Wednesday, October 04, 2023


There’s nothing more painful and violating than someone forcefully having canal knowledge of you without your consent. That only is capable of shattering a person’s heart and emptying every bit of their self esteem. No one ever deserves to feel that way no matter whom they are. Stacy knew that Randy was capable of a lot of things but definitely not r@pe. She was devastated!

After the incident, Randy finally came to his senses and reached out to apologise but it was apparent that Stacy wasn’t interested in the relationship anymore. She hated him for forcefully touching her without her consent. The worst of it all was that after over a month of abstaining from committing f0rnication, Randy just rendered all her efforts useless.

Stacy felt betrayed, hurt, guilty and condemned. At that moment, she was just thinking of how to face God and where she would even start asking for forgiveness from. It was as though she was back to square one in her salvation journey, even though it wasn’t her fault. She couldn’t even look at Randy in the face because he now looked like a monster to her.

“Baby I’m so sorry, I honestly don’t know what came over me” Randy pleaded but Stacy’s mind was already made up so she didn’t care about his apology. “I hate you, I hate you! You are a monster, stay away from me, it’s over between us! How could you do this? You know about my new salvation journey and how much it means to me but all you care about is yourself. You are selfish, wicked and a monster, leave me alone because it’s over between us” Stacy said with tears in her eyes as she wore her clothes to leave.

To Randy, he thought it was still all a joke because he never imagined that Stacy was capable of calling off their relationship of over a year, just because he slept with her; something they have been doing since the very first day they started dating, but what he didn’t understand was that Stacy was now a changed person. He didn’t know her identity had also changed too; he probably thought she was still the same Stacy that used to be a pleasure freak, but didn’t know that all that was in the past. Randy was truly sorry for touching her without her consent, but it was too late.

Stacy hurriedly wore her clothes, grabbed her car keys and wanted to zoom out when Randy stopped her by grabbing her on the waist. In his mind, he thought her heart would melt when he does that because it had worked for him in the past, but what he didn’t know was that things had changed.

Immediately he reached out to stop her, Stacy knocked his hands off and pushed him away with all her strength. “Don’t you dare touch me ever again in your life. It seems you don’t understand simple English anyone, I said it’s over, leave me alone!” She flared up and rushed to the door, opened it and zoomed out with her car.

Randy confusingly stood at his balcony and was consumed with guilt. It was there and then that he realised that Stacy really meant it when she said she was now a changed person.

Initially, Randy thought it was just a joke but everything was now clear that she meant what she said. It’s sad that it had to cost him his relationship with her before he could realise that. He felt broken and decided to let that day slide so she could cool her temper before he goes begging.

On the other hand, Stacy cried all through her ride home. She was extremely devastated and felt condemned. At that moment, she didn’t even know where to start asking God forgiveness from. After over a month of successful keeping herself, Randy just chose to make it all in vain by raping her. Poor Stacy!

Immediately she arrived home, she ran inside, took her shower and laid soberly on the bed. As she laid down, tears kept falling uncontrollably off her eyes and before she knew it, the pillow she rested her head on was soaked.

“How could he do this to me? After all the love I showed him, then he decides to pay me by forcing sleeping with me. God I’m so sorry, I know you don’t work by emotions but rather by principles, but it isn’t my fault. However, I take full responsibility of all that happened and I ask for your forgiveness. I’m so sorry Lord” she said sobbing.

To be continued…

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