Friday, December 22, 2023



I was a US soldier who had just moved back to the country after two years of serving in Afghanistan. Luckily, America’s war was over and I was granted permission to come back to my home country to see my family. This was my first trip in Africa in almost five years, and I was very happy to be back home again. My father was also very pleased to see me again. They had been worried that I was going to get killed in Afghanistan. My mother had prayed incessantly for my safe return and to God be the glory, her prayers had been answered. 

It felt good being home again, especially as I was in the village with my family. I always woke up very early so as to take in the cool morning breeze, do some jogging, and return home just when the rest of the family was waking up from bed. I was used to doing this because of my profession. Several times during my morning runs, I had met other early morning joggers and slowly we had begun to form a bond. I had no friends in the village. Most of them had moved out of the country or were working in the cities. So, I was forced to make new ones. 

One of the friends I made during my morning jogs was called Solange. She was average height, fair skinned and bulky in a sexy kind of way. That made sense why she jogged every morning. She was obviously trying to cut down some weight. I got close to her because we lived in the same neighbourhood and within a short while, we started going jogging together, not just in the mornings, but also in the evenings. 

Solange was too beautiful, educated and refined to live in the village. I had often wondered why she chose to live in the village instead of in the city. So, one day, on our way back home from our usual evening exercise, I decided to engage her in a conversation. 

“You look too good to live in this village. What are you doing here?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“You look like someone who lives in the city. You don’t look like most of these village girls. That’s what I mean.”

“I have never been to the city before.” She spoke.

“Liar, please tell me the truth. You look like a celebrity. You look like someone who is into showbiz.” I was not given up.

“Alright, you win. I have lived a long time in the city. I was a plus size model in a modelling agency.. I was also planning on getting into movies before I came to the village. How were you able to figure me out?”

“Some people move around with their own little spotlight. I was once into showbiz myself before I got the opportunity to travel abroad. So, I was able to recognize a fellow colleague as a soon as I saw you.” I spoke and she laughed.”

“You are a smart guy.” She spoke.

“You may say that again. However, how come you abandoned all those dreams of yours and decided to come back to the village? Or do you have plans of going back soon? I asked.





“Because it’s dangerous to go back. Look, I don’t want to bother you, okay? Just let me handle my problems alone.” She was being cagy.

“You will bother me, Solange. I like being bothered. It seems to me like you are hiding something. Speak to me, tell me. I could be of help.”

“Well, if you really want to know, some people were after my life. So, I had to escape and come to the village.”

“Some people? What kind of people? Were they after you for business or for pleasure?” I pressured.

“Both and much more.”

“This is serious. Would you be so kind as to tell me who these people are?” I was insistent.

She told me that her boss in the modelling agency was cheating her out of her hard-earned money. The man wasn’t paying her royalties and all the money she made was being kept by the man. She got desperate and involved herself in a side deal with another modeling agency. The deal became lucrative, and she made a lot of money. She even went for a show abroad and the new modeling agency was also beginning to make plans to put her on the big screen. 

However, her contract with her main modelling agency had not yet expired. However, there was no formal contract, just a verbal contract, that was why she was able to work with another agency. When her former boss realized that she had become successful in such a short while, he demanded that she handed all the money she had made to him. Of course, she refused and her former boss who was called Mr. Conrad, sued her. She won the case and thought it was all over. But then, Mr. Conrad had other plans. He started sending people to threaten her and to sabotage her new agency. Several times, attempts on her life were made. She had no choice than to move to the village. 

“He must have been crazy.” I said after she had finished telling me the story.

“Yeah!! He wasn’t just crazy; he was wicked and selfish. He even tried to have an affair with me, in spite of the fact that he was legally married and had beautiful children, some as old as me.”

“Hmm!! Too bad. Anyway, I hope he doesn’t come looking for you in the village. Does he know that you are here?” 

“Yes, he does. He has called several times, threatening me.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t think he will ever come here. Calm down, everything will be okay.” I assured her.

The next day, I went to a local village club to get some drinks and have a little bit of good time. It had been years since I was able to enjoy such luxury. In the battlefield in Afghanistan, there was little or no time for luxury. Sometimes for days on end, you were either shooting or being shot at; you were either hunting or being hunted; you were either dodging bullets or spraying some bullets yourself. So, I was having a much-needed vacation back in my home village.

However, everything didn’t seem ok when I got to the village club. I was expecting to meet the normal village guys there, drinking and some of them even drunk already. I did meet them there, no doubt about that. But I also noticed a total of about eight strange faces. I hadn’t been to the village in a while. In spite of that, I was still able to recognize that those guys were new in the village. They dressed and talked differently from the local village guys. Even their mannerisms were different. Anyway, I decided that it was a public place, and anyone could come there. Besides, I had no right going about checking other people’s businesses. 

I went to the bar and ordered two cans of Hero, took them to my table and started sipping quietly while listening to the Afro Beatz song that was playing from the speakers. Quickly, I finished both cans of bear and went to the counter to collect two more. When I was going back to my seat, I noticed that one of the strange guys had sat on my chair. I didn’t want any trouble. I could have taken another chair or moved to a new table. However, that particular chair was placed in such a way that whoever sat there had a good view of the entrance and could easily make an escape if trouble struck. 

“Please, that chair is taken.” I said, politely.

“So what?” The guy answered.

“I mean that you should please let me have my seat.” I was still polite.

“And what are you going to do if I don’t give you the seat?” He said, standing up. “Last time I checked you name wasn’t written on it.”

“It’s alright, you can have the seat.” I said and moved to get another seat that was close by. But as I moved to the other seat, one of the other guys who had been standing and watching my encounter with his friend, quickly sat on the chair and they all roared with laughter. I figured they were trying to make a fool out of me, so I went back to the counter, paid for my drinks and went towards the exit. But it had been blocked. The guys wanted trouble and I was prepared to give them some. They had no idea I was a soldier, a war veteran for that matter. 

“Hand the drink to me.” The guy who was blocking the exit said.

“Come and get it.” I said in a cool and dangerous voice. 

 I was already tired of their nonsense and my soldierly instincts were already kicking in. As he approached, I slammed the beer can on his face, shattering it in the process. He screamed in pain and shock as the foamy larger beer sprayed on his face, some entering his eyes. He bent double, cleaning his face with his T shirt. I turned around quickly, only to find one of the other guys rushing at me. I greeted him with a hard kick on his shin with my heavy military boots. He screamed and bent, holding his shin, hopping on one leg. A third guy put his hand inside his jacket, I guess he was going for his gun.

