Saturday, November 25, 2023

My Coursemate

episode 5

“It was just a prank. It was a joke and I didn’t know you will take it serious. Please forgive me and come back to school.” Azizat said. I had managed to convince my mother to leave the scene and Eke had gone to say hi to his family since his house is just a stone throw from ours. It was just me and Azizat in her car and she knelt down to beg me.

“What do you mean? What prank are you talking about?” I asked.

“I mean I’m not pregnant and I didn’t miss my period. I lied to you because I wanted to see what your reaction would be.” Azizat said. Instead of lifting the heavy burden in my heart, her latest clarification made me angrier. I felt like slapping her. If I had a gun, I would have probably shot her. I looked at her intently with so much pain in my heart.

“How could you have done such a thing? Are you insane? Are you aware of the pain and anguish you have caused me? What if I had died because of overthinking? What if I had heart attack?” I asked with anger in my voice. The windshield of the Lexus jeep was all wound so that no one could hear us from the outside. The AC of the car revved in high speed but both of us were still sweating. It was such a tension-soaked moment.

“I wanted to see your reaction. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” Azizat continued to plead. But the more words she said the more she made me angry.

“How can you lie about pregnancy? You could have killed me. You wanted to destroy my life and you almost succeeded.” I said. My voice was getting louder. Azizat had by then noticed how angry I had become, so she stopped talking.

“Look, I don’t think I will continue with this relationship. I’m not capable of handling the consequences of this kind of relationship. I don’t have money to take care of you. In fact, the money I used to take you out was borrowed. I cannot take care of a baby and I certainly cannot take care of a woman. I can’t continue to fool myself so as to be enjoying what I cannot afford. This is the end of our relationship. Please, as we are returning to school, just behave as if we never met.” I said as I stormed out of the car. Azizat started weeping and calling me, but I did not turn.

One week later, I was back in school. I decided to concentrate on my studies and forget about women and Azizat in particular. It was a very difficult decision because I already fell deeply in love with Azizat. Many times, I struggled not to talk to her each time we see each other in lecture halls.

On her part, she continued trying to pacify me by sending people to plead with me for forgiveness, but my mind was made up. I have moved on. One day, she bought a new smartphone and sent it to me through Eke but I rejected it and sent it back.

As time passed, I started noticing Azizat’s absence in lectures. Even when we had our first semester tests, she stayed away. 

“How can a student miss tests and not attend lectures?” I asked myself. I was secretly worried about Azizat. Even though I had decided to move on without her, her image was still deeply engraved in my heart. It was worse that exam was around the corner and Azizat was nowhere to be found.

I started asking questions about her. Then, I heard from the grapevine that she was terribly sick and even unable to stand up from the bed. I was reliably told that she was hospitalized at the university teaching hospital. There and then, I made up my mind to visit her.
The next day, I arrived the hospital with a rose flower I had bought with N1,000 I borrowed from Eke. I also bought a card which had “Get Well Soon” written on it.

Immediately I walked into the hospital ward, Azizat saw me and her face brightened up. She jumped up from the hospital bed and rushed towards me. She jumped up high in the air and threw herself on me. I caught her up in the air and we hugged passionately. She started crying and I too did not know when tears rolled down my cheeks.

“I missed you.” I said.

“You made me sick.” She said.

Her mother was present in the hospital ward and even her father who is the school vice chancellor watched us with his mouth wide open.

“Who is this young man? Azizat that could barely talk some minutes ago has suddenly gathered such a strength that nearly threw a man down?” The VC asked.

“It looks as if the sickness disappeared immediately the young man appeared. Who is this?” Her mother asked.

“Mum, dad, this is Oti, my coursemate and… close friend.” Azizat said. She was holding my hand and talking excitedly like a kid who just received a chunk of meat.

“Wow! You are welcome young man.” The VC said with a broad smile on his face. It is the first time I’m seeing him that close. We shook hands like equals. I felt pround.

“We are happy your presence has healed her. Please, don’t leave her here. Stay with her.” Azizat’s mother said excitedly.

Azizat returned to her bed and had me sit beside her. She was still holding my hand and playing with it like a dice. We started chatting and we talked till 7pm. Azizat’s mother and the VC later left us in the hospital ward after seeing how confortable their daughter was with me.

As it is said, old firewood already touched by fire is not hard to set alight. Azizat insisted that I should pass the night at the hospital and I found it hard to resist the request. I had missed her so much.
By 8pm the room went quiet and we were the only two people in the private ward. Azizat started touching me here and there. I also touched her here and there. Before I knew what was happening, I was doing many things that I didn’t want to do. I allowed myself to enjoy those things. 

We rekindled our love on a hospital bed. The love making was once again very passionate. I did not come to the hospital for this, but what can I do to resist a beautiful woman?

The next day, everyone was surprised when Azizat returned to school almost as if she was never sick.

Watch out for episode 6.

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