Friday, November 01, 2019


Lara just finished catering school. She makes lovely cakes and delicacies.

She's made cakes for family and friends but asides that business wasn't looking too good.

And the hardest part was she couldn't figure out what next to do.

After all, she was told that once she acquires some skills, the millions will start rolling in.

She has advertised, prayed and fasted but there's very little result.

Now hear this.
Its one thing to learn a skill, its another thing to know how to make money with that skill. (That's the business side of your skill)

Its also another thing to create multiple flows of income from that skill.

That's what will make any business survive in the market place.

So dear friends I ask you, do you know the business side of your skill or you are just hustling?

It's never too late to go back to the drawing board

Get clarity for your business and stop leaving money on the table! Christmas is less than 60days

Need help? I'm a DM away.

To your business success!

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