Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Fitness Center


Episode 5

“We are going to court and you can’t stop us. In fact, you are lucky to have met us here. May be because you came early. But you can’t stop us from charging your client to court. You will have to come there and defend her. Come to court with whatever evidence you have.” The police man in charge of Ugomma’s case tells Barrister Uche. He was already entering the police van and they were about to drive away when Uche and Julius arrived the police station with the flash drive containing the evidence.

“But I have something here that proves Ugomma did not commit the crime. Why are you bent on charging the wrong suspect? Isn’t that a waste of time? It would amount to wickedness if you charge a suspect not because you are convinced of her guilt but because you just want to appear to be doing your job whereas you are making a big mistake.” Barrister Uche said. He was standing beside the police van and talking to the police officer who was already in the car. The van was steaming and the driver was only waiting for the word go to drive away.

“Are you trying to stand on the way of law enforcement officers? There are consequences for this thing you are doing. You are a lawyer, and I think you should think twice before embarking on this gra gra.” The police officer said.

“This is not gra gra. I’m only trying to protect my client. I insist I have new discoveries and strong evidence that prove no diligent investigation was carried out before my client was wrongly arrested and framed for murder she did not commit. If you go on with this case and arraign my client in court, I may be forced to sue the police and claim damages. I’m sure you don’t want this to happen.” Barrister Uche said with a warning tone. After a long pause, the police officer stepped down from the van.

“This is just one last chance. And I hope what you have there better proves she is innocent. Don’t try me.” The police officer said as they walked into the police station to view the video in the flash drive brought by Uche. 

Meanwhile, Julius was at the back of the van talking with Ugomma.

“What has suddenly changed? Why are you now interested in me? I’m happy you brought a lawyer to argue my case, but I’m still curious. Less than a month ago, you wanted nothing to do with me. In fact, you gladly signed a divorce paper I gave you and you never held me back when I was walking out of your house. You showed me in every way that it was over and that you did not want to be with me again. You even said getting married to me was a mistake. So what changed your mind? Why are you helping me?” Ugomma asked. She sincerely wanted to know because the turnaround in Julius’ character towards her was beyond magic.

“I honestly can’t tell what happened. But all I know is that your absence restored all the love I have for you the first time I met you. I suddenly realized your importance the moment I did not see you for more than a week. I realized I did not hate you. I realized you are actually still the beautiful lady I married. I realized I allowed the girls I see on social media to trick me into hating my wife. I thought they were more beautiful than you and even wanted to find a way and go into a relationship with one of them. I actually met with one of them after you left. When I met with her, I realized she was not as beautiful as she appeared on TikTok. Her face was ugly and all the big breasts and backside I saw were not there. She told me she is the same person but I did not believe her. She confessed she used social media filter to make herself more beautiful. Only then I realized you are truly the one I should be with because your beautify is natural without filter. It was wrong for me to have mocked you because of what I thought was a wrong shape. I can't ’stay without you because you are truly my wife.” Julius said.

“It is being long I heard you say such sweet words to me. Today will count as one of the best days of my life. This is the day my husband truly came back to me. After many years of abuse and agony under your roof, I finally have my real husband.” Ugomma said. Tears were rolling down her eyes as she talked. They wanted to hug each other but a police officer prevented that.

Meanwhile, inside the police station, Barrister Uche and the investigative police officer were busy viewing the CCTV footage. They were in the office of the DPO who also wanted to see what happened the day Jerry died. The video played gradually until it got to the point where Jerry’s girlfriend hit his head with the dumbbells. Uche posed it.

“There you have it. That’s the lady you should have arrested in the first place. Not Ugomma. It’s true she was at the crime scene, but she was not the criminal. I demand the release of my client at once.” Barrister Uche said.

The DPO and the investigative police officer looked at themselves and then asked Uche to give them some privacy. Uche walked out of the office and went to the car where Ugomma and Julius were waiting for him.

“Barrister, any luck? Are we finally free to go home?” Julius asked with apprehension in his voice and on his face.

“No, they asked me to wait outside. But I have showed them that Ugomma did not commit the crime. She was only at the crime scene. But if you get out of this mess, you two must be more careful. Look after each other. Julius, you must never push your wife away again. You almost destroyed her life in a flash.” Uche said. He was thirsty so he went to a shop nearby and bought a bottle of what. He was drinking when the police officer came out from the DPO’s office to meet them where the van was parked.

“You are free to go. But you have to follow me to sign some papers.” The police man said. Ugomma was led out of the van and she flew into Julius’s arms. They hugged tightly with tears in their eyes. After a few minutes they drove out of the police station and went home.

A month later, Julius and Ugomma went to the court to say their vows again. That was how Ugomma’s absence made Julius to realize his mistakes. Sometimes, our minds deceive us to see only the wrong things in our partners maybe because we encountered people who we think are more beautiful or handsome. It is not always so. It may take someone’s absence for you to realize their value in your life. Sometimes, you may never have the second chance to make amends like Julius.


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