Wednesday, October 04, 2023


How sweet and beautiful life can be when you finally find someone that complements every bit of you. A person whose strength complements your weakness and your weakness complements their strength. It’s unhealthy for a relationship to comprise of two weak people, as it’s more advisable for one of them to be strong at least; so as to pull the weak one up when they fall.

Noble was the perfect fit for a pleasure freak like ‘Stacy’. To a large extent, he had self control and was more disciplined in committing to good moral values, than she was.

Even though Noble had no idea about Stacy’s past immoral lifestyle, he still figured she had a long way to go in her new found salvation. He saw her flaws clearly and didn’t need a seer to tell him she had been far lost in the world before finding salvation.

In all this, Noble cared less about her past lifestyle and never bothered bringing it up as a topic for discussion because he knew that whatever Stacy did before she met him was non of his business. The present was all he seemed to be interested about and not her past. What a man!

On hearing Noble whisper those words, Stacy almost had a heart attack afterwards. Never in a thousand years would she had believed that a near-perfect man like Noble would find her attractive not to talk of professing his love for her. That was a lot for Stacy to wrap her head around.

“What did you just say?” She shockingly asked and Noble smiled. The sermon was still ongoing, so he didn’t want to talk further. As Stacy sat there looking confused, Noble kept stealing glances at her and smiled every now and then. Deep down in Noble’s heart, he was a bit scared of what the outcome of his confession would be. He tried to act cool so Stacy wouldn’t have the slightest clue that he was nervous.

The seminar finally came to an end and they set off to leave. As they stood in line with the crowd to get to the exit door, Noble stretched his hand and held Stacy’s hand. Immediately he touched her, Stacy’s heart raced to the extent that she started struggling with her breath.

When she turned behind and locked eyes with that of Noble’s, she became shy and turned forward almost immediately. Stacy was really shy and kept praying silently for the queue to move faster so they could exit the building.

Noble figured she was shy so he held her even tighter. “Leave me alone joor!” Stacy said blushing, “I want you to be safe, so it’s best you stay closer to me” he replied with a warm smile on his face.

At that moment, Stacy felt protected, needed, loved and genuinely cared for. Everything still felt unreal to her because no man has ever treated her that way before. “God please what’s going on? I’m panicking” Stacy said within, as they almost got to the exit door.

To be continued…

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