I quickly, caught the guy I had hit with a beer can and held him against my body to shield myself. But one of them, who seemed to be their leader, stood up and ordered everyone to get back to their seats. He reminded them that they were there for a purpose and they should direct all their energy towards it. He walked up to me, looked me in the eyes and apologized. I looked keenly at him. He was handsome in a dangerous kind of way, and as I looked into his eyes. I had a deep feeling that my business with him wasn’t over yet. I walked out of the place and went home directly. By the time I got home, everyone was already asleep. 

The next day, I didn’t go for jogging. Solange didn’t go too. She told me that she had to go to the farm with her mother to harvest cassava. I was home all day, just idling and browsing on my phone, waiting for Solange to come back. By nightfall, she still hadn’t shown up. So, I went to bed. Early the next morning, my younger sister told me that Solange was outside looking for me. When I went to meet her, she looked different. She was sad and jumpy.

“What is the matter, Solange?” I asked. “Why are you looking like this? I waited for you all day but you didn’t show up.”

“Something bad happened to me yesterday, Nick.” She burst into tears. “I was raped yesterday by some guys on my way back from the farm.”




“Oh my gosh!! How did it happen?” I asked.

“I went back to the farm to carry the remaining cassava. I was all alone and suddenly, I was surrounded, and…” She burst into tears.

“It’s alright. Just calm down everything will be alright, ok? How many of them were there?”

“About seven to eight of them. I couldn’t even see clearly. I was so confused and afraid.” She was still sobbing.

“And they all took turns on you?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

“No, just two of them. The others just stood around, watching and laughing, recording with their phones.”

“Jesus!! Have you told anyone about this yet?” I asked.

“No, nobody for now.”

“Good, just keep it that way. Don’t tell anyone, not even your mum. Were you able to recognize any of them?” 

“No, they were all strange. I had never seen them in this village and that is what puzzles me the most. Where did they come from?” She was very depressed.

“I think I have an idea.” I mumbled.

“What did you say?”

“Never mind. I was just talking to myself.” I spoke.

“Please, I want you to do something for me.” 

“What do you want? Tell me anything.” I was ready for action.

“I want you to track down those guys and bring them to book. However, I know they were sent by someone. I want you to go after them, investigate and know who sent them. When you do, call me or send me a message. Can you do that for me?” 

I looked deeply in her eyes and knew I couldn’t deny her that. She was a woman whose virtue had been taken. She had been defiled by unknown men. Deep in her, was pain and anger. She wouldn’t rest until she had had her revenge. It is said that hell has no fury like a woman scorned. I decided I would help her.

“All my life as a soldier, I have faced terrible dangers. I have been through things that would make any one wet their pants by just imagining. Many times, I have faced death and conquered it. However, in spite of all my training and experience, what you ask of me now, frightens me a little. But then you are a good friend of mine and the injustice that has been done on you has to be righted. I will do what you have asked, don’t worry.”

It was evening now at the village club. The guys who had attacked Solange were still there, drinking rowdily and making merry. They felt that because they were in a small village, they were above the law. If they were wise enough, they would have left town immediately they carried out their dastardly act. However, they didn’t. Why? They had learnt that I had newly returned from abroad. They figured I might have come with a lot of money. But then, whoever gave them the information also forgot to tell them that I was a US marine. 

That night, after taking a lot of alcohol and cigarettes, they decided that they would pay a visit to my house. However, not all of them came. Just three of them decided to get an early ticket to hell.

It was around 10:00 PM. My mum was already asleep and so were my sisters. I was all alone in the living room chatting on the phone with a friend of mine when I heard footsteps on the veranda. I wasn’t expecting anyone at that time. Actually, no one visits us at that time. Who could it be? My soldierly instincts immediately kicked in and I became very alert. I ran to my bedroom and pulled out my hand gun. I made sure it was loaded and then took one extra magazine. When I came back to the living room, I turned off the light but left the security light on. 

You know how glazed windows work. When you are in darkness, you can clearly see someone outside without the person seeing you. So, through the glazed windows of our living room, I could clearly see them, all three of them. Two had their guns in their hands and the other was having a well-sharpened machete. The one with the machete approached the door of our living room and felt whether it was opened or not. Fortunately, or unfortunately for him, the door opened. I hadn’t locked it yet. He pushed it slowly and as he walked in, hoping to take me unawares, I slammed the door in his face, forcing him to lose his balance and dropping his machete. 

I opened the door quickly again and planted a bullet in his head. He died instantly. It happened so fast that the other two were taken off guard. One of them raised his gun to shoot but I quickly ducked, and the bullets hit the steel door of our living room, cutting through the door like icepick on cheese and almost hitting my mum who had heard the commotion and had come to the living room to find out what was happening. 

“Get back into the room, Mum. Get back.” I cried desperately, at the same time putting four bullets into the shooter’s chest. He dropped on his knees, blood spurting out of his mouth, his throat gurgling, then he was still. The last one of them, realizing that they had picked a wrong quarry, attempted to escape, but I was quicker than him. I shot him in the leg and as he tried to escape, hopping on one leg, I ran after him and caught him. I then dragged him into the living room and hog-tied him. 

“Who sent you?” I asked him.


“Whether you stay alive or not depends on you. Look at your friends, do you want to end up like them? Now, I am going to ask you again, and mind you, I hate repeating myself. Now, who sent you?” I asked, pointing the gun to his head.

“Alright, I will speak. But please, promise you won’t kill me.”

“I don’t make promises. Now, speak!!”

“It was the barman who told us you were from overseas. He said you had lots of money. That is why we came to get our own share. We had no plans of killing you.”

“I see, so he was part of the conspiracy. I guess he didn’t tell you I was a soldier too?!”

When I mentioned the word soldier, I realized that his face fell. He now knew that he was in serious trouble. I told my mum and sisters to remain indoors until I got back. I got into the car I had brought to the village after haven put the shooter in the boot and drove to the local club. When I got there, I opened the boot and half dragged the shooter into the club. There were just a few customers left in the club at that time. I didn’t meet the bartender at the counter and when I turned to ask from the shooter, I realized he had passed out. 

