establishment, and I was ushered into his office. 

“Good afternoon, Sir” I said, soon as I had been offered a seat. “I am here in respect of Florence.”

“Oh!! I am so sorry, Sir. It is the fault of the assistant manager. I was out of town, and he took matters into his own outraged hands without even consulting me. I was just on my way to the prison before you walked in. Flore is a dedicated staff with a clean record and doesn’t deserve to be treated that way.” The manager was feeling so bad for Florence. 

“In that case, we could go together. My car is parked outside.” I spoke.

We were at the prison now. We had first of all been to the State’s Council’s office to secure her release papers. With both of us seated at the waiting room, Flore was brought to us. She looked so weak, starved and worn out. However, she was still able to keep her famous charming style. I got up as soon as I saw her. 

“Omg!! Flore, I hope they have been treating you well?” I asked. 

“I am alive and that is enough for me. Thank you for coming to release me.”

“Actually, the credit should also go to your boss. We did it together.” I spoke. 

She turned to her manager, and with her face bowed to the ground, she thanked him for everything and apologized for the money. The boss waved it aside and told her not to worry. He assured her that they would sort things out later. For now, she needed to go home, clean up, have a decent meal and then rest.

The boss took a taxi back to his workplace while I took Florence home. I apologized for treating her that way but all she did was just stay silent. She was too weak to engage in any meaningful conversation. Soon, we arrived their house and she got off the car. I walked her to the door; told her I would see her later and left.

It had been three weeks now. Flore had resumed work and I had been trying as much as possible to be nice to her. For once, she felt love and she was thankful to God. She had stopped worrying me about the money. Her boss had decided that part of it would be erased and considered as reparations for her being locked up by the assistant manager. The remaining one would be slowly deducted from her salary over an extended period of time, so that she doesn’t feel the pinch. Her boss was really a good man.

One day, I decided to take Flore to club. I wanted an informal setting with her. I was looking for every means to make up with her. After, her time in prison, I was still feeling bad and decided I would do as much as I could to recompense for my sins. My fiancée had gone back to where she lived and worked. It was an opportunity to do some catching up with Flore. So, I decided that I would take her to Platinum. She gladly accepted. She had never been to a club before and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to engage in something new and exciting. 

That evening, I called to find out if she was ready yet. She said she was. She also informed me that she would love her friend, Solange to accompany us. I had no problem with Solange coming with us, we were going out of fun and there was no problem having an additional person with us. When I went to pick them up, I was astounded at how they dressed. Flore was wearing an extremely short mini skirt and a strapless top. Her shoes were stilettos, and her makeup was otherworldly.  I knew who was behind that look. It was Solange who was wearing a very revealing bump shot and a cropped T Shirt that revealed must of her tummy. 

They got into the car, and we drove to Platinum. The surrounding was packed with club goers, mostly girls who were scantily dressed. Some were almost naked. We walked into the club, secured a place to seat and ordered drinks. Florence wanted to take non-alcoholic wine, but Solange encouraged her to take alcohol.

“We are in club, Flore. It’s your first time. Take something that will make you feel belonged.”

“I have never taken alcohol before.” Flore protested.

“I think you should take a little bit, babe.” I added my voice. “Don’t worry, you are in safe hands.”

“Are you sure?” 

“Yes, babe.”

The drinks were served now, and we were sipping and watching other clubbers dance. The dances were so erotic that it made Flore feel so bad and out of place. Solange held my hand and asked us to dance. I stood up and we started dancing to the rhythm of Patoranking’s Abule. Solange was a good dancer and a rough one too. The way she was dancing with me made me felt uncomfortable because Flore was around. She was dancing so erotically and suggestive and it made my body move. The song was over now, and I told her I wouldn’t be dancing any more.

Flore wasn’t comfortable being in the club so, she proposed that we go somewhere else. Solange was already half drunk and refused to leave the club. However, after a little bit of persuasion, she agreed to go with us. We went to a snack bar opposite Platinum called Johannesburg. We got seats, ordered more drinks and continued drinking. Flore was sitting beside me while Solange was sitting on the seat opposite me. I noticed that Solange was up to something. She was rubbing her legs on mine under the table. It made me feel uncomfortable. I was worried at what Flore’s reaction might be if she caught her doing that. 

Flore excused herself and said she was going to the ladies. As soon as she left, Solange took the opportunity.

“You are such a nice guy.” She began. “I wish I had you for myself.”

