Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Sudden Trip To Dubai

“I will marry you.” Chidiogo tells Chike. It was her dream proposal and it was a total surprise as she never expected it when it came. Although, she knew that Chike would ask her to marry him, but not so soon. It was barely two years after he got a job after his NYSC, so she had expected him to dilly-dally like many men would do. Also, it was barely six months since they started dating, and the proposal came rather fast. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Bekee was the most beautiful girl in Agusi village. She was so beautiful that everyone around used her as a reference for anything good. It was not for nothing that she was named ‘Bekee,’ an Igbo name that means ‘white person.’ Her skin shone like early morning sun and even from afar, one could see that her body was as tender as freshly plucked tomatoes. Some people called her ‘tomato Jos.’

The Gateman Part 2

Exactly one month after Bekee started sleeping with The Gateman, she missed her period.

At first, she doubted it was pregnancy, but she bought a pregnancy test strip and dipped it in her urine and it came out positive. To be double sure, Bekee went to the hospital and carried out a blood test and it showed that indeed, she had been put in the family way.

The Gateman Part 3

“Tell me who got you pregnant? And don’t even dare lie to me because I already know the truth.” Ngozika asked Bekee. She was steaming like a boiling pot of water. Her face was strong and tight like a soldier on a special duty. 

Ngozika had confronted Bekee when she was taking a breeze at the balcony. The question took Bekee by surprise, but she refused to be intimidated. After all, she is the first wife and by tradition, Ngozika owed her respect.

The Gateman Part 4

Chima’s daughter from his late wife had just finished her WAEC and GCE examinations and she was now fully home waiting for the results. Adaugo, for that was her name, has grown into a very charming young girl who constantly reminded Chima of his late wife, Adanna.

“She looks like her late mother.” Chima would always tell friends whenever they made complimentary remarks about Adaugo. She just turned eighteen and she has been prepared to travel abroad for her university education. Her visa was ready, but she was just waiting to be admitted into Oxford University where she applied to study accounting.

The Gateman Part 5

The Last Fight

Everyone in the compound gathered to find out what was causing so much ‘kata kata.’ Chima had fired two warning shorts in the air to scare The Gateman into submission, but it happened that the man refused to be scared. He was adamant and even absentminded as he stood holding his two hands on his door frames.

It was early in the morning, so no one had gone out. Chima hardly slept the previous night after seeing the video of his daughter naked in a room with The Gateman. It was truly traumatising for him as he almost ran mad.

Are You For Me, Aki Asked Ruth