Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Fitness Center

“My husband is complaining about my shape and I’m here to work on my body. He said I’m fat and shapeless. I’m prepared to go to any length to become as curvy as Kim Kardashian. I don’t want any girl to collect my husband from me.” Ugomma said as she walked into the gym house. She had already bought all the kits and was dressed for the exercise. She was talking to Jerry, the personal body trainer assigned to her.

Jerry is a 25 year old man who has a physical appearance that looks like that of a boxer. He was well-built. His laps and the muscles on his arms made him look like a fat frog. His belly has what body builders call six packs. He was bare-chested and only had a small short on his waist when Ugomma walked in. When Ugomma looked at him, she quickly removed her eyes because he was too attractive and masculine. She kept stealing looks upon looks on Jerry’s body as they spoke about her desires to work on her body shape. Ugomma’s heart quickly raced to her husband Julius who has a big pot-belly that always swings from side to side whenever he walks.

“So can you help me? Can you help me? My husband is threatening to dump me because of my shape. He said I’m too fat.” Ugomma asked again.

“Yes, I can help you. You are in the right place.” Jerry said as he stretched his hands to shake Ugomma. When she took Jerry’s hand, he forcefully shook her hand and dangled it like a skip rope, making her to lose her composure.

“Ah! Ah! What was that for? It’s painful. Take it easy.” Ugomma shouted.

“But you said you are ready to go to any length. That is just a little of the pain you will feel when you start your exercise regime. Follow me.” Jerry said. He led Ugomma to the treadmill.

“Run on the treadmill for one hour none-stop. This is your first task for today.” Jerry said. He guided Ugomma on how to stay steady on the treadmill without falling off and injuring herself. When Ugomma ran for five minutes, she started panting like a hunter’s dog that just chased an antelope.

“I’m tired. I’m sorry I can’t do this.” Ugomma said as she jumped off the treadmill and lay on the milky floor tiles of the gym house trying to regain her strength. She was beyond tired. She was exhausted!

“But you said a while ago that you want to work on your body. Is this how you will do and become like Kim Kadashian?” Jerry asked with a mocking smile on his face. He bent down as he spoke to Ugomma.

“Yes I said so but I didn’t come here to kill myself.” Ugomma said. She stood up and rushed out of the gym and hopped into her car and went back home. She was not prepared to return.

However, the next day, Jerry went to the admin department of the gym house and obtained Ugomma’s address. He drove to her house and knocked at the gate. It was the gateman who came out.

“Who are you looking for?” The gateman asked.

“Good evening. Please can I see Ugomma?” Jerry asked politely.

“Madam did not tell me she is expecting anyone.” The gateman said and locked the gate. But Jerry knocked again. He dipped hand in his breast pocket and produced N1000. Immediately the gateman opened the gate the second time, Jerry gave him the money.

“Use this one for kola. We are together.” Jerry said. The gateman immediately changed his face from anger to laugher.

“Now you are talking. Who did you say you were looking for?” He asked.

“I said I want to see Ugomma.” Jerry said. The gateman dashed into the compound and within a short while, Ugomma came outside the gate to see Jerry.

“I’m surprised to see you here. What are you doing in my house? I told you the gym house is too difficult for me. I came back yesterday and I felt like a car knocked me down. All the parts of my body hurts. How do you expect me to run all day like a panther all because I want to lose weight?” Ugomma said.

“Can you at least ask me in first?” Jerry asked.

“I’m married and my husband is at home. So that won’t be possible. We have to stay here and talk.” Ugomma said while flashing her wedding ring at Jerry. Jerry quickly shyly ate his words.

“Ok. That’s fine. I apologize. I never meant to intrude. But the reason I’m here is not to ask you to return to the gym house. I’m actually here to let you know you look good. You are not fat. Your husband may have made you to believe you are fat, but that’s not true. Your shape is very beautiful. You look ravishingly cute. I mean, look at you. You are tall, your legs are long and straight. You don’t even have belly fat. You are just excellent the way you were created. If you ever want to go to the gym, let it be because you want to keep fit and be in good health and not because you want to do it for your husband who won’t even appreciate it. Don’t go to the gym because of a man. Go to the gym for yourself. A man who loves you cannot stop loving you because you are fat, which is not even true. You are beautiful and you deserve to be cherished by a good man. Goodbye Ugomma” Jerry said as he started leaving.

The words he said sank so deeply into Ugomma’s heart. It has been long since she heard those sweet words form any man. Her husband hardly says such things. In fact, he has no time for her. It is only one year into their marriage and all her husband talks about is that she is adding weight. He constantly calls her shapeless.

“Look at all those slim girls on TikTok, don’t you see how beautiful and fresh they look? When I see those girls, I wonder why my own wife is so fat. You no longer entice me at all. Why is your own bom bom so shapeless? I’m fed up.” Julius, her husband would say. Ugomma hears those words at least every 24 hours. He never stops comparing her with TikTok dancers after he sees them shaking their bom bom. It was for that reason that she decided to go to the gym out of frustration. And now, here is Jerry, a handsome and well-built man telling her that she looks perfectly okay. She felt so happy.

As Jerry left her presence, she went back into the house and prepared herself and started driving to the gym house. On her way, she met Jerry on the road still trekking. She stopped by and picked him up.

“Thank you for those kind words. I felt so happy listening to you. My husband never says those words to me. You lifted my spirit.” Ugomma said as Jerry fastened his sit belt after sitting on the front seat.

“I’m glad I made you happy. The first time I saw you, I knew all was not well.” Jerry said. Jerry is an excellent judge of human behavior. He was not looking at Ugomma neither was she looking at him. They had their eyes fixed on the tarred road as the car raced to the gym house.

“If you want to talk to anyone about your marriage, I’m here for you.” Jerry tells Ugomma. When they got to the gym house, Ugomma went to the treadmill and started running. For more than 30 minutes, she was running and talking to Jerry, pouring out her heart with anger.

“I have no peace at home. It is like my husband is regretting after marrying me. I suspect he is not physically attracted to me anymore.” Ugomma said. She was still running and panting like a dog.

“Your marriage is just one year old.” Jerry said.

“That’s the more reason it is depressing. Do you know that my husband has only slept with me thrice since we got married? Thrice for a whole year. I’m starving! This is why I have not been able to get pregnant.” Ugomma tells Jerry. Ugomma was talking to Jerry as if she has known him the rest of her life. She practically has no female friends to talk to. It is the first time she is having someone she felt comfortable to open up to since she got married to Julius.

“That’s terrifying.” Jerry said. That time, Ugomma had stopped running on the treadmill and she was doing sit ups. Jerry was holding her both legs to steady her frame.

“Yes it is. It’s terrible. Even worse.” Ugomma said amidst heavy pants as she continued to sit up on a mat laid on the tiled floor.

“Why are you still married to him then? He is failing in his responsibilities. You are obviously not happy. Why are you still in his house?” Jerry asked. Ugomma stopped as she got tired and was now sitting and directly facing Jerry. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to answer the question, but the words did not come. Her emotions were running high. She has been starved of affection by her husband for a year and she wants it badly. It is a bad thing to do, but she no longer cares. It was not long before she lost control of her senses. She and Jerry did it in one corner of the gym house. Ugomma felt so happy for it has been long any man touched her. She went home and her sleep was different because she felt she has found love in Jerry.

Watch out for episode 2.

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