Sunday, August 02, 2020

Simple Marketing Open-Secrets For School Owners and Teachers Part 1

Marketing is simply and smartly presenting the benefits of your products and services to a prospective buyers with the ultimate aim of convincing them to do business with you.

So the first step is to identify who your existing or prospective customers are

The second step is get their contact phone numbers

Third step is to build relationships with them through regular communication

Fourth step is to identify the problem they have and desperately need solution to

Fifth step is to get the products or services that will provide the solution to their problem

Seventh step is to contact them that you now have solution to their problem

Eighth step offer it to them at good price 

Nineth step after sale support or services

Tenth step maintain relationship with them.
These steps are applicable to any products, services or business you want to do.

Now for an existing school,  you already have some customers who are your pupils parents while for yet to be establish new school, you need to identify your potential customers.

First practical steps I will encourage you to take if you haven't done so is

1. Safe all your pupils parents both father and mothers phone numbers on your phone. This is very important. Take it seriously. I mean all. Don't delegate it to headteacher, admin or principal to save on his or her phone if he or she leaves your school tomorrow he or she  will leave with most important asset of your school. Aside that he or she would have built good relationship with them

If you can afford it get a new number dedicated for your school with a new Android phone and save all your existing parents phone numbers especially their WhatsApp numbers. 

If you are using a new number please download *WhatsApp business app* and not normal WhatsApp for this purpose.

If you can't buy another phone and sim you may change your normal WhatsApp app to Whatsapp business app because of it business features that could aid your marketing

Open Facebook, Twitter, Instagram account in the name of the school if you don't already have, put the existing and new phone numbers as contact numbers. 

Facebook will begin to show you some of the parents you save their numbers on your phone, to add them as your friend.

*Note: Please add only parents of the pupils of your school as friend to the school Facebook or Twitter or Instagram account. Don't just add anybody. Add only potential customer, those who could enroll their children in your school.*

Also Facebook will be showing you friends of the parents of your pupils. Now before you add any of those of their friends, check the profile for information that suggest they are living in thesame environment with the parents of your pupils. 

Second practical step is to relate with every parents living within 500m radius of your school with the aim of getting their phone numbers. This may be challenging but it is possible. Just do it gradually over time. You can plan your self during these period, house to house, introduce yourself to them, give them your number and collect theirs. Send them SMS to appreciate them within 24 hours for obliging you their phone numbers. Take note of any of the women that is pregnant or nursing a baby. Send friendly message to them maybe once a week. By so doing you're simply building relationships with them even though they do not have pupils in your school yet.

These also applicable to teachers reading this post. Save number of every parent in your class you're assign to and build relationships with them. 

I hope this piece add value to you. Watch out for the second part soon. Update me with your progress or challenge as you implement these steps.

I wish you the very best.

Thank you.

Learning is Living