Friday, November 24, 2023

My Coursemate

,episode 4

“Oti, why are you back to the village when the semester is yet to end? It is barely one month since you resumed studies. Why are you back home suddenly?” My mother asked when she saw me at home. The time is around 6pm and she just returned from the farm. She was not at home when I returned.

“Mama welcome. How are you doing mama? You went to the farm? I missed you while in school.” I said, trying so hard to dodge the question she had asked. But my mother is a very clever woman and she can’t be pushed around for long.

“Answer me at once and stop beating about the bush. Why are you suddenly back home when the semester has barely commenced? Did anything happen? Were you chased because of school fees? Do you want money for books or handout? What happened?” My mum asked again, this time her voice was more forceful and emphatic.

“There was a riot on campus and the government closed down the school. We were asked to go home till further notice.” I told my mother. It was a lie. This is the same lie I told my father who saw me first when I returned. The truth is that I’m running after hearing that Azizat missed her period after I slept with her.

“Why didn’t I hear about the riot on radio?” My mother asked. Her persistent questions were making me uncomfortable and I was running out of lies.

“Maybe you didn’t tune to the right station. Here is a letter the school said we should give to our parents.” I said as I dipped my hand into my pocket and produced a letter I had personally written. Of course, my mother could not read so, I read it for her and she nodded her head in acceptance. 

The lies I told my parents were enough to buy me some time so that I could relax and think of what to do about Azizat and the pregnancy.

I have not been myself since Azizat told me that she had missed her period. Anytime I’m walking, I feel like a spirit floating in the air. I feel like an inflated balloon. 

Many times, I walk pass elders in the village without greeting them. I was lost and I was wondering if I should tell my parents that I had got a girl pregnant or I should maintain sealed lips and die of silence. 

The burden was crushing me to death and my parents could notice how I was gradually dying because of too much anxiety.

How will I explain to my parents that after struggling hard to send me to UNILAG, I went there to get a girl pregnant within a space of one month? I don’t I have the mouth and strength to say that to my parents. The shock alone will just kill them because I’m their only hope.

“I don’t understand why you are emaciating. Are you sure you are not sick?” My mother asked. It is now two weeks since I returned from the campus and she was becoming worried about me.

“By the way, where is your phone? I have not seen you pressing phone since you returned. What happened to your phone?” My mother asked. She looked at me with worries written all over her face.

“I lost the phone during the school riot.” I said. That was also a lie because I deliberately left my phone in school after removing and chewing the SIM card. 

I did not want anyone to call me. I did not want Azizat to reach me. Thank God she does not know my village. I will hide here forever. But the problem is that I can no longer continue to fool my mother who insists on more plausible reason why I ran away from school.

“Eyaa. I will buy you another phone tomorrow. I have saved up some money from the cassava I sold last week.” My mother said.

“But you have to tell me the truth. What happened? Why are you not in school?” My mother asked. I kept quite without saying a word. I was sitting on the bamboo bed in my small hut. My mother had come to meet me there early in the morning.

“Tell me, I will understand. I’m your mother. I know that there was no riot in school because your friend Eke is still in school. He did not come back like you.” My mother said. She was right and I have to find a lie to cover that up.

“Eke is in another campus. Students don’t live in the same campus. Their campus is like 25 kilometers away from our own. There was no riot in their own campus.” I said. The lie looks perfect and strong, but in my heart, I wondered how long it could stand.

“But before you left for school, we all agreed that Eke will accommodate you since you are yet to rent your own hostel room. And you also called me when you got to school and you told me that you live with Eke. How is it that you are now telling me he lives 25 kilometers away?” My mother asked. 

My mother is very smart and hard to convince. My father hasn’t been too inquisitive about my return from school. He is a man of few words and he believes that the truth will surely come out no matter how long it takes.

“I have moved out of Eke’s room.” That was all I could say to my mother. I have run out of lies.

“Hmmm! At this point, I’m lost and worried at the same time. Just tell me the truth, I will handle it. I’m your mother.” My mother kept saying. I could see tears in her eyes and this weighed me down greatly. I hate to see my mother cry. Tears were beginning to run down my cheeks too. I became weak and unable to hold myself together.

“I will tell the truth. Stop crying mother.” I said.

“What happened? Why are you not in school? We worked very hard to pay your fees and now, you are home doing nothing. What did you do? Have you been expelled?” My mother asked. She was still crying.

“There is this girl I met in school.” I started. My mouth was heavy and my tongue felt bitter.

“Her name is Azizat.” I continued. But I had to pause because it was difficult to tell my mother that I have got a woman pregnant.

“Go on. What happened to Azizat?” My mother asked. She was curious and she wanted to hear everything.

“Azizat visited my house just once. She visited my house only once. I mean she visited me only once.” I kept repeating the same statement, hoping that my mother would understand, but she wanted me to say the whole thing and it was hard telling your mum that you slept with a woman.

“She visited your house and what happened? Go on and stop stammering.” My mother was now shouting and this made me jitterier.

At that point, I heard a car engine revving in the compound. I heard the car horn and it sounded exactly like the Lexus jeep that belongs to Azizat.
I quickly rushed outside and lo and behold, it was Azizat’s car.

“I’m finished. Who brought this girl to my father’s compound for God’s sake? Who showed her the road?" I said to myself. I put my hands on my head like someone who is in deep shit. I was actually in deep shit. I was in hot okra soup.

 I decided to run away from the compound. But before I could do that, Eke and Azizat stepped down from the car. They already saw me and there was no way I could run.

“Who is this girl with Eke? Is that the Azizat you were telling me about?” My mother who had also come out to see asked me.

“Mama, there is fire on the mountain.” I said.

Watch out for episode five.

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