I abandoned him right there at the counter and with my gun drawn, I went through a door that was behind the counter. I figured the bartender might have seen me approaching from a distance and had decided to hide himself. True to my suspicions, I caught him crouched low behind a stack of beer crates in the room. I pulled him by the scruff of the neck and brought him to the counter. With my gun pointing on his head, the interrogation process began.

“Why did you send people to my house?” I asked.

“I didn’t send anyone.”

“This guy here”, I said, pointing to the shooter wo had passed out, “said you were the one who sent them. Now tell me the truth.”

“I didn’t send them. After the altercation you had with them the other night at the bar here, they made some enquiries about you, and I told them you just came in from overseas. That’s all I swear.” He was sweating. 

“If I find out you have lied to me, I will be back for you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir”

“Where are the rest of them?” I asked.

“They are in that small auberge at the entrance to the village. They plan to leave tomorrow.”

I abandoned the bartender to his own devices, put the unconscious shooter in the back seat and drove to the auberge. I was at top speed when as if in a dream, I felt someone grabbed me around my neck from behind. It was the shooter. All the while, I had thought he was out. I now realized that he had just been pretending. His intention was to play dead and then strike me when I was least expecting. Clearly, he wasn’t grateful by the fact that I had saved his life. 

My car swerved and jerked from one lane of the road to the other because I was trying to free myself from his vice-like grip, and the same time trying to pay attention on the road. It wasn’t easy. Luckily, he had neither a knife nor a gun with him. If he did, it would have been bad business for me. I stepped hard on the brakes and that sudden jolt brought him halfway to the front seat. His strangle hold almost relaxed but he regained himself and tightened the hold.

I realized I was needing air. My lungs were starving of air. He was cutting my air supply and I was afraid I was going to pass out. I had one last option and that was to pull my gun. With my remaining energy, I pulled my gun and fired backwards. Three times I fired but each time he ducked just in time. I had no other option. I let the car crash into a nearby bush. However, at the end of the bush, there was a small valley. The car went into the valley, tumbling several times and I went unconscious.

Back in the hotel, the killers had gotten news that the three of their friends that were sent to come and rob me had been killed. They decided that it was time to leave. They had already achieved their main aim of coming to the village, which was to teach Solange a lesson. They figured it was time to go. However, before they went, they left a little surprise for me.

Back in the valley, I was slowly regaining consciousness. My head ached terribly. It took a while before I could recall what had just happened. As soon as I did, I realized that I was in grave danger if the shooter was still alive. Desperately, I searched for my gun, but I couldn’t find it. Then I heard a voice beside me. It was the shooter. He was holding my gun. 

“Looking for this?” He laughed and limped towards me, the gun pointing to my head, ready to fire. 




There was no way I could get out if this. He was pointing a loaded gun at me. I was still partially stunned from the car crash and I couldn’t even think straight. It was also dark and both of us could only see each other by the lights of the car which were still on. My first impulsion was to run into the darkness but I quickly decided against that. He was a killer and therefore possibly a good shot. I might not get very far before he shoots me down. 

“Get out of the car.” He ordered.

“Or what?” I taunted. “What are you going to do?”

“I plan to shoot you as soon as you get out of the car. Now, I will be counting from one to one. After that, if you don’t get off the car, I will shoot you.”

It was a desperate situation; one that I couldn’t help. I detached the seat belt and slowly got out of the car. After I had done so, he asked me to get on my knees and I did. I thought he was going to shoot me then. But he clearly wanted to have some fun first. 

“Beg for your life.” He spoke.

“Over my dead body.” I replied.

“Yes, you will be a dead body soon. But first, beg for your life. I might decide to kill you faster. Because as of now, I intend to kill you in a slow and horrible way.”

“I will do no such thing. Do your worst.” I was defiant.

“Ok then, say hi to Lucifer and all his demons.” He said and pulled the trigger, but the gun jammed. He tried again but the gun jammed again. That was all the time I needed. With the speed of light, I ran towards him just as he tried the third time. This time, the gun fired but missed me because I was already in motion. I got hold of the gun and we started struggling. I was really exhausted and had no strength for a long fight. So, I decided to end it quickly. I pulled a concealed knife from my boot and air conditioned his stomach. I made it work like a zipper, running the knife from below his rib cage and all the way to his belly button. He fell to the ground shaking with his intestines out. I looked at his eyes and saw no life. He was already gone to that big fire where all sinners would go to. 

The car was damaged and I had to worry about that another day. I cleaned the knife, picked up my gun and climbed out of the valley. My next destination was the auberge. I needed to get to the rest of the killers. I figured there were still about five of them there. Luckily for me, I had already covered a good distance with the car and the auberge was just a walking distance away. When I got there, I realized the drinking section of the small two-story village auberge was still on. There were a few men drinking there and some beautiful ladies too. 

I went to the receptionist and made enquiries about the shooters, but she didn’t seem to one to give any information. She wanted something else. So, in order to get what I came for, I had to play by her rules. I suddenly switched from soldier to playboy.

“When will your shift be over?” I asked. 

“Why do you ask?”

“I figured we could discuss business over a few drinks. What do you think?” I smiled and winked at her. 

“That would be a lovely idea. I will be done in thirty minutes. Actually, my shift is over. I have been waiting for my replacement for almost an hour. Ok, there she is.” She said and pointed to the door as another lady walked in and approached the reception area. 

While we were drinking, I had a few questions for her.

“There were a group of guys who were lodging here. They came from the city. Do you know how I can find them?” I asked.

“What do you want with them?”

“That would be my business.”

“Well, if that is your business, then it’s fine with me. I don’t want to get involved by the way. They looked dangerous, and you know, I am just a woman.”

“Do you know where I can find them?”

“Nope, you are too late. They left earlier today.”

From the way she was speaking, I realized she knew more than she was telling but she was being cagy. I figured that it was because she was wary of me. My dress looked ruffled from the accident and fights I had just had. I also didn’t look like one of the village folks. But above all, I wasn’t giving her what she wanted. I knew she wanted a little bit of nighttime fun. In the intelligence field, sometimes we were forced to do things we didn’t like just to extract information from a suspect or a culprit. So, I figured I might have to dance to her tune in order to get what information I wanted. So, I stopped talking about the killers and talked about her instead. 