“You clearly don’t know who I am. Not all that glitters is gold. I am a bad guy, so be careful.” I warned her.

“But I love bad guys. Come to think of it, if a Sister Mary like Flore can handle you, what about a crazy chick like me.” She asked, rubbing my arm erotically.  

“Be careful what you wish for yourself. Breaking hearts is my favourite pastime. So, be careful.”

“But you can’t break my heart.” She countered. “I won’t allow myself to fall in love with you in spite of your good looks. We could just do NSA.”

“What is NSA?”

“No Strings Attached.”

“But I am dating your friend, Solange.”

“She said you have a fiancée. So, I am sure there is space for one more person.”

Just then, Flore got back and interrupted our conversation. We got back to drinking and chatting and Solange rubbing her legs against mine under the table. I checked my watch and realized that it was 3:00 AM already. I decided that we should leave. By now, both Flore and Solange were heavily drunk. I bundled them into the car and drove off. Our destination? My house. Solange complained that her neighbourhood was really dangerous and the bad boys there would attack and rob us if I took her there at that time of the night. 

We were at home now. Solange slept at the guest room while Flore and I were in my bedroom. Flore slept as soon as she hit the bed. It was an exhaustive experience for her, coupled with the alcohol and all the noise. Luckily, the next day was Sunday. She had all the time to sleep and rest. On the other hand, I wasn’t drunk. But I was horny, and Flore was asleep. Then an evil thought came to my mind. I was talking to myself; why don’t I go to the guest room and make love to Solange. She had already revealed her wanting for me. Flore was deep asleep and would never know. The thought festered my mind so much that I decided to go see her.

When I got, there, she was already asleep. I climbed on the bed and started caressing her laps. I moved my hand up to her sugar pot, undid the zipper of her bump short and started removing it. She opened her eyes and saw me.

“Oh! John, it’s you. You want it?” She asked.

She removed the short herself, removed her undies and I got on top of her and started pounding. Sex actually felt good, when there was the danger of being caught. The adrenalin added to the pleasure, not to talk of the alcohol we had both taken. She was creaming and moaning in spite of the fact that Flore was just in the next room. In the heat of the moment, I had forgotten to lock the door. 

I was so deep into the sex that I didn’t notice the door opened. I heard a sound behind me and turned around. It was Flore standing there, staring at us with her both palms over her mouth in shock.




I quickly got up from Solange and put on my boxers while she quickly got under the sheets.

“Solange!!!” Flore shouted. “How can you do a thing like this?

Solange could not say anything. There was guilt written all over her face. She bowed her head low in shame. Flore turned to me.

“John, what is the meaning of this? You couldn’t even respect the fact that I was just in the other room? She asked, sadly.

“I am sorry, babe. She made me do it. It was the alcohol and all. You know, I actually thought it was you. Please, I am sorry.”

“You actually thought it was me? What a cheap lie. I am so disappointed at you.”

“You see, babe, alcohol is a bad thing. It is a vile drink that turns even the most responsible of men into scoundrels.” I was trying to put the blame on alcohol.

“I am so disappointed in you John, very disappointed.” She spoke.

“But come to think of this, so, these are the kind of friends you keep? How did you come by such a friend. She is such a bad friend. You see why I had always told you to keep away from friends?”

“Who is a bad friend?” Solange asked angrily.

“If you open your mouth there, I will pounce on you. That’s why I am so disappointed at thunder these days. It is supposed to have fired you by now.” I was threatening Solange.

Florence could no longer stay in that room, she stomped away and started calling her elder sister on phone. I turned angrily to Solange.

“Are you still lying there? My friend, get up and leave this place.”

She put on her dresses, and I drove both of them to their various houses, since it was already early morning. No one spoke to each other while I drove. To avoid further suspicions, I dropped Solange first before dropping Flore, though Solange’s house was farther. As soon as I got back home, my phone rang. It was Flore’s sister, Belinda, calling.

“Hi Bibi”

“John, my sister has explained to me what happened at your place.”

“I understand she has. What about it?”

“Are you not ashamed of yourself? Sleeping with two friends.” She asked in anger.

“Let’s assume that I am ashamed, what would it change? It was that Solange girl who caused it. You should blame your sister for bringing her along.” I told her.

“Which Solange? Did she force herself on you? Did she force you to have an erection? Accept your faults and stop blaming someone else. You are a very wicked guy, and I will make sure my sister leaves you. You have caused her too much trouble and brought her too many pains. I have been silent because I didn’t want to interfere in her relationship. But this time, you will hear from me.” Belinda was very angry.

