Thursday, December 07, 2023

The Rejected Stone

Episode Four

“What do you think you are doing?” The new wife asked Titi who was just about to pour the rat poison into the food she prepared. The new wife had rushed into the kitchen as if someone was pursuing her. When she entered, she went to the sink and started vomiting as if she had swallowed something unpleasant. Her eyes went to where Titi was and she saw the rat poison in her hand. Titi had tried to hide it but it was too late as the new wife had seen everything. She dropped the poison on the floor and turned away.

“I ask again, Titi, what were you trying to do?” The new wife was beginning to shout in a loud voice. She wanted to attract the attention of Madu and the mother-in-law both of whom were still in the living room waiting for the breakfast to be served.

“If you don’t speak now I will shout louder and invite more trouble for you. It is better for you to tell me the whole truth of what is going on here. What were you trying to do?” The new wife asked. She had finished vomiting and was now walking closer to where Titi was standing and facing the opposite direction. She was using a white towel to clean her lips.

“What does it look like I’m trying to do? I was trying to pour the rat poison into the food I was going to serve all of you. You are very lucky you entered at the right time and discovered what I was about to do. If not, your names would have been forgotten today.” Titi said with courage. There was no way she was going to lie, so she decided to spill the beans and face the consequences. After all, she had lost everything and every form of rights in her husband's house was gone. There was no reason to be afraid anymore.

“You are a witch! I knew it! I knew you were up to something sinister. But you have failed. No wonder you have failed to conceive and give birth since the past ten years. It is now clear to me why you are barren. You are a witch and there is no way you can have children. Look at you! A wife trying to poison her own husband? I’m going to tell everyone.” The new wife threatened as she made to leave the kitchen. 

However, as she was about to step out of the kitchen, Titi rushed and grabbed her by the right hand and ceased her movement.

“And where do you think you are going? I might be childless for now, but I’m not stupid. Do you think I will allow you expose my secret?” Titi asked.

“Of course, I’m going to expose you. What are you going to do to stop me? Let go of my hand, I don’t want to beat you up.” The new wife threatened. Titi looked at her a sized her up. Physically, the new wife can't beat her, she thought.

“What did you come to the kitchen to do?” Titi asked. She ignored the new wife’s rants and instead, sought to attack her in a different way. She had seen the way the new wife behaved and she had concluded that something was not adding up.

“I came to vomit. Didn’t you see me? And why are you questioning me like a lawyer? What is your concern with what I came to the kitchen to do? The kitchen belongs to me as the only authentic wife and woman of the house.” The new wife said. Her voice was getting louder.

“You are pregnant right?” Titi said to the new wife with so much boldness. It is the type of boldness you display when you are so sure of what you are saying.

“I put it to you that you are pregnant.” Titi said again, looking directly into the eyes of the new wife.

“And what is your business if I’m pregnant? Am I not a married woman? I’m a full grown woman living in the same house with a man who is my husband. So, what is wrong if I’m pregnant. You have been here for ten years and you have never conceived. I spent only one night and got pregnant.” The new wife said. She did not deny the fact that she was pregnant.

“I’m happy that you have agreed to being pregnant. But I also put it to you that the baby does not belong to Madu. Biologically speaking, it is impossible for you to have symptoms of pregnancy six hours after getting pregnant. You have spent less than 24 hours in this house and you are already have pregnancy symptoms. So, you brought another man’s pregnancy into my house to pin it on my husband?” Titi asked angrily. The new wife was silent, knowing that what Titi was saying is the truth. She got pregnant in the village for her boyfriend. Madu and his mother were not aware, but being a nurse, Titi was able to detect the early pregnancy symptoms.

“I’m going to tell everyone right now that you are pregnant.” Titi said as she opened the kitchen door with force, threatening to leave. The new wife held her.

“Please, don’t do this to me. If you tell Madu my secret, our mother-in-law will chase me away. Actually, the baby belongs to my boyfriend, but he is poor and can’t take care of me and the child. That is why I agreed to marry Madu.” The new wife said with tears in her eyes.

“Okay! If you keep my secret, I will keep yours. You must tell no one that you saw me trying to put rat poison in the food I wanted to serve.” Titi said with a smile.

“I promise, your secret is safe with me. In fact, I never came into this kitchen and I never saw you doing anything.” Said the new wife.

“But I want something else.” Titi said.

“Whatever you want, I will do.” The new wife responded.

“Don’t ever send me to run errands for you. You will make your own food, wash your clothes and do every domestic chore in the house. The day you open your mouth and send me on an errand, I will broadcast your secret to the whole world.” Titi said.

“I will do as you say henceforth. I’m the second wife and I should be the one running errands, not you.” The new wife said.

Watch out for episode 5.

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