“You are a beautiful woman, with all the fixings. God created you on a Sunday, no joking.” I said and she smiled.

“What do you want? Tell me.”

“Can we go upstairs? I could book a room and we will have some fun if you want.”

“Of course, I want. What took you so long to ask?”

We finished our drinks, and I went to the receptionist and booked a room. We went upstairs together, and she was in front while I brought up the rare. She walked with a sensual swagger and all my eyes were on her buttocks and the way she moved them. Her behind was well rounded and the straight skirt she was wearing revealed all her curves. 

We got into the hotel room and got to business straight. I had her buttocks in my hand and the feel of the material of her skirt made them feel really good. I took of her skirt, then her panties and she gasped when she undid my zipper and held my LGA. She was amazed at its size and hardness. I got on her and the squeaky and noisy bed was able to tell the rest of the story.

Some forty-five minutes later, we were done. As we lay in each other’s arms, looking at the ceiling, she started talking. This time she didn’t wait for me to ask.

“About those guys you asked of last night, they are dangerous men. They work for a rich owner of a modelling agency back in the city.”

“Really, tell me more.” I urged. 

“They came here a few days ago, making enquiries about one Solange of a girl. They were eight of them. Where the other three went, I do not know. However, just five of them left.” She explained.

“I took care of the other three.” I mumbled.

“What did you say?”

“Never mind.”

“What do you want with them? They are dangerous. You should be careful.” She warned.

“Danger is my middle name. But don’t worry, I will be fine.”

She was feeling sleepy after the pleasure I had just given her. So, she turned her back to me and dozed off. I was still awake, and I was thinking. If they came from the city and were working for a rich owner of a modelling agency, it only goes to confirm my suspicions. They could have been sent by Solange’s former boss. However, I had to be careful. Solange might have made more than one enemy while she was in the city. I had to be cautious. I had to make sure I had the right person before contacting Solange. I got out my phone and sent her a text. 

‘Hi Solange, it may interest you to know that three of your defilers are already dead though at the expense of my car. So far, I have been able to track them to the auberge at the edge of town. I was able to get information that they came from the city, and that they work for a rich boss who is into entertainment. I have my suspicions, but I don’t want to make any hasty prognostications. Tomorrow, I will be leaving to the city with my mum’s car. Mine is badly destroyed. When I get there, I intend to get the main culprit, and as soon as I do, I will communicate that to you. For now, stay blessed. Bye.’

I sent the message and it showed to gray ticks. She was surely asleep. Haven’t texted Solange, I figured it was time to call it a night. I needed some rest and gain some energy before my trip to the city tomorrow. I turned and looked at Ashley, the hotel receptionist. She was deep asleep. I was about to turn off the light of the room when I seemed to hear some movements around the door. I listened intently and figured there was someone there, probably and assassin sent to eliminate me. Ashley had told me that the killers had all left town. So, I wondered who could be there. 

“Ashley, Ashley.” I whispered, waking her up gently. Luckily, she woke up immediately. For a hotel receptionist, she was used to having her sleep being interrupted at very odd hours.

“What is the matter, Nick? Do you want some?” She asked in a sleepy voice.

“Shhhhhh! Listen, someone is at the door, and I don’t think it’s room service.”

She listened carefully and realized that someone was indeed at the door. She started panicking. I calmed her down, got her off the bed and we both tiptoed, naked into the bath. I left her there and came back into the room. Whoever was inside was convinced we were asleep and would therefore make an easy target. He pushed the door with all his might and the flimsy door gave way. He opened the door but didn’t see anyone. He got inside with a drawn gun, ready to shoot and moved towards the bath. He opened the bathroom door and saw Ashley.

“Where is he?” He asked her.


“Don’t play with me. You know who I am talking about.”

“I don’t”

He gave her a slap that made her see stars and pushed her on the floor. She fell back and since she was still naked, he thought she was an easy target for defilement. He decided he was going to take advantage of her and make her pay for not revealing where I was. 

“Spread your legs” He barked.

“Please, don’t hurt me.” She pleaded.

“I won’t if you play along, but I promise to kill you if you don’t.”

Ashley pretended to concede and laid back. The killer removed his zipper and instead of getting on her, he wanted more than that. He wanted a BJ. So, as he brought his LGA closer to her mouth, she held it and bit it with all her might. The scream that came from his mouth could be heard a thousand kilometers away. He shouted and attempted to shoot her but he was in so much pains that he dropped the gun.

 Ashley got off the ground, still naked and gave him a hard punch on his balls, worsening his agony. As he fell back into the room, holding his manhood in pains and weeping like a child, I appeared from my hiding place and put two bullets in him. He died instantly. 

Ashley ran towards me and gave me a tight hug. She was visibly shaken. I removed the killer's mask and recognized him immediately. He was one of the eight guys and the fourth to die. So, he had been left behind to take care of me should I trace them to the auberge. 

I now understood that I wasn’t just dealing with easy criminals. I was dealing with hardcore gunslingers who weren’t just vicious, but they also laid strategy. I decided that I had to be extra careful and up my game as I moved to the city to begin the hunt for their wicked boss.




“I will be leaving for the city tomorrow, mum.” I told my mum.

“What is the matter? You have been busy these days, and since you came, a lot of things have been happening. What is going on with you, my son?”

“Mum, there is nothing that is worth worrying about. It’s something that has to do with my return ticket. I will be fine.”

“Are you sure, son?”

“Yes, mum.”

“Where is your car? You didn’t come back with it last night.”

“It developed a fault, mum. I have left it at the mechanic.”

“So, how do you intend to go to the city tomorrow?” She asked.

“I intend to borrow yours.”

“Borrow mine? No. We have our August meeting, and I will be needing it. All the big women in the village who own cars will be going with their cars, how do you want me to go on foot? I was actually instead planning to borrow yours so that I could appear in something new.” My mum refused.

I couldn’t use my mum’s car because of her August meeting. These women don’t joke when they have an opportunity to show off. That was bad news for me. I was now left with only the option of getting my car fixed, and that was going to take a while. Firstly, I had to get it towed, then checked. I had no choice so, I got on with it immediately.

It took exactly three weeks for my car to get back to normal. That was too much time I had wasted. That was enough time to complete the job I had started. But as they say, it’s better late than never. As the days went by, I met with Solange several times. Each time I saw her, the anger and need for me to revenge increased. This was because she was always sad and said she wouldn’t have any peace until she knew who sent those guys. 

