Wednesday, October 04, 2023



There’s nothing more devastating than finding nude photos of different women on your partner’s phone. That’s the height of disrespect anymore can ever get from a person they love. Stacy almost had a panic attack when she saw the nvde photos of over five different ladies on Randy’s phone. At that moment, she was completely dumbfounded cause she couldn’t have believed that Randy was capable of disrespecting and betraying her in such manner. Poor Stacy!

As she scrolled through Randy’s photo gallery, tears started dripping from her eyes. Stacy felt hurt and betrayed; worst still, she felt the good things of love wasn’t meant for her because she had never been fortunate in relationships. “I guess this is God’s way of punishing me for all the promises I made to him but never fulfilled any” she sadly said as she sobbed.

Just as Stacy sat on the bed crying, the door opened and Randy walked in. The sight of Stacy in tears made him confused, so he went close to enquired what the problem was. “Baby what’s it? Why are you crying?” he confusingly asked but she didn’t utter a word in response to his question. Randy became more confused and asked again on what the problem was but Stacy still kept mute. “Baby, this isn’t how relationships work, we have to always communicate whenever there’s a problem and not just keep mute” Randy said.

Stacy raised her head and looked into his eyes, “Why do you have nvde photos of different ladies on your phone?” she soberly asked. That question threw Randy off balance and his heart almost drowned in shock, “What are you talking about?” he confusingly asked. Stacy brought out his phone and handed it to him, “open your phone and check your gallery then answer my question” she said.

At that point, Randy already knew there was no way out of the situation because he was caught red-handed. He collected the phone from her and opened it. ‘Are these the photos you are talking about?” he asked as he showed her the nvde photos in his gallery, “Yes, who are they?” Stacy replied, “I got these photos from the internet, they are just random ladies” he lied.

Stacy might not be the best judge of character, but she wasn’t a fool and definitely knew when someone was lying to her. “These photos were definitely saved from WhatsApp and not downloaded from the internet, so no need to lie” She said with tears in her eyes.

Unfortunately, Randy wasn’t ready to accept the hard truth that he not only cheated on Stacy, but had also disrespected her. When Stacy figured he wasn’t ready to give in to the truth, she got up and headed straight to where her clothes were. Randy tried to stop her from putting on the clothes because he knew she was going to leave his house immediately afterwards.

“Baby please stop this, let’s not ruin this happy Saturday morning” he said as he tried to stop her. “You already ruined it when you cheated, lied and disrespected me by having nude photos of over five ladies on your phone. Jezz! I knew you were a pleasure freak but I thought I was enough for you. How could you do this to me? I’m so tired and deserve better than this love-making chocked relationship. Randy you drained the life out of me by your constant request for my body; I turned my back on God and my conscience countlessly just to quench you urges. I hate myself everyday for the kind of life I live but always still manages to smile when I’m with you. I now know I’m good for nothing more than just to satisfy you, it’s all good. I’m done with this stressful, dead and tiring relationship; where we hardly even have a genuine conversation. I’m done! Have as much freedom you need to flirt with all the ladies on earth and to request for their nudes too. Bye!” She angrily said and walked out on him.


As Stacy headed towards the living room to grab her car keys, Randy held her from behind and started sobbing. “Baby I’m so sorry, please I’m so sorry, forgive me. I would never disrespect you like that again, I feel like a loser. Stacy please don’t leave me, I beg you!” Randy pleaded with tears in his eyes as he held her tightly from behind.

They both stood there crying with no one to console each other. Stacy wanted to knack his hands off but just couldn’t because her heart belonged to Randy. She loved him even though she knew he wasn’t good for her peace of mind. Well, who could blame a lady that was under the spell of a man’s love making prowess.

When the tension in the atmosphere calmed down a bit, Randy knelt down and apologized over again to Stacy; promising never to do what he did again. She told him to get up and they hugged each other tightly afterwards.

Randy reached out for her lips that were covered in tears and planted a k!ss on it. Stacy was still sobbing so Randy reached for her eyes and k!ssed it. He jacked her up and she crossed her legs around his waist. Randy carried her and gently laid her on the parlor couch. “Lie still, let me give you an apology gift” He said and gently took off her gown.

At that point, Stacy’s tears gently ceased and turned to m0aning of pleasure as Randy sucked her whole body slowly. He took his lips all the way down and made Stacy call his name over again in pleasure.

For the first time ever, Randy made their love making allowed about Stacy without considering his own satisfaction. He used his fingers to perform wonders and watched Stacy die and come back to life again. Randy was a bad boy and the kind of guys our mothers warned us about.

Randy hit every sensitive G-spot on Stacy’s body and at that point, reaching could 9 was inevitable. They made love and cuddled each other afterwards.

As Stacy laid on his arms, her mind fell into deep thoughts of whether she made that right decision of still being in the relationship with Randy. Due to all the drama that happened that morning, her mind had forgotten about Noble entirely.
They both slept off in each other’s arms because they were obviously exhausted from all that happened that morning. At around passed 11am, Stacy woke up and tidied the whole house. She entered the kitchen afterwards to prepare what they would eat because they hadn’t had breakfast.

As Stacy was busy in the kitchen, her mind made a trip to where Noble’s thoughts were. She smiled faintly when she remembered him and wished she could see him again.

Just as she wallowed in Noble’s thoughts, her phone rang and she looked to see who was calling but it was an unknown number. “Could this be Noble?” she thought as she picked the call. “Hello” she greeted, “Hi Stacy, this is Noble” the caller said.

That revelation was enough to drive Stacy crazy; she was so happy. “Hi Noble, how are you doing?” she excitedly asked, “I’m fine” he replied, “How did yesterday go with your car?” he added, “It was fine dear, thanks for everything, God bless you!” Stacy said.

Noble chuckled and said; “You are welcome. I’m glad you mentioned God, can you please come with me to church tomorrow?”……

To be continued...

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