Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Conception Cintrol


Episode Two

“What brought you home at this time? The semester is not over yet and I have promised to visit you by the weekend. I wasn’t expecting you home this time around. My darling, are you fine? Is everything alright with you? Or, do you need money for handout?” Justice asked his wife when she drove into the compound. He was on his way out of the house and he was just about entering his car when the gate flipped open and his wife cruised into the compound, looking worried. Justice was going to the restaurant to buy food as he does not cook often due to the absence of his wife.

“I’m not fine. I have something urgent I want to discuss with you. It has been giving me sleepless nights and I have been unable to study my books in school because of the problem. That’s why I had to rush home as soon as I could. Please, let’s go inside the house and discuss.” Emilia said as she hugged her husband. Justice led her by the hand into the large building. Emilia had missed home so much. Since the beginning of the semester, she was yet to visit the house. She had no actual need to because her husband visited her in school as often as possible.

“What is the problem my darling?” Justice asked, sitting close to Emilia who had sank in one of the sofas in the large living room. The television was on and the video of One Love, a powerful song by Bob Marley played away. The music was too loud, so Emilia went to lower it before coming back to meet her husband.

“I want to get pregnant.” Emilia said. When she was driving home from school, she had a change of mind. She reconsidered her decision to tell her husband the truth about her pregnancy. She decided to trick her husband into believing that he is responsible for the pregnancy. The problem is that Justice is incapable of getting any woman pregnant because of the vasectomy. If he could get her pregnant, she would just allow him make love to her a few days and then, pin the pregnancy on him. But that won’t work. So she has to find a way to convince him to take her to the fertility clinic for insemination using his frozen liquid fertilizer.

“I can’t wait a whole four years before carrying my first baby. I know that I’m still young but I want to start bearing children early so that we can look after them when we are still young and strong.” Emilia said. She looked worried.

“Is that the problem that brought you home from school? When you said something was disturbing your mind, I thought it was one huge problem we cannot solve.” Justice said. He stood up from the sofa and placed his right hand on Emilia’s shoulder romantically.

“I will drive you to the fertility clinic tomorrow. There is no need for you to be worried. I support your decision to start having children if that is what you want. But I have to warn you that going to school and looking after children could be very stressful. Once we start having children, our lives will change forever. As you know, children are naturally disruptive. Are you sure you will be able to be a mother and still complete your education?” Justice asked his wife.

“Yes, I’m ready. There are some of my coursemates who are pregnant and they still attend classes. In fact, one of them has a small baby who she comes to class with. I’m sure I can do it with your support.” Emilia said. Her face was starting to brighten after her husband agreed to take her to the fertility clinic the next day.

“Alright! If this is what you really want, consider it done! We will go to the clinic tomorrow. I will always do all I can to make you happy. So if you want us to start having children, who am I to say no?” Justice asked rhetorically. 

“Thank you my darling! I’m now very happy! You just lifted a burden off my heart. I was thinking you would say no to my request. Let me go in and prepare food for you. What do you want to eat?” Emilia asked with a beautiful smile on her face.

“I want to eat vegetable soup.” Justice said as they both laughed. Emilia went to a nearby street market and bought ingredients for vegetable soup and then prepared a nice dish for Justice. He ate it with so much relish.

The next day, they were at the fertility clinic and requested to see the doctor. It didn’t take long before the doctor appeared and greeted them warmly. They were still sitting at the reception of the clinic. The doctor ushered them into his beautiful office.

“We want to have a baby.” Emilia announced to the doctor excitedly.

“Wow! That’s good news. But I thought you people agreed to freeze the liquid fertilizer for five years? Why did you change your minds suddenly?” The doctor asked.

“We reasoned that it would be better to have our babies now that we are young.” Justice tells the doctor who was jotting some things on a file before him.

“Alright, if this is what you want, then let’s start the process. First things first. Emilia, when last did you see your monthly flow?” The doctor asked while still writing with a red pen.

“I haven’t seen it for this month.” Emilia said.

“Okay, that means we have to test you for pregnancy. If you are not already pregnant, then we can wait for your monthly flow to occur. It is only after the monthly flow that we can determine your most fertile days and perform the fertilization.” The doctor announced. Emilia was alarmed when the doctor said there would be a pregnancy test.

“I have scheduled you for a pregnancy test tomorrow morning.” The doctor said. He asked Emilia and Justice to go back home and return the next morning.

“Why is he talking of pregnancy test when he knows I can’t get any woman pregnant?” Justice asked his wife.

“Don’t worry honey. I’m sure it is just the normal medical procedure. The doctor is a professional.” Emilia said with a smile on her face. However, inwardly, she was dying. She knew the pregnancy test would expose her secret.

“I have to plan my next move because if I don’t, this doctor will expose and disgrace me tomorrow. I won’t allow this to happen.” Emilia said in her heart as they drove out of the hospital.

Watch out for episode 3.

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