Thursday, November 07, 2019

Advertising Types You Can Use

Hi Friend's, Happy New Week, Hope your weekend was slendid?

This week I will be sharing with you different Advertisement Psychology you can you to make profits from your Ads.

There are two types of advertising namely:

Brand Advertising and
Direct response advertising.

Brand advertising is done by companies and big organisations not to sell
directly but, to stay in the mind of their potential customers and customers so that whenever they want to buy they buy from them,

An example is the Samsung brand advertising.

I remember a time when Samsung was doing brand advert with Chelsea FC. That time you see Samsung on Chelsea FC jersey every time you watch any Chelsea match.

They are not telling viewers to buy immediately but they want to stay in their potential customers mind till they buy.

When those people want to buy a phone or electronics it's the brand Samsung that comes into their mind.

Another example is MTN. They do brand advertising on TV, Radio, Billboards, everywhere just to get into your mind.

You will see that anytime you need a sim the first sim that will come to your mind is MTN.

That's brand adverting.

But as a Small business that's not going to work for you cos it cost alot of money.

They right kind of advertising for you is the second type which is direct response marketing.

Direct response marketing enables you to get customers per click on your advert and enables you to get instant sales, instant result on every ad spend.

In my next message, I will teach you a formular that can turn you from a newbie to become a pro direct response marketer.

Stay Tuned

To Your Success

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