“Wait, let me get this straight. Are you threatening me?” I asked.

“Even if I am, what are you going to do about it?” She asked.

“I will let this pass because you are Flore’s sister. Next time, I will teach you why the bat flies at night.”

“You can’t do anything, you are just a fool, a big fool. That’s what you are.” She shouted and ended the call.

I was very angry at Belinda. She had insulted me without any respect; something no lady has ever tried before. I decided that I would visit their house in the evening and give her a piece of my anger.

It was evening now, around 8:00 PM and I had just parked in front of their house. I rang the doorbell and Flore opened the door. Their parents were not at home.

“Good evening.” She said.

“Go inside and get me that idiot you call your sister.” I shouted at her.

“Who are you talking about? Which of my sisters?”

“Bibi, of course, Belinda. Tell her I am here. Let her come and run her mouth the same way she was doing earlier in the day.”

“Unfortunately for you, she isn’t home.” Flore spoke.

“Good thing too because I would have taught her a lesson this evening. And you, must you turn our issues into a family affair? You can’t keep your mouth shut for once?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Quit pretending, Florence. Who told Belinda about me and Solange and what happened last night?”

“Of course, it was me. I needed someone to talk to.”

“You, see? Look at what you have caused. Anyway, you guys enjoy the rest of the evening. I am going.” I said angrily and got back into the car.”

Belinda ran after me, asking me to calm down. She didn’t want me to go just yet. I told her my quarry was her sister and not her. She pleaded with me to calm down, but I refused. I however got out of the car and went to a nearby off license and bought a cold drink to calm down my nerves.

 I was happy with myself. I had completely turned the tables. Instead of me to be guilty, I had made Flore guilty, and she had to do the apologizing instead. Soon she joined me at the off license, and we drank until around midnight. This time, we both avoided alcohol.

“I want to spend the night at your place.” She proposed.

“That’s okay by me.”

We got into the car and as we were driving home, Flore brought the Solange issue again. I was very angry. Just when I thought she had forgotten about it and forgiven me, just when I thought I had succeeded to turn the tables, there she was, still talking about it. I got very angry and told her to stop but she kept on and even started crying. Her crying got me angry, and I stopped the car, pulled her out of the car and drove away. I didn’t even bother that it was after midnight and dangerous. 

I arrived home, angry. In fact, anger was my constant condition. I horned madly and the night watchman opened the gate for me.

“Rogers!” I shouted, for that was his name. “Do not open this gate to anybody. If you do, kiss your job goodbye. Have you heard?”

“Yes, Sir”

I got into the house, had my bath and went to bed. Early in the morning, I went to check if the night watch had been replaced by the day watch. The exchange was supposed to happen at 5:30 AM. When I got there, I was surprised to see Flore sitting by the security post, she was asleep. Before I could say anything, the night watch, afraid for his job spoke first. 

“Sir, I am sorry. I thought your orders didn’t extend to her.” He said, mildly.

“It’s alright, Rogers. You did well. Go back to your post.” I said, calmly.

 I carried her into my appointment, put her in bed, called her job to say she was sick and would be taking the day off and then joined her in bed. I also took the day off. I wanted us to spend the day together. I wanted to make up for my bad attitude the other night. She was a good woman who just happened to meet the wrong guy. I decided that from that day onwards, I would try as much as possible to treat her right. However, that was not to be. My fiancée called me the very next day and told me she was coming to town. She said she wanted us to start making preparations for our wedding.

Hmm! That would have been great news, but I knew Flore would be very heart broken. Not that she didn’t know that a day like that would finally come, she knew. But she had somehow been hoping against all odds that she might be able to graduate from side chick to main chick and get my fiancée out of the way. Sadly, she was finally going to lose the battle. 

I don’t need to bother you with the details, but the wedding went well. On that day of the wedding, I lied to Florence that it was my elder brother getting married. She wanted to attend the wedding, but I lied again that my brother was a prophet and only the members of his church were invited. Because she was afraid of getting me angry, she didn’t push the matter further. My brother was my best man, but I insisted that we dress the same. He didn’t understand why but he didn’t argue because he didn’t want to spoil my day.

