Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Wedding DJ

Episode 3

“There is something I forgot to tell you when I came here the other time.” Sharon said to George who was still spending time with his younger sister. Since he suffered heartbreak, he has refused to open his DJ shop. His sister Ella has somehow forgiven him because blood is thicker than water. He is now trying to mend his heart and get back to his feet. But it seems each time he tries to get hold of his emotions, Sharon comes in to make things worse.

 He was in the living room reading a book on overcoming heartbreaks when Sharon walked in after Ella opened the door for her. Ella didn’t bother talking to Sharon anymore. She was sure they would end up fighting, so she just walked away calmly when she opened the door and saw her.

“I want to hire you to be the DJ at my wedding reception. I know you are a very good DJ and you will do the job well. My husband is ready to pay any amount you will mention. Please, it will mean a lot to me if you would agree to be the DJ at my wedding. Please, don’t say no.” Sharon said to George. He had his eyes fixed on the book he was reading. In his mind, he was trying to focus on the book but his heart kept racing back to what Sharon was saying. But all the same, he refused to lift his head up.

“It is best for us to remain as friends after our breakup. I know the way I treated you was not right, but I think we are not meant to be together. However, that does not mean we should be enemies. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that it would be best if you be the DJ at my reception. What are friends for? Please, I look forward to seeing you working for me at my DJ. I want you to be at your best that day. Bring your best equipment.” Sharon said and stood up to leave the house. She was walking ‘sekem sekem’ like a praying mantis. She was putting on high heeled shoes and a blue jean trouser which brought out her shape. When she was going, George could not help it, so he lifted his face to look at her backside. Unfortunately for him, he was caught because Sharon also turned to take a last look at him before going. As their eyes jammed each other, George was embarrassed and he quickly bowed his head and returned to the book he was reading.

“I know you still love me, but I’m sorry George, it won’t work. Goodbye and see you at my wedding working as the DJ.” Sharon said as she slammed the door.

Meanwhile, Ella has been eavesdropping and she heard everything Sharon told George. She was surprised that Sharon had the audacity to invite her ex to work for her as a DJ at her wedding. She has never heard such a thing in the past. She decided to confront his brother about it because she felt Sharon was on a different mission and she had to step in and protect her brother from his ex-girlfriend.

“Are you going to go? Are you going to be the DJ at your ex’s wedding?” Ella asked Gorge who by then had dropped the book he was reading and buried his head in his two palms. After Sharon left, some of the memories he had forgotten about them returned to him.

“Answer me! Are you going? Will you attend your ex’s wedding and work for her as a DJ?” Ella asked again with a little more emphasis. She was standing with her hands akimbo, looking directly at George who was trying desperately to avoid the topic because he was not yet ready to discuss it. But his sister insisted on getting an answer from him.

“I don’t know Ella. I don’t know.” George said. He stood up and left the room. Just then, someone knocked at the door. When Ella opened the door, it was Sharon again.

“Sorry, I had to come back because I forgot one more thing.” Sharon said as soon as Ella opened the door.

“What exactly do you want from my brother? Do you want to kill him? You have dumped him, why are you still following him up and down? Move on and let him heal from the heartbreak you caused him. Why are you troubling his life? Why are you inviting him to your wedding? Why have you asked him to be the DJ at your wedding? Is my brother the only DJ in this town? Please leave him alone to drink water and drop cup.” Ella said. She was visibly angry,

“Actually, this time around, I have not come for your brother. I have come to see you.” Sharon said with a smile on her face as if she didn’t hear a thing of all that Ella was saying.

“Why have you come to see me? What relationship do I have with you? What relationship does light have with darkness?” Ella asked.

“I know you are a good tailor and I want you to make my wedding dress. Please, tell me how much it would cost. It has become urgent and I want someone I can trust. I don’t want to hire my wedding gown. I want it custom-made for me. Please, can you deliver it within one week?” Sharon asked.

“Are you out of your mind? Like I asked earlier, what exactly do you want from us?” Ella asked with a lot of anger written all over her face.

“I don’t want anything. I just want us to remain friends. The fact that I broke up with George does not mean we have become enemies. We can still be friends and help each other. Besides, no one knows tomorrow.” Sharon said.

“Are you being serious right now or you are joking? You have not only invited your ex to your wedding, you have also asked him to be the DJ at your reception ceremony. You are not stopping there, you are asking your ex’s sister to make your wedding gown. Is anything wrong with you? Are you drunk?” Ella asked.

“Nothing is wrong with me and I’m in right senses. Please, don’t fail me. It would be an honour if I wear a dress made by you on my wedding day. Please, think about it and get back to me tomorrow. I will be glad to come for measurement.” Sharon said and left the compound.

Watch out for episode 4.

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