Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Fitness Center


Episode 3

“Why did you kill him?” The detective police office investigating Jerry’s death asks Ugomma. His eyes are red and he looks very unfriendly.

“I swear, I didn’t kill him. Yes, we had a misunderstanding, but I wasn’t the one who killed him.” Ugomma said. She was crying bitterly. Her eyes were swollen and she looked very dirty because she has spent over two weeks in police detention.

“You are lying. As a matter of fact, I did not expect you to admit that you killed him.” The police man said.

“I could not have killed him. He was my friend.” Ugomma said.

“Who killed him then? The two of you were the only persons in the gym that evening. If you didn’t kill him, who did it? Or you want to blame the devil?” The police man asked. His voice was sounding very loud and he was hitting his hand hard on the table as he was interrogating Ugomma. If she was a man, he would have probably started slapping her.

“I said I didn’t kill him. How could I have killed my friend?” Ugomma insisted. His tears were enough to full a big bucket. Her nose was dripping with mucus.

“You are lying. You will go to jail for this murder. You will be charged to court tomorrow and there will be no mercies for you until you tell me the truth. So for the last time I ask you Ugomma, why did you kill Jerry? What did he do to you?” The policeman asked again.

“I said I killed no one. His girlfriend killed him. She was the one who hit him with the dumbbell. I was fighting with her, and she wanted to hit me with the dumbbell but it instead hit Jerry and he died. How was that supposed to be my fault?” Ugomma said. She too has started shouting out of anger and frustrations. She was telling the truth but no one was ready to hear her out or to believe what she was saying.

“The truth is coming out gradually. The day Jerry died, it was only the two of you that were in that gym. How do you want me to believe his girlfriend was responsible for his death? You killed him and you want to put the blame on his girlfriend. If his girlfriend was there, how come we never saw her when we came to the gym?” The policeman kept pressing on. He was playing on Ugomma’s mind and trying to get her to confess what she did not do. She refused to give up or confess a crime she did not commit.

“Mr officer, say whatever you want. Kill me if you want, but I did not kill Jerry. His girlfriend killed him and escaped before your arrival.” Ugomma said. Tears continued to pour from her eyes. She felt so bitter. For the two weeks that she has spent at the police detention, no one has come to see her. She has wallowed in mental loneliness.

“We shall see in court. Get ready to be sentenced to death since you don’t want to say they truth. When we get to court, there shall be no mercy. Get ready for death sentence because the judge won’t show you mercy, except you agree to confess to me that you killed Jerry.” The policeman played his last card before leaving the interrogation room but Ugomma refused to implicate herself by confessing what she did not do. She was taken back to the police cell.

Ugomma shared the cell with another lady named Dimma. Dimma was brought to the station because she stabbed her husband to death. She and Ugomma had become friends. When Ugomma returned to the cell, Dimma asked her how her interrogation went.

“How did it go?” Dimma asked.

“It was horrible. They were forcing me to say what I did not do. I didn’t kill him.” Ugomma told Dimma. She broke into tears again and leaned on Dimma’s shoulder. Dimma robbed her back as if she was her daughter.

“I’m sorry dear. I believe you. You did not do it. Don’t worry, you will get out of this place. You are not going to jail.” Dimma said. She was trying to say things that would make Ugomma feel better.

“Thank you so much Dimma. I’m so happy someone even believes me. I don’t know how I found myself in this mess.” Ugomma said.

“When I went for my own interrogation, I did not waist time to confess because I did it. I killed my husband. But for you, I know you are innocent the moment I saw you.” Dimma said. She had no remorse.

“So why did you kill him?” Ugomma asked after she recovered a bit from her sorrow.

“He is a wife beater and I have endured him for too long. I decided to end his life before he ends mine. I know I’m going to jail, but it feels satisfying.” Dimma said.

“It is wrong to have killed him.” Ugomma said.

“I know, but it is also wrong to beat me as his wife.” Dimma defended herself.

“By the way, what about your ex-husband? Why not call him and ask for help? He might help you and hire a lawyer to defend you in court from tomorrow.” Dimma advised. They were now sitting on the cold floor of the cell. 

“I don’t think I can do that. I better go to jail than ask his help.” Ugomma said. She had no help from anywhere else. She knows her ex-husband would be her only hope of getting a lawyer and being set free from detention, but she did not want to admit she needs his help.

“Common! Swallow your pride and call him and ask for help. You will need him because you are innocent. You can’t pay for a sin you did not commit. When my sister comes to see me later, I will smuggle in her phone so you can use it and call your husband.” Dimma said. 

“I don’t know if he would agree to come. I feel ashamed because of what happened. I was sleeping with Jerry before he died because I got into a fight with his girlfriend. I don’t know how I will tell that to my ex-husband. He will laugh at me because I was the one who divorced him. It feels shameful going back to ask his help.” Ugomma started weeping again.

“There is nothing shameful in asking for help. You need help and I insist you should make that call. You didn’t kill Jerry and you need a lawyer to help you prove that.” Dimma said.

Ugomma did not completely agree to the idea out of shame but when the phone arrived, she had no option than to dial Julius’ number.

“Hello. Who is this please.” Julius asked.

“This is Ugomma….” Ugomma was still trying to talk and explain herself when Julius interrupted her.

“Oh my God! Where have you been? I have been looking for you all over the town. Your number has been switched off. I miss you so much my love. I have not being myself since you left my house. Please forgive me for how I treated you. I’m so sorry. Where are you right now. Just tell me your location and I will come and pick you up immediately.” Julius said. He sounded so calm and smooth that Ugomma began to wonder if he was the same man she used to know.

“Hello, is this Julius? I mean Julius my ex-husband? Are you sure you are not his driver?” Ugomma asked.

“This is Julius. It’s me Ugomma. I know you are surprised but I have realized my mistake. I should never have let you leave my house. It took your absence for me to realize how much you meant to me. Please, tell me where you are.” Julius said.

“I’m at Aligwodo police station. I have been arrested for murder. They say I killed someone.” Ugomma said.

“Say no more. I’m coming there with a lawyer. I know you are innocent. You didn’t kill anyone. You are not a killer.” Julius said. He dropped the call and placed another call to his lawyer. Within two hours, they arrived the police station.

Watch out for episode 4

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