Monday, February 03, 2020

12 Attributes of Highly Successful School Administrators

It was Jim Rohn who said ‘Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better." Success is built on attitudes.

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.
Below are some attributes that can be a catalyst to your success as an administrator

1. Get to know your staff. Meet with each of your staff at the beginning of the year. Ask them what they need from you. Let them talk about themselves.

2. Learn to delegate. You don’t have to do everything. You have a very capable team which you should work together with.

3. Recognize people’s achievements. Tell them they are awesome. Share their successes at staff meetings. Write cards, celebrate quietly or in front of their peers.

4. Don’t ever lose your temper with someone. That relationship will never recover no matter how hard you will try to fix it.

5. You don’t need to be in the limelight all the time. Get kids and other adults to do some of your public speaking.

6. Keep your school clean. That means you go around and see things. You walk around each day and make sure you are ready for business. Throw junk out. Don’t keep the old printer from the 80’s or the textbooks that were around when you were a kid in school.

7. Work hard during the week. Put in long hours, but protect your weekends. No matter how busy you are. You need to take time for you. You can’t be a help to others if you are exhausted and haven’t had down time.

8. Eat lunch with your staff. Yes you should be out and about. But you have lunch hour supervisors watching the kids. Let them do their job. You go do yours and socialize. Build relationships with your staff.

9. Remember that the kids are someone else’s child who they love very much no matter how tough their behaviour is. Work with the kids. See the best in them. Don’t let negativity influence your decision in how you work with kids. Always do what is best for kids. Always.

10. Be supportive when people do their job well, but take action if people don’t. Don’t let it go if you know that something isn’t quite right. Go in and figure it out. No one wants to do a poor job, help them be successful using a positive approach.

11. Do daily walkabouts in the classroom. Disrupt the class!! Have fun, say good morning or good afternoon. See what they are up to in a non evaluative way. Get to know the kids. Let them know you.
12. Social media is not going away. You need to get snapping with that. You need to write a blog, update your website, do a school Facebook page and get twitter happenings. The monthly newsletter in this day and age is not enough. Our parents have grown up on Facebook and social media. They want information fast. Give it to them.
You can add what you do that makes you more Productive, let others learn.

Sunday, February 02, 2020

God of Bishop Oyedepo Exposes A bomber in Church

What could have been a deadliest bombing with many casualties was averted today by the God of Bishop David Oyedepo. According to eye witness report the one bombers walked into the of the living faith church auditorium in sabon Tasha, Kaduna, Kaduna state this morning with a bag stuffed with IED, sat for while and later got up, going out leaving the bag behind. This got other worshippers curious and they alerted the security men who acosted him and on opening the bag it was IED.

Another IED planted in a car parked in the car park was also discovered.

Pastor Adeboye Leads Prayer Walk Against Killings

Today Sunday February 2, 2020 Pastor Adeboye leads prayer walk protest against killing of innocent especially christians in Nigeria. The country security situation in the country has grew worse in recent times.

You would recalled a few days ago that CAN president of adamawa state chaper who was abducted few weeks ago was beheaded by Boko Haram.

This incident make the national CAN president Revd. Ayokunu lead executive to declare three days fasting and prayer with a prayer walk on the last day being today in all member chu ch local assembly.