We had just left the church and were parading in town in a convoy of about six cars when the car carrying me, and my new wife broke down. The rest of the convoy had to stop until the car was repaired. In anger, I stepped off the car and at that same moment, I saw Florence passing. She saw me too and waved. She still believed it was my brother’s wedding. She didn’t have the slightest idea that the love of her life had just been taken.  

It had been two weeks now. I was just back from honeymoon. I was out of town and had lied to Flore that I had work to do out of town. My wife was still leaving away from me, but she was making plans to permanently join me soon. Everything was going fine when one of my friends called Eric, whose number Flore had, posted my wedding photos on his status. Flore saw it and called me immediately.




I didn’t want to talk to her on phone. So, I invited her to my house after work. When she came, I offered her a glass of water, before we began talking.

“There is no easy way to say it, Flore.” I began. “I am a happily married man now.”

“So, it is true.”

“Yes, it is.” I said, showing her my wedding ring. “I am sorry.”

“Where does that leave us now?” She was sobbing now softly, and looked like she would drop dead at any minute. 

“I am sorry, Flore but, this is the end of the road for us.” I said with a lot of difficulty.

“What do you mean by that, John?”

“I mean I am breaking up with you. It’s over Florence. Time to move on.” I declared.

“You can’t do this to me, John. You know how much I love you. How do you want me to go about life now? What becomes of me?” She was weeping seriously.

“You are a beautiful girl, Florence, and an intelligent, calm and hardworking one. You will find a good man who will give you the love I never gave. As for me, I am someone’s property now.” 

“But it’s you I want.” She interrupted. “I have never known any man before except you. Why have you complicated my life like this?”

“I understand, Florence, but there is nothing either of us can do now. Please, just let it go. You are still young and beautiful. Many men would want to have you.” I tried to make her see reason.

“You took my virginity, John. You promised to marry me, you did.” She reminded me.

“Yes, I did. But don’t forget I was under the influence of sex when I did that. Please, don’t hold it against me. I still love you, but as it is, in this life what you want is not always what you get. I am so sorry.” I explained. 

“Where is your wife?”

“She will be moving in with me soon, permanently.” I told her.

She fell on the ground and started crying. I tried to calm her to no avail. You really can’t blame Florence. She was that kind of person who didn’t love the way other people loved. To her, love was serious business. Love was all consuming and she invested everything when she loved someone. She was that kind of person who couldn’t give her body to someone else when she was in love with another person. Unfortunately for her, I was a direct opposite of her. Why do good girls always meet bad men?

“John, please, I want to ask a favour from you.” She spoke.


“Please, don’t say no to what I want to say.”

“I can’t promise you that but, just go ahead and ask.” I was frank with her.

“Please, take me as a second wife. I can’t do without you. I can’t live without you, please.”

“I am sorry, it’s against my religion and culture to take a second wife. I cannot do that.”

“Okay, keep me as a concubine or a side chick, please. I need something to hold on to. I want to stay by you always.” She pleaded.

“I cannot do that. I was a playboy, no doubt about that. However, now I am married. I want to be faithful to my wife.” I was adamant. 

“Alright, please, get me pregnant. Let me carry your child. Let me have your child. The child will be a remembrance, evidence and a testimony of my true and undiluted love for you.”

“I am sorry, I can’t do that. It goes against my religious doctrines and traditional values. Please, reason with me.”

At last, Florence heaved a sigh of exasperation and resignation. She was frustrated but didn’t know what else to do or say. She got up from the floor when she had been sitting, looked at me straight in my eyes and spoke. 

“Goodbye, John. Goodbye, my love. I did everything within my power but it didn’t work out for me. Your heart is with someone else. Thank you for all the good times and bad times. I will hold the memories we had, dear to my heart because I am not sure I will ever be able to love any man again. You have destroyed my love. Goodbye!!” She said sorrowfully, picked her handbag and left. 

I watched her as she left. She was so broken that she could barely even walk. I offered to drive her home, but she didn’t even respond. That was the last I saw of her in a while because two days later, my wife moved in with me. I didn’t ever go to check on Florence again, neither did I call her. I wanted her to heal peacefully. I didn’t want to complicate her healing process. 

I was now living with my wife and everything was moving swimmingly. Then one day, when I was at work, my gossipy neighbours told her that I was bringing a woman to the house. They told her everything about Florence. When I got back there was a huge fight between us. She rained insults at me and threatened to divorce me if she ever caught me with a woman now that we were legally married. She was a stark contrast to Florence. While Florence gave me absolute respect, love and care, my wife made life a living hell for me. 