With my car fixed now, I woke up one early morning and hit the road. The road from the village to the city wasn’t paved. Hence, it was a bumpy ride that I had. I had already gone halfway into the journey when I was told that there had been a shootout between the separatists and the government forces in the next village. As a result, the road had been blocked. The separatists had mounted a roadblock and the government forces were trying to unblock it. Luckily for me, I got that information when I was at a small town. I had to discontinue my journey and waited for the road to be reopened, which would most likely be the next day. 

It was risky continuing my journey that night. Because of the altercation between the separatists and the military, every car that passed through that road would obviously be searched. I had my gun in my car, two guns actually. If they should search my car and find my guns, I would most probably run into serious trouble. Even my status as a US marine wasn’t going to save me. It was widely believed that the diaspora was fueling the separatist ideology and actually funding them. If I was caught, I would be branded as a gun supplier for them. 

I got a room at a small hotel in the town. After haven parked my car, I took my luggage to my room. After I had freshened up, I came to the hotel lounge to get a drink and have something to eat. At the far end of the room, there were three guys drinking. They looked rugged so, I made a mental note to myself to be wary of them. On a plasma TV on the wall, a football match was going on. I wanted to watch CNN. So, I humbly asked for the receptionist to switch the channel. She happily did. 

“Why did you change the channel?” One of the guys asked.

“The match is a replay. He said he wants to watch the news on CNN.” She explained.

“Switch back to Supersport.” He growled.

“Why?” The receptionist asked.

“Because I said so. Now, switch back to the football match.” The guy spoke, rudely. 

The receptionist turned and looked at me. I motioned for her to do as the guy wanted. I didn’t want any trouble so, I concentrated on my drink. After about an hour, I started feeling sleepy. I walked up to the receptionist and asked her to add the cost of the drink to my hotel bill. I then said goodnight to her and went to my room. I slept off as soon as I hit the bed. 

I was in the city, and I had met Solange’s former boss. I threatened to kill him for sending his men to Solange. There were about five men in the room and they all had guns. I tried to fight but I was overpowered. They tied me up and shot me in the chest. I flinched and woke up, sweating. It was a dream. I was very grateful that it was a dream and I prayed that it was not a sign of things to come. 

The next day, I got up and prepared to continue my journey. However, I was told that no vehicle was allowed to pass. There was another shootout last night. However, there was a particular villager who conveyed people through a secret footpath away from the main road. That meant I had to leave my car behind. I contemplated the idea for a while and finally decided that I wouldn’t be leaving my car. I would wait until the road was clear. 

I went to the hotel lounge to have something to eat, and I met the same three guys I had met last time. I knew staying there would lead to trouble. So, I went back to my room. As I was leaving, I noticed that one of them was following me. I pretended as if I didn’t notice him, but with the corner of my eye, I could see that he was quickening his pace. I quickened my pace too, heading for the safety of my room but I saw him pulling something like a gun. I ran towards a bend in the corridor that led to rooms. I stood there and waited. 

He came after me with a run, his gun drawn, ready to shoot. I didn’t have my gun with me. One of my guns was in the car and the other was in my room. What was I going to do? I looked around me and noticed a huge flower vase made of clay. I carried it up and waited. As soon as he rounded the corner and saw me, I scattered the flower vase on his head. At the same exact time, he fired and missed of course. The impact of the vase on his head made him become dazed. But he didn’t drop his gun. I grabbed the hand holding the gun and as we struggled, the gun fired several times into the ceiling. As I was about overpowering him. I saw the other two of his colleagues approaching.

 I directed his gun to the one in front and the bullet caught him in the head. He sank to the ground and became a candidate of the journey of no return, but not before planting one bullet into the other guy I was using as a shield. Two gone and one left. From my assessment, I had a maximum of just about one bullet in the gun of the killer I had seized. The third guy however, seemed to still have a full magazine. I was wrong. He fired just once at me and I realized he was out of bullets. I ran towards him, and we handled it the African way. I was a soldier, well trained in martial arts. So, within a few minutes, I had subdued him. 

“How did you guys know I was going to be in this hotel.” I asked him.

“I am sorry, I am only a messenger.”

“A messenger of death, huh?”

“Please, don’t kill me. It was Michael who told us that you were coming to the city. We have been tracking you for days.”

“Who is Michael?”

“The bartender in the village.”

It now occurred to me that the village bartender had lied to me. He was part of the conspiracy all along. I decided I would deal with him when I meet him. For now, I am focused on meeting their main boss. 

“I won’t kill you. I will spare your life. But next time you cross my path, it will be the last time. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you very much, Sir.” He said, gratefully and ran with his tail in between his legs.

The hotel staff and the local police came to the crime scene and saw the corpses of the two guys. I was made to give a statement and after they realized I was a US marine; they didn’t pursue the matter further. The corpses were taken away and I went back to my hotel room. In my room, I laid on the bed and thought of the number of people I had killed because of Solange. Did she really deserve my help. We were neither related by blood nor were we even dating. Why was I putting my life on the line for her? 

However, I was a soldier, sworn to protect and preserve life. It was duty for me to be chivalrous, especially when I meet a lady in distress. So, I had no regrets staking out my life for Solange. She deserved all the help from me. I had been faced with greater dangers than I was facing now. I also realized that I was dealing with an organized group of criminals. Initially, I had thought they were just some random lowlife criminals. I was wrong. They were well organized and had anticipated that I would come after them. So, they had placed obstacles on my way to stop me. 

The next day, it was announced that the road was now passable. I went to the reception area, paid my bills, got into my car and drove to the city. I arrived the city some three hours later and immediately got a hotel. I felt good being in the city. Here, there were paved roads, streetlights and good hotels. When I was fully settled at MacLordd’s Hotel, I called Solange and told her to give me directions to the building of her former modelling agency. 

The next day, I went to the location and I was impressed by the size and magnificence of the building. Everything about it spoke of wealth. I moved into the building and met a security guard. He asked what I wanted, and I told him I had an appointment with the boss. He ushered me into the waiting area, and I was offered a seat. I waited for about thirty minutes then the secretary walked up to me.  

“The boss will see you now, Sir.” The secretary said.

I walked into his office, and he asked me to sit. 

