Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Fitness Center


Episode 2

“I want a divorce.” Ugomma tells her husband Julius. It is now five months since she started going out with Jerry and she feels comfortable enough to end her marriage because of him. Her husband has become worse in terms of verbal and emotional abuse but she no longer cares. She finds emotional fulfillment in her ‘relationship’ with Jerry. She decided to serve him divorce papers after he slapped her and almost made her blind in the left eye.

“I have been waiting for this. I did not want to be the one to serve you a divorce paper. Thank you so much for this move. To be honest Ugomma, I don’t love you. You are a good woman, but as soon as we got married, I realized I made a big mistake. I’m not physically attracted to you. Thank you for freeing me from this emotional bondage. I wish you well in your future relationship. I wish you will find a man that would love because I’m not that man.” Julius said. Ugomma was surprised at what her husband said.

Julius quickly signed the papers and handed them to Ugnomma.

“So you never loved me all these while?” Ugomma asked.

“No! I sincerely don’t love you. The love I have for you is not enough to sustain a marriage. I thought I loved you when we met, but when we started living together, I realized my heart is not with you. This is why I treat you in a bad way. I have always secretly wished that you should divorce me so that I can find love elsewhere and be emotionally free. I’m happy you did this.” Julius said as he moved away from the scene.

Ugomma was so heartbroken. She thought her husband would beg her not to divorce him, but the reverse was the case as Julius was rather very pleased. She quietly parked her things and moved out of the compound, and vowed never to come back. Julius did not try to hold her back and that was painful. 

“So, I was wasting my time all these while? So, I have been waiting for a ship at the airport? I feel so terrible right now.” Ugomma said as she closes the gate behind her.

Already, she has rented an apartment before going to serve Julius the divorce papers. She boarded a taxi and went straight to the apartment and effectively moved in.

“Now this is my house, my apartment, my space. I feel finally free from oppression. I’m so happy.” Ugomma said as she fell on her big sofa in the living room. She felt like a caged bird that has just been released. She lay on the sofa and slept for a very long time. She had never felt that peaceful in the past. She was truly happy.

When she woke up from sleep, she went to the kitchen and made food for herself and ate her fill. She took her bath, dressed up and went to the gym. She got to the gym house around 4:30 pm.

The main door to the gym house was partially closed. Ugomma pushed it and what she saw shocked her. She saw Jerry holding a young girl and they were about to make love when Ugomma just walked in.

“Who is this?” Ugomma asked. She was so shocked that her voice was trembling. Jerry and the girl he was kissing have let go of each other. The girl was surprised when Ugomma asked to know who she was.

“I should be the one asking who you are. Why are you here? Why are you interrupting me and my boyfriend?” The girl asked. Her name is Adanna, Jerry’s girlfriend.

Ugomman and Adanna were just about to start fighting when Jerry intervened.

“Calm down everyone. There is no need to fight.” Jerry said. He took charge of the situation but Ugomma and Adanna were still boiling.

“Ugomma, this is Adanna, my girlfriend and fiancée. Adanna, this is Ugomma, my client.” Jerry said. Ugomma was shocked that Jerry referred to her as just his client and nothing more.

“What did you just say?” Ugomma asked Jerry.

“I said you are my client. Or were we dating? I never asked you out remember. I never said I love you. I was just providing services to you. The emotional services I provided to you were part of what you paid for in the gym. I was helping you to heal from your abusive husband. You were enjoying what you paid for. I was never emotionally attached to you. I have a girlfriend and I love her so much.” Jerry said. His words so much broke Ugomma’s heart. She felt so terrible.

“Did you hear what he said? Now, leave this gym house.” Adanna said. Her morale was lifted when Jerry declared that she was the authentic girlfriend and fiancée. But as she was talking, Ugomma landed her a hot slap. They started exchanging blows.

When Jerry attempted to separate the two women and stop them from fighting, Adanna lifted one dumbbell and landed it on Jerry’s head. He slumped and kicked the bucket  instantly. She intended to hit Ugomma with the dumbbell, but she dodged it and it landed on Jerry.

Adanna ran out of the gym house. She removed her phone and called the police telling them Ugomma had killed someone at the gym. Before Ugomma could recover from the shock of what happened, the police came into the gym house and arrested her.

“You are under arrest for murder. You have to come with us to the station.” The police said.

Watch out for episode 3.

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