Solange, Florence’s friend called me one day and told me Florence was sick and had been admitted to hospital. I would have loved to go see her but I couldn’t for fear of my wife. There was no knowing how many spies she might have kept to watch my movements and activities. So, I stayed away form Florence. Two days later, Solange called again to tell me that she was better now and had been discharged. I was happy to hear that because that meant I didn’t need to go see her again.

It had been a month now, and my relationship with my wife had improved considerably. One day, she told me she was going to see an aunt of hers who lived in the capital city. She asked me to give her three hundred thousand. I did give her the money without any hesitation because I didn’t want her trouble. With her being out of town, it was the perfect opportunity for me to try and see how Florence was doing, but I didn’t. I was scared of her reaction. I didn’t want her to start crying all over again. 

My wife came back a week earlier than she had stated that she would. I was surprised she came that early. She didn’t even tell me that she was on her way. Instead, when she came, she blamed me for not making sure that there was something to eat at home. I asked her why she came earlier than she had stated and she told me that I was not a policeman. She said she was tired and hungry too. She went into the kitchen, prepared food herself, ate and went to bed. Before she went to the bedroom, she told me that she had missed me and that I should join her in bed soon. I knew what she wanted. That was all she was interested in.

I sat in the living room and wondered why my new marriage was turning this bad. I wondered what could be the cause. Was it because of Florence? Was it because of the way I treated her? I had really treated her badly. Had she cursed me to suffer for eternity? But she hadn’t uttered any curses against me. In spite of the fact that she was very heartbroken, she was not the kind of person who would lay curses on someone. She would prefer to suffer alone in silence. I prayed earnestly to God to change things in my marriage, and for Florence to be happy. I missed her terribly and promised myself that I was going to look for a means to see her. My wife was causing me too much trouble. 

After work the next day. I tried to call her, but her number didn’t go through. I went to her workplace but I was told she hadn’t been to work in a while. She had called in sick and her boss had given her some days off. I called her sister, Belinda, and for obvious reasons, she didn’t pick. I drove to their house but their front door was locked and there was no one home. I was frustrated, and decide to drive home before my wife started wondering why I hadn’t come home. When I got home, my wife wasn’t home, which was a relief to me. I wasn’t prepared for her trouble. I was going into the kitchen to get some food to eat when my phone rang. I picked and it was Solange. She was crying.

“What is it, Solange? What is wrong? Why are you crying?” I asked, afraid.

“I am calling from the hospital, John. It’s bad, very bad. Florence is dead.”




I slumped to the floor. Nooo!!! Not Florence. What could have happened. Luckily, my wife was not at home so, I got into the car and drove like a mad man to the hospital. I got there just in time to see her body being conveyed to the morgue. I ran towards the gurney and halted it. I removed the white sheet covering her just to make sure it was really her. Truly, it was really her. There she laid, serene and beautiful even in death. Why did you do this? I thought in my mind.

I was sad all day at home. My wife could not understand why. She thought it was because of her, and tried as much as possible to appease me. However, nothing would give me joy. I was sad and guilty. I had just killed a woman who loved me with everything she had. I had been told by the doctor that she died of a broken heart. She kept calling my name all through her last hours on earth. Solange told me that she had been hoping and praying that I might come to see her or even call her. I didn’t do any of those. She died a sad woman. 

One afternoon, Solange called me.

“Hi John”


“Now that Florence is dead, what do you think about me? Maybe we should carry on from where we ended.”

“Solange, I don’t blame you. It’s thunder that I blame. If it had fired you long ago, you wouldn’t be saying what you are saying now. I now understand how that psychiatric hospital beside the road gets its patients. It’s people like you who keep them in business. Foolish girl.”  

She burst out laughing.

“You take things too seriously. I was only joking. I just called to tell you that Florence’s funeral program has been arranged. She will be taken to the village for burial. Will you be coming?”

“Of course, I will. Thank you for the information.” I said and dropped the call.

The next day, I lied to my wife that I would be going out of town for a week. I told her that it was work related. To my surprise, it didn’t bother her. She told me she was okay with it, and I should be safe. The next day, I called Solange, and she gave me the directions to Florence’s village. I went to the closest town to the village, booked a hotel and waited for the day her corpse would be brought home.

I don’t need to bother you with the details of the funeral because it would only break your heart the more. However, everything went well, and she was finally laid to rest. 

