Showing posts with label my coursemate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my coursemate. Show all posts

Saturday, November 25, 2023

My Coursemate

Episode 9

“I was the invigilator for MAC123, Advertising examination written in hall 1 and I can bear witness to the number of students who wrote the paper. I may not be able to identify each of them if I see them, but I took home a copy of the attendance register.” The invigilator’s wife began to read the statement written by her husband before he was killed. She was standing in the middle of the senate hall and all the panel members paid close attention.

The VC wasn’t happy from the look on his face, but he had no choice but to listen.

My Coursemate

Episodes 8 

“He is dead.”  The lady said. 

“Who is dead?” I asked.

“The invigilator. He was shot and killed yesterday in his house. An armed gang attacked him. His family escaped death by the whiskers.” The lady said. She is the secretary in the Department of Political Science where the invigilator worked as a lecturer. I had gone there to remind the invigilator about the panel hearing where he was expected to appear as a witness.

I also wanted to plead with him to speak out in my favour when he will give his testimony before the examination malpractice disciplinary committee. It turned out that the school had informed him through a letter from the office of the VC. But it also turned out that he was eliminated just a day before he could appear before the committee. It was a shocking news.

My Coursemate,

episode 6

“I will sit with you. You know I have not been to lectures for a long time because I was hospitalized.” Azizat said. The time is 7am and our first-semester examination starts today. We are standing outside Hall 1 at the exam auditorium and we are waiting for the invigilator to arrive with the examination materials.

“I need your help to write the examination. I did not read and there’s nothing in my head. I must sit with you.” Azizat said again.  She was holding my hand and leaning on my chest. A lot of our coursemantes are already aware of our relationship. I know that many of them admire the bond between Azizat and me.

My Coursemate

episode 5

“It was just a prank. It was a joke and I didn’t know you will take it serious. Please forgive me and come back to school.” Azizat said. I had managed to convince my mother to leave the scene and Eke had gone to say hi to his family since his house is just a stone throw from ours. It was just me and Azizat in her car and she knelt down to beg me.

“What do you mean? What prank are you talking about?” I asked.

Friday, November 24, 2023

My coursemate

My Coursemate

Episode Three

A day after I took Azizat to the restaurant, she came to our hostel to look for me.

“What happened to your phone? I have been trying to reach you and your line has been switched off since yesterday.” Azizat said. She sounded very angry and upset. Her driver had managed to drive into the narrow compound and parked the Lexus jeep close to our door. 

My Coursemate

Episode 2

“I didn’t get the chance to say this yesterday, but permit me to express myself today.” I said to Azizat. She was sitting directly opposite me and was looking straight into my eyes. She used her left hand to wedge her chin in a lovely way. 

When I woke up that day, I took a decision to take Azizat out and personally pay the bill. I borrowed N5,000 from my friend, Eke. It was his handout money and he warned me seriously to return it to him in two days. I promised to return the money even though I had no hope of any income. But Azizat was worth it.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

My Coursemate

Episode One

It was my first day at the University of Lagos. I was attending my first lecture at Hall F. The course was an elective course called HIV/AIDs and Narcotic Substances. As a Mass Communication student, I wondered why I had to study such a course, but all the same, no knowledge is a waste.

I was very late to the lecture because it was initially difficult for me to locate the hall. UNILAG is such a large place and fresher like me easily got lost. It was one man in security uniform who later led me to the Hall F.