Friday, December 15, 2023

The Rejected Stone

 Episode Nine

“It is not true that your husband is in the hospital. Don’t mind Betty. She told you lies over the phone. Your husband was kidnapped and the villagers strongly believe that Betty has something to do with the kidnapping. In fact, your mother-in-law too is missing and she disappeared the same day as her son, Madu. We believe Betty is doing this as revenge because your husband organized a fake traditional wedding so as to humiliate Betty. We have searched the nooks and crannies of the village and we couldn’t find them.” A distant relative named Uche tells Titi as soon as she drove into Madu’s compound in the village. She had barely come out of her car when she heard what truly happened. She was devastated and feared the worse for her husband.

“Please, have you told the police?” Titi asked Uche with tears in her eyes. She requested for a cup of water and it was brought to her. However, she could not drink the water because it looked brownish. The only source of water in the village is a flowing river which Titi always believed has the ability to give one typhoid fever. She remembered she brought some bottles of water, so she went to her car to have a drink.

“I asked if the police have been informed.” Titi said after she drank some water and gained some energy.

“No, we haven’t informed any law enforcement agency because there is a rumour that if we involve the police. They kidnappers have not even contacted us. We keep hearing rumours spread in drinking joints. So, that is why we have not called the police. We have to be careful so as not to break the egg while trying to kill an ant that the perched on it.” Uche said.

“We have to inform the police immediately. At least, let them be aware. Besides, did the kidnappers demand anything? Like money or anything that would be done before my husband regains his freedom?” Titi asked.

“They have not made any demands yet, but we have heard rumours that Betty is insisting that Madu must gather the villagers again and apologize to her publicly the same way he humiliated her during the fake wedding. She said once that is done, she would release your mother-in-law and your husband.” Uche said.

“You and I know that what she is demanding is not possible. But, who gave you this information? Was it passed across to you through a phone call from the kidnappers’ den? From who did you hear what you just told me about public apology?” Titi asked. She is looking for information that would possibly lead to the arrest of the kidnappers.

“They didn’t tell me through phone call or chats. But I heard it from someone last night at the drinking joint.” Uch said.

“You have to take me to this person immediately. I need to know if he has access to the kidnappers. If he does, then this would be our chance to successfully rescue my husband and mother-in-law.” Titi said. Later that evening, she was introduced to a young man named Egu. He looked very innocent and he is also well-known in the village for his physical abilities.

 For three days, Titi kept tabs on the young man, trying to read his mind to know if he is part of the kidnappers. She made friends with him and gave him money occasionally. She buried her pain and laughed a with him cheerfully. She also took him out to a special joint outside of the village and gave him a special treatment. One time, she overhead him answering a phone call and taking about a kidnapped person. Titi’s curiosity increased and she continued to shower Egu with money and other gifts so as to make him open up to her. It was a strategic move.

On the evening of the fourth day, Titi took Egu to a drinking joint and decided to ask him a direct question.

“Are you part of those who kidnapped my husband? I heard the kidnappers said the police should not be informed about my husband’s and mother-in-law’s disappearance. I was told you were the one who brought this rumour back to the village from the bush. Are you a kidnapper?” Titi asked. It was a huge risk but she was willing to take it for the sake of her husband.

“How dare you ask me such a question?” Egu asked.

“Because I need your help. Look, Egu, my husband is all I have got and I can’t afford to lose him. I also heard they have not been given food for many days since they were kidnapped. If you don’t help me with the information I need, my husband would die and I can’t survive that. Please tell me the truth, do you have any information that can help me rescue my husband. I promise to reward you handsomely and I will not expose you to the police.” Titi said.

“I’m not a kidnapper and I don’t know anything about the kidnapping of your husband and mother-in-law.” Egu said, but from the look on his face, Titi saw that he was lying. Part of the things Titi studied as a nursing student is the ability to read people’s moods. She quickly saw that Egu was avoiding looking at her directly in the face while he was responding to her questions. She decided to dig deeper.

“Please, you have to help me.” She said. She had started crying. Her tears touched Egu and he decided to open up.

“Okay, I will help you, but you have to protect my identity. Also, you will not bring the police to the hideout, but I will take you there.” Egu said.

“Thank you so much, but if I don’t brink the police, how am I going to rescue my husband and mother-in-law? I’m just a woman and I don’t have any weapon.” Titi said.

“That’s why I will be there to help you. I have a plan and if you will agree to it, everything would go smoothly.” Egu said assuredly.

“What is the plan? I will do whatever it would take.” Titi responded.

“I need money. If you can double the amount Betty is giving to us to keep your husband in the bush, I will convince my colleagues to stay calm and you will just walk into our hideout and pick your husband and mother-in-law. Betty is giving us N5,000 per day. Just give me N500k let me share among the five of us. You will have your husband on a platter of gold.” Egu said. Immediately, Titi went to her husband’s house and returned with the money.

That same night, Egu took the money to their hideout and explained the plan to his colleagues and they agreed to it. Even the kidnappers are tired of staying in the bush, so they were fast to receive the money from Titi and to switch allegiance to her. The whole thing was kept a secret from Betty who was still thinking that the boys were on her side. The next day, Titi stormed the kidnapper’s hideout.

Watch out for episode 10 which is the last.

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