It had been one week now since I left my home to the village. On the day of my return, I was surprised to find my house looking like no one had been living there. I looked for my wife everywhere, but I didn’t see her. I could not understand what was happening. When I went to the bedroom, lying on the center of the bed, was a single piece of paper. I picked it up and it read:

‘Husband, I have gone to Canada. You lied to me that you were going out of town for work. However, I already knew you were going to Florence’s funeral. However, it didn’t border me because I already had my plans. My visa was ready, and all arrangements had been made. Don’t bother contacting me because you won’t be able to reach me. I have changed my number and also deactivated all my social media accounts. Go meet your dead wife, Florence. Bye.

NB: Thank you for the flight money and the money for my upkeep too.”
I dropped the paper and slumped on the floor. I wept like a child. My whole life had come to an end. I had lost Florence, the only woman who had ever truly loved me. Now, I have lost my wife too, just a few months after our wedding. What was really happening to me? If she was going to abandon me so soon, then why did she accept to marry me? Why didn’t she just go to Canada? I might have ended up marrying Florence, and she would have been alive now and happy. I wept bitterly. I picked the paper and read it all over again, and that was when the last line struck me. What did she mean by ‘Thank you for the flight money…”? I ran to my filing cabinet to see if the company’s money that I kept there was still there. I opened it with fear and the money was gone.

I almost died. Glory, my wife had killed me. What was happening to me? I had lost Florence, lost Glory, and now the company money was gone. Ten million gone like that without a trace. What was I going to do. My savings were just two million. My car cost about four million. Even if I sold my car and added it to my savings, I would still be left with four million to add. I could never sell my house. That was my most important investment. I was frustrated. 

That was money I was supposed to deposit at the bank. I had closed late, and by the time I got to the bank, it had closed. That was why I had brought it home. I was hoping that first thing when I got back from Florence’s funeral, I would go to the bank and deposit it. What was I going to do now? I would definitely lose my job because of that money, and probably go to jail too. Glory had killed me. Or was it karma? Was it because of what I did to Florence? The whole of that night, I couldn’t sleep. I felt lonely and frustrated and angry and sad. I was trying to device a means to raise that money before my company found out. I thought of my friends, but decided it would be a waste of time. None of them would help. They had always considered me richer than them. They always complained of being broke.

The next day, I drove to Glory’s father’s house and told them everything. They said they were aware that Glory was going to leave the country. However, they thought I was aware of it. They felt disappointed that their daughter had behaved like that. They apologized on her behalf, but that’s all they could do. I left the house angry and in a very bad temper. On my way home, I decided to see my friend, Eric. After I had explained everything to him, he told me that he wasn’t going to be able to help. However, he would take me somewhere I would be able to raise the money. I was afraid it involved money rituals. I didn’t want to kill anybody for money. He assured me that I wouldn’t be killing anyone, but it had to do with something fetish. I decided that I would give it a try. The next day, he took me to see a ritualist and explained everything to him.

“Young man.” The ritualist began. “I know your fears, you won’t be killing anyone. You have to do it yourself. There is no blood involved.”

“What do you mean, Sir?” I asked.

“You would have to undertake a journey. During this journey, you will work your money yourself. What you earn is yours to keep.” He spoke.

I turned and looked at Eric, because I didn’t understand what he was talking about. 

“What’s going on here, Eric? You brought me here to meet a clown?” I said in full hearing of the ritualist.

“Young man, watch what you say.” The ritualist warned.

“Don’t tell me that, I am a very busy man, and I have taken out time out of my busy schedule to come here and you are telling me nonsense.” I was very angry.

“Hahahahahaha!!” The ritualist laughed. “Don’t be too quick to condemn. I can see you have a fiery temper. Hold on to it. Hold on to that temper, it will serve you well in the coming days.”

“What are you talking about?” I was frustrated with him.

“Young man, no matter how long you live on this earth, you would be dead for much longer. That should tell you how many people have died since this world was created. The world of the dead is far more populated than the world of the living. Most of the dead, died as extremely rich men. Most had investments they didn’t enjoy and, most had dreams they didn’t fulfill.” He narrated.

“Thanks for the lecture but, what has that got to do with me making money?”

“You will have to make a journey to the underworld to mine your money. Have you heard of bitcoin before, and the mining of crypto currency?” He asked.

“Yes, Sir”

“That’s what you have to do. You will be going to the underworld to mine your own money. You are not the only one. There are already three people who have been here for the same purpose. You all will die temporarily, and your spirits will go to the underworld to make money from the riches of the dead. After three days, you will come back to life, and you will be rich for eternity.” He explained.

