Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Gateman Part 4

Chima’s daughter from his late wife had just finished her WAEC and GCE examinations and she was now fully home waiting for the results. Adaugo, for that was her name, has grown into a very charming young girl who constantly reminded Chima of his late wife, Adanna.

“She looks like her late mother.” Chima would always tell friends whenever they made complimentary remarks about Adaugo. She just turned eighteen and she has been prepared to travel abroad for her university education. Her visa was ready, but she was just waiting to be admitted into Oxford University where she applied to study accounting.

In the meanwhile, Adaugo had six months to wait and she is using it to rest.

From the tender age of ten, Adaugo lived in a boarding school and only visited home during holidays which were usually very short. The only friends she had were in school and everyone had scattered after their graduation.

At home, Adaugo was always alone and lonely and her father never allowed her to leave the compound on her own. She was always in her room pressing her phone.

It was not long before Adaugo started looking for who to talk to and the most available person in the compound happens to be The Gateman who never leaves his duty post.

Because Bekee and Ngozika have started giving The Gateman huge sums of money, he has become ravishingly handsome. He was too handsome for his own good. He was thirty eight and he started working for Chima at the age of twenty, but never has he had it this good. He was balling!

The Gateman now walks around the compound with a new iPhone bought for him by Bekee. He even owns an expensive Tekno gifted to him by Ngozika. The two women were competing on who would have the most of his attention.

But there is a new kid in the block because Adaugo soon came into the picture. It didn’t take long before she started talking to The Gateman in a friendly manner. This friendliness soon turned into affection. Soon, it grew into a strong bond such that Adaugo hardly stays in her room upstairs. It soon became an obsession and she now likes to sit all day with The Gateman.

“I have to confess that I’m in love with you, Adaugo.” The Gatemen said one Monday afternoon when everyone had left for work and they were left alone in the compound. This was their usual routine anytime no one was at home and they both enjoyed it. The Gateman connected more with the teenage girl than Bekee and Ngozika who he thinks are exploiting him. This one feels different. It was love, he thinks.

“I love you too. I have been wanting to hear those words from you for a long time. I have been crushing on you, but thankfully, we are in love now." Adaugo said with an innocent smile on her round face. She was holding The Gateman’s hand and they were sitting on a brown wooden bench in front of The Gateman’s room. But they soon moved into The Gateman’s room and locked the door tightly.

It was not the first time they were locking themselves in The Gateman’s room, but the bond that day was so strong and overpowering that Adaugo suggested that they should record their intimate moment. The Gateman agreed, but he wondered where an eighteen year old girl learned all the silly things she was teaching him. They used the Gateman’s iPhone camera to record their session, but that would prove to be a deadly mistake.

That evening, when he was alone, Adaugo, who had gone upstairs, sent him a message on Whatsapp.

“My love send that thing to me.” The message read.

“Ok. Just a minute.” The Gateman replied.
He briefly came out from Whatsapp and located the intimate video in his gallery. He then searched “Chima” on Whatsapp and then tapped “send”. He thought he sent it to “Adaugo Chima.”

But it was the next morning when Chima was standing on his doorstep with a loaded gun that The Gateman realised he actually sent the intimate video to “Oga Chima” not “Adaugo Chima.”

The next few hours would be crazy and deadly for everyone in Chima’s compound!

Watch out for episode 5, the last fight.

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