Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Fitness Center


Episode 4

“My name is Barrister Uche and I’m the lawyer to Ugomma. I demand to see her at once.” Barrister Uche said as soon as he and Julius got to the police station. Ugomma was brought out from the cell. She looked very rough and this broke Julius’ heart. He wept bitterly and blamed himself for what had happened to Ugomma.

“Oh God! I’m so sorry Ugomma. This was all my fault. If I had treated you well, you wouldn’t have fallen into this problem.” Julius said. He brought out a white handkerchief and wiped tears from his eyes. He rushed and hugged Ugomma so tightly and never wanted to let go of her. It was an emotional moment for both of them.

“You have no right to detain my client for more than 24 hours stipulated by the law. You have detained her for more than seven days.” Barrister Uche said. He was almost shouting.

“If she is your client, why didn’t you come for her earlier? Aren’t you ashamed you abandoned your client in police custody for many days? If I were in her shoes, I will just fire you because you have no reason to be paid. Rubbish.” The police officer at the counter said.

“I came as soon as I heard of her arrest.” Barrister Uche said. He was still angry.

“I demand bail for my client at once. She has suffered many days already. I demand that you grant her bail immediately.” He said.

“No way! Your client is accused of murder. This is a very serious crime and she will remain in our custody until we charge her to court tomorrow. I suggest you go home and prepare to defend her in court. Now, excuse men gentlemen and ladies.” The police officer said as he snatched Ugomma from Julius and led her back to her cell.

Julius felt so guilty and powerless as he watched Ugomma been led away without been able to stop the police man. It was a moment of sorrow for him. The love he felt for Ugomma the first time they met suddenly returned to him. He was prepared to do anything to save her from prison.

“What are we going to do? Ugomma must not go to prison. I know she is innocent.” Julius asked Barrister Uche as they walked out of the police station.

“She won’t go to prison. I have already collected the charge sheet from the police. All we have to do is to prove that she did not kill Jerry and there is only one way of doing that. We have to check the gym house and see if they have CCTV cameras that captured what actually happened when the fight took place.” Barrister Uche said.

“Please do whatever you can. Anything you need, just let me know. Any amount it would cost, let me know. I will pay. I love Ugomma so much. I have made so many mistakes in the past and I want to correct it right now.” Julius said. He was sounding as if he wanted to burst into tears.

“I will help in every way I can.” Barrister Uche said as they drove away from the police station.

It was exactly 4pm in the evening. Julius and Barrister Uche drove straight to the gym house. 

“Stay in the car while I go to their security unit to make enquiries.” Barrister Uche said. He walked to the security department of the gym house and met a man sleeping on his desk.

“Excuse me.” Barrister Uche shouts. The security man woke up from his deep sleep. He used the edge of his left hand to rub on his face. He looked very tired and worn out.

“Good evening. My name is Barrister Uche. I need your help. It’s a matter of life and death.” He said.

“Ah! What is it that is about life and death?” The security man asked.

“I’m a lawyer. It’s about my client. She has been arrested for killing Jerry, your late gym instructor. And I can swear to you that she didn’t do it.” Barrister Uche said.

“So, your client was the one who killed our gym instructor? I knew it. I used to see her and I suspected she was a bad person. Thank God she was arrested. Let me tell you, if the police call me today, I will even go to court and give testimony against her. She killed a very good man who used to give me transport fare. Kai! Jerry! I miss you. It shall not be well with that your client. She will go to jail.” The security man said.

“No now, I just told you she didn’t do it. She is innocent and I need your help to prove this in court.” Barrister Uche pleaded. The security man remained adamant. But Uche was smart. He reached for his pocket and brought out freshly minted Naira notes and carefully handed it to the man.

“Are you bribing me?” The security man asked.

“It’s not a bribe. It’s an appreciation for what I need you to help me do.” Barrister Uche said.

“What do you want me to do?” The security man asked. He stretched his hand and took the money and quickly stuffed it in his pocket.

“I’m just taking this money because of God. It’s not that I’m poor or that I need it. I’m just taking it from you because I don’t want you to feel embarrassed. So what do you want? What can I do to help you save your client tomorrow?” The security man said. His voice has softened as soon as the money touched his hand.

“I want to see your CCTV recording for July 18 2019. Please, if you can copy it into this flash drive for me, I will be glad.” Barrister Uche said. Soon, the security man went to the IT staff who keeps records of CCTV footages. He was able to convince him to copy the footage of that particular date for him. Soon, he came out and handed it to Barrister Uche.

“Thank you very much.” Barrister Uche said. He dashed to the car and drove away with Julius.

“Did you get anything that could help the case?” Julius asked. He was already tensed and tired of waiting.

“Yes. I think I have the CCTV footage of what actually happened that day. We have to go home and watch it. We have to pray that this will set your wife free. This CCTV footage will show if it was your wife who killed Jerry or not.” Barrister Uche said.

Watch out for episode 5.

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