“So, you mean I am going to die?” I asked in disbelief.

“Only temporarily. I will put you guys in coffins and your spirits will go to the world of the dead. Your bodies will stay here and, three days later, you will return.”

“Are you mad? What if I don’t return? Eric, let’s get out of here.” I spoke, angrily and went out of the place.

Eric followed me and we had a very lengthy conversation outside. I would rather call it an argument. At long last, Eric succeeded to convince me that the process was safe, and I shouldn’t be worried. We got back into the temple and told the ritualist I had accepted to do it.

“Alright, young man. Tomorrow, the other boys will be here, and we will carry out the process. But there is one more thing. Going to the world of the dead is not an easy thing. It’s not a walk in the park. You must be warned, if you had caused the death of any person, you might not be able to come back. The person might kill you. Now, young man, have you caused the death of anyone before?” The ritualist asked.

I immediately thought of Florence, but I said no.

“We see tomorrow then, good luck to you.” The ritualist spoke, and Eric and I walked out of the place.




It was the next day. Early in the morning, I went to my workplace and obtained three days leave of absence. Thankfully, it was granted to me without any difficulty. My appointment with the ritualist was at midnight. So, I needed to prepare myself both psychologically and physically for the adventure. 

At about 10:00 PM, I drove to a nearby snack bar and bought a bottle of drink to wind down the time. I also needed some alcohol in my system to give me the courage I needed. I was aware that I was undertaking a very dangerous task. One that might cause me my life, especially as I run the risk of meeting Florence in the world of the dead. At about 11:30 PM, I went to the ritualist’s temple and realized that the other three guys were already there. Eric was nowhere to be found. I was all on my own. 

When the ritualist saw me, he asked me to meet the other three. We all stood on a straight line, and he spoke:

“Take off your dresses, every one of you.”

“Why?” I asked.

“It’s part of the ritual, now, take off your clothes young man.” He ordered.

All three of us undressed to the very last garment. We were as naked as a baby on the day it was born. He asked his assistant to bring three coffins. After the coffins had been brought, he uttered some incantations, and asked us to get in. We all did, and he spoke again.

“Now, you are beginning your journey to greatness. Your journey to wealth. You all have to be courageous. Your courage is very important for your survival. You will be in the world of the dead for a grand total of three days. After that, you will return and be rich for life. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than ghosts in the world of the dead. Goodluck to you all.”

He closed the coffins and I immediately found myself in total and complete darkness. For a moment, I couldn’t breathe. I felt like I was dying. I tried to get out of the coffin to no avail. The ritualist had shut it fast. I felt life draining away from me as I gulped for air. Then, I passed out. I felt like I was asleep and having a dream. I saw myself falling down a bottomless pit. I screamed loudly, and just when I was about to hit the bottom, I perceived a strange, strong and foul odour. It was so strong that it choked me. Once again, I started struggling for air, but there was no oxygen. I passed out again. 

I don’t know how long I was out, but when I became conscious again, I found myself in a strange land. It’s hard to describe it. It looked very much like ours but there was a strange mystery around it. The houses were translucent and transparent and there were no people around. There were no sounds of birds or insects. The trees were like overgrown grasses and the roads were made of a material that looked like ivory. It was so strange but at the same time, it looked oddly beautiful. We were in the world of the dead. 

I looked around me and saw the three other guys. They looked as stupefied as me. We are didn’t know what to do. The ritualist had said we were going to mine riches. We didn’t see any money mine. Neither did we see any dead person to talk with. We didn’t even know how long we have stayed there. It seemed like time ran differently in the world of the dead. There was no daylight and no darkness, just something in between. 

I was about to propose to the other guys that we should hit the lonely streets and see if we could find somebody. However, as soon as I opened my mouth, a strange thing happened. The three guys all disappeared, and I was left alone. I figured that we had been separated to pursue our individual quests. We might only be reunited on the day of our departure back to mother earth. Then, I suddenly had a strange feeling that I was being watched by someone. I turned quickly behind and, you guessed right. It was Florence, my late girlfriend. The same Florence I had maltreated and ultimately caused her death. I was frightened and all the hairs on my body stood on end. 

“Florence” I spoke.

“John, John my love. You came for me. Do you love me this much, John? You came for me.”

 Her voice was guttural, and it scared the hell out of me. She tried to come close to me, but I moved quickly away. 

“I am sorry, Florence. Please, don’t kill me. I am so sorry for causing your death.” I said, frightened. 

“It’s alright, John. I hold nothing against you. When I first came here, I was asked if I should be provided with the means to go back to earth and avenge my death. I refused because I loved you until death. But now that I am seeing you again, I thank the powers that be. I love you even more now, John. Thank you for coming, please, don’t go back.” She spoke. 

When she said that, I got angry and became very harsh. I realized that Florence, in spite of the fact that she was dead, was still very obsessed with me. I realized that she might not let me go. So, I had to fight for my life. 

“Look here, Florence. You are dead and I am still alive. We can no longer be together. I didn’t come here for you. I came here to make money. So, forget about us being together.” I told her, harshly.

“You are still the same old John. Always harsh and rude. Let me tell you this. We are here all alone and you are completely in my power. You are not going back. Stay here with me and you will have all the riches you seek.” She was firm.

“Please, let me go. Let me go back and enjoy the money I have come to make. I will definitely come back to you someday. Everyone is going to die at some point. When I die, I will come back, and we will be together.” I explained to her.

“It will be too late, John. You might be too old then. Here there is no age. Stay with me now that you are young, and we will remain young forever.” 

I was about to respond to that when a strange thing happened. My late father suddenly appeared behind Florence. Florence hadn’t notice him, but I had. When I saw my father, I became courageous, and my confidence returned. I became rude again.

“Look here, young lady.” I said to Florence. “You can’t keep me here against my will. I am leaving and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“You think so?” 

“I believe so.”

She got very angry and her faced changed. I had never seen her like that, and I would have died of fear if my father wasn’t there. She glided towards me as I cringed to one corner but stopped suddenly. She had noticed my father. 

“Leave my son alone.” My dad said, and then turned to me and asked. “John, what are you doing here?”

“Came to make money, dad.”

“I didn’t grow you up like this. What made you to do this kind of a thing, my son?” 

“I needed money, dad. Please, help me. This lady here wants to kill me.” I begged my dad.


“I don’t know.” I lied.

“He knows. It was because of him that I died.” Florence interrupted.

“My son, if that is the case, then I can’t help you. We have rules here, and I can’t intervene in a situation like this.” My dad said.

“What difference does it make, dad. You were useless in life, and you have just proven that nothing has changed even in death.” I mocked.

My dad looked at me, shook his head and vanished. 

Florence smiled and came towards me as I moved away from her.

“Stay away from me, Florence. You are dead. We have no business together.” I said as I ran away from her.

Just then, the three other guys appeared. It was already three days. Time runs faster in the underworld than on earth. A day on earth is just about an hour in the underworld. It was time for us to go back. Our mission was over. I noticed this because the first of the three guys was suddenly taken away by a strong wind, He had gone back to earth. The other two disappeared too. They were taken away by the same strong wind. 

Florence kept coming towards me, wanting to touch me. I couldn’t allow her to touch me. If she did, it would be the end of me. Just when she was about to touch me, the strong wind came to me and took me away. 

As I was being taken away, I laughed mockingly at Florence.

“Do you now see? You can’t get to me, babe. You can’t keep me here with you against my will. I am gone. A day may come when we might see again, but it is not this day. Bye, baby. Say hello to my useless father.” I said and vanished as she looked at me in anger. 

I found myself back in the ritualist’s temple with the other three guys. We were about to start going through the final face of the ritual when I saw a white cloud at the far end of the wall, and Florence stepped out of it. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought I had escaped her from the underworld and was free now. But I wasn’t; she had come for me. She stretched her hand and beckoned. I ran to the other end of the large room that served as the ritualist’s temple. Everyone was surprised because no one could see her.

“What is it, my son? Who’s chasing you?” The ritualist asked.

“She’s here Baba. She’s here.”

“Who is here? I can’t see anyone.” He said, looking around.

“Florence, Baba. She’s calling for me. She’s coming to take me. Please, stop her.” I begged. 

"Who is Florence?" He asked.

The ritualist could not do anything because he even couldn’t see Florence. She walked towards me and touched me. Immediately she did, my spirit left me and she held the hand of my spirit and took me away. My body fell on the hard floor and died. 

“Where am I, Flore? Where are you taking me?” My spirit asked.

“To be with me, babe. You belong to me. We belong to each other. We are now together, never to be separated until the end of time.”


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