Saturday, November 25, 2023

My Coursemate,

episode 6

“I will sit with you. You know I have not been to lectures for a long time because I was hospitalized.” Azizat said. The time is 7am and our first-semester examination starts today. We are standing outside Hall 1 at the exam auditorium and we are waiting for the invigilator to arrive with the examination materials.

“I need your help to write the examination. I did not read and there’s nothing in my head. I must sit with you.” Azizat said again.  She was holding my hand and leaning on my chest. A lot of our coursemantes are already aware of our relationship. I know that many of them admire the bond between Azizat and me.

“Say something my love. Will you allow me sit with you?” Azizat asked. It is difficult to say no to a woman you love especially when such a woman has also proven beyond reasonable doubt that she also loves you.

“Of course you will sit with me. I don’t ever want you to leave my side even in examination halls.” I said, even though I’m well aware of the consequences of examination malpractice. 

While Azizat cannot be described as completely dull, she is not exactly an intelligent student. Sitting with her would mean that I will not only tell her the answers but also occasionally write for her in the exam hall. If we are caught, the consequences are grave.

“It’s time for the exam, let’s go.” I said as soon as I sighted the invigilator, Mr Sule.
The invigilator refused to allow the students into the hall just like that. 

“I have a list of all the students who are supposed to take this examination.” Mr Sule said. He waved a white paper in the air. He was standing at the entrance of the hall with hundreds of students around him. 

Mass Communication has the largest population of students in the school. Occasionally, the invigilator used the paper to fan himself because of heat.

“All of you are going to sit in alphabetical order.” Mr Sule announced. I was shocked because my name starts with “O” and Azizat’s starts with “A.” That’s like placing me in London and she in India. In fact, she was the first person to be called and she walked in all alone and took the first sit.

It was very distressing for her and I could see despair in her eyes. She turned and looked at me before entering the hall. I almost wept.

The school authorities introduced this as a way of crushing examination malpractice. This way, friends will not be able to sit with friends and execute their plans in the examination hall.

As would be expected, I was among the last persons to be called and I was given a sit very far away from Azizat and it was impossible to help her through communication.

Soon, the question papers and answer scripts were shared. I looked at the questions and they were very simple. I knew the answers to all the ten questions.

“How am I going to help my love. She cannot answer all these questions by herself. If I don’t do anything, she will fail this course.” I said to myself. I decided to play a trick.

The exam was to last for three hours, but I was able to finish writing within an hour. Then, I asked for an extra sheet.

“Excuse me sir. I need an extra sheet.” I called the attention of the invigilator. Everyone in the hall turned to look at me. 
“Come forward and pick one.” The invigilator said. I quickly walked to the podium where he was and picked another script. 

But it was a lie. I did not need the extra sheet. I wanted to use it to write for Azizat. Luckily, I got it as the invigilator did not check my work to see that I had already finished. It is a dangerous game and I could be expelled if caught. But love is like strong wine. When you drink it, you could do dangerous and stupid things.

I went back to my seat and started writing. Within an hour, I finished the second paper meant for Azizat. The problem now is how to give it to her to submit. I decided to play another game.

“Excuse me fellow students. Please, does anyone have two pens? I need one, because mine is finished.” I asked. This was also a lie. My pen did not finish. I only asked the question hoping that Azizat will be the one to ask me to come for a pen. 

At this point, the invigilator looked at me as if to say “I know the game you are playing. Better be careful.”

But I refused to be careful. I was being pushed by love and there was no looking back.

“Please anyone with two pens? Please help me.” I said again. The class was quiet for a while. Azizat did not respond yet. Then the lecturer added his voice to the pleas.

“If you have two pens, please give Oti one to use so he will stop disturbing he hall.” The invigilator said. The hall was silent again for a while. 

“Over here. Come over and have it.” A voice said from the front. Finally, it was Azizat. I was so happy that she spoke out.

I took the second exam paper with me. I made sure I did not write anything on the space provided for a name so that Azizat will use her hand and input her name. I went straight to her seat. 

When I got there, the invigilator was talking to a student at the back and he was not looking our direction. I was so happy when I handed the paper to Azizat.

“I have written everything for you. Write your name on this one and submit and squiz your own script and put it in your pocket.” I said as I took the pen and left to my seat. Azizat nodded her head. I was so happy and equally proud that I was able to pull that off without getting caught. My value in the eye of Azizat has increased.

Thirty minutes later, the invigilator called for the papers to be submitted. When we left the hall, Azizat was so happy and this gave me joy.

“I would have failed this paper if you didn’t help me.” Azizat said.

“I’m always here for you my love.” I responded. We jumped into her Lexus jeep and the driver took us to the school canteen where we ate so much point and kill.
The next day, I was told that a lecturer wanted to see me. His name is Mr Ade, and he is the teacher of Advertising, the course we wrote the previous day. 

“I had high hopes for you. I thought you were wise and smart.” Mr Ade started immediately I entered his office.

“I’m sorry sir. What did I do?” I asked. My heart already sank into my belly and I was so scared but I still managed to talk.

“Stop behaving as if you don’t know what I’m talking about. I know your handwriting and I know what you did for Azizat yesterday. I have reported the two of you to the school examination malpractice disciplinary committee headed by the vice-chancellor. The two of you should prepare to appear before the committee tomorrow. Now, leave my office.” Mr Ade shouted.

Now, there is real fire on the mountain.

Watch out for episode 7.

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