“Welcome, young man.” He said. How may I be of help to you?”

“Good morning, Mr. Conrad.”

Shocked that I called him by his name, he raised his eyes and looked at me.




“How did you know my name, young man?” He asked.

“Oh!! I did some research before coming here. You are a popular man. Everyone in town knows you.”

He breathed a sigh of relief and I noticed that he had calmed down a little. He turned his attention from his laptop, concentrated on me and asked.

“How may I be of help to you, young man?”

“Sir, I wish to enroll into your modelling agency.”

“Really? Have you had any modelling experience before?” He asked, becoming interested.

“Not really, Sir. However, I was into showbiz before I went out of the country.”

“Showbiz? What part of showbiz?”

“I was into acting, Sir.”

“Oh! That’s great. You are a full package, and you could become very popular around here with all the talents you have. So why did you abandon showbiz and move abroad?”

“I won the DV Lottery, Sir. I moved to America and became a soldier. But I am back now and want to pay forward to my community. I don’t intend to go back any time soon.” I explained. 

He was very happy with my presentation. He gave me an appointment to come back the following day. When I did, he introduced me to the modelling department. A new movie was also in the works to be produced by his movie producing company called TACON Productions. He gave me the lead role and a script was given to me immediately to begin practicing and rehearsing my lines. Everything was moving swimmingly but I knew it was the calm before the storm.

I had come there for a purpose – revenge. That was my one and only purpose of coming there. So, I had to be careful not to get distracted. I had to carry out my investigations and once I found out that Mr. Conrad was indeed the one who had sent people to hurt Solange, I had to make him pay and then disappear. But how could I know he was the one? Ashley, the girl at the hotel hadn’t mentioned any names. Michael the traitor hadn’t mentioned any names either. How was I going to know that it was indeed Mr. Conrad who was behind everything? 

There was one way I could know that, and that would be if I see the remainder of his gang. There were four of them still alive. I had been working for him for two weeks now and I still had not been able to see any of them. I was beginning to think that he was clean, and the killers had been sent by someone else. Or was he meeting them in secret? 

He didn’t even look like a killer. He was calm, educated and handsome. He could pass more for a Father Christmas than a killer. However, appearances can be deceptive. I had to be on my guard. He just might be the proverbial wolf in sheep clothing. But my mind was still unsettled. I hadn’t met those guys. Where were they? I needed to find them some way or the other. 

One afternoon, I was at Mr. Conrad’s office when he had an important conversation with me that made me become more suspicious of him.

“I had wanted you to meet some of my guys. Some of them model for me and also run some other little errands for me. However, I sent them on a mission almost a month ago and they haven’t reported back to me ever since.”

“What kind of mission, Sir.” I asked.

“Don’t bother about it. However, their absence has caused me a lot in terms of manpower. Thank God you showed up. I would love for you to work with them when they eventually showed up, especially their leader. He was the face of the company before you came. He is also as good looking as you.”

“Ok, Sir. It will be my pleasure to work with them. I am ready to give in my all.” I assured him.

“I know you will. You are a trustworthy person, and I can rely on you. My enterprise has been doing well since you came. Your experiences from America and all your contributions have been a great asset to me."

“Thank you, Sir.”

“If I am going to retire someday, I would be very confident and comfortable that I am leaving my businesses in a reliable hand as yours.”

“Thank you, Sir”

The leader of his gang was called Leeman. The name meant money. He was a handsome young man of about twenty-nine. He had come into the modelling agency with his group of rascals and had given the boss a condition to employ all of them or none of them. The boss had no choice than to employ them all. However, it didn’t take very long for the boss to notice that he had criminal tendencies. Instead for Mr. Conrad to fire him, he had instead used him for his diabolical purposes. 

One of such purposes was the errand to pay Solange a visit. Their purpose was to get hold of her, defile her, record the act and bring the videos to Mr. Conrad. He had plans of using it to blackmail her into paying into his account all the money she had made when she unceremoniously left his agency. The plan had worked perfectly well but Leeman had still not showed up. He hadn’t reported to Mr. Conrad, and he hadn’t been taking his calls. This made the latter very angry and apprehensive. 

One thing about Leeman was that whenever you sent him on an errand, because of his greed, he would look for another side errand to do before reporting back to you. That was exactly what had happened to him. After losing three of his men and the fourth guy, not being able to report back to him, he had considered them dead. He had then decided to go back to the city to report to their boss.

 However, on his way to the city, they decided to rob a passenger bus. In the process of robbing the bus, two of his men were killed by an off-duty policeman. He and the remaining guy managed to escape. They had however been keeping a low profile and that why they hadn’t shown up at the premises of TACON Entertainment yet. But all that was about to change.

I was on location for the shooting of our new movie titled MY MARRIED GIRLFRIEND written by Tim Philips  and Directed by Tabe Conrad  and produced by TACON productions when Leeman showed up at Tacon Entertainment. Mr. Conrad who hadn’t followed us to the location was in his office when Leeman showed up with just one of his acolytes. 

“Where have you been, Leeman?” Mr. Conrad asked, holding back his anger.

“We had a small problem, boss. We carried out the assignment perfectly. Everything was going on well until some of my guys went and attacked someone they shouldn’t have. He came after us and killed most of my men. Just Ibiang and me survived.”

“Jesus Christ, Leeman. I have always cautioned you and your guys against side distractions whenever you were on a mission. Now, see what has happened?”

“I am sorry, boss.”

Mr. Conrad was inwardly happy that Leeman’s men had been killed. He hated them because they gave Leeman an edge over him. Also, they were loud and aggressive. Hence, most of the staff at TACON Entertainment didn’t like them. The staff would be very pleased that they weren’t coming back. As for Leeman, now that I had come, Mr. Conrad had begun to figure out a way of letting him go. However, he was looking for a very civil way of doing it because he and Leeman had a lot of skeletons in their closets. 

“There is a new guy working for us.” He told Leeman. “I want you to meet him.”

“Really, well, where is he?”

“He is on location. However, he will be back today.”

“Okay, boss. Do you have a picture of him?” Leeman asked.

“Of course, go to the board room and you will see a large poster of our new movie, he is the main character.

A few minutes later, Leeman came running back into the boss’ office, sweating.

“Sir, we have a problem. He is not who you think he is. He is on a mission. He is the one who killed all my men.”

“What are you talking about? Who do you mean?”

“Nick, Sir. The new guy. He is a US marine. He is the one who took out all my men. He has come here for you. He has come here for us. We have to stop him. He is a snake. He is on a bloody hunt for us all.” 

“Are you sure, Leeman. Are you very sure about this?”

“Very sure, Sir. Very, very sure.”

That same day, around 4:00 PM, I arrived the premises of TACON entertainment to give feedback to my boss how the day passed. The rest of the cast and crew had gone to their homes. As soon as I entered the building, my soldierly instincts told me there was something wrong. However, I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I went to Mr. Conrad’s office and knocked but there was no answer. As I turned around to go look for him in the ball room, I felt a hard knock on the back of my head, and I passed out. 

I regained consciousness around thirty minutes later and noticed that I was in the board room. I had been tied to a chair and Mr. Conrad and Leeman were peering down at me.

“To think that I trusted you, Mr. Nick. So, you came here to kill me, and you had been pretending all along?” That was Mr. Conrad speaking. 

“Yes, and you deserve to die because you are not just a thief but a criminal. You hurt my friend, Solange and you are going to pay.” I was defiant.

“But look at you now. How do you intend to make me pay? You will die any minute from now.” He laughed.

“You can’t kill me. You know you can’t. I am a celebrity now. If I die, people will ask questions. Also, I am a US marine. If I disappear, there would be a huge diplomatic row between our two governments. I believe you don’t want to get involved in something like this.” I threatened him, hoping he will be afraid.

“That’s true. What you have said is true, unless we make it look like and accident. In that case, no one will bother about you.” He laughed. “Leeman, untie him and take him to the fifth floor. You know what to do.”

As he said this, he pulled out a handgun and pointed it at me. Leeman came behind me and untied me. He rudely asked me to get up from the chair but I refused. He struggled to get me up but I refused to go. Mr Conrad got annoyed and asked Leeman to move aside. He had run out of patience with me. As Leeman moved aside, Mr. Conrad pointed the gun at me and was about to shoot when the door of the board room burst open and Solange appeared with a gun in her hand. She fired twice. One bullet got Mr. Conrad in his arm and he dropped the gun. The second got Leeman on his head and he began the once in a lifetime business of dying. 

All this while, I had not been idle. I had quickly picked up Mr. Conrad’s gun and both of us were now pointing our guns at him. He was bleeding seriously from the gunshot wound. 

“Please, Solange, my daughter. Don’t kill me.” He begged. “I will give you whatever you want. Just spare my life, please.”

“Too late, Mr. Conrad.” She said and fired two bullets into his head. He died instantly.

As Solange and I walked out of the building, we found Ibiang’s body. Solange had shot him on her way into the building. I know you want to know what happened to Michael, the bartender. Solange told me he was shot during a police raid after they discovered he was involved in the all the heinous crimes happening in the surrounding villages. As to how Solange figured out that I was at TACON entertainment, she said she had learnt from a former colleague who still worked there, that I was now an employee. She knew my life was in danger and came to give me a hand. She came just in time too. 

At last, Solange had been avenged. A month later, I went back to America. Sorry to disappoint you, Solange and I didn’t fall in love. I already had a woman back home in America and there was no way I could complicate my life by getting involved with Solange.




“How did you know my name, young man?” He asked.

“Oh!! I did some research before coming here. You are a popular man. Everyone in town knows you.”

He breathed a sigh of relief and I noticed that he had calmed down a little. He turned his attention from his laptop, concentrated on me and asked.

“How may I be of help to you, young man?”

“Sir, I wish to enroll into your modelling agency.”

“Really? Have you had any modelling experience before?” He asked, becoming interested.

“Not really, Sir. However, I was into showbiz before I went out of the country.”

“Showbiz? What part of showbiz?”

“I was into acting, Sir.”

“Oh! That’s great. You are a full package, and you could become very popular around here with all the talents you have. So why did you abandon showbiz and move abroad?”

“I won the DV Lottery, Sir. I moved to America and became a soldier. But I am back now and want to pay forward to my community. I don’t intend to go back any time soon.” I explained. 

He was very happy with my presentation. He gave me an appointment to come back the following day. When I did, he introduced me to the modelling department. A new movie was also in the works to be produced by his movie producing company called TACON Productions. He gave me the lead role and a script was given to me immediately to begin practicing and rehearsing my lines. Everything was moving swimmingly but I knew it was the calm before the storm.

I had come there for a purpose – revenge. That was my one and only purpose of coming there. So, I had to be careful not to get distracted. I had to carry out my investigations and once I found out that Mr. Conrad was indeed the one who had sent people to hurt Solange, I had to make him pay and then disappear. But how could I know he was the one? Ashley, the girl at the hotel hadn’t mentioned any names. Michael the traitor hadn’t mentioned any names either. How was I going to know that it was indeed Mr. Conrad who was behind everything? 

There was one way I could know that, and that would be if I see the remainder of his gang. There were four of them still alive. I had been working for him for two weeks now and I still had not been able to see any of them. I was beginning to think that he was clean, and the killers had been sent by someone else. Or was he meeting them in secret? 

He didn’t even look like a killer. He was calm, educated and handsome. He could pass more for a Father Christmas than a killer. However, appearances can be deceptive. I had to be on my guard. He just might be the proverbial wolf in sheep clothing. But my mind was still unsettled. I hadn’t met those guys. Where were they? I needed to find them some way or the other. 

One afternoon, I was at Mr. Conrad’s office when he had an important conversation with me that made me become more suspicious of him.

“I had wanted you to meet some of my guys. Some of them model for me and also run some other little errands for me. However, I sent them on a mission almost a month ago and they haven’t reported back to me ever since.”

“What kind of mission, Sir.” I asked.

“Don’t bother about it. However, their absence has caused me a lot in terms of manpower. Thank God you showed up. I would love for you to work with them when they eventually showed up, especially their leader. He was the face of the company before you came. He is also as good looking as you.”

“Ok, Sir. It will be my pleasure to work with them. I am ready to give in my all.” I assured him.

“I know you will. You are a trustworthy person, and I can rely on you. My enterprise has been doing well since you came. Your experiences from America and all your contributions have been a great asset to me."

“Thank you, Sir.”

“If I am going to retire someday, I would be very confident and comfortable that I am leaving my businesses in a reliable hand as yours.”

“Thank you, Sir”

The leader of his gang was called Leeman. The name meant money. He was a handsome young man of about twenty-nine. He had come into the modelling agency with his group of rascals and had given the boss a condition to employ all of them or none of them. The boss had no choice than to employ them all. However, it didn’t take very long for the boss to notice that he had criminal tendencies. Instead for Mr. Conrad to fire him, he had instead used him for his diabolical purposes. 

One of such purposes was the errand to pay Solange a visit. Their purpose was to get hold of her, defile her, record the act and bring the videos to Mr. Conrad. He had plans of using it to blackmail her into paying into his account all the money she had made when she unceremoniously left his agency. The plan had worked perfectly well but Leeman had still not showed up. He hadn’t reported to Mr. Conrad, and he hadn’t been taking his calls. This made the latter very angry and apprehensive. 

One thing about Leeman was that whenever you sent him on an errand, because of his greed, he would look for another side errand to do before reporting back to you. That was exactly what had happened to him. After losing three of his men and the fourth guy, not being able to report back to him, he had considered them dead. He had then decided to go back to the city to report to their boss.

 However, on his way to the city, they decided to rob a passenger bus. In the process of robbing the bus, two of his men were killed by an off-duty policeman. He and the remaining guy managed to escape. They had however been keeping a low profile and that why they hadn’t shown up at the premises of TACON Entertainment yet. But all that was about to change.

I was on location for the shooting of our new movie titled MY MARRIED GIRLFRIEND written by Tim Philips  and Directed by Tabe Conrad  and produced by TACON productions when Leeman showed up at Tacon Entertainment. Mr. Conrad who hadn’t followed us to the location was in his office when Leeman showed up with just one of his acolytes. 

“Where have you been, Leeman?” Mr. Conrad asked, holding back his anger.

“We had a small problem, boss. We carried out the assignment perfectly. Everything was going on well until some of my guys went and attacked someone they shouldn’t have. He came after us and killed most of my men. Just Ibiang and me survived.”

“Jesus Christ, Leeman. I have always cautioned you and your guys against side distractions whenever you were on a mission. Now, see what has happened?”

“I am sorry, boss.”

Mr. Conrad was inwardly happy that Leeman’s men had been killed. He hated them because they gave Leeman an edge over him. Also, they were loud and aggressive. Hence, most of the staff at TACON Entertainment didn’t like them. The staff would be very pleased that they weren’t coming back. As for Leeman, now that I had come, Mr. Conrad had begun to figure out a way of letting him go. However, he was looking for a very civil way of doing it because he and Leeman had a lot of skeletons in their closets. 

“There is a new guy working for us.” He told Leeman. “I want you to meet him.”

“Really, well, where is he?”

“He is on location. However, he will be back today.”

“Okay, boss. Do you have a picture of him?” Leeman asked.

“Of course, go to the board room and you will see a large poster of our new movie, he is the main character.

A few minutes later, Leeman came running back into the boss’ office, sweating.

“Sir, we have a problem. He is not who you think he is. He is on a mission. He is the one who killed all my men.”

“What are you talking about? Who do you mean?”

“Nick, Sir. The new guy. He is a US marine. He is the one who took out all my men. He has come here for you. He has come here for us. We have to stop him. He is a snake. He is on a bloody hunt for us all.” 

“Are you sure, Leeman. Are you very sure about this?”

“Very sure, Sir. Very, very sure.”

That same day, around 4:00 PM, I arrived the premises of TACON entertainment to give feedback to my boss how the day passed. The rest of the cast and crew had gone to their homes. As soon as I entered the building, my soldierly instincts told me there was something wrong. However, I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I went to Mr. Conrad’s office and knocked but there was no answer. As I turned around to go look for him in the ball room, I felt a hard knock on the back of my head, and I passed out. 

I regained consciousness around thirty minutes later and noticed that I was in the board room. I had been tied to a chair and Mr. Conrad and Leeman were peering down at me.

“To think that I trusted you, Mr. Nick. So, you came here to kill me, and you had been pretending all along?” That was Mr. Conrad speaking. 

“Yes, and you deserve to die because you are not just a thief but a criminal. You hurt my friend, Solange and you are going to pay.” I was defiant.

“But look at you now. How do you intend to make me pay? You will die any minute from now.” He laughed.

“You can’t kill me. You know you can’t. I am a celebrity now. If I die, people will ask questions. Also, I am a US marine. If I disappear, there would be a huge diplomatic row between our two governments. I believe you don’t want to get involved in something like this.” I threatened him, hoping he will be afraid.

“That’s true. What you have said is true, unless we make it look like and accident. In that case, no one will bother about you.” He laughed. “Leeman, untie him and take him to the fifth floor. You know what to do.”

As he said this, he pulled out a handgun and pointed it at me. Leeman came behind me and untied me. He rudely asked me to get up from the chair but I refused. He struggled to get me up but I refused to go. Mr Conrad got annoyed and asked Leeman to move aside. He had run out of patience with me. As Leeman moved aside, Mr. Conrad pointed the gun at me and was about to shoot when the door of the board room burst open and Solange appeared with a gun in her hand. She fired twice. One bullet got Mr. Conrad in his arm and he dropped the gun. The second got Leeman on his head and he began the once in a lifetime business of dying. 

All this while, I had not been idle. I had quickly picked up Mr. Conrad’s gun and both of us were now pointing our guns at him. He was bleeding seriously from the gunshot wound. 

“Please, Solange, my daughter. Don’t kill me.” He begged. “I will give you whatever you want. Just spare my life, please.”

“Too late, Mr. Conrad.” She said and fired two bullets into his head. He died instantly.

As Solange and I walked out of the building, we found Ibiang’s body. Solange had shot him on her way into the building. I know you want to know what happened to Michael, the bartender. Solange told me he was shot during a police raid after they discovered he was involved in the all the heinous crimes happening in the surrounding villages. As to how Solange figured out that I was at TACON entertainment, she said she had learnt from a former colleague who still worked there, that I was now an employee. She knew my life was in danger and came to give me a hand. She came just in time too. 

At last, Solange had been avenged. A month later, I went back to America. Sorry to disappoint you, Solange and I didn’t fall in love. I already had a woman back home in America and there was no way I could complicate my life by getting involved with Solange.


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