Saturday, October 10, 2020

EYFS Course


Early years foundation stage

The early years foundation stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old.

All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes.

The EYFS only applies to schools and early years providers in England. There are different early years standards in Scotland and Wales.

Areas of learning

Your child will mostly be taught through games and play.

The areas of learning are:

communication and language

physical development

personal, social and emotional development



understanding the world

expressive arts and design


Your child’s progress will be reviewed when they’re between 2 and 3 by an early years practitioner or health visitor.

Their class teacher will assess them at the end of the school year when they turn 5.

The assessment is based on classroom observation - your child won’t be tested. It uses the early learning goals, which can be found in the early years framework. 

Parents can ask for an exemption

If an area of learning conflicts with your beliefs

Talk to your child’s early years provider if you think one or more areas of the EYFS conflict with your religious or philosophical beliefs. They’ll tell you if you need to ask for an ‘exemption’.

If you get an exemption, your child won’t have to take part in a specific area of learning for 12 months.

Write to your early years provider if you decide to ask for an exemption. You must explain how your religious or philosophical beliefs conflict with:

an area of learning

a learning goal or assessment

Your early years provider will decide if you can get an exemption. If you get one, you’ll need to apply again after 12 months.


EYFS is the acronym for Early Years Foundation Stage, but what is it and where does it apply?

The EYFS is a framework created under the ChildCare Act of 2006 concerned with the learning, development and welfare of all children from birth to the age of five. 

It applies to


Day nurseries.

Playgroups and holiday play-schemes.

Breakfast and after school clubs.

School reception and nursery classes.

Sure Start Children’s Centres.


Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.

Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.

Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers.

Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

What Do You Prefer : Debt Recovery or Debt Prevention?

Attention School Owner: For me, Debt Prevention Is Better Than Debt Recovery

I know you have heard and read a lot about school fees debt recovery but I have come to tell you that it is better to prevent school debt because prevention is better than cure.

Debt destroy relationship, cripple business growth and development and can lead to bankruptcy

So as you open new chapter of your school with the reopening of school across the country, you can run your school debt free by following these steps

1. Fix school fees appropriate for your existing and potential parents. I mean don't fix school fee above the income of your pupils' parents. To do this you need to know which income category of parents do you want their wards to enroll in your school. If your school is for average income earners don't fix the school fees of high income earners otherwise many of your parents will default over and over again. If your school is in low income area but the facilities put in place is for middle income earners, delibrately go out of the area to look for middle income parents that can afford your school fees comfortably. This is very important. I have a school in my middle income area that is for high income earners and pupils of high income earners are driven to the school everyday. Likewise many resident in my area drive their wards to some middle and low income school every day. 

2. Have a flexible payment plan but never accept zero down payment for admission for both new and returning pupils at the beginning of every term. What do I mean? If your school fees for examples is 20,000. You can have 40:30:30 payment plan. That is, every parent who can not pay at once must at least pay 40% of the fees before their wards are being allowed into classes. Within the next 30days pay at least 30% and within another 30days pay 30%. Let this be documented in form of undertaken with the clause that their ward will be refused entry into the school if they default. Also to secure their commitment ask them to write to authorize their employers to deduct at source and remitt to the school account or give a standing order instructions to their banks or a post dated cheque for each payment. If they default in meeting up within 30days do not allow their ward into classes even for a day. Make sure you are firm on this.

3. Maintain only business-customers relationship with your parents. Be friendly but don't turn them to family friends. If you do you are creating avenue for default. Don't persuade family and friends to enroll in your school especially if you are emotional person, you will not be able to resist their overture to default and in the end it will ruin your relationship. 

4. Give great incentive for early payment of fees. Just think out of the box. It could be discount, just anything that can motivate parents to pay early.

5. Make payment easier and easily accessible: As a school, have multiple means by which parents can pay their ward fee. Have account in more than one banks, have pos in the school so that parents can pay via pos, get ussd code so that parent who don't use mobile app can pay with their phone, provide payment link on your website, Facebook page or via WhatsApp. This could aid many parents to make payment easily without being restricted to just one channel.

6. Consolidate your fees. I mean give your parents one single fees that covers virtually everything that is basic and payable as single fee to any of your bank account. In arriving at fee for different items like uniform or text book please let the fee be almost thesame thing they will buy it in the open market. For text book in my opinion give them the list of the books to buy and if you want to sell give it to them at retail price they will buy it in the open market.

7. Do not break the rule you have set for the school for any one. Once the parents see you strictly adhering to your school fees payment policies, they will comply and you will never have cause for debt recovery again in your school.

Thank you.

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