Saturday, November 25, 2023

My Coursemate

Episodes 8 

“He is dead.”  The lady said. 

“Who is dead?” I asked.

“The invigilator. He was shot and killed yesterday in his house. An armed gang attacked him. His family escaped death by the whiskers.” The lady said. She is the secretary in the Department of Political Science where the invigilator worked as a lecturer. I had gone there to remind the invigilator about the panel hearing where he was expected to appear as a witness.

I also wanted to plead with him to speak out in my favour when he will give his testimony before the examination malpractice disciplinary committee. It turned out that the school had informed him through a letter from the office of the VC. But it also turned out that he was eliminated just a day before he could appear before the committee. It was a shocking news.

“This kind of death is not ordinary. I think the man was eliminated by the VC.” I said. The secretary looked at me with fear in her eyes.

“Please o, you cannot say such things here. The walls and the bushes and even the air have ears. I don’t want to die yet. And please, we never had this conversation.” The secretary said. I left the building.

Immediately I stepped out of the building, my phone rang and I picked the call. It was Emeka, one of the friends who had agreed to testify in my favour before the committee.

“Hello Emeka.” I said.

“Otti how far?” He responded.

“My brother, all is not well o! I’m sorry to inform you that I will not appear before the committee anymore. I received very dangerous threats from a gang yesterday. They threatened to kill me if I go to the panel to mention Azizat’s name. Ajibola and Kadijat have also said they won’t come because they got the same threats to life.” Emeka said. His words were like bomb shrapnel piercing my heart and tearing it into tiny pieces. I was heartbroken and my spirit was shattered.

“Please now Emeka. I beg my brother. Do this for me, nothing will happen to you. It was just a mere threat to scare you. My brother please now.” I pleaded, but all the pleas fell on deaf ears.

“My brother, I’m the only son of my parents. I don’t want to die yet. This is your music and you have to dance to it alone since Azizat has also abandoned you at the time you needed her the most. The man that brings ant-infested faggots into his hut should not grumble when lizards begin to pay him a visit.” Emeka said as he hung up the phone.

It was so painful. Very painful to be reminded that Azizat abandoned me when she was actually my partner in crime.

“Where could she be? Why is she running? Or did her father lock her up?” I asked myself as I sat under a tree close to the school canteen to rest. I had to rest so that I will not collapse due to mental and emotional stress.

“So I’m now alone? The invigilator is dead and my friends have abandoned me. Azizat is nowhere to be found. No one else to speak in my favour. It’s all over for me. So this is how my educational journey will end? I have crashed my parents’ dreams of producing a graduate. I will drink ota pia pia and die if I’m expelled. I don’t know how to explain to my parents that I was expelled because I wrote examination for my girlfriend who also abandoned me when I was caught.” I said as I stood up and started going home.

There is a small shop on the roadside close to my hostel. I entered there and bought one bottle of ota pia pia and put it in my pocket.

“I will just go home and use this to take my life. There is no need to appear before the committee tomorrow when I know that I stand no chance. Death is better than shame and disgrace.” I said.

By 9pm that night, I took the ota pia pia and entered the toilet with it in my hand. I wanted to end it all in the toilet where my roommate, Eke would not notice and try to stop me from killing myself.

Immediately I entered the toilet and locked it from the inside, I heard loud voices of men ordering Eke to lie down on the floor.

“Where is Oti? Where is your roommate?” One of the men asked. They were beating Eke up and they did not even allow him to answer the question before asking another one.

“I said where is Oti? Where is Azizat’s boyfriend? Where is the fool that wants to disgrace the VC? We have come to show him pepper. And if you don’t show us where he is, we will give you the pepper.” Another husky voice said.

I became very scared as I heard a sound of gunshot.

“Oti, go out and meet them. Go out there and announce your presence.” A tiny voice told me. I’m very sure the devil was talking to me.

“No. I’m scared and I don’t want to die yet.” I replied to the voice.

“You don’t want to die but you came into the toilet to drink ota pia pia. There is no need for hiding here. Just go and meet the men so that they will kill you faster.” The voice said again, this time very forceful.

“I reject death. I don’t want to die again.” I said to the strange voice.

Meanwhile, I heard another gunshot and then the room went silent as the gang left. When I came out, I saw Eke lying down in the pool of his own blood. He was dead! They killed him. His death pierced my heart. He has been a good friend to me and now, the VC took him from me.

“Eke died because of me. He died because of my stupidity. He died because I came to campus to play love instead of to study. I’m stupid. I killed Eke.” I said to myself as I left the room when the police arrived to pick up his body.

The next day, I managed to still appear before the committee all alone with no witnesses. The VC himself announced the death of the invigilator. He called for a one minute silence in his honour. I was shocked that he did that because I’m convinced he is responsible for the invigilator’s death. 

“Oti, where are your witnesses? We need to conclude this case. I have other things to do.” The VC said.

“The students refused to come sir. They said they are being threatened by an unknown gang. They are afraid for their lives. There was also an attempt on my own life yesterday night and my room-mate was killed. I’m alive by His grace sir.” I said.

“Then it is all over for you. Having pleaded guilty to the allegations of examination malpractice, I have no option than to expel you. I hereby ask the committee to approve the expulsion. This is the end of the road for you. You will pack your load and leave the school premises within 24 hours and never return.” The VC announced. His voice was stern but joyful as if he had won a battle.

“That is not happening.” A female voice said. I saw a lady forcefully entering the senate hall after overpowering the security man at the door. She looked very agitated and angry. I have never seen her before.

“That is not happening. He won’t be expelled. I have come to testify on behalf of my husband, the invigilator of the examination on that day. He was killed by your gang, but he had written down his testimony and I’m here to read it. Before he died, he told me to make sure I come here to read the testimony of what happened at the examination hall. I’m here to do that and you must listen to me.” The lady said. 

Watch out for episode 9.


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