Tuesday, August 30, 2022



There is one thing about having a positive mind on everything that comes your way regardless of what is happening in your environment. 

It's a kind of prophesying what you want into your life.

I once wrote something on "You are the product of your thoughts" and from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

When I wake up every morning, I say prayers that have regardless in them.

I will excel regardless of the situation of the country. 

My marriage will be the best regardless of the news about bad ones out there.

I will not be a cheating husband regardless of how it is gradually normalised in the society. 

My wife will be the best woman regardless of how the society is contaminated with bad ones and so on.

I know it is more than prayers and words of mouth, it has to do with actions, dedication and discipline.

But everything starts from the thought then to the word of mouth.

Even the world is created with words.

If you think it is easy to just say it, there are many out there that wont even think about it let alone saying it.

It is heart wrecking when poeple that have not even been in a marriage have started condemning men and women due to what they heard in people's marriages.

"All men cheats, regardless of what you do to keep them, they will still cheat" says a single lady.

"Women have alot of wahala, they can frustrate your life and make life miserable for you, they will leave you if you don't have money blah blah blah..." said someone that have never have a girlfriend.

Y'all keep scaring people with words of mouth and not experiences.

Yet, there are people marrying their best men and women out there while your minds are contaminated that there are none out there.

You have prepared your minds that it is going to be hell with your spouse.

 You planted a seed already, when you get married, you'll start germinating it with little mistakes he or she makes.

And before you know, you already grown trees of bad marriages with seeds of different problems.

If everyone decides to be a good spouse then we won't be worrying about who the bad ones are.

Real recognise Real.

Let's paint our minds with good thoughts and propagate it into the society.

We can gradually eradicate the bad thoughts of life, marriages and every other things.

Afterall , it isn't that bad.

We are only feeding on existing exaggerated rumours.

Bad news are like smokes, they are easily seen at the small burn of flames but good news are like seeds, they dont germinate on time.

Lets have a positive mind about everything, it doesnt only make the world a better place, it